r IONE INDEPENDENT 1'ubli.shcd Every Friday by V. W. HEAD. Editor Publisher One Year $1.5:1 mx Months , i. -hree Month .,) Ifclorgan Jtems U'pn'U NOTICE hmcrrd as second class matter he pnstohire at lone, Oreson, undr act of March J, 1879 . Friday, July 27. 1928. Let ms ia.e faith that right make tniKht;andm that faith, h t ui to th. end, dare to do our dutr an we under stuud it. Abraham Lincoln Seel) wtiit to lone Sunday lust. Noel Streeler and Koy Deai ! lort have been trucking wiuaii tom the Odem ranch to the K. i. Harbison , rinn Al&mith will not only go drwn"n. They are now moving u, to defeat in November but heJCecil to haul Mr. CartwrightV will drag tiown many a democri t! wheat. Krnnniii h'lu nt ....... i. . v.,,...., i , . . . 'hai , T ' " it fr t "V " ,he l""1' Kl,,vn,,r t'uiniwny of Ion.., Oregon. t jbeed visiting, relatives at Mown " " ;'"f; Orw,,or, Saturday, t.t.. ms, ,h, u,r of :h o'clock of for the nuiir uuub . j i ! iu uiiy, will offer for sale, utul ll i, ii.. I,;. ... . ,, ... ... . , .. . r "iniciuinw IIVIIIU I , , , ' ' muun, lie lllllOWIIIg uescruicii Sjnday. , , ",0lk ,,f Company which show due and delu.rn.enl on the k A' k. t i .. ! i , u snares ot the ottpiial tock m tow nu drfaull hfl been ' "e,,edlCt 0f Va81. '-em.he.My,nen,of,,su-Sorny par, thereof, s nn.ny ,h.,... thl'f 1." was ill Morgan, 1 uesdny, calling ' , " mny t,e y for the payment of the umm due. against oil .l.are. he'd Jn friends and attending to bum n? T tT ''',.""m r K'r!"""' u'Kel"r wi,h ,os,, of ''v'ii"ti nd expends .less matters. i!l"r, ,J , ""' C'p',ul "'k numN;r- "fperwn.. m,mlx-r of tm each, Jelmquen. kj o, , , , , ,T r" ;Kut' 1,nJ J il,J Neut m ao,nent.. . shown by the record, of ,J Noel Streeter, Howard huru tj0nrny .re Mlow., to-wit. m sty ana Mr. and Airs. Slan,e w-.o might otherwise be electee. We predict a heavy increase in republican strength in both hous ea of Congress On with the danoe, faid th Stock .o, .Vtiiii o- 10 H. V, SmousH 4 12. F. L. Grilfm 3 13 J. W. Hinkle 17 fc. K. Lyons 3... 2J Edgar J. Hall 3 . .11 31. Nelson Kros 3...... 32 L. L. Jke 5 .1.1" o. fi(v Due on Cap. $twk $ 100.00 The Bre8h'eip re leaving fin Vakima, Wedt rs :ay. Mr. B.ri. diet has another Dar'tv lookii c ' after his hou.-e in Morgan. Alvin Ely wascal it.g on llo Hue ni.t..i'fiii.i. iiso'oo' 300 00 300 00 100.00 .. 300.00 .300 00 . 500 IK) 48 00. V3't but he made no mention of ard Hardesty, Wednesday. congregating in back streets anr alleys to yowl anJ guzzl-till th. .small hours of the morning. Wilson owed his 12 ami again in 1916 to disensionP8St eek:!( mPfsn'ures rangiri.. in the republican ranks. Every, from 102 to 116 in th shade Tro 33 C. H. Peterson .... 5 37 Tiaucis Griffin2 38 M. R. Hall ..... l" " 40 P. r firiffin A M Matt Halvorse.. 10 M Tilman Hogue 5 , re, at lone, Oregon, thit L'.U dar oi julr, Jtt ::k.;ers elevator compam Date vf first publication ofthi$ notice, July i'T, J'K i)"e "f: '" P- 'liniiun ot thin notice, Auyutt 111, IMS. .r. c-KieDerry and son finish d ha.urjr last Wednesday. ' The Morgar. vicinitv ha? h en experiencing excessive heat the TURKEY CROWEKS Continued I'romPg, 1 surrenders his birds he receives ively beaten. History will repVa? ' "uv,r. Wn. tbe.r full cash value, .'elfin November.. ooking after buainesstf fair.; The secretary of the associa tin Morgan th.s week. tion slares that investigation S-veral of the Morgnnites 8now8 thet those growers outside 300. CO ......200.00 M0. 00 400.00 600.00 250.00 other d mocratic candidate since Cleveland e time has been decis warm for comfort! Mr. Witze1, of Vancouver. Wn. the association but in its territo We have never met H R n. . .:.u i..:. . Ilr n.ir r.onaan.U-,: L j Wll UHNKPI. H'A .1 H. tL j nit defeat Walter M. Pierce for lic,ous Koodi-s went on a picnic' ry received six or seven cents a r.niirai. u, I I k. J: . too. C, i UOllnd lfa fnr th.i . i Mrs. Ethel M.hnnp.1. . di,i.a!,soci8tion ambers in 1927 ' see Lou.s Bals.ger for insur-ing fn-m a severe attack of ton ! A,8t,c,8,ion has thtee ship nce- . .ilids. t0 ,,ping dates: early in the months 1 .ff. . oi November and December, to meet the holiday demand, and early in January to enable grow ers to dispose of late birds. Due to the intens.. heut and the nr.. sure of hai vest work, the meet ing of turkey g tivver fhIIvH t,.r Thursday of this week was not well attended but anv who are in terested may communicate with the County Agent. Mr. Fullerton of th state high Militarhm Ramoant "Premier Jlnldwln idnilti thM ht w.tr exirln, Ilk the witr eprti nf tn other Kun.pHii count rlt, nr pr purine to light the aoxt wur with bacteria," rrillint lllrmn C. ltohlimon of th rnlver.ul IVnct leitiu was tulkliif In Denver about mllltiirlam. "An.rl.'," be mild, "ahowa Europe piwy cleitrly wlntt iht tlilnki of nillltnrlam. Her litniniave la illiiloiiiut. te, hut It'a denr. "Ainorli'H la Ilka th new hnnr.ler Ilia liiiiillmly siilil to lit m at break fnut: " 'Well, how doe. your cofTrt ault you. alrr '"It'i Juat to my tAate, inK'niti, th younc fellow auawered 'weak and eold, Juat aa I like It.'" tiller's Court ChangtJ Th laarcn river, In Italy, la beli.f. taken from Ita bed about elfht mllea eolith of nraaaanon. and carried throuirh a .tunnel to wit bin two mil... of llolaaim, where It will be dropped TOO feet. Th horsepower to he generated al thla new electric station will h 'r.D . 000, and the current will light th country aa far south at riors.ni-, . nine away. Two auhabUary atatlona In Uteri! vallera are also to ha mn.fr....,.. ,,. th total' power of th district will he IIS.OiiO hiirae-power, or thrsw fifths of the whole estimated hydro-electrical potentialities of Scotland. rAr Art Fret and Frott A biological concern In New Drleana owns a number of valuable froim lie cently th froga were mlaslt.it ami in pollc wer Informed. Later two men wer caught with froa In their poaaeaslon. They claimed to have caught them In the marshes around trie city. Th head of th llollcul roncern, however, "knew his onions"; n demonstrated to th court' satis faction that th deen note of the frogs varied rouslderablx from those or oruinarv rroc eaush. Indian ChUf Cling, to VlJ0rMit Horn Near tha spot wher th Hlurs and Hlrlpee waa llr.t uufurled lu Wash ington, Lung Jim. Uat of a grvut In dian war chief family, la making bla land against clvlllaatlou. Th wllderueaa bom of th war chief f th I'h.un, M.lhow and Okanogiui Indiana, liaa.chunged llttl ln' th llr.t vl.it of Astor fur tradera In isu. virtually th only conrraalou Long Jl, ,aa made to ad vancing civilisation ha been th d u.allou, lu th whit man's achoola, of Ilia daughter, l'rlmess Jeaal Jim. Hb waa proclaimed Prlnceaa America at th national. ludlan cungre.a at Seattl last Jul, utw. u ,0nuf guest at Atlantic City. Long Jim look bla present home along th Okanogau river on th Col till rvervatlou after y.ara of bitter truggl agaluat arly aetller. and I'nlted Htatva ludlan ageuta. Th old chief dealred to llv aud die on th jmid of hi. father at th mouth f I.ake Chelan, lu north central Wash- ington. (i of bla .rest finhi. .i k.. ' Indian agent put hliu In jail for nine wrk for refuaal to give up tribal land on Lake Ch.l.n t. .mi. . . L'iig Jim was released when court ruiea ue waa entliM to a square mil of hla tribal holdlnn n,.t k.ui. controlled a vast territory from th C'acad mountain to th Columbia 'Iver, he refuavd to acceot tha ili. niciit Hitter anliit th. .hi,. ...... ... left tb i,ocl. utv lu iluu bum and moved to an old canio (round iha reservation, SO mil ..(. , p,d hi cousin. (Vliiinlil. Jin, ... ...... .-j Irav him In aolllary poaaeaslon of th ii stiu refuses to accept th settlement lnt,,1 vi i.i. . qulshlng th Chelan boldluea or I. accept any money accrued from it. In the way denartm.ni u l.n ... i aiarahea. Tti men wer convicted come bv th. h-r Th..,i l!""1. P . "C" par Bom. I'athnnder Megaaln. ....... , ..vmiuci biiu uecemoer to . i ' uuuir. i amnnnrr aiagaa n. ;r bett,r- ' j (capinmffcDiril sikce bsiI(D)(D)jm tfSines 9 O O Ball mm High CH Dytnt A Colored man cam lm.. . ,ii,.. onu- and asked for two round trip tickets to Charleston. Th agent knew him and asked sh. ... ....... with him. "My brother." aald tha Colored man "Your brother?" .vi n.. "Wber. la r 'Out there In a bos. !!.' a.ia answered the colored Ban. , well. If he la dead vou don't a return ticket for him." Yea. auh." aald lha m,i.,.i . , You see, w alu't goln" t bury blm la Kha'lston; but w hav about forty i kinsfolks down there. mA mm ....t It would b cheaper to carry him down to Hhalrstoo fo1 d funerl eervlo and bHnc blm hark, than hi bring I be kiiuiv iauiuy up ner. Fight Indian Uriran To protect th Door i.C In,. I. e.. a form Of USUrV Whirl, nnl ,.nl. th borrower for life, but also tie up bla aona and grandson a, th Young lien's Christian lunrluLi, t. llshlng bank In that country. Mora than no hav bra established lu towns and villages b ft th native secret sry, and more sr be ing addeil. Itepreaentatlv of th at oclatlnn Visit th nla.-ea mrA .. .k.. bav no offlcea, rouduct their buslbess onder msngo trees. In order to com bine their camnalirn of hv.i.,,. ..4 fluanc. Toung Men's Christian elation ottlcl.is often compel an appli es nt to niH-n th wlndowa nt hi. h,... or to wash her dirty baby befor tb ma i. o.aiie. automotive rngincors. ."' w,cnt Ml'"7t n umloiuling uni- P . formity of action and an enduring Luoyanry ftvery motorwt knows the importance of spring 1,,al H "P your Studcbaker young. haekIe-thosc jlU or I.IS which form In pao, (lf ntmnu me connecting nk hetween IhmIv and a!.. t . i- 1 niints rpr.ng siMuklc" coiitairus, Bcalcd vithin it, kc anwle liil,ri,nt . . , ..,, iviunjur mure inun lU'vniy thousarul n.ilca. Come ride in u new Studcbaker to- Knpinrrra have souglit to reduce friction a minimum at thene vital Iftintwl aaai tffc kt . them flexible yet firm and uniform in action to make tlicm noiHclcHs to reduce the necessity for frequent lubrication. All these objectives have now been attained in Sludebaker cars. So revolutionary is this sensational innovation that the word "shuck- 1V with its implication of re atricted movement, is no longer applicable. The incessant action and reaction between body and axles is now carried by 172 steel balls rolling in lubricant no binding.nu day. Thrill to its charnnioti ner. formance. See rare new beauty of line and color. Then compare Stti debaker'g new I!ow One-Profit prices the triumph of 76 years' manu facturing experience 1 At last ...ball hearing wring iharklea . , . tin, .rrrt of tlui rrmnrkahle rl, "u comfort of th new lu.'cbahrrt. STUDEBAKEirS FOUH NEW LINES The Preid dent Elftht. . . 1 6115 lo $2185 1 he Lummander ... l t.15t I he Dictator ..... M5l The FrxLlne ..... fl.'tj j All prit ctj-o. b. factory 1665 1.195 1045 Independent Garrag'e, lone, Ore. SounJ$ Thit Soar lu common with an liit.ti ,n,. ... I city traffic noise In London, Interest-' Ing testa wer mad to determine how lilgh anm of th aounda in say Popular 'llechaolca Magaaln. The measurement wer made from a balloon, aa an alrnl.na mr,A k... drowned out all other noise than that of Ita engine. Itunibl of veblrlea waa beard aa high aa 2..VM faet whti. h. whlatl of a locoraotlv waa aadlbl at an altlluil of a mil and a balf. A gunshot carried (l.-lial feat l.t.h .... music waa dlstliigulslied at a height of 4.200 fet Th liivextlgatora Wer surprised to discover th.i th. loi of frog could b heard over balf a Dill abort tb pouda. Fax and Ttrriar BaHla Fol lowers of th. ni.n...n,.. --- .... bounds witnessed a nnln u InetM.n. when. In Yew Crs. In tha v.. mi. ..i. ley of Kngland, a hard-pressed fog iron renig on a rock ledg In th face of th nreclnltoua m, - reach of hounds and mn. Th whip', terrier, however, crept to thla fast ness, and for fully two mlnn... .... and dog Indicted iniiil.1, men! m ...k other. Th fog, crouching against th. wall of th rock, uffrd moat, and leaped out of the crag. Th terrier, following, missed It footing and fell iu reec, nut, alighting In deep enow,: eecaped aerinui Injury. Th fog waa afterward killed by members of tha bunting party. Warf ta Stop Cock Fight How to Clear tha thlin,.,,in.. -s th Increasing number nf eu-i ....' I a problem pusallng thoee who wlah ' io atop in aiwrt that I now flourish ing In many parta of th Island. ..... plan recently advanced la to Introduce counter sport to draw th internet of the louni renin the who bav InveitlgaUd lay that cock fighting la the, only form ot amuse roent In the rural comntunitiaa a iatazxmLBav&k! , , rm. . . that those who follow It do not do so for th aak of gambling so much ns ror tn aaaociatlon1 with oih.r , - and thus km cockpit la really the goumunitr ciuo. .