The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, July 27, 1928, Image 1

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    IfelW JOT
IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 27, 1928
Th eighth' International Antl
Crime Conference will be held at
BoUt,' Idaho, August 16-18. S.
C. Notion, District Attorney,
Hepppar. Oregon, who fa State
Vice-President of the Morthweht
ra Association of Sheriffa and
Police, li lending out apetlal In
vitation! to the iheriffa, district
attornejri and other law enforce
ment of flciala to atlend thia con
ference. All governort, iheriffa,
circuit Judges, district attorney!
may oi a and police ofiicera are en
titled to jnembeiihip In the con
fere nee.
The Noruhweit Association of
Sheriff! and Policed doing a con
structlve workincombatinKcrime
tT moans of theia antl crime con
ferences. Criminals are organ
lied to an alarming extent. Hence
the law enfordement officials
muat organize and co operate to
nollulHti and othern exnerlenc d
In dealing with law l'i takers wil
appear upon Mm Bolne pro, ram.
The citizen! of Boise are making
preparation! to entertain tbe del
efliteg royally,
.Mrs. John Ritchie Dies
LyJia Virginia Ball wsa born
was born April 26tb. 1809 In Iht
state of Vlrglniaand passed aw ay
fuly 2Gth,1928, at her borne in
lone at the age of 59 years and
3 months,
Id 1892 she was married to
John Henderson Ritchie, To this
union were born four aona and
five daughters.
She leaves to mourn her log?,
three aons, four daughter!, three
sons- In law and five grand chil
The funeral was held Friday
a. m. from the home, He v. V VV
Head conducting the religious
service in the presence of a large
number of relatives and friends.
Interment was made in the Odd
Fellows Cemetery at lone.
It is reported that drilling has
(begun for the purpose of deter
extent. The Northwest' inlno, th(, txtntof PnBi bg(li i-
Assoclation is becoming the clear, the John I)iy valley
Ing house for state, provincial "
and local organization of seven; rUKoALb
States, three British provinces VValnut player piano, bench,
i cabinet, high clana rollu.Lxcellent
and Alaska. '
Eminent jurists expert crimi
condition; a bargain. Callor write
Mr. Glenn Burroughs, lone, 0 e.
fn i.'JFli 'r f If
Jt Home With a Kodak
Little every-day incidents around your home make
delightful subjects for Kodak pictures that you'll
treasure in years to come.
You can get a Kodak at this store for as little as
f 5 stop in and sec the line. ,
Have us do your photo finishing
"The Kodak Store"
and SEE
Our new line of made to measure t
f Suits. Any two piece suit in the whole
line, $22.75
tieadquarte for Groceries and
General Merchandise
"We Try To Please"
I Bristow & Johnson
Local Happenings'
Mrs. Deos of Heppner Junction
was Id lone Wednesday evening
and Thursbay. She came to at
tend the turkey growers' meeting
scheduled for Thursday evening.
We do everything reasonable
and honest to retain our cutom
ere. -Bullare's Pharmacy.
Juiiui Fischer, of La Grande
Fanl TroedBoi place near Mor-
Why not step in and examine
Bristow & Johnson's line of suit
ings. You will find a wide range
in patterns and fabrics and pri
ces surprisingly low.
S. M.' Warfield will represent
the Interior Warehouse Company
at Lexington this season. The
lliusiness will be handled through
was a business visitor In lone on i tor,e 0f f ioe of he Balfour -Guth
Thursday. Mr. Fischer owns the I rie Co.. L. Balsiger agent.
, r.i.r.i i Kit. i i i ' t
t - - - - . t
A - - r r i TV. J
x rioneer oi social rrogress.
"The electrical industry
has been a pioneer in thel
I field of customer ownership.
This has been to bring a
bout a widespread distrilm
X lion of the ownership of tht
.... , .,
securities vj me utilities a-
t mong the customers and us-
X ers in the comuniiies servedr
lan of Northwestern Univ. School of
Commerce, J
I'naafled In the production and distri t
but ion of a service which exemplifies
all that is progressive in modern living,
it natural that electric light and;
power companies should be the pio
necrsinthe movement lor customer
1 he Electric litfht and power industry
by its u-iry nature is more intimately re
bkJto.the activities of individual mem
bers ofllie community than any other.
1)4 "rr.wlh hn rienended on the flener-
al use of electrical facilities based on
the lowest bossible cost.
.To meet the growing demands for
service, the economies of large scale
I This movement is young,,u Auction have been applied calling
X but already it is is evident
t that it is one of importance.
is important not only oj
t a method of financing but
it possesses far reaching tig
nificanct economically, po-
li tu ally and socially.
ing for a new capitalexpendiiture of
v st a billion dollars a year. With
ea-.-unjjs limited by public regulation,;
nul !lc cdnfidence in the Jntegi ity and ;
ieff: :icncy of electric light and power ;
alone has madepossible t hese huge sums
' he ef'kitnt operation of American ;
electric utilities has always been an out
sta.iJing example of good management J
am' individual initiative, and so there !
are more than three million individual ;
investors who have expressed their con-:
fidt nee by purchase of power company !
1 lies investors as well as the 70,00(
000 who live in wired homes, depeni ;
upon the miintenince of the America:
pri.iciple of inJivi jual initiative to pre
tect their interests.
Pacific Power & Light Co.
Mr. P. C. Peterson had themis !) hVC MVCM TIIRKFY
fortune have hmcomhinetipoveri1UAnU WUUW
one day this week. The accurr.d j GROWERS ASSOCIATION
in crossing a ditch on a steep hill
side, No one wan injured and the
(J am mage not greater than the
loi (of time in righting the ma
chine. C. C. Hutchcroft and Sam Con
nett have had their fire losses
adjusted and xre both highly
pleasec with the settlement made.
The popcie were? issued by the
Agricultural Insurance Company
of watertown. New York through
the local agent, Mr. It. E. Ilarhi
Hon. Hutchcrofl's loss included
119 acres of standing grain andj
270 sacks of grain scorched in J
the field. Adjustment was made!
by T.C. Shankland. ' j
Mr. Pete C. Krutzen of the j
Federal Land Bank, Spokane, is
registered at the Hotel lone. He
ihire conpleiing the transfer,
of the ownership of the Thomas ;
ranch to Mr. Crsbtree.
We wish to thank our neigh
bors for their kindnes in the ill
ness and death of our mother.
Their sympathy as expressed in
word, in deed and in floral beau
y will never be forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Troge. Mr.
and Mrs. P. E. Lovell. Mr. and
M'B. II. K. Allhtott, Ona, Lonnie
Wayland and Irvin Ritchie.
near lone must sell immediately.
$10 a month. A rare bargain.
Write Tallman Piano store, Sa
em. O'epon. lor ra-ticula8."
In 1023 a group of farm women,
14 in number, who were disatis.
fied with the pricts they were r
ceiving, effected the organiza
tion ti nt Its since grown into
the M-h- Origon Turkey Grow
ers , (i:r"i'Mn with a member
shi ; I.'. . und shipping in the
last market season 70 cars of
dress ' n k ey s neting the grow
ers a quarter of a million dollars
cash in hand at the time of celiv
ery at the car side.
The grow th in mewbershipand
territory served has ten steady.
In, the second year the member
ship increased to 400 and tiieter
itory now served includes south
ern and central Idaho and the
eastern counties of Oregon.
The overhead ot the Aassocia
tion is covered bv an annual mem
bprship fee of one dollar and the
payment to the association of a
half a cent a pound by the buyer.
The grower delivers his turkeys
to the car side at the designated
p int of assembly, sees them
weighed and graded aVid receives
a check for the full amount of
tl.e purchase price. There is no
waiting for returns on the final
lisposition of the bircs in a dist
ant market. When the grower
Continued on Yg t
HI VCHH U.41T OCT. 31,
or!vDTmiPl Lowfaresallpartsofmid.
oMAitt 7i.ii west, south and east.
KANSAS CITY.... jr:,,. fie trnin
dk MoiniLS..... sti.ha lne d!,t trains.
cMirKos;r".M.'." . LihzzluZT"
DFTNI1IT . Hm.?3 fTW
ClKllNoTI I09.51 !
1 1 VI I AND 112.17 Zloa National Park
TDUOM O 117. ill .
f Al I ANT A i .. l?0.r.O '
RockjrMauntilnNat'l Ph.
lyi-ltf vnuM 131. fll Far Illuatmnl Banklet. Rnrrva-
BOTON 1477 tioat and !uforinntunt ailUrM
Agmt Mined bciuw.
l ' - l WASHI'MI.TO.N Ht.17
ITY i rillLAOl I PUIA 11H.4J
Jos. Howk,
lone, Ori'goli..
T iin a
uri I
jl v ncn yuu uuyj
Kjyou get the
: OST ,
h.1 for your
Board and Room
By the day, week or
month. Transient meals.
Home cookir. u;rvccl!e1
service and the nce.
Second St., lone, one block
from house.
Mrs. John Grimes
For style, price and quality try
Star Brand Shoes. Bristow nnd
Johnson, ; ,
Cheney '
The new Cheney Weeder
will get the weeds artci put a
mulch on the ground and
Rotary Rod
help hold down land blows
as well as work well on stub-
ble plowing. Get your or
ders in early as they are go
ing Tast
. j: ";.- a tt m t: a a a a a a a 5jja4
We Pay the top
Market Price for
Butter Fat
t1a W. T
ana we neea ailtne jno. l cream pro-1
duccd in Morrow County. Ship your i
next can to the Morrow Co. Cm'ry Co., J
Wp nrp ntfpnR for Dp I. nvnlle t
Cream Separator.
VV. C. Cox, Mgr.