Chineee Market Day i Market day In Clilm usually affords many quaint alghta to tho foreigner. As tho country It one largnly duvold f vehicles, the commodities to be of fered (or tula are carried to the mar let plncee In nmny odd wnyti by wheel harrow, on nuinliiii'k, pulxod on the heud of women, or swung to jiole borne on the shoulder of two , curriers, Expert Savage Fiihermen The Hundwlch Inlander nnd the pso jilu of the Lntlrnhca lire exceptional in savage fishermen, having no fcur of fairly deep wnler. The latter think imlhliiK of iiolng fishing In 13 fiithomt In light ruiincs culled pros", ringed Willi one tull, In the construction of which their ancestors moat likely cop ied the Malay plrutes. High Speed Cablet The "regenerating" system of trans milling ciililet from London to South Africa It the fimient In the world. In splto of the fact that the distune It HiUO miles. nieiwnge can lie tent and reply received In one minute. Mistakes In the messages tent ere lin jhIIiIu und absolute secrecy It In sured. Color$ of Silk Tliore are nmny conunerclal tart etlee of the silkworm graded accord ing to the els, color, and quality of the cocoon. The color of the worm't prolcgs before thinning Indicate! the color the cocoon will lie. Thlt varies In different tclet and may be ill very white, cream, yellow, lemon or green. Enential Truth In proportion at men become more civilised, and learn to think more tc curttely, and to take wider vlewt of life, jusl an do they come to value the essential Irulht of religion more high ly, while they attach lent and leas lm pnrtanc to aiiperflctal detail. Jolio Flake. "D. F." Log$ So Insistent wna I'uncan rhyfe, America's famout calilnetuiaker, on the highest quality of raw nmteiiall that Went Indian exporter! of mahog any referred to their bet timber at "Duncan Phyfe" log and mnrked them with bit Inltlalt. Kxchanga. Sn$itiv0 Pendulum The pendulum of (he great clock In the tower of the houae of parliament In Indon It to delicate that a tmall wrliftit of only one ounce placed oa a particular part of the apparatut will alter the rate of the clock one second per week. Prune and Plum The bureau of plant Industry eayt that the prune tree It a type of plum tree; that It, all prunea are plums, but not all plunit are prunes. Only thoae that will dry Into the commer cial product art prunes. Acquiring Wealth Riches are within the reach of all The road to wealth Is at plain as the road to market. If we but follow It It Is marked by the practice of those two great virtues. Industry and fra gnllty. -tirlt. Atom't Independence A l title atom, nroncrly harnessed. will do all the world's work some time. edentlst tells ua. If we were sucn a rln teartns atom as that we wouldn't work unleaa we wanted to. Kansal City Rtar. Low-Down Trich The stildent news of the month It the ttory of the ttnliltlous man who Joined the navy to sit the world end spent four years In a auhmarlue. Open Itoad Miignxlne. Snakei in Water The biological survey aayt that It It possible for a swimming snake to strike iwlnimlng man. It Is said Hint the cotton mouth tnnke strikes In the water. rVorfc Both Way We have loo many people who live without working, and we have alto gether too many who work without living. Dean Charlet U, Drown of Yale. No Sueeettor Yet Jud Tunklnt tayt he hat alwayt henrd any man's place can be filled and ho t still walling for another Hill Shnkeapcure. Washington 8lnr. r "v fc. l . ri m v k -m 4 PROOF RESTS WITH PATIENTS lattan and namaa and atfVtmaaa nf tinndmla nf ntaful paUaaU eonialiwtl In our r'NkK HOOK on turttJ and Colon alBMflta) alas drtallt of I. C. I. Daaa nutMumkal attthod of tnah a....., wnpcn w aMnmrfir. Band (or H tmlay and tram of our WHITTr.N ASSIIKANCB TO KI.IMINATt! l'IU.8 OR man ,K KKrilNII II COLON CLINIC A Kill' LVi A Romance o Bratidocli's Defeat TORY FROM THI TAHT Wabatar rirond la aarvlni aa a aoout and spy for t ha army un d.r lnaral llracldock preparing for lha advance an Kurt Iju Oiiaana. Ma tins Juat ruinrnad to Alaiondila from a vlalt o th fort, whara, poalng as a Fronch man, ha hoa aaeurad valuatila In formation, llraddock, bred to Ku mpaan warfare, folia to raallae tha Importance of the new, llrond la aant back tu fort Liu quaana, alae .marina a ni'mnua to (laorga Croalinn, Ktmllah amlaaary among lha Indiana, llrond Jolne his frland and fl low scout, Itound l'aw, Indian ohlaf, and Ihay aot nut. On lha war lhr fall In with a typical batkwoodaman, Ualaar Crotiill, who lolna I bam. Tha party an. eountars a group of ealtlers Ihraatanlng a young girl, Klala IHnwold, whom lhy arcuaa of witchcraft, llrond anvaa har from lham, Tha girl dlaappaara. Wab atar dallvara hla maaaaa to CrnKhan. Young Col. Uaorga Waahlngtnn raacuaa llrond from bullying tngllah aoldlvra. CHAPTER III Continued "Just as sure as you ant I used to go to the bread unu nutlet auncing parties, Web. The French ere lirnv. They runt defend the fort, but they're well trained tu the Indian style of fighting. If they evacuate Duuesne without making a tight, they'll forever be discredited among the Indluos. Tbey risk but Utile In trying a aur prlae attack. If we are not caught off our guurd, Ihey will fall back with trilling losa. Yes, they must try IL There's but one thing lo prevent them. If we pass the bead of Turtle creek and follow among the high ridge, they'll not attempt an ambush, at thai stretch of country lacks good cover. They'll be too shrewd lo march their liidlunt very fur from the fort They can get one tight out of them If they can light oeer Liuquesne, It will come on the Monongahela and the Guards are not used lo IL Indian warfare Is dinicull for a European atraleglst to understand. Fortunately we'll have our own woodsmen out aa scouts and flankers. Tbey are Ihe best men In tins world for this ton of work. Five hundred of them could make Duquesne before our artillery ran cover a fourth of the distance, before the army can march third of It. And once they were there Ihey would shoot their wsy Inside. Thlt war may result In our being forced to shift more for our selves In border wars. If we bave to do that, we shsll be better off." He rose and genially aaldt "Webster, I'm glad to meet yon agalu. I wish I could have been with you at Duquesne. I owe the place to other visit when the oddt aren't to heavy against me." Ills young fact was grim and I knew he was remem bering hla last visit to the Ohio. He mounted and said: "I'm glsd you're with us, Webster. Hut how do yon serve) I don't tee you drilling." "I tin under orders from General llraddock to visit Duquesne again, col onel, end pluy I he part 'of a Cana dian." "Ah I That will be fine. I'll bring the mutter before General Itraddock so aa lo rcfrerh hla recollection. Jou wlah to si art soonT "Any lime. I'm keen to be off. An Onoiidnge woodamnle of mine Is here. He will go lth me. He Is Itound l'aw. of the Wolf clan." "He should be an excellent com pnnlon. I will lake the metier up with General llraddock very toon. What our men wanl la a right, not parade work. I'll tee you tguln two. Web. I hear Cuptnlo llushy Is wltb os. I shall look him up. too." He nt riding awsy wltb t friendly wave of the hand. I saw much nf him In later years, after another war had tried hit soul and had given much gravity to his handsome features, tint this June day he was but Utile different from the youth from Mount Vernon, who would riil across two counties for Ihe sake of a contre-dnnse with tome fulr maid I walked In the opposite direction toward Ihe Indian camp, thinking lo find Itound l'aw, but patiaed where ihe wngonert were rooking their tall meal for tnpiier. The kettle were abandoned quickly enough when a voice off one tide begun bawling i "A wring f A wring I" Nothing will collect men more quick ly than ihe opportunity to see two men In a rough-end tumble light ; and I Inlned Ihe circle and beheld a man with a twitted face trying In come to I grips with a slim youth, who whs hriinillahlng a heavy vnrt-pln. "Drop that hunk of Iron, you young murderer I" cried an enthusiastic apeclulor. Ilui the young man gripped the pin the tlKhter and made a motion aa If lo hurl It. Ills adversary, twice hit hulk, dodged tnd shielded hit head with hit irmt, The young man leaped nimbly backward and rwept hit unite about the circle tt If seeking a way in retreat. The crowd hooted and pushed In to narrow Ihe circle and bring the two to grips. Now the slim chap was hnilly frlgl'leued. Ills shifting gaze ciiuulit mine and he flushed a sIkiiiiI for help aa plainly at If hit voice bad culled nul to me. li t a hit practice to Interfere In rump tluhlt, especlully when one knows nothing at lo the merit of the quur By Hugh Pendexter Illustration! by Irwin Myern Copyright hy ffuah Pandeitar, WNU Kurvlca rul. I Mepped back, lulimllng to re tire, and ogiiln the brown eyes met mine, and this time their pleading stirred me to Impulsive action even while belittling my estimation of the young fellow's manhood. I found myself pushing a path through the siectators end shoving the young man to one tide while I In formed the man with the twisted face: "This has gone fur ennuuh. Too should take some one nearer your slue," , for half a minute the fellow glared at me, bis crooked Jaws working as If be were chewing very tough morsel. Then he cried : "Well, d o my eyes I A half Injun telling I'eler 8ymet what's gone far 'oough, I'eler tayt It ain't gone far Than We Were Clinched, With the Olrty Oevll Trying to Scoop Out My Eyas. 'nough till your booft ttand where your bead la. I'eter ral'lale. Mr. Ilulf lnjun, you're "bout hla auu You're I'eter meat The situation was distasteful. I hsd bad my share of fighting, but I could never find an animal Joy In com bat where all decency wat laid aside and any cruel trick wa permitted. Then again our mod of rough-and-tumble encounters made It t very seri ous matter for the loser unlets by agreement the horrid practice of goug ing were eliminated. Infinitely belter wat t clean death than the condition of blindness. To fight without weapons wss to tight like wild snlmsls. A duel with rifles wss vastly to be preferred. My wandering glance In search ot old forest-running friends were misun derstood by ihe noisy crowd, and a wagoner Jeered: "Hie heart 'pear to be dropping down Into hi moccasins, i'eter." This bit of wit was loudly ap plauded. I wa lo for It Tli young fellow I bad championed was crouch ing on the ground behind me, a fact that surprised me. for f hsd expected hi id to bolt to sufety once I took his place. I felt his band touch my rlile and Instinctively yanked Ihe piece to one aide aa a man will do when one mukea free with hla weapons. Hut the hands were small, pathetically so for on who must bear Hi vicissitudes o vamp life. My downward glance also beheld a thin t err I Med fuce. I could, not understood why the young fool had not allpiied away. I relinquished my rifle to hla care and added my ax, knife, tobacco bug and other bell fixings. 8ymet wat -already disarmed and Impatiently wait ing for me to make ready, lie begun e string of foul talk which I Inter rupted by driving my Ost into hla mouth. Then we were clinched, with the dirty devil trying to scoop out my eye. He waa an adept at beastly practice, but lo vigor and quickness he was scarcely up lo my two year of wood training. I fought hi baud Mace Has Long Been An Interesting bit of ceremony takes place each duy a the house of rep resentatives convenes. A dlstln-gulshed-looklng Individual enters the chamber and walks tlowly to the front bearing aloft the mare, which (he house niulntaliia aa Itt symbol of power. At the ryeaker'i ttand he turns to the right and fastena the staff on that side of the platform. II Is an official announcement that the house of representatives It now In ses sion and vested wltb (he power to transact legislative business. The nince reremhles a flagpole rnpped by a gleaming metal eugle. lit keeper's aole duty Is to appear twice on the floor of the hotiae ou days when It It In session, brtuglng from my face and drove my 6st sev eral times Into hit red neck. The durt and the cheers, fh suffo cating sweuty odor, and, mosi ot all, hla repeuted attempta to mulm and disfigure me. aroused my pusalon with out confusing my Intelligence. I shifted my tactics and beuao stepping hack a bit. tolling great care he should not trip me. "No halMnJun cno " he begao and I Jerked to one side and drove my elhow Into bis throat Just under the hltiiie of the Jaw. He went down, choking nnd gasping, nnd kicked about Ilk a stranded Dsb. In hit threshing shout he rolled close to the young fellow still crouching on the ground and keeping guard over my weapons. Quirk aa a painter the Utile devil lifted the heavy piece and would nave brained Byrnes If my moc casin bad not kicked Die long barrel aside. Grubbing the youngster by the neck ot bis blouse I lifted him to his feet and (lung him aside, and berated. saying: "You young bell bound I What are yog up to?" Some nf the men pressed forward to punish hi in. but I forced them bark. One fellow tried to dodge under my arm and reeled back, llegalnlng bis balance, he stood with eyes bulging and mouth open. 1 wat wondering how my thove could have done blm any harm when be astounded me by bawling: "H-JII If a womunl" ' Still not understanding I shifted my gnze lo follow ihe direction of bit pop eyed staring and was lo time to see the small bauds clawing at the rough blouae In bring It together at Hie neck where my rough grasp bod torn It open. "A girl!" stupidly muttered it I gllmpned the rounded outlines of bet breasts. With a duck and leap, rhe es caped the circle and ran swiftly towsrd the Iroquois camp. The pack would have given chase, although they would have done ber no barm, but I snatched up my rlfl aud called oo them to halt "She's a French spy!" some one shouted. "If she I then the Indiana will bold her prisoner. She can't efcapt from the camp," 1 told them. They quieted down and divided their energlee between trying to get tome raw rum down Byrnes' throat and In explaining to me the cause of the trouble. I gathered from their dis jointed talk that the dlsgulred girt waa Byrnes' helper and had resented a buffet be Inflicted for ber failure to carry out some order. 8h had anntched np a knife and bad attempted to atab blm. 8he waa promptly dis armed and turned over to him for punishment While I waited to see If Symee waa able to continue Ihe fight another pic ture came before my eye that of a young girl crouching before a mob ot wltcb hunters, ber Up drtwn btck and exposing ber small teeth, and will, the same hunted wlldner In the thlu face. And I knew why we bad found no trace of Elsie Dlnwold, of the Witch's head. We bad (ought a wom an In our questing. Had w Inquired for a young man, w might have fnuod some trace of ber. A subaltern bawled my name among the k si I let. I Joined him and with much rurtness wss told I waa wanted al headquarters. I expected to b con ducted before General Uraddock. In stead. It was Colonel Washington who waa wultlng to give me ao audience. I waa conducted to hla lent, set apart from the large marquee occupied by Uraddock. The man wa tick. Rather, he looked Ilk sick youngster. Ills face was thinner and hla eye larger. There waa no suggestion of weakness In hla voice, however, a he bruskly ordered: "Mr. llrond, you are to take your Indian companion and scout out be yond the rosd-builder and look for eigne. The enemy'a Indium are keep ing close wntcb on os. If you cap ture ao Indian or a Frenchman and bring or aend blm to us. you will be doing os good service. If yon meet any Indiana, bringing bloody belie U our IHMuwares, make every effort to atop them. The army will move slo ly, I fear. Ton will have ample time to scout while making your way to uuquesne. "1 will start at once, sir." (TO BE CONTINUED.) Symbol of Authority the mace In when the body convenes. ana when It adjourns, carrying It nncg to the olllee of the aergeant-at anna with tha same deliberate step. The only time during a day of bust nee when the mace removed be fore adjournment la when the house goes Into committee of the whole to consider son piece of specific legit tntion. When It It olllclally In legit lathe session again the mace la re turued. Squirrel'e Witdom Most of us are just a few atepi ahead of starvation. Very few mes have as much aens aa the squirrels -E. W. Uuv'c Monthly. How to Dodge the Sheriff By UNO LARDNER To the Editor: A great many of my creditor and their pal ha probably been wonder ing tlmt bow come that we are loose as a couple yenra ago I waa almost shaking hands with the referee In bankruptcy and where as I am now on my fL again and got pretty near enough money to pay my lost Novem ber grosery bill. Well, friends, when I find out a good tiling I sm not the kind of a bird that will keep It to themself bat I will pass It along and tell my pal about It to aa they can take advan tngea and pull tbemselfa out of the hole the same like 1 did. Well about a year ago I waa talk ing with my wife and myself 1 night and ahe aaya how la It that I and you are making about 200 berries per wk, more or LESS and we owe every body In Illinois except the govt and on the other band here's the Quayle living next door to oa and blm only getting 40 thousand per annum and yet tbey teem to enjoy themselfs a whole lot more tbao we and don't owe nothing. So I said what of It "Well." ahe eayt, "I been reading the magazines a whole lot lately and I aeen an ad In 1 signed by the Rainy Day Corporation and It' supposed to tell the husband and their wife bow to get themselfs on their ft and tha course only costs 13.00 so why not let's subscribe for It and you don't have to pay In advance, but first you get the course and read It and then you can pretend like you don't car nothing about It and send It back to them and they refund you th 8 spot" So I said all right Ilk I usually do wheo she tpesk to me at all and ahe sent for the course and It come In a form of 5 books, which I didn't have time to read and she read them and tent It back to them wltb the words that It was not no good, but at that It waa good enough to get ua out of our troubles and look at OS now. Well, the (dear wa this to a few word. In the first place most of onr debt waa owed In driblet Uke ten dotlara and the book says: If yon owe ten dollar apiece to a whole lot of people In the aame town, why the Idea la to quietly move out of that town aa far aa you can and move to some other town, and the merchants and etc, back In tha old town won't sew yon because tt would cost more than the debts Is worth." 8o one night we quietly moved ont of the old town and moved to Great Neck, and we haven't beard nothing since from people we owe money to. Well the next lesson In the coarse wit to get yourself a Job that paid more money ao 1 day I went down to N. T. City and went to a tnao'e office that I bad beard about blm, and I said I wasn't getting enough money In old Chl. to bt ttld what did I want and I aald I wanted a raise and he gave It to me. So as I say here, we are living to Great Neck and getting mora salary than out In old Chl and all our debu repudiated and they cant new oa oa acct of bow much tt cost on sect of the dlstnnts and here we are Uvelng In (he lapse of luxury In Long's Island and all aa we bait to do la to keep out of old Chl or go their Incognito, and oo acct ot the wife aeelng the Italny Day Corporation ad In this here magazine, which the pure reed ing matter was so bsd that she felt like ahe bad to read the ads. Now genu I don't want you to take my testimony without no supports, ao I will tell you about a couple of friends of mine along the aame lines that wss lo at pretty a pickle like we and teen the same id and got the aame result! as os or better aa fol lows: beginning wltb a letter I got from a friend of mine nam Cbaa. Clarke aa follow: " "Dear Old Tal Ton know bow Mil dred and I used to atruggl along while I waa earning $10.00 per week aa clerk In the Hon Ton Market which my uncle owned It and I was the only heir. Well one day Mildred read me the Rainy Day Corporation ad In one of the magazines about bow to pull yourself out of Ihe rut ao th wrote them and tbey wrote back advising me to quit being the clerk and become the prop, ao one day I took a big cleaver and used tt oo my uncle and by the time I got through there wasn't enough left of him to be prop, of a aoda fountain In Cuba ao now I and Mildred Is running the market and last year we layed away S1.G5." The other letter la from a carpenter friend of mtno that Uvea at Fifth Avenue and 70 at and In 2 yra. be waa only able to save 1220.000 ao 1 day him and hla wife happened to each other and besln talking and ahe seen this ad and wrote (o the Rnlny Day Coro'rntlon and they wrote bark and told hltn to raze he II and get more money ao he wrote to the onion and told them he wouldn't carp no more unless they give blm more money so they give him a raze and now he la making more than a at car conductor and not havelng at good a time. That It the way tt come off boy and girls and If you are satisfied to go along worrlng about financial mat- tors why well and good but If my Utile tnlk has showed you the way out why 1 am satisfied without no fur ther numerations only the knowledge that I helped drag you out of the Meyer. - it It III Ball lyadlaata, Ina.) THERE la nothing that fua aver taken the place of Bayer Aspirin si an antidote for pain. Safe, or physi cians wouldn't use it, and endorse itt use by others. Sure, or several mil lion uteri would have turned to some thing else. But get real Bayer Aspirin (at any drugstore) with Bayer on the box, and the word pimmm printed in . red: a l-l. Km "pi". . -u era As BBC ft Of at MoMaaatleaalsaataf tl IslleyUaatU Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Slact) 1843 Has Healed! wotnsds M Sores est Mast as4 Beast Mooaybaat farsmaotualf DotaaUa. Alltaalais, Splendid Retultt in Good Health Campaign No diphtheria deatba In 1927 put Cambridge, Mas, at the bead of the Uat In diphtheria prevention, of all the cities with populations more than 100, 003 In the United Statee. Only once in the last fire year, according to the American Medical association, has any city goo a year without tingle death from diphtheria. Tha previous diphtheria record breaker waa Duluth, Minn, In 1023. Seven cltie with more than 100,000 Inhabitant, bad oo typhoid deatba last year, th medical association' atatlstlc how. Mew Haven. Conn.; Springfield. Maa.; Tonkera, V. X.; Psterson, N. J.J Richmond, Va. Canton, Ohio; Kan sas City, Kan, make op the typhoid honor roll, which la th largest known alnce atudle of typhoid deth wert atarted In 1013. Last Retort Professor Jordan waa bewailing tha act that cultured reading la apparv ently on the decline. All reading, he declare, and la Inclined to blame It oo the movies. 1 do not consider the trashy mag Inea a reading." he continued, "but vea these, I am told, have lost a great many former admirer. A for the younger generation. It apparently doe not even know bow to read. "Only the other day. I aald to mail friend ot mine, 'Johnny, what have you been reading lately T To which the urchin replied lo aorpr!: "Me reading? Gosh, I haven't been trick V Cotton Statistic Th Department of Commerce, which baa been Investigating th pos sibility of finding new osea for cot ton, baa discovered that there are al ready 1,000 nses for the 133 base fab rics made wholly or In part from th atapte. Some 130 different article mad of cotton are used on farms, 100 In households, 43 by railroad and 20 In Industry, yet per capita consump tion bat gained only tilghtiy la the last decade. Bugle That Ended War The principal museum of Wendeo In Wetsphalla contalna treasure la the form of the bugle that Bounded the end of the war. It wa blown by German Staff Bugler Zebrowaky oa th eve of November T. 1913, to an nounce to the allie the passage Into their tinea of the German emissaries, who were coming to sign th arml tlce. Chicago News Cenerotity "Is he klnd-heartedr "Oeneroua to fault II atopa at cheap hotel so he can tip th bell boy." The divorce rate la highest In the southwestern states. Including Louis iana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, statistician asserta. In a Flack. Dm ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE rat Tin Tt H CmI Ba Baal At nlxht when yoar feet are tired, sore and iwolleo I from much walking or r ilnni-lne . snrlnklt two UENSrOOT-(AH powders tn Um Lot-bath, gently mo th tore ana in flamed parte and ; relief la Ilk magic. Shake Uka'afaal-laae Into your shoe tn th morning snd walk all day In oom fort It take tha friction from the hn. For ran Sample addnaa, iUEN't rOOT-USE. la tar. R. I. Hml Monty Sarin. Uuarantrral lubber Apron, abc. Jar vui-m-r tu, itoutar 4uo, all rr II. M. II. BI-kiCULTt 00 Baa lit, MlnneaiHilla, Minn. RICH MAN'S COn If A RVrSTF.R Poor innn'i prL-n, Oulf nit bundle trlnf at-WrhMH-ntj mid la Trr tutla. 1'rca oatalng naowlng pktura uf aarratiai, 1iuim Uo Salina, Kaaaa eaalaaaWasvrar