3 7$1dnJ$ oTGalapetgSt "" ""t Defy March of Yeart Wlill thing Ijuvo uIhiiikciI mightily : upon Hi tm:u ut the earth wlili I oiiwura umii'li of jkuih, Hirra Is out lllilu spot where uuiure Iium uever Ill lll I'lll'lllc OCCIIU UlU ClllllpllgOS UlUlllU MM. Mllll III II, ,1 ll.'l.llllHIl MKi', Tllllt HUH I lit) p.i,ll of lf eurlll'S ! InIPIC Wllt'll IIIIIUNll'UIIlt (llllllHIIIII'H, reptile Do Mot or more lii length, with miiiiiiivU, luiHiMh'iililti hlilm inn) meat t't J, roiumd 1 1 1 mirrui K of tin. globe. Ill llils one jH,t tiling are todiiy very much a M.y WIW n,,, of the MiNt, long iicfuru the iihimI prlw like iipe-mmi, I'roiii Hint Interesting ll.oup of IkIhiuIm Hutu Iium iceiuly returned mi expedition W,c, m f'Minil iiimiy hlniiigu creiiluiv tlmi Mr today JiiHt i..r umestoi were millions of yeiir tigo, II In true llmi jiu im f,M)l tJliiomtiiM Iiiivii hot-11 fuiiiiil on iliu ( i.il i.. lands, Iiiii tin. reptile living there are Wlirtllngly rliuq. Million of lli old nii.iwior. Ti) NwiirmliiK, femrloti 4 fool IiiiiiJ llxurd., i-ull.U t'oiioloplms, ure declared to bear a striking re M'luliluiitti to I lie Minlciit fklliicl Hlegoutirii, 'J'lM-y mv extremely Here, Mini run bile m mini's leg off. The BltJMIillc ImiiiI lorlolHc, KOIIItt lime reaching i, weight of mm tlumH or mure, wus ut one Him. Hut best known product of the (iiilitpiigo li IiiiiiI. i'liroiigli Hie cxivk.Ivi) ciiiiiiiI for t In-ill l(. mrtoU.. 1Mvf become bendy extinct, Tim bird life i,,i Viry wonderful, mid tin. urn IIoiik, which ,ijr ,m,y Willi Iiiiiiiiiii beings, nr quit,. ,.iiu-r' milling. TIiit nrp huge xpliliM-n t tin t mill bird uinl who4t well mltlii throttle imiii, m iit wi.i.i.-i n whoe hlli- In mi hi to be deadly to hu- M'. John LVmnn, of Nt t,ihlr irnd Glr-nnG H-ihannnr-, of Oklahsma, whs. nvt lieinhnr v-elinu; in thisvidinl y, title h tukkeyhcmcaT PILOTjtOlK Ulin, represented by the Cmti h I'rairla Grannc, hits cc. !e Pilot Uork'H Invitoti'in lo lUitw the turkey ttroweii' pl.Jnic Kctur u't'tl for AiiKtiHt 25 it at the I'ilo' I t'ok ark. The pbpwIm of I k h, Alh f. JJeppner, Kclio, Heir iiiiaturi, S im fit-Id uiuj loim Hit) b inu' invi'fc arid It b liopfd that thire will to alttjndntict from g'l thifo f laci. Morning as d afictnton in gruim of inti'i-fitt to urowu'.g um an afietnoon ;nvrijm of trilu. ti Inmcnt arc p in r e I, A pot Inri I n h will fop ttt'i veil at noor. fj f f-e and icp cr um Mippliort t y it businena m n ol I'i.ot Ruck w I be di8priHtd. The 1'iiot Kick Turkey grow era antfociation, tliu While '.al Granite and ihe I'tlol Uotk Con merctal aiiNociution ore to ptm n& in puttinif on the picnir. 'n Maieulint PrtUrred ' If ever It win tli-emflij a linndlcup to lin been born n girl, tluit enn no lot'Ker be Hid nllllmli, of mini of any ono ho nee lmw ni,0 0,t, t woineii n iv nil dm (loom of onoor. Utility. I ! ii I'oitlimd (.iliii.) b'.y nniHt mill bo of tlm opinion Hint li win In In- tn lm ),.,.n borii of Um muNi'iiMn, ponder, llorenily In Hun- rtny I lint xiiIiJiti of reKi'ticrn- lion tv iik I .lug Ih"iivhim1. When told ' llllll It IIIIMIIIt 10 W n (ipil,,, , j iiunle It ploiir llnil In. wnm ni n j fim.r of It, Whoii NNliPd lil rennoii. ho mild: "Mow do I know h f W1, , 1 In' Imrn ti.'iilii wouhln'l bo n ghlj ' ! . Reference Only to Age Tim w.iiIk "m'ulor" Mini "junior" wlirn und iifler Iniini'K n-fi-i lo nite. ', not ivliitloiiiililp. .lolm f-mUU. Jr.. inuy I ho Hie Min of .lulu, Knilili, Sr.. or hi- j inn) lie Hip mini, U, ii, r In; i,m,j i Im reliited In hllu hi all, WpIwipi' , Intermit lonitl dlrltonnry rlrllni-t ", n lo im, . r; oricu up.I nftet n M'ioniil initiic to liidi, nit. tin- iilih-i i, two hnirlim II," "Junior" iiieinm yoiniKPr, mid wlipn ttm'd urtei n in-r-'i.niil niiuie iudlciilo Hip youiiKi .,f two Iii-iiiIii8 it, Hindi furui im M,. Ninllli II" would rotor only to ii'iiiii In t lie .1111110 llncniie. JOHN J. RASKOB ft t ifSl ' John J. Rmkob of Delaware and New York, who waa elected chairman of the Democrats national committee nd le directing the Smlth-Roblnion campaign. He waa hmrf n( tha fi. elal committee of the Ceneral Motcre ' corporation. RADIO-MGViZ rar Power of Prayer Poelor Mirli-kUdgli, Him now mliiU NT Wiih yoiini! mid full of folib, ,ie M.4 eburlly, lt't lip d'd not lwuy .hiii bin pi c. b Mild i-iiiw, One Suiiiliiy evi-nluu be milil ten piiriifHlly ii bl rongri-KiiHon : "I. -t ii iruy llnil i--inny Imvc nu HtH-ud riiii-p of Ml IiiinI oiip In, mil,.. I ut iipjI yoiiiiu pei.ple'a mpt-Hiii:. And fe member Hint Hip tiniyer of fnllh la Hl wy aiiHw. ri'il." Now, Hie next aervlce did not brim out ono buiidred nernonn. or nnrwlii-ri- nenr Hint number, but Hie young inln Inter looked ebverfully down upon the filllliful few. ' See F. II Uot inttou for ull kinds of in aurance. Autombile Grain, or Combine Harvester. PROVES SUCCESSFUL ! L'.l I . M L . . ... . . - . I rriroun, op Knlil lirlKklV. "Illprp .a: , Monday mini 1 nf, lor O --.arpnt hundred of u, but HiPre are vhHi. It is thir purpDie to vnu r Ot n Stale Co li e lhi fall. tblrteen, and Ibiit'a one or two more than I had counted on," Loa Angela Ibva. i ErTKrriVE MAY TO KPT. ! xa-iunn limit oct. l, laas HOUND Tltl lO uowlarcsall partsormul west, south and eait. Fine fust trains. ZlM Natlnnal Park Grand Canyon Nai l Pk. TeliowatatM National flu Kcky Mountain Nat'l Fk. tit IlluMralrd IVy4rlr1, Rnv. tluot anil lufofmatl-.il, aUarcM em naiunl bekn. mi u till iv i up,a ";. Tkt SrhMl l 0-llil T4l Srrm fit knlni Stuf Cnmt la r-nir Klali l!nlraltr fof V:ural y.'t.nn and pror- ulunai traiuine Otpotimi) to ot,f4 m ti .Iriiarlinrmi of Hie College of I.llrn!urp, Kclpnre anl the Ant Arrliitcrlnre anil Allied Art Duiineu AJminijIrilioii -Kda. tatioo Jimrnalium Ora.luate Stii'lj lw-Mf.lielne Mum Phyaieal Elncatlon Hoeiob oirr Sik il Work Eiteniiui l)ilimn. CJtro Yiar 0rni Opt II, IV2I Fr imtormntum ftalttut write Tt K'r l'ir. Vtiwnlt l Q'-yiiK, K (ma. On. IMttaburgh, PaA rndlo Utopia, when motion pkturea will be aent throui;h the air to homca In all part of the world, waa vlnlonnd by radlo'a most connplcuoua I, adm when "radio mi-vlea" wi-r ant for the flrnt time In hlaiory durln dmontratlon at th tiiat I'lttBbnrrt! plant of tha Weal Inichouno Elec-trle Munufacturlnt emii pony. leader In the radio world and newapnper men attended the demon stration and aaw the mnvlca aent throUKli the air to a screen 30 feet from the tranamlttlng apparntua. While anil In ;fc Inboratory atage, thi) procea waa d-scrilied aa aucceag ful and hating grrat polbl!ltlp. It wna pointed out by cnglnppra'that al tlmuKh the movlea were aent only a fhort dlalanre, the enelneerlng princi ple la the aame and they could be cent ero the continent Just aa easily. DFNVFB 7,M OMAHA . 74 , KANSAS f lTV ... 7i.tl tii moim nn.ie HI . I III , (,!., IIM .0 . H.! Ill I MOlr Im 51 IM INN ATI o.J S , i ' ' l Mil I1.I7 If 2fJ."' .. i.n ti ri i i m hi, n IJ.JI VSAMIIM.HCW 1 11.17 rim aim i eiiM mn.i NMV VOHK Ut.ei ItOS TON 137.0 Church Directory UNION PACIFIC Joa, llowk, 1 1 Hie, Of- ton r; J t ? RERR, GIFFORD & Co. Will be represented in the lone territory by GEORGE N. ELY Manager, Jordan Elevator FIIJST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Thur., 7:30P. M CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pasto' Services 11:00 A M.:C. E. at 6:45, P. M. Prayer Meeting Wed., ';30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10.00 A. M Prayer Meetinn. Thurs. Evening Services C. E.: 6:3(1; Preaching Service, ' t 7:30 P. M, AMUNDSEN BELIEVED ALIVE Kraeain to Be Repaired and to Core tlnue Search, fitavanger. Korway.-The Russian Ice hronkPr Krassln arrlrrd here to nnilerao repairs preparatory fo re sumption of the aearch for Roald Amundsen and the fire men missing with him In the arctic. Professor Sumollovitch, head of the expedition, declared his firm belief that the Amundsen party are all alive. He was almost equnlly optimistic about the six mflng members of the ercw of the dirigible Italia. "If they are alive, we will find them." said Professor Sumoilovltth. He said the search would be con tinued until the end of September. The efforts of the vessel are to be supplemented by scouting flights which will be mare by Lieutenant Cbukhnorsky. Niillra i. Ivr l,v given .!,,, ,1 c Firmer. Kh-vn.or C-mpnuy of lone. Orqj.m r .. in one. ).,,, SaturA y. ?e,H. h... lour , 2:;!() , , jo. l,,y. will off,, ,f dc .ml. II the Uithe (odder, the following ,l.,c,S sW-s of tlu. cap,. .:o-k mI V n,,,y which .Imw due and del,.,e on the o iginal purcl,aw thereof, and Bh,rc, of the c,,,!,,,! .,(Ick tlmwm)( l(.f, u, h u made , ,he payment of .,, r ly lar, xM m J ...Id a. may be nec,.,ry fo, p,vm,,,, of , n,M,,m,llt (luc b sny person or person,, together w,,l, in,,,,,,. t..ts of adverting , "1 2 of .W The ful , win, c.pul n.k numlvr, n,. ol r,r,nn.. numK-r of Jltr,S Cmipuny are ai follows, to wn, w "u at WILLOW BRANCH UNION C E. SOCIETY Pres. Thc'ma Foi bej V. Pres. John Condor i Sec. Mary Slocum , Treas. El, Keller Next meeting, Heppner Ortso". Loage Directory IONE I.OIH1K Nil lilt, .. k. AA, M, M.i-Im every flr.t on, I 1 1 . 1 ,- Wei'lner-' li.iy of eni li iiioniii ,v. ,. Hoy sien dee, Secy, .;im-i I jrlffllii, TreiiM., . A. M.' Cnlip. Gene Tunney Engaged to Marry. South Urlstol, Me. Cene Tunney, , whose retirement aa heavy-weight ! rnamplon waa announced recently, la lo marry the granddaughter of one of t the early Pittsburg millionaires. Mia ngflgement to Mtaa Mary Josephine j Lauder, one of the organisers of the j Carnegie Steel company and a cousin , Jf Andrew Carnegie, was aunounccd , nr Mrs. George Lauder, Jr., his fian- j i c'i mother. Hickman Must Hang Oct. 19. Los Angeles.-Willlam E. Hickman I waa ordered hanged at San Quentln ! penltentlnry on October 19 next for ! the alaylug of Marian Parker. Judge Kouglaa Edmunds overruled nine do- 1 fense objections before setting the ' second hanging date for the youthful j kidnaper who slew the 12-year-old s'hool girl here last December. 10 II. V. SmoiiH.. 12 F. L. Grilfin 13 J. W. Hinkle... 17 E'. E. Lyons ... 24. Edgar J. Hall 3 31 Nelson Bros 3 32. . L. L. Jake? ft -.4 $()(K) )(!.. - 3 . 100.00 .. 3 3 IH.fO. W C. R. Peterson.. 5 . 37 Prancin Griffin.. 2 38 M. R. Ball 1 40.... F. L. Griffin...... 4 40.. MattHalvorrt'ti 10 47 Tilman Hngue ..... 5 Vuteit nt Itmr, Oretan, tlm LTx tiny vl July tfll'S FARMERS ELEVATOR COMPANY Dnte utfiu t fniblicathn ol'thil imiUe, July i7, Ji',V. )flte ut ;st iiuhlitathu of , nutlet, Auburn HI, lic'8. . 1150.(0 . 300 00 ...... 300 00 100.00 300.00 300 00 500 00 300 00 200.00 H 0 00 400.00 COO. 00 250.00 j LoeiiMt rhiipl.t No. nu t). K, IMcotH the nit, in, I and fourth Tiich. jdii.v of eiieh iiioiiiii.W, M.,Mra, Unr jllui Dick, Secy,, Kiiih Mhsimi. IOXK I.OlMilC ,. 1:15, I. o. o. K Meets every NiHicluy evenliiK. N, !tl. T. B. IVtermill. V. G , K. !. e. Iki'i-, Nery,, L,e Howell, Treiia., B .1, ! llrlHtow. i IH'NCH (1MASS I.KIIKKAIINo.9. I II II l. 11...! A.,'. I ' ' " nun iiuril i Tliiiradny of eneli month. N. 14, Mrs. Delln, M.'tmrd.v, V (I. (Ilndya Llimlel! ' Secy., VenJa Ultchle, 'iiw., Etta' j UllHtOW. - 1 j THE MARKETS Portland Wheat-Big Bend hluestem, hard white. $1.28; soft while, western white II 12; hard winter, western red, $1.03; northern spring, $1.05. Hay - Alfnlfa $16.50317; valley timothy $n.5018; eastern Oregon timothy, $21021.50. Butterfat 50c. Kggs Ranch, 2530c. Cattle-Steers, good, $I1.S012.5Q. Hogs Medium to choice, $10,600 1.1.25. Umba Good to choice, $10,763 $12.25. Seattle. Wheat-Soft white, weatern evhlte. $112; hard winter, western red, $1.02; northern spring, $1.04; bluestem, $1.21 Hay - Alfalfa, $24; timothy $30; P. 8., $24. Ilutterfut 64c. Ebrs Ranch, 24,12c. , Cattle-Prime steers, $11.76 12.50. Hoga Prime. $13.0J1J.80. j Lambi-Cholce, $11.2512.26. ' Spokane, 1 Hogs -Good, choice, $12.8513.00 Cattlo Steers, good, I11.00W11.G0. I The state barter Jaw, paused by the 1927 legislature, which among other thing Imposes on barbers certain ed ucational requirement, has been up held by a recent court decision. Kire originating from a defective flue recently destroyed the Circle Bar rancll residence, se,von miles southeast of Crane. The building was one of the old landmarks of Harney county. Roscoe Cole, engineer la charge of government works In the southwesU ern part of Oregon, has announced the two Jetties of Coos bay had been ex tended aa far as they would go this year. Work Is now under way on the build ing of a two-story stone addition to the Hotel Leven In Burns. The plana 1 call for a modern hotel bulldlna with $8 guest rooms that will cost about $100,000. Sports of pioneer days, combined with the thrills of a modern air circus, will feature the 19th annual Malheur county fair which will be staged In Ontario August 30 to September 1, Inclusive. George Cerloff, for 25 years keeper of the aeabound light on a rocky Islet ort Tillamook head, left Astoria for his last trip to his station. Within a year Gerloff will be 70 years old sud must retire. Lyle Balrd of Wallowa recently proved himself the beat swimmer who has yet attempted to swim the entire length of Wallowa lake, swimming the four end a half miles In 1 hours snd 10 minutes. Organization of a state-wide ac.o. i stlon of Insurance agents waa voted at a meeting of Insurance men from all parts of Oregon in Salem last week. Between 250 and 300 Insurance opera tives were In attendance. The Clatsop county court has In spected the bridge serosa the north fork of the Nehalem river at Hamlet and has found It tn auch poor condi tion that it will have to be torn down and a new span constructed. Three hundred thousand Montana graylings, a new fish to the waters of Wallowa county, were planted In Wal lowa lake recently by George Rogers. j county game warden, and R. H. Bon- ney of the atate hatchery at Union, j Mrs. Sam Brown of Certain suffered icuts on the face when a Chinese .pheasant crashed against the wlnd I shield of an automobile in which she j was riding. The glass was broken. The Incident occurred near Canby. j The Port of Alsea commissioners have lumber and material on the ground to build an addition to the j port docks, in sntlclpatlon of increased j shipping to Waldport This port has I never received sny sld from slate or i federal government, snd Is psylng Its j own wny. j The threshing season has opened st ; Sweet Home, Greenville, Foster, and in fact all over the valley. The crops are better In some places than first ti muted, while on other strips of the country the yield Is light. White oat seem to be s very heavy yield around Seet Home. Construction of Baker's community hotel at cost of about $270,000 was assured when the stock sales cam paign which has been tn progress for several weeks went over the goal of $150,000. Nearly all the stock wss subscribed locally. More than 300 person bought atock. Eatabliahment of a control area til Yau.UU county for the purpose of combatting leaf snd stem nemltode, effecting strawberry plants and clover. waa authorised st a conference In Sa lem, attended by members of the stats board of horticulture snd a delegation of Yamhill county farmers. About 3000 people sttended tbs Cot tage Grove merchants' community plo. nic at the city park. Stores snd busi ness houses were closed, streets were decorated with flags and a parade was ' led by the ''Amerlcsa Legion drum corps, snd Boy Scouts drum corps to j the Methodist tabernacle, where s pro i gram was given, i Organisation of a new Baptist , church In Salem was agreed upon at . s meeting In Salem, with 173 charter member signing the roll. Prsctlcally t all of the backers were minority mem- bers of the First Baptist church, iu I which a bitter controversy has been ruging over the pastorate of the Rev. j Robert L. Payne, Construction of a new cattle barn, j , 100 by 30 feet, was suthorlied by the I ; stuto fair board st a meeting held In Salem recently. The cost of the struc ; ture wss estimated st $1000. For the first time In the history of the Ore gon state fulr there will be a complete exhibit of airplanes snd airplane sc tessorles this year. Fire losses In Oregon, exclusive ut Portland, aggregated $1,301,463 during July, according to a report prepared In Salem by the state fire marshal's department. The fire loss in July wss heavier thau during sny month tor more than two year. The women of the Greater Medford cluli, la session recently, decided to build a new clubhouse on tha trlungls point of the conjunction of Oukdale, Ivy and'West Third streets, rather than purchase b suitable dwelling and convert it Into a clubhouse. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. It was learned recently that the Johnson mill would open In Coqullle this tall, sfter it has been closed tor the past year. The city of Amity has purchased a 1-ton Chevrolet chassis upon which will be mounted the fire fighting ap paratus of the city. The per capita coat of operating tha high schools of Tillamook county has ranged from $76.11 at Cloverdal to $342.33 st Wheeler. The Jutstrom Fish compsny of Coos Bay shipped the first full carload of Salmon to leave Oregon this yesr. The csr Is going to Chicago. The Dalles office of the U. 8. de partment of sgrlcslture's farm labor bureau placed 344 workmen on Jobs during the month of July. Jacob Demaris, pioneer of Milton, and a veteran of the civil war, died following a ten-day Illness. Mr. De marls was 88 years of sge. Ashland is making plans for the 36th annu: 1 grand reunion of soldiers of southern Oregon, to be held in Llth- Is park, August 29, 30 snd 31. Erixoa A Engstrom, Salem contrac tors, have received the contract for constructing the North High street bridge. Their bid wss $27,078. Work of laying a two-Inch surface of bituminous macadam on the stats highway between Coqullle snd Myrtle Point was started early this week. The plant of the Lakevlew Examin er st Lakevlew was swept by fire Isst week. Guy Cronemlller. the editor snd publisher, wss on a vacation trip. A yield of 1180 bushels of fail sown wheat of the Holland variety was pro duced this year on a 20-acre field on the Winnie McDougal farm near Day ton. Tillamook county's warrant indebt edness on August 1. according to the monthly report of Miss Kathleen Mills. county treasurer, amounted to 1 121.- 405.63. . The picking of the largest crop of huckleberries ever known in the dis trict is tn progress at 8r'r on the Mt. Hood loop hlghwsy, according to report. AI Fausette, daredevil, wbo made the 134-foot drop over Silver Creek fulls several weeks sgo, announced that he intends to repeat the stunt on August 19. Alvln Wilson, 67. was killed Isst week 10 miles north of Pendleton oa the Holdmaa road when the truck he wss driving plunged from the grade snd overturned. Burns csused by sn explosion of gas oline poured into a stove were fatal to Mrs. Clara Baumgartner. She died st her home on the K Ileitis river near Tillamook. The Oak Grove spple packing houis of Charles Ssvo burned- Sundsy, the tire destroying uede-up apple boxes, which Savo had just completed for the coming harvest. Activity at the plant of the Black Marble Lime company st Enterprise has been resumed snd tha manage ment hopes that st least one kiln will run continuously. To take care tor whatever overflow there Is from ths crowded Junior high school building the Medford school board has rented the old First Metho dist church building. Ths Salem city counol has saked for bids for the construction of a new bridge on South Liberty street st a cost of approximately $85,000. Ths bids will be opened September 4, The salmon movement hss srrlved oft Coos bay snd heavy catches sre being msrketed st North Bend, ths major portion being silversides. but , some chinooks sre being taken. I The Infsnt mortality rste in Oregon ' Is lower than In any other state in the j Union, according to a bulletin Issued , at Salem by Dr. William Deklelne of ! the Marion county health demonstra tion. Arthur Smith, employed on a stesm shovel working on the stste hlghwsy near Cloverdale, was severely burned when a can of gasoline exploded. . With his clothing stlame he ran snd rolled in the grass nearby, stripped off his clothes snd drove his sutomoblle three-quarters of a mile to the near est house to call a physician. Salem's water supply will bs in creased approximately 2,500,000 gab Ion dally, according to announcement msdo by officials of the Oregon Wash ington Water Service com Dan v. A modern chlorlnation plant also wilt b Installed. Following a mas meeting attended by nearly all Gold Beach mala resi dents, Game Warden Townsend has decided not to ask ths state for a per mit to kill the bull leader of tha Hun ters' head elk band. All the residents opposed the move.