The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, August 17, 1928, Image 1

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KJNC, OREGON, faUDAY, August 17, 1928
On of our balc horn Indus
tries Is the eiin fling Industry. In
Oregon there art thirty-six plants
packing canned fruits and vege
tables. These plants operate on
the average of five mouths dur
ing the year. The operations com
menee lo May and extend at In
tervals through until December,
live the Oregon Manufacturers
Association. '
There Is Invested Inbuild.ngt and
real estate a total in excess of 15
6CO.000.00. At the peak of the
season, which ordinarily comes
during pear packing time there
are ami loved io theie plants
7500 people, exclusive of the har
Viating crews which number
many thousands. The pack of Or
egoi. fiur.a and vegetables aver-
. UoULIIIUtnl ou t'C 4.)
For Rent
Hour on Main street, opposite
the Tum-a lumber yard,
Furnished or unfurnished. For
particulars see Mrs. Lou Vina
Walnut player piano, bench,'
cabinet, high dais rolls. Excellent
condition: a bargain. Call or writ
Mr. Glenn burroughs, lone, Ore.
Morgan Items
Mr. Monroe stopped in Morgan
Wednesday afternoon, on hiswsy
to Baker.
Morgan's mechanic, Martin
Baursnfelnd, was called to tow
In Gns Liebel's truck one day last
week, Martin has severer other
dsmmaged cars in his garrage.
White working at the crusher
last Wedneaday, Lawrenc John
son had the misfortune to hurt
hit hand. He was taken to Hepr,
ner wher the doctor found it nec-
'taaryto remove the thumb to
'the first joint
Franklin and H. O. Ely wire
in Hepprer, Wednesday.
Kenneth Hutchccro't was
trucking wheat for F. Ely and
N. R. Pettyjohn this week.
Mits Mildred Hynd. of Oci ,
Miss Velma Sharrad, of (Veil,
was vititing the Misses Edith
rnd Margaret Ely over the week
Sam Con net t, of Spokane, mas
in Morgan last week arranging
for the shipment op hie stock and
household goods to Spoksne,
Mrs. H. O. Ely and family
called on Mrs. Herbert Hynd. of
Ocil last Wednesday.
Bill Hillstrom wit over from
Msupin Friday to put off a blast
Have your Kodak handy
That'i the way wc keep our stock
of Kodaks and Kodak Film handy.
You'll find our store a real service sta
tion for your photographic needs.
Expert photo f.nishlnz
Kodaks fj up Brounus$J up
"The Kodak Store
Local Happenings
W. D. Honey, of Gresham, Is
in lone this week looking after
his ranch interests.
It is reported that Mrs. T. C.
who is a flu tufferer at the hos
pital at The Dalles Is slowly Im
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Beck and
little son. of Pilot Rock were in
lone, Sundsy.
Funerg' serviiti were held at
the Christian church In lone, on
Saturday afternoon at 2:00o'clock
for David McDow ll, seventeen
years and eleven months old,
wl o died Monday morning at th
home of hissi'.ter, Mrs. Clarence
A. Warren, in Gooseberry
(Th- cause of death was tub eu
lotis. He had been at a summer
'camp in the mountains and had
returned to his home the Sui day
evening immediately preceding
his dtaih. Th funeral service
was conducted rjy Mrs. w. u.
Livingstore, formerly pastor of
(on Christian church but i ow
of Hood River. Sh was assiited
by the choir of th Congregation
al church. Interment was made
I. .L. I .....
Ill fclin iviir nui,Kii
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bris o
snd family and E. R. Lundel: rt.
turned from Portland Friday.
Th gentlemen attended Buyers'
Week and th ladies a dental ses
Mr. and Mrs. W. Bullard and
children returned from trip to
Portland and Hood River, Si tur
day evening. They were actom
panied by Mis. Bullard'a sii ter
Mrs. Frone, and her daughter.
Taeerfay night of laat week. T.
C. Trog took Mrs Troge to th
hospital at The Dalles. Mrs Ti ore
was ill with "flu' and threatei ed
with pneumonia.
College training and expert
ence make us competent Pharma
ciats Bullard's Parmacy.
Thelma Forbes is taking a va
cation this week and Hazel Feld
man, pharmacy student of O
gon Stat College, is taking her
place at th drug ator.
Mra. Chriitina Troedson is en
joying a visit from her grsr.d
daughteia. Ihe young ladies no
tured from their horn in Kiig
City, Cal.
i Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm had
it weekend guests; Mrs. Anna
Plenlngand children of pendle
ton, Mrs. Otto Pieming, Chsrley
nd Rudolf Piening of Olympia,
' The party left, Sunday, for
Olympla, where Mrs. Piening and
children will spend th rert of
th summer visiting friends rd
Wash dresses at Mason's. Wide
nge of materirials shades and
m and low prices.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R Rubison
aiid Loren Hale returned onMon
day from Portland. They wereac
cmpanied by Miss Eva Stange,
of Longview,
i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rowell are
th parents of a son, born Sstur
dsy. at the home of Msrahal and
and Mrs. E. G. Franks.
Marshal Jackson came near to
loving a thumb as th result of
getting it caught in the machin
ery of a combine on the E A.
Tellers ranch.
' Miai3ildred Morgan, wlois
working for Mrs. George Maho
rey, ppent Sunday at home with
her parents in lone.
Mrs. J. F. Hardesty and Mrs.
Stanley Scaly accompanied Mr.
Howard Hardesty to lone Mon
day afternoon.
Carrie Medlock and Opal Cool
were calling in Morgan Tuesdsy.
Ralph Gibeoh and familv, of
Portland were visjting Mr. Gib
ton's cousins, H. 0. Ely and
Bert Palmatfer. last Thursday.
Mrs. Pat Medlock called at the
J. F. Harderty home on Sundiy
H. 0. Ely and family called on'mont? Bo,rJ provided in the
Mr. and Mrs Ekleberry Wednesnew tfr."tn Union building at
day afternoon. J tuudautd on Vg.i
Although income from thenrw
men's dormitory at Oregon Stat
college will pay off interest ard
principal of the honds issued to
build it, as well as all costs of op
eration, living costs for students
will amount to but $34 a month
for board and room, according to
booklet describing the ttrcc u e
and its operation just issued.
Room rent haa been set at ap
proximately 130 for a term of 3
4 -
f : "!
Louis Balsiser handles al
lines of Insursnce. Are you in
sured? After th fir is too late
Sealed bida will be received up
to the hour of 8:00, p. m., Au
22,1928, for th transportation
of pupil to and from th school
bouse of School District No. 35,
lone, Oregon for the coming
tcSool year. 1928-29 on th fol
lowing designated routes:
Rhea Creek loite from th
Shaver ranch to th schoolbouat
in lone; the Willow Creek route,
from within one mile of the Bene
d ct ranch to the school house n
Inn. Service must begin Sept. 3
The School Board reserves tl.e
right to reject ai T or all bids.
Delia M. Corson
George Ritchie
Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Opti
cal, Co., 360 A Alder Street,
I Portland. Ore., EYESIGHT SI E
ClALISls. win be in lone, a
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hal tnd j,y ind ev,ninrt Saturday. Arg,
daughter Miriam hav returned , at tne lone Hotel. See him a
.bout your eyes
A mtrica 's electrical da el
opment is tn the hands of
rngineers and scientists con-
Itemed only with achieving
results the minimum ni
X icost to the consumer. Their
objective is to help make
life, industry and business
f better. They have made pos
sible the enjoyment of even
ww i-imi up u ana cvmvww-
iente than most people now
Lower and lower goes the cost of!
production as machinery increases
human capacity.
Higher and higher go the stand
ards of living in America, as machin
cry makes possible the enjoyment by
everybody of conveniences that were
luxuries only a few years ago.
Electric rower is responsible fori
this new day in American life.
Wherever work is to be done, nine
times in ten electricity does It best
Dairy it contributes to the industrial
development of America. .Daily
adds to the national wealth.
Carning on such work is made
possible by the principle of Individ u
al enterprise under which it has been
Pacific Power &Light Co.
from a vacation trip in the Blu
Ther was no uuorum at He' For style, price and qualitj try
regular meeting of th lone city Star Brand Shoes.-Bristow and
council last Tuesday owing to lh. Johnson.
absence from the city of council
and SEE
Our new line of made to measure ::
i ; Suits. Any two piece suit in the whole : :
line, $22.75
Headqutrto for Groceries nd
m. m li
OeneraJ Merchandise
"We Try To Please"
Bristow & Johnson
man Bristow, Lundoll and Ritchie
Mr. and Mrs. Bergevin and
daughter left Wednesday of last
week, driving to Baker. They
p anned to spend Thuraday night
with the Harlan McCurdys at
their camp near Granite and to
arrive in Baker Friday. Ther
Mrs. Bergevin will join her par
nts, and she aud the children
will accompany them on a trip
tbroug Yellowstone Park.
Mr. A. Holub has purchased
th Paul Troedson ranch, 9 miles
north of Ion from Julius Fisch
r ot La Grande. This ranch com
prizes some 800 acr of wheat
land and all stock and equipment
are included in the sal. Th con
sideration was $16,000. Mr. Fisch
r receives in the trade a small
farm in th "valley". Mr. HolulA
son, Frank, will hav charge of
this ranch.
Mra. Charles Shaver is a patient
at th Jordan hospital. Sh
suffering from neuralgia.
See Swanton for Insurance.
:: & l
gj jcENERATO' St
OJ Parts carried In!'
f stock for all stand: ,
jard magnetos.
Board and Room
iBy the day, week or J
month. Transient meals. ;
, Home cooking, unexcelled
service and the right price.
Second St., lone, one block
from the school house.
Mrs. John Grimes
I have just received another large
shipment of wash dresses
priced from $1 to $4'
from 15 to 44
Prints, voiles, etc
See Swanson for