t IHE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friilay by V. W. HEAP, Fditor TiiLiisher hi' HS(. KlI' l'lON One Yt.ir $1 iO ix Month - 75 . hrcc Months .50 Kntfred as second class matter it hr piwnlticr. at lone, OrfKon. under act of March J. W9 Friday, A ieust 10, 1928. AVst n not unit ting The hn.iv career, h'est is the titling Of self to one's sphere- THOUGHTFl'LNESS Continual fromPg I You have to day delivered your campsny's checks in the total a- mount of $4029 09 in full settle ment of his policy. I want to express my appecia tion of this settlement by the, New York Life and to you for me courteous way it has been handled. siifntdJ II. Cochran For parts of anv standard mag neto see I. R Rohiaon. Mrs. Juanita Kietmann ha a . new Remington Portable purrhhs through the local Miency, Dul lard's Pharmacy. NOTICE Notice i hereby given that the Farmer Elevator Company of lone. Oregon, at Its office in lone. Oregon, on Saturday. Sept. 1st,, 192. at the hour of 2:M o'clock of said day, will offer for sale, and sell u the highest bidder, the following described shares of the capital stock of said Company which show due and delinquent on the original purchase thereof, and all sharei of the capital stock showing default has b.-rn made in the payment of assessments or anv. part thereof.or as many shares thereof be fold as may be necessary for the payment of the assessment due against all shares held by any one person or persons, together with interest, costs of advertising and expenses of sale. The fo!l.-wmt cir-'Ul tttxk number, rumej of perrons, number of shares each. JeluKiuent w xigmt purchase, jr. J Joe and jeltnqueut on iwewroents. as shown by the records of said Company ire u follows, to-wit; St ock So, A a me oi perton .-o.tharet 10.. 12 . 13.. J7. 24.. 31.. 32. 33.. 37.. 3a. 40. . 46. 47.. -H. V. Smouse 4 -F. L Grilfin 3 J. W. Hinkle 3 . E. E. Lyons 3 .. Edgar J. Ball 3 ...Nelson Bros. 3 L. L Jakes .. 5 C. R. Peterson ... 5 Francis Griffin. 2 M. R Ball 1.. F. L Griffin ... 4 ...Matt Halvorsen 10 ..Tilman Hogue... 5 . Dated at lone, Oregon, thi i.7t inr FARMERS ELEVATOR COUPAS Dte of fit t publication ofthit notice, July ST, 192H. I'" of lat publication ot tliit notice, August 31, 19JH. HERR,GIFFORD&Co. Will be represented in the lone te rritory by GEORGE N. ELY Manager, Jordan Elevator Dont forget we're in the market this season. : 4- -64 1 It will pay you to KarmerS' land see Cole Smith r o.r t i.i. nrnrn at Snn STRAUSS & CO. . Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to sell your wheat. t brotheV ibsence, JakeVill- strom has gone to Coose Bay to tart an outfit building a tile Kate. Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Ely were in Heppner Monday. Tne doctor luncee Franklin's thront. Mrs. Bert IVImateer went to lone on business, Monday, and while there called on Mrs. Furl Morgan. N. t Pettyjohn and Pat Med lock are getting along fine com bining. Fred Pettyjohn's baby was burried in the Morgan cemetery, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harbison, son Bob and Mrs. McMuiray drovetoYak ;ima last Sunday. They had a nice ttip and saw meral nice places, Mrs. Reise and her daughter, Corinne. have found their pet coyote that was lost, Mr. and Mrs. Ekleberry wre in Morgan, Tuesday. Their boys are harvesting the wheat and getting along nicely. W. F. Palmateer, Da'in My, Bert Palmateer and his son dehv tred some wheal to J. F. Hard esty on Tuesduy. Mrs. Minnie Ely was calling on Mrs. Harbison on last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seel y were in Heppner, Saturday on Hue on Cap. acuta DutooAn miT $000 00. luO.OO 115010 300 00 .... 8W 00 -100 00 . 300.00 300 00 -..500 00 ...300.00 .2o0.d0 ...H.OOO 48.00 SI .1 ...400.00 .... 500 00 ...250.00 of Jul, I9L'S. r 2 drop in at the Klevator I as he is buying for! i o o j see him before you business. Howard llirdesty was a Cecil visitor last Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. John Nafch have come home having finished har vesting Hi Leon Logan'a, James Hardesty is busy straw ing the uiucky roads for the past few duja, Erviu Medlock was working for Mrs. Harbison Saturday morn ing. Miss Alice Nash ia visiting her sister, Mrs. Ada Clayton at Khea Siding, "" " moticb or BOB SAX.I1. NOTICE IS IIKKKHY OIVKN that the umW'rsliincU will rsvetvo sailed Mils until J iU oVI.sk p. M the lit tt ilay of August, I'J.'.s, mij tmnu-illutely thereafter the bM raeelvetl will lie inihlu-ly opened by the County Court, at the County Court Hoom In the Court House in Hoppnei-, Oregon, for the puiWit.se of an Issue of bomls of Klur row Coti-.t-. f":' the roimtruetlon of pernmnri:! n aU therein In the sum of One hundred thousnml iMIar ifliKi.OOOk said bonds to be In denominations of Due thousand dollars ill (MM ein h. numbered I to I0U Inclusive, to hear date of August 1. 19M. and to mature serially In numerical order at the rate of Five thousand dollaia ito lMH on tlie first day of Annual In each of the vrara 1K4 to IM3 inclusive, said bonds to betir Interest at the r ite i " -ot lo ex ceed five per c t (5 er c. i) per an nrm. pa- le r ..ilam.ually on the rirsl d s f fcvtirtiary and August principal and Interest psvsl.le in Ui 'd Hlalea fold com -t t oitli of ,he Counly Treasurer m Heppner. Ores on. or at ti e Fiscal Airency of the Stat of Ore gon In New York City. All bonds will le issued bearlna the same rale of Interest and no bid will be considered which does not conform to this requirement. All bids must be unconditional and a.-compmiiwi by a certified check for 5lH)il, The Court reserves !b right to reject any and all bids. the approving leg.il opiiil.in of Messrs. Teal. W Infra. MrCulloch and Hhuler will be furnished the aunsrsful bolder. lar.AL) GAY M ANDERSON County Clerk. tlr.piifr. Oregon. Church Directory FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Thur., 7:30P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45. P. U. Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thura. Evening Services C. E.:6:30; Preaching Service, t 7:30 P. M. WILLOW BRANCH UNION C. E. SOCIETY Pres. Thelma Forbes V. Pres. John Condor Sec. Mary Slocum Treas. Edw. Keller Next meeting, Heppner Oregon. at MATERNITY HOME At the residence of Mrs. Ethel Ritchie, Second Street, lone. Experienced nurs-; reasonable rates. Call or address Mrs. Ethel Ritchie, lone, Oregon. See F. H. Rotdnson for all kinds of in suranctf, Autombile Grain, or Combine Harvester. Astoria shipped 25,643 cams of salmon duii: ,g May. Wild turkrjt are increaHing rapidly alon trie Molalla river, Loage Directory IO.VE UHHiK Nil. I -jn. A. K, A A, M. MiftH every flr-l ii)d thlril Wlne- li.i v o( ciicli ii h V. M, liny Steii rli-r, Hwy , Kin it (irlfflth, Trn.. . A. M.M iiIm-. LfH'UNt C'lui 'r Nil II!) O, K. Mi'i-ta t lie mi-iiiiil mnl fourth Tura duy of each iiumhIi W. M.,.lr. ;Iiir tlia Kick, Sit v.. I'.utli Mnann. IO.NK l.f)(it: Si i. :i:,, I, (. f).'K, Meett evtry hiiiiinliiT evenliijf. N, U. T. B. I'eterNon. V. ( . B. (' Hi-I-lfeir, Hory., .pe II w.-ll. Tn iiM., K J. BrlNtow. HfNCI! (JUASS ItKUKKAIINo.fl.l t. 0. O. K. Mi'i-Im flrMt hikI tlilri 'I'll ii rail ii y of em Ii month. N. (i. lira. Delia NMlnril.v, V. (. (Ilmlya LihhIkI, Kecy,, Venltt RIUMile, Tji'dh., EtU llrlatow, PROFESSIONAL I CARDS I DR. E.E. BAIRD "Dentist" Office In Fair Building. Open Sundays and evenings by appointment. Phone M 1012, Heppner Ore. C. J. WALKER" Lawyer CO. Notary Public. thlil I'ellows lluililing Heppner, Oregon JACK FERRIS : Derniatician : It pays to look well. ."Specialist in Bobs" C. L SWlEK I ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National Bank BUtf Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The "Elkhcrn Restaurant" Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, ED. Thysician And Surgeon Office In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Oregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon 'limits . offU-f Itealili-m-e Main III! Main 4ta Heppner - Oregon lone, Tuenlayi ami I'riilart I'rom ! 0t Hl.ttt A. M. F. H- ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law W III I'riietlee In All The Courts IONE OKECON Morrow Ceneral HOSPITAL Mian Zeuii Wewtfull, arniluut Nurse, Kiiierlt.teiilieiit A. II. Johnston M. D. I'hynlrlnn In f'lmrg. II AT KM HKASONAHLK Dr. F. E. Farrier Dentist Office; Odd Fellows Uld'g. J Heppner Oregon J. 0. PETERSON XPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. lone Independent JOB PRINT IIUDSON-ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul G. BalslRcr, Agent. At Paul G. Balsiger'i Louis BalHiger handdles all lineiof insurance. Are you in sured? After the fire is too late T Before selling your wheat it will pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon I Variety One thing about this be made up when you choice meats Is just one X t another. Yes, even If X your taste set for just particular cnt is in our refrigerator. lone Meat Market, T. E. Peterson LAAXAAma . sis................ T Apparlments For Rent Electrically lighted, Water connec- tion, Rent reasonable :-: Inquire Independent Oflice :-: "IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP'; We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J. P.OMeara; Proprietor j& j Hotel t e cater to the n- 4 81 4 4 wish first class accommodations. George Ritchie, Prop. ?! 4 0- I BUY YOUR COAL FROM COLE 8 I YOU ALWAYS FIND THE i VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR , WIND MILLS. WINONA. WAGONS. PAULG. BALSIGER lone, Oregon contracting or f In Fine Meats:-:-: market - vour mind nnvd'nl come In. Our layout ot delightfull sufliU'stion after you don't see what you have speak up. No doubt that lone patronage ot those who WOOD AND I ELEVATOR . ! !l'