The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 17, 1928, Image 2

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    Poetry and the Bible
Murray's niiiRtrr.ted Bible Diction
ary says: "If rhyme ami motor h
considered essentl!'', poetry would
have to hi denied t the Bible alto
gether. For of rhyme, there Is abso
lutely none; mi J s meter depends
upon pronunciation ami accent, tt bus
jtencrally been regarded ns hopeless
to restore these essential elements, so
long have they been lost In the trans
mission of the limping through con
sonants alone."
Valley Forge Stamps
The Valley Forgo, commemorative
stamp was tlrst placed on sale May "i
nt the post omees nt Valley Forge,
rhllmletphla, Lancaster, Norrlstown
and West Chester, Ta, and Washing
ton, D. C. Furthermore, on account
of the Mlhvestorn philatelic exhlbl
tlon at Cleveland, It was decided to
Include the sale it this stamp at
Cleveland on May 20, the last day
of the exhibition.
Snafce Belief a Myth
There Is small, harmless reptile
of the more southerly Vnlted States
which Is called a hoop snake. And It
takes Its name from the notion that
It curves Itself In a hoop and thus
travels along nt a great rate of speed.
But the' Iden Is without the least
foundation, and the tales of rolling ;
hoop snakes are purely mythical.
David't City
The term "The City of Dnvld" Is
most frequently used of Jerusalem,
which Pavld took from the Jehusltes
and made the capital of his kingdom.
Bethlehem, where Pavld Is supposed
to have een born, Is also called "The
City of Pavid."
Paper From Wood Pulp
Wood pulp began t. attract atten
tion as a paper material about 60
years ago. This use has Increased
rapidly from year to year, until It
Is one of the most Important to which
wood u, put.
"Hooking" Airplanes
On aircraft carriers wires are
stretched across the deck of the ship.
An airplane landing on such a deck Is
equipped with a long hook which Is
dropped from the plnne and catches
In the wires, thus bringing the plune
to a stop.
Superlative Duty
A man owes his first duty to him
elf and that duty Is to be gentle In
his acts and moderate In his Judg
ments. Thus does he conserve his
strength over against the time when
It Is most needed. The Philistine.
Does Double Duty
He who civilly shows the way to
one who has missed It Is as one who
has lighted another's lamp from his
wn lamp: It none the less gives
light to himself when It burns for the
other. Ennlus.
After You Are Dead
After yon are dead It does not mat
ter If you were not successful In a
business way. No one has as yet had
the cnuroge to memorialize his wealth
on his tombstone. Cora Harris.
No Chance for Men
It a hubnnd Is not so good, the
neighbors say so. If he Is excep
tionally good, they say he Is afraid
of bis' wife It's a tough life. Fort
Wayne News-Sentinel.
Thanh Unwanted
"Olmme thankless Jobs hereafter,"
said Tom Tuttle of Squash Bend as
Mr. l-avelle. bis new French neigh
bor, kissed him for fixing bis fence.
Farm anil Fireside.
Primitive Armor
Gnmboson was the armor used by
the ancient Kgyptians. It was coin-
nosed of layers of cloth and tow. or
similar material, quilted on canvas or
All That 1$ Good
Cheerfulness Is full of significance,
It suggeits good health, a clear con
science, nnd a sul at peare with all
human nature. Charles Klngiley.
Everybody knows that the sun has
spots on It, and yet some people al
ways expect a ten-year-old boy to be
about perfect. Capper's Weekly.
Fiji Islands
There are about 2Vt Islands In the
FIJI Island group. Tliey form a Brit
ish crown colony. Of the native
Fljluns there ore about 8-",0(0.
Lettm tnd namei tnd addretaet of hundred, nf
grateiul peUcaU contained In our r KMC HOOK
on Kertal ana WKM aiimemej
alio detail! ef I'r. C. J.
non-turillcal method of treat
n-n, whirh M til earlueivrlr.
bend far It tmtay end learn nf
rr.K KI-H'NICr
agsjjss.g.m warm J J m iim
wiTmN TH't Pn sv..ri wpiT.r..,
i a r mij
A Romance oS Biraddcck's Defeat
By Hugh Pendexter
Conyrtiht br Hugh ftno'esttr.
Webtter Brond Is serving- M i
scout and spy for the rmy un
der Central Braddock preparing
tor the advance on Fort Du
quetne. Ht has just returned to
Alexandria from a visit lo the
tort, where, posing is a French
man, he hat secured vslusblt In
formation. Braddock. bred lo Eu
ropean warfare, falls lo realtie
the Importance of the news.
Brond Is sent back to Fort Du
qutant, alto besrhyg message
to George Croghan, Kngllth,
emltsarr among the Indians.
Brond Joint his friend and fel
low scout. Round Paw, Indian
chief, and they set out. On the
way they tall In with a typical
backwoodsman, Batesr Cromit,
who Joins them. The parly en
counters a group of settlers
threatening a young girl, EUlt
Dlnwold, whom they accuse of
witchcraft Brond saves her from
them. The girl dlssppesrs. Web
ster delivers his mestaits to
Croghan. Young Col. George
Wsthlngton rescues Brond from
bullying English soldiers. lie
worsts a bully In a fight, snd
finds Elsie Dlnwold. Brond Is
sent on a scouting expedition to
Fort Duqeane. ,
CHAPTER HI Continued
He bad been the officer; now he was
the friend. Lowering hit voles and
smiling genially be said:
"I know how you dislike discipline.
Webster. Forest-running makes a man
that way, I have presented the matter
to General Braddock and It s his wish
you go at once. But. as soon as tie
gets a grasp on all conditions here, he
will Insist all scouts be under mili
tary discipline. So it's well you go
"Immediately. Tbere Is young
woman In camp, who has been mas
querading as a man. tlet ses has
been discovered by the wagoners.
They may say she la a French spy.
She Is Elsie Dlnwold, ot Ureal, cove.
She was driven from the valley the
day I left there on the charge she Is
witch. I vouch rot ner as
poor unfortunate young woman and
thoroughly loyal to the colonies."
"Site shall not be molested. But
there are too many women In camp
already. I wish you good lurk. I
would (Ike to go with you. only I'd
never pass as a Frenchman."
I hastened to the Iroquois camp and
found Hound Paw amoking and talk
ing with George Croghan The Onon
daga was quick to respond when J
promised action. We secured a small
baa of meal and gome extra arrow
heads for Bints, for I ever considered
them belter than the Imported article.
As we traveled the ancient path.
the Onondaga Informed me Major
Chapman bad taken bis road builders
over Will's mountain, a most foolish
choice and one that would cause great
waste of time and much hardship. Col
onel Washington could have designated
a much better road, as could sny ot
Braddork's scouts bad thelt advice
been sought.
It was Dear sunret by the time we
had covered five miles, sud as my
haste to depart had teo to avoid be
ing called back and hampered by any
military Instructions, we were free to
camp and take It leisurely I built a
fire while Hound I'aw was perchlns
a turkey. While we were broiling out
supper a tall lanky figure blundered
Into the light. Il was llalsor CromlL
- "Been chasing yoa fellers." be lo
formed as.
"How is this, BulsarT" I sternly de
manded. "You're a wagoner, snd youi
place It buck lo caiao We are out
on a scout."
"II I sin I wutited, I can scout
alone," be replied, displaying his mean
Ingless grin. "Wild llmln-t enough for
all ot us to scout In. Bui I'll he mor
tally dinged If I'll stick on the rreek
! and est sail meal while the thief who
1 stole my fine la loose to bunt for
fresh meat."
"Some one stole your rifle?"
"If we lick the French as sartaln as
that there rifle has been dole, then
the French are everlastingly walloped
this very minute. The thief lit out
I ahead of you fellers. Come round the
' mountain by this path."
The Onondaga caught only frag-
i mentt of Cromli's talk and asked me
to repeat It After I did so, be ad
"Let the bone-breaking man come
with us. If we meet a beur he shall
show how strong bis hands are against
"All right, DulMiir; you're one of u.
but I'll not be responsible for the con
sequences once you get back to the
army. Bui 'tis a pliy you huven
"I'll have mighty perl one when I
overbuul thai dinged thief, I knew
bnd luck was coming when I dreamed
of that witch-girl. Consarn her!"
The Cabin
The Onondaga aroused us shortly
after sunrise and whispered lo me:
"Men come. Hide."
We took to cover and sftet a few
minutes one ot them cuius Into view
and bulled on beholding the ashes of
our cumptlre. He leaned ou his rule
and after a bli of glancing about
sounded a low whistle. This was a
signal that brought others to his side.
At tlrst glance 1 thought them to be
Indians, but as we observed their un
kempt hair, the manner of their walk,
their long rllles and fur huts. we knew
them to be white men. There were
ten of them and their leader was as
dark as a negro. All were dressed like
Indians. Besides rltle each carried
au ax at well as a knife at bis belt.
My second thought was that they must
be Frenchmen, who always Imitated
their red companions In dress, and
thus endeared themselves to the in
illnn. I was lining the leader with my
rltle and was about to order him to
Ther Was None on the Frontlsr Who
Had Not Heard of Black Jack, the
ndlan Killer.
hit eun when the Brat man to
break through the timber kneeled by
the Orestones. thrust his hands into
the aHiee. quickly withdrew them, and
-Still hot Durnln' not moreo two
hours ago."
-Look about," harshly commanded
the leader.
Before they could move I called out:
"Who are you meor
None ot them appeared to move
muscle until the leader slowly turned
his head lo our direction and tersely
anwered :
"White men.
But this was scarcely sufficient, fof
the time were ticklish. So I Said:
It you're the rlgiit kind of white
men. we re glad to eve you If you are
the wrong kind, you will go to Will s
crvek with us"
Will's creek Is where we're bound
tor, to beip Glnerul Braddock whip
the French and Uijuns. So show
There were slung every border cer
tain small bands uf white men who
hod reverted to savagery, snd who
waged war oo all decent people. Mo
tioning for my companions in remain
lo hiding I steped into the small
opening, and said:
-We're scutits tor nraouocs s army.
Now talk lo me with belts."
The last speaker again apoiie, say
ing. ann civiiij enougn;
-uuf capn here is nine jack 01
the Juniata, We go to help .Gltieral
There was none on the fri ntlet who
bad not heard of Black Juck. the lu
dlan killer III family had been mur
dered b) the red men while he was
way on a hunting trip, on reiuru
log to the ruins of his Utile cal.ln he
hud vowed to devote me reiiiatnuer ot
his life to exterminating the race
From Florida in-New , York province
his name was known, and many the
story was related atiout nun unci pis
never-ending quesl fo revenge, the
in. Hunt attributed nim-h sorcery to
til id and oo longer Considered nun
mere bifman being. Too nuifrj dead
red men had been found on trail and
mountainside, In lonely valley snd on
Dog Formally Tried
Today the eatlrlste have plenty to
wenr themselves out on, but one thing
that does not annoy them Is the trial
of dogs for committing the crime of
stealing rhlekens. Undue, the grent
French poet and dramatist whom w!
loosely think of todny as a placid soul
living In a placid age. satirized such i
trial lo his day.
He portrayed the case of a dog ac
cused of stealing and eating a ci.pon
which had been acbeduled to adorn
aomebody'a dinner table. Itaclne paints
a ludicrous picture In his pluy. "Les
I'luldeurs," which means the attorneys,
literally "pleaders," of the dog before
the court. The lawyer! ure as windy
as ever they should be In such s case,
the Indite as doggedly Intent on Im-
I purllullty. The dog is condemned to
by Irwin Myers
WNU Service
the banks ot unnamed creeks, to per
mlt ol an ordinary humun status
As guides, scouts and rlllomeo, these
ten men -were worth thousund bluo
derlng regulars when It came to deep
forest fighting. They would find their
uwu food and be Incapacitated neither
by cold nor heat. 1 congratulated
llenernl Uraddock for having such
woodsmen serving him. I was worried
over one problem their coming had
created, however. For the Ounndaga's
benelll I called out :
Keep back."
Who be you tolling In Iroquois to
keep hack'" rumbled Captain Juck,
bis dark eyes atHipg to search out
(he thicket behind me.
rAn ludlun friend ot mine who hates
the French," I told him. "Vou stand
no chance of banning hi in It you
should be so mluded. r.eueral Brad
dock needs your help sorely, hut he
has many Iroquois In bis camp."
"Ills Injuns are safe. 8o's yours,"
was the slow response.
Cromit, come forward." 1 called.
The redhead crawled through the
bushes, all bis teeth showing. Stand
ing behind me he drawled:
"The Onondaga la quarter-mils
awuy by this time."
"Your Injun Is safe so long aa he
acouta against the French," growled
Captain Jink.
Cromit eyed him with kindling in
terest and said:
"You lH'k mighty husky, mlMcr. Do
you ever rasslel"
The rwnrty killer turned a gloomy
glance upon my friend, then said to
"Your Injun's safe when with you,
or In Braddock's camp. ,We knew
Croghan bad some Iroquois there. But
when we meet a rvdsklu alone In the
wmds we never ask to eve his road-1
hells. We shoot, (low la this Brad
dock t He can't know anything about
lujuns and their oatur'."
"Cirneral Braddock Is a drill-master.
I came away from the ramp so' not
to be under military rule."
"lie puts folks under orders, tbT
And Captain Jack shrugged bis big
shoulders In disgust "We doo'l want
any pay or rations. vVe're going lo
Will s creek because Croghan'a there.
All we nsli of Braddock la to be let
atone. We live and fight In our owo
way. We' ll have our owo way If we
help him."
He Jerked his head toward the val
ley path and his men fell In behind
him end the ten of Hi mi pusred from
our sight lovuluuble as they would
be to Braddock In guarding against
surprise attacks. I doubted It thai
martinet would accept them on their
own terms As they vanished through
the green wall I turned back to (Jit
Ore. Hound I'aw was there.
Crouill chuckled:
"The Injun never budged a Inch, i
lied like Tophel when I said he'd run
J 'y
We made our breukfast ot broiled
squirrels and then pushed on. We
crossed Savage run. ecaroely more
Ibuo a rivulet and camped on little
meadows with the rugged sloe ol
Meadow mountain behind us ' So fat
we had found no fresh signs of Indians,
but during the morning of the next
day we came upon the scalped re
mains ol a warrior. I pronounced him
to he a Tnlglitwee, but Bound ('aw
-Jonontady llugusl" (meaning the
dead man was a Huron).
The (liioiidaga auld death had been
cnused by a smull bullet and he ac
cented my theory that the Black
Hunter sud his men had bugged the
Scouting further on we came to the
remains ot a fresh cumptlru. It was
not more than a night old and II was
too large for an Indian lo have lighted
Nor could I attribute II to the Hints
Hunter's .band, for Captain Jack and
Ills men would make a blaze after the
bidlnn fushloD
I'lie Onondaga was puzzled, for .lt
placed a third puny near the scene o
the killing, wy menu requesiea uro
nill and me to slay by the charred
sticks while he .Investigated more
closely. Before selling forth he ex
audited the spot most patiently and
llnally announced:
-One man. Long gun."
for Stealing Chicken
the galleys, although what he would
do In the galleys Is a subject of won
der. I'erlmps he wtts sentenced to be
a mascot. But the lawyer for the dog
tilts upon the Idea of bringing before
the court the dog's sons und duugte
tors, a Utter of puppies, "poor chil
dren Unit would be rendered orphans.'
The Judge la touched by this scene,
for be alao baa children. The out
come of the tnse la not related. Prob
ably the dog was ''simply knocked oo
the head.''-Konsae City Slar.
Two Varieties ot Flax
The ciltlvullou nt Has for filler and
the cultivation of dux for sed ot oil
are two distinct Industries. Flh -r Hal
la i variety distinct from red Oak.
Coiriff Back to Early
Day of Printer s Art
Oormniiy'n oldest newspaper, dating
back to tho early pnrt of the Buven
mouth century, will be reproduced tit
the rrusaii exhibition soon by the
stuna crude presses, molds nnd curved
type as wore In vogue In tho best
print shops then.
When the organisers' of the exhibi
tion Issued a cull for antiques which
would Illustrate the history of print
ing, old garrets and cellars tu south
ern tlvriuany wore searched, with the
result that a complete printing es
tablishment was collected
Ouly a few numbers of Atigsburger
Aviso, printed periodically during the
latter part of UWU, nru extant, but
the reprint will be niiido under Seven-temilh-century
conditions. I'robiibly a
iloren copies on hand made paper will
leave the press hourly. New Xork
Milk in Tank Can
The tnnk car method of shipping
milk, which hns been In vogue for a
time long enough to Judge Its success,
la regarded as very sntlsfuctory In
every way, It Is rapid end elllclenl
end saves much time In the handling
and shipping process. The equivalent
of 2K) to 225 lOqmirt cans ran be
loaded In ten minutes after the enr
Is placed and connections made, which
does not take more than five minutes.
After loading the pipe and hose are
uncoupled, the car floor wnsjied with
a hose, and the car. rolls on Its way
to the next loading point Ench car
contains two glims lined tanks, and
each tunk hns a capacity ot 3,000 gal
lons. , Harmony Hound
"America has gone craiy over col
ors." -snorted Wesley Kent, the noted
lecturer. "Color In the kltelien, color
In the bathroom, color In the garage.
They even buy dogs that match the
car upholstery.
"I thluk, however, the limit has been
reached In the rase of Mrs. Pe Bey
ster: "Whutl" exclaimed that lady lo dis
may, 'you mean to tell me that this
year's license plates are blue and
white! Tell James to pack Immediate
ly; we're moving Into the next state
right awayl
John McCormnck. the famous singer,
was Introduced as the lion of the hour
while a gueal at a house party on
Long Island. Blslng In answer to the
toast In hie honor, Mr. McCorroack
said: - ,
"My host Laa Introduced me aa 'the
famous singer of Irish aongs,' but this
la not correct; I am reolly 'the famous
Irish singer of aongs.' Just between
. . , . ..... e - -1 .4
ourselves, let me connue mm
not dare to sing the o caned insn
aongs of Brosdway In Ireland."
A Monopoly
"Every passing motorist Is a poten
tial customer of that farmer."
How's tint!"
'He has filling station on the
corner: sells hot dogs, soft drlnka, tee
cream, etc, in adjoining aback. He
also haa a atnnd for fruit vegetables,
egga nnd milk, and bis house bas
been turned Into an Inn."
"But supHe one does not want Ens,
a light lunch, farm products, a dinner
or a night's lodging. What Is thcrer
'A public golf course In the pas
Could You Blame Him?
A person said "came the dawn" In
our presence, but, while we toyed for
one tense moment with' our sawed off
aliot gun, nothing happened aa we are
saving our ammunition for the first
extremely well dressed man we en
counter cnrrylng a dulnly and colorful
parnsol, as our extremely well-dressed
men are said lo be doing, arm expect
to use both barrels, lo make sure.
Ohio 8tnte Journal.
Hero Diet to Etcape Wile
After a record of heroism In the Pa
cific war, Francisco Onrrldo acquired
a small Mrlune In Iqtilqne, Bolivia.
Peslrlng to spend bis old age penoe-
fullv In the city of his youth, be re
turned to Coehnbnmha. But he could
not stand, his wife's violent temper
any longer, and recently, nt aevenly
eight he took bis life In order to And
Increasing Laboratoriet .
The value of research work In the
Industries Is attested by the fact, that
there are now laboratories In
the countrv devoted to Investigational
work of one kind or another, their
number having been almost aouuieo
within the pnst six yean.
Gloomy Forecait
HeI've found a four-leaf clover I
She That menm we will soon be
lie Oh, I thought It meant good
Mingle your cases with pleasure!
now and then. Dion.
aSkMJsV .... r...,j mumtMm
MOST people know tlili absolute' ,
antidote for pain, but are you Careful
to say Bayer when you buy It ? And
do you always give a glance to see
Bayer on the box and the word 4
printed in red? It Isn't the
genuine Bayer Aspirin without It I A
drugstore always has Bayer, with the ,
proven directions tucked in every box I
Inlrli Is
h. tr.IW Mirk Of
.yMw.setlssstst t islltyllsssll
WORLD CRUISE $1000 I T. t ea9 Tensm. Im Anselet. til In. Ilmwlale.
Japan. Huns ken. Manila. Uangaok, (hum I,
Java. Sumatra, l erkm. Ilullt, I.BTt. Naples,
Monaco, Havre I reels) I Kurte el"o-onrr In
tprlns lluute,urlvaa,(UKl.fee,atcMUHlulea,
se"liiii -SteiSO.seeert.seoOte) .
Frank C. Clark, Tls tietg., M. T.
X-Ray Photographs ot
Mummies on Display
Xray pictures of Kgjptlan mum
mles, showing the skeletons arrayed
In the remains of once beautiful cloth
ing and Jewelry, are being displayed
beside the mysteriously swathed mum
mlea themselvea In new exhibit at
the Field Museum of Natural History
In Chicago, For some time svlenUte
have been using X-rays to penetrate!
the thick-cloth wrappings of the an
cient Egyptian! In order to study die
eases of the iMinea from which thesti
itfl)t,. suffered. This Is the first time.
however, that Xray photographs of
he Kg-j,nnn dead have been put on
pu,uc t-xlilttlttun. The mummies art)
b(,nJ rM)wn n connection with the
0m.ilng of sl new balls In the FMd
Resourceful Rancher
Lack of uaturul gal or gai from a
city plant dei not deprive Boren
Chrlstensmi, who Ihes on a ranch near
Marton, Wash., of cooking and light
ing conveniences. From lit) pound!
of musty alfulfa hay. straw. Russian
thistles, rage brush, cornstalks, weeds,
lawdust and other refuse he mano
failures by baking two hours In
retort enough gns to last the family
seven days.
Splendid Work
, It Is claimed thai a sheep Is learn
ing to talk. London Opinion under
stands that the animal la being laught
simple words and has already mat
tered the first svllnhle nf hannna
Ctrter-i little Href PIBs
rtrtei Vesttas LsuUes
I !. Ike hawete free froes
i,in siui unrleaaant aflee
effects. 1 hey relieve ihe teMtm ef conetlpa
tton H4anna hkb anenv llt " s 4uil
and acliinf heed. Kefnentber thee art s
lor'e preetrlfUkiA snit can be clean ellh aheow
lute coflfttteatfe lo evert member of the feoeilv,
AU Urusfett end lit Had 1'ete.asee.
Mosquito Bites
Balsam of Myrrh
lioMT ferk far Arwt MtU If not tcIuJ AUttemWi.
r ) MltefsrtlnJ, M ( wnft. II HeMHlMe),
Hr.' i'twm hsaIm row ate kitHritf l M
rum mOKUET. AlreMdta4sf ssyvrit
! ftr . N. sUrry M 171 Ml Mam CMNH
f tV - M rlAIK tfA.U9A.VI
6 , v . MO mr to um, ana , , mtn
eur. anrt l ii al Oruireltu.
ItORESTON SHAMPOO-lileal fnr ties la
cnBuarllnn lib l'aik"i'a Hair lltlaara. Maei-tlbe
hair tint and Suite. 'i eenia be mail nf st drug.
SitU. IJItcus Cluimkal Werkt, I'atcbugne, n I,
mi ll man'! noiiN iisnvKSTrn
Pnnr ninna vrlre, onlr t6 ellh liuiitlle llnt st-tft'-hm.-ntj
enld In everr Mate, treei-alal. ahuelng
stcbore uf Barreelf, I'rusreaa Cu,, Ballss. geneas
WnUm PORTLANDr NOr0--1928.
Best For Both
Mother And Child
Regular use of the Soap, na
nlsted by the Ointment when
required, not only cleanses' and
purines the skin of children and
adults, but tends to prevent clog
ging of the pores, the common
cjsuse of pimples and other un
sightly conditions.
Soae SV. Ointment St anS X. Tatnm SV. SMS
..-rreli'ra, Humtil" eai-h free A.ldiiea I "Otaeara
Utaraw, thet. St. Maltaa, Maej."
SSeT' Culteues gbavtns M'
Le. - lUSTin