The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 27, 1928, Image 3

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Tht pictures, with
printed Instruction
Illustrate and describe;
briefly a system of hear
ing shucn that hits been
developed by the thou
ssnds of professional
eheurera of America and
ead Clockwse
Trill fdrtnra ftriAtra tif thm Ihaara
ls put thrfi.rp In position lif Itrurlnf
t lathi hind If thy raiain it had and moving
Lu iwt at ill further iHiik lo let brep art tie
down on in Id kit aide
In hearing the tight hind ef, timkrt
abuuM it art prat the Iwk bunc and
run ril out on kg,
A ihraring mnt inn towarda
UU, ttiekfrr If keep
down Aat on ttt km
aide and takra puer
lloo shown la
nrgt pit l Ufa.
An thlr fdrttire Ji'iw. the
Hen hu fa'lttaliy bwi
brought to a r-'ift 1 upright pai
Tn 9hrv ! h"nr annwn M It h
Ix-ina finlahed. Shearer. II he
wlahea, ran dtnp on in hit right
knee, but ilipi hn nhotikJ
la held over agulnat It
rlftnt aid, and In. i 'I kg kpt
tr eight by wiiini iiano in
(tank at hown. At men
tioned More, bind kg
f iiouid nrvr be puiifi out
I ir ilitrlnt. II (l it la
done i It ihf p III ainrt
lo kirk. With Ira hell
tr aigltt M el-own In
hi picture eheep
cannot yank 1- at
h k atimL cwuir
white iravie'
tloni In the direct In ft of
the ttrokee taken with the
hear are made by differ
ent 'hearers, the beginner
hould follow the Inatruc
tioni cletcly at poMible.
f"t Wfi tip nHr mi ! rmftp. lift low to tn" ttt re pa nooy.
irtp a beep ftrmjy between Kneeg.
Iieve pt'leatal ot the mamnc two
feet to natii ar.'t a IHtO para. He
(In at i"int of hritket, miking
ttrokra iJownwaM. In thlf poet-
tiof. n'Vrf allow hf p had
to inn Mrk ix-tween your kgf.
Ihp a right tore r , pulling
up w II, ut tame til iw tr
ine in with 1'ft knee, Thta
f ur v lifs p' i btf 1 y t o 11 1
In wiiii h poMLk m t tirre or
If.ur t'.rok- p ioulo ha
tun down frritn ur'lfr
lo flank. I iift
trokra open ft
ftartina; plnrr lof
trriki lUfUH
ttm avain at ) ' u'drr ti llnt ahftm
AmJpit tSirfi'a hmd i it ' down on ttt Mi aid.
vhu li curvr lit ikmv f(r-tcbinir tktn tiarht
lirtf alvarlna It in don. Mfaref ron
Imura lih air kf from nrtr tb ba k
ttrrtitnd a riiat iii 'ii fk. wlib thp In ihM
riltlnn nntnwnoliairmAWtl dfwnul t'rLot hind kf, Ailattctrokt
twini Riavt on ado tbrart abuuld ivat ac !' Load kttuig Us body
duwa oa atu.
tindrf your rlilit kn. kalBf trp luniKf
hark mi tta rum A. Rrmov Uly wool witk
air..k-i nrarlv ttraiaht around arfoaa iKlly. Hold
heaf kxwly in ih hand, with raf nd wll out
from ahe'D'i b"dy to bring polntt of romb-
Urth down on thfp'i skin, Mak" itrokft
farrfully, with comb cnttint full widU.
Bf turpi hilt ftn'H corauin- wwww
kin im r.k to rndrd, to ovrrr paw
tiw nrcnliy of rr.kin aFcooa
bHly until all tx-lly wool
la rr-movrd, wh"0 U
can b kiH 'pw
fair from nVeca
wool if dc-
and Iran It further havk rjB 1U ruinO
to tiir a lowft" of rltht hind ka. Kni4
Wii kit ffn lr uwif-r ann. Wi'h DaJra
at hnti tornla lvwt't right bird loot, ffrtV
a harxllt'l ot ia oivl w. na iron aii rjr
Kuril hind kg at flutk hint. thta
WwJ and akin with arm vH rlrfdt wrie
to lo-p srv-i't hind kit in xwtti'in for tfw-annc. tOvar 1W4 nlnf fw "'r
Hit tr ftraapint trw foot to pull It out tratahf. AH atrJuat US itenoa Um iaatda 01
li riflit lml kf houii be irotn tha loot in tnwarda the U'l. .
Wln tip-anni innd ot nilit hlnl k it Aairwl. mil tbwp OW a Httla na rlht mp
ad aiicf uwi4 U lei l aiud k wiUt Uu4ot Mt lwwa loot. l oamuLnm eruUMV onU
If A
At lAtt long nrL Ir I' n up bark rnding n-af
ff'.Tp't rieht af, Iwioi your nrht ItHt fotwrd cloaa
- tu tlwfp'i Imi k l veil WH ll r !.(ttllirf, lrvifi thwp
li t ft I en 2tiU- and wliinxit lilting tlirrp ntorr tha
1 laiae tt In ail, 1 hit i t un ffli"Wath fNJtuloti hav
ing tdurn turn aldt of tlrs-cp a l.rtd and rraly toahraf
rig lit tidt of tuck with trirt running down lo
In.ukVr. At titv tfik it L'iig thorn. mhv bulk
f't lui h. imt one, trtrtt i,r tirtr in anutl
air (at holdlliK tlHfp firmly .frn tritawl
- -
Now tht f rrp li finished, note tht un
broken) nk of wool and the imwtn
aipaar ct if the hcp. No nig.a.
to g.. Jtaa or eutt. By loir"
tor thu milod yuu wul
4twayi get tha beat
Kllhllf t iMUbrrnpldredouttMir bntulhc
rsfr-fj l.tiulkt-auailllira Iiwd It brhlinat n
fttatd by tm-r rrttlng lhtly on tta hip.
:msw th- :trrpa rigiit tiioulnpf rrattng
Cn yoiir M-it liHit and prrw lightly oa
tlar UiU with right knet. at tl
ttotr Mcti f; t lw tlwrpf brad duwn
aii jirlr tu t: floor, to put ahr-cp ia
laitioa ir titraiHig tiie irti oi tni
and oar or oatrokr bynl ba k
bonr with hmg atruk- thr wlo)e
ictigtk vf al.p' bsvJ auti iKviv
Hrtf th 'tfp la
In iKHUtif( tor r-
If g left ailr W,:h
right fottttill. a
ahrrp'i hind Ir yra p
abrru i kf t forr h
rftl'Ht forward Jwi-h
right loot twing thu mw i
around to the tight, t t ie
ante time laying ire " p
down almoat aouarrt - i iff
bark with Ut Irf t (ofrkt ta A
downagainat tta Itrad. Hi yoij
fhouldtt . kit arm and ru it U
iWWusg the ahrcp'a bdy . tirv 4
ftund Mt kg wtia h tight. ak.a
tf) tlwep't Mt tidcnukiiig it pil'W
totlirar tide with long atmLratr-nihp
tualifMiMrr. Abuui hHof thf i-i t:.q
ttuira In thu pot it ion tlicA
tMaylaiU IrS Budc Hi puaiUUfl a.
& M.
FlMta) Court ear af
The kg hi kept atraieht by preaaini la
flank the came at ft thown in picture No.
4. Now put ann-p in position (m th taring
puttidt of left bind kg y moving leof
b k to allow tlieep to be partly on ita
rigiit Me. In tint potltkinttrokracan b
run from kft hind foot in to flank. Aftrg
two or thrr of tlinw ttrokrg are tpkr-n.
end ir, gai ftank, alllatratrokotfhouli
run n on kg thru rurve down,
ending n r ba k bone abov
tail bate. Continue three
Uuirt until kft hind kf
AU Bill ajft r?t
nnrr) it arw BB pminon inr ofirat-
.! mi &n ann ia lurv.n vur a rw
si r,k.r nve o-n utmtt. r r mtt
Immi uM atraittiten 'ht-ri on It rump, at
uttw U'tsr uLurr tlPUt t(wrt ItPtwern ahcrn't W-ks luffl liirrD with Irot a lulla
air l tnr rtieli! rtras nitnt knrr hrmlv n
att' t nmkt-t brtwira fote lrc, Mt loot aaH
Sheftr left
hnuldrr and fore,
in ttu ptriurr.bhrar-
er baa not mov d ft
and only mvrd thtrp
by ttraiKhtcmrtg a ui in
to a link nKfe uiajucbt
prwition. All Btrokrt In
hearing ihouldt r thouid be
run towru back, but n4
entirely to ba k bone, rath
one ending wiirt cutub Uxlk
Wrl aiwu oa tkttu
Willi tle kit fura Irf and
houidrr th-wt.l. tlie ibrarer la
now rrady to put beep to potf
, t'un to fltcar kit aida atf aUvva
ia Uag ocu piaucca
i fkw kuw brtug )Kt in (runt of thrrp'a bark
b"-(t. WitU lelt OaiKl on tltfeo a taw aa ahuw
InrtM MWe; a Drtk aitnitM Mt LureaiM upro up Berk
wilti aifuke Irotn titiaart to aw and one or twn
b-t tiji at Or a ring ptwevaa to turn nrta aq
-i'lltd C4D Cuoiibuc uo u irfi ator of artery
k-ck At ktt ti le M Beck It atecanad, matiaoa
truant oa ui u tliaw aUt aw, tua d ium and.
of brL
graaiing kft
- aa tuput
Corri(t. W
- - lfcy
"""" naiiiiaiiaMaMaaaajsjaaasaaaaaiiaaiaailiaii,i in .iii.i. m i J4
Oris In of BaikirBall
In ISM a Iwlumr on p)chol.ty In
Viis tr.ilnliu scIkhiI of the Yotiii
m.'ii't ClirlKlInn Rnxoclutlun si I'lnln
Iflil. Jluss.. sptiiklii of (lie imnliil
trHtsiHa of Invention, pmiHWil the
rxiimple of a Riinit villi lis llmlluilons
mill niruliU's. The samp nliilil Jiimi's
NiilKtnlth. b iiHMiihor of Hie cliis.
wnrkrtl out I:;hI.cI bull u utl Weill
I.Siinic lo moot tlio hypollietloiil cshc.
nihil Iho noxt lii.v In the torture riMim
it wiiii put In prnrlli-e with the ultl of
-.iho nioinliors nf ttin fytnninllc cliis.
'hence It spreiul to oilier hianrhos of
flu- Young Mru's ClirlHllun nmwlnllon,
in 'd In two or throe )ors to other nth
let If el "I' n 'I to the sonoriil piihlic.
a .. . " '
.1 , if
Ths new socket-power receivers are
fait replacing the old type set. The
simple form of turning on' ths list lit
switch now supplies an Inexhaustible
source of uniform power. 1
One of the new and Improved
socket-power receivers recently an
nounced Is the Rsdlola No. 18. In
spesklni of It. Mr. J. L. Ray of the
Radio Corporation of America said,
"ft Is entirely self-contained aud ex
tremely compact, requires no bstter
lea or external radio power units, hut
plugs directly Into the nearest A C
electric light socket or outlet. With
simplified precision tuning, substan
tial volume and realism ot tons, and
finely balanced sensitivity and selec
tivity, this sew receiver has all the
baslo features to make It an outstand
ing luoessa.
"Ia addition, laboratory technicians
kavs further Improved selectivity so
Uu fharper unJf JwTfds ylth
Tht Corvallit fruit cannery
hu already used 200 torn of tun
Wt tell evrr.muiK tO write
with nd to write on,
-Bullird'i Phaimacy
the new receiver. An Improved foim
ot tuued radio-frequency circuit Is I
employed, comprising three alng-us of
radio-frequency amplification, (Men
tor, and two atagua of audlo-frerjuttni'y
"The operation has been Tedored
to the slmplfiet form. A power
switch turns tha set on and off. The '
current drain from tha electric lijitil
Una la no greater for the new receiver
than for the usual 60 watt lamp. Tun
ing Is accomplished entirely by one
knob, while an Indicator dial moves
past a window In the panel. The voh
uma Intensity is controlled by a lm-pie,-
volume control to meet the spe
cific tastes of the listener.
"This new receiver represents the
.latoat developments In the hroadesst
reception art, which maaa production
bss made available at a price well',
within tha reach ot tha avorirs-family."
1 ton Ford truck. Good c jJi.
tion. Price $150 00 Cull orwrit
T. C. Troge, lone, Oregon.
Fingerle$$ Familiti
J; TCie story ' J111" ,,ie firost eronl.
' vrsjulnmthor. when she wu young,
tnld a lie nlMiut sn apple, whereupon
her pa. I'm tliroiitenod her with a
on rue thvt her children Inter on would
lie horn with Reformed hnnils. Wheth
er It I , true or not, the fiimlly of
whom l lie story Is told have for four
tuonoriitloinf suffered from a curious
ilefiirniltv. Ten members liuve hnd
soim-tlilim wrong with their nutters,
some liavliic only two Joints limteud
of threo In some of the (liiKers, others
having im nng.r-nnlls, nnd one or two
lielim without fUiKers at all. London
Tit lilts.
Mult Long ImprUened
When hla mule dlnpieiirod, Pan
Parllng. pioneer farmer of Nixon,
Texas, alerted a farthing soareh for
htm. without ovall, oven putting out
nimtonrila with a reward for lit re
turn. Two woeke later, he huplonod
to cross a dry rook In the middle of
his pasture", and found the mule
wedged In between two bunks In such
-av that he could not get out, Oarl-
Imr nriM- iireil lieln. and roloawd the
nl.. whli-h had not suirerou iiiui n in
Silte of Ids long stay witnout roou or
water. Indianapolis r-ews.
t I
,,.'.."-5?'., '-LSI'
r. i 1 . - . -t4
J.- H
i. -SI
1 1 . i r
rvscaart ar'.lj3. -rw ---
ianic Teleohone
Control Room in New York City
j ft- .r . . t J
i i 't L' T" " . 4
ir-A ,
mi i iim i minium mi Imi '
Switchboard Operators atNew
Yorlvho runoie lransauan'
Ltic I
One of the !.os AiiKeles furniture
stores has a new davenport that they
csll "Cupid's Itetreat." It looks very
muoh lllie mom other davenports but
unwary bachelors are warned.
"Why do yod call It 'Cupid's Re
trent't" a visitor ventured to Inquire.
"The upholstery Is quite thin," ex
plained the salesman, "and by the end
of a year It Is sure to be worn through,
thereby displaying tha s!gn rjt'a
At the residence of Mrs. Ethel
Ritchie, Second Street, lone.
Experienced nursf; reasonable
rates. Call or address Mrs. Ethel
Ritchie, lone, Oregon.
Pyramid Built Eight
Thousand Years Ago
Perhaps the oldest monument In
America l Culcullco (MeetliiK I'lnee for
Singing and lunclng), n three-tier pyr
amid, which Is ouly half an hour hy
motor from Mexico City. I'mf. Byron
Cummlngs of the University of Art
conn recently undertook the excava
tion of this mound at the request of
Dr. Manuel Oamlo and with the assist
ance of Uis Mexican governqumt, IL