) THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by X VV. HEAD, Editor Publisher SUBSCKll'llON One Yeir $i.?0 mx Month . . hrce Months ,M Kntered a second cla-; matter a' 'he pnstoftice at lone, Oregon, und-' not of March J. 1879 Friday, July 20. 1928. k-.ow no way of judging the fulare but by the part. "atrick livnrv MAY FORECASTS NOVEMBER Reading of the revolt of the embattled farmers against one Herbert Hoover, we were moved to ask what is the attitude of the farmer in Morrow county, Oregon; for be it known, we alifarmin Morrow. We either cultivate the soil or till the farmer. To find the answer we turned to the official returns ot the last primary election. There we read: total presidential pref , ertrtce vote cast in the republican primary, May, 1928, 597. For Ex-Gov. Lowden, fearless champion of the down trodden farmer, the tfrand tnfal nf 9. For Herbert Hnnver nnlv. ... ,m, ... . rest, to-wit: 588. It is said that owe hrfnro anil if m.iv rs th.lt snauow oi tne ovetwneiming that are to be Herbert Hoover To win the election in (Jrexor. I and the uutioi, the democrats must find the votes in republican territory. Local issues should not be for goten in the excitement of tin nttional election. InNovemberwe vote for president and at h same time and place we choosi local officers. For us perhaps th. ? nfnUTTllT LL i bssjiktt; TURKEY MEET fonti'miro nXim Pg. I Oregon agricultural staff will lie present and will diacusa mat age ment and eanitation h' M. Smith will talk on the rnihotd tariffs and loading in tranit. Dont forget that Cole Smith writes both hail and liie insur ance on grain. Belter get cov ered now and protect yourself." Tilamook dairy herds averaged 7900 pounds of milk last year. '. coming events cast their shad IriPCA tirtiiroe nro tha f,rct -:., 1 , l popular ana electoral mrjoritiis' s at the polls in November. loci I may be the more vital ism , A few more trees were n!nt in lone streets'this spring; very one of them a prophecy of com fort ant beauty. Walter Pierce declares for Al Smith and this, we take if. is m the nature of a pre bal ot an nouncment df the election of H. li. Butler to Congress. s vj yp -a Studcbaker has added new beauty to its champion cars to match their proved speed and stamina. Four great lines of cars modern to the moment! New slender radiators, flat-capped and winged handsome winged headlamps, all in chromium. Jaunty Studcbaker "polo cap" visor. Delightful new color schemes. a Newluxury! Deep lounge upholstery; hydraulic shock absorbers. Studc kakcr's exclusive ball-bearing shackles introduce the greatest improvement in riding comfort since the balloon tire. Squeaks, The new l'restdenl-$ IGSS-rt ml it's an MJiffhl! Independent Garrag'e, lone, Ore.. (Morgan Items Con'td ) Hutchcroft'a. It burnt over one field that had been harvested and over nil his standing! grain except a 'ew small patches. i The building were a'l saved as was a'so his new combine which was hauled into the summe tallow. borne imu ance was carried and some of tha sacked gr in had beenhauled to the warehouse. See J. E. Swanson for all kinds of insurance. Sam Cornet was kicked on th ankle by a horse last Saturr!. y and almost laid up for a day o. so. Mrs. Opal Christophercon an ons Dickie and Wayne,' accom panied by Mrs. Ada Christophr son and two sons called at th Willow (Jies.lt J'oultry Farm o Tuesday afternoon, Too Crotdy for Maplo Sap At Manchester. N. It., the desire for maple alrup haa cmsril oiue cltl sen to ti-' maiy of !ie ;w,;H)rt muni cipal ni'nle trees seattered about the city- FH'" of 'hear r is to piii np the h.des froiu whuh the siip hiis r.n draws n cnusi-v in tree. t die. I Offlclala of (tie parka and pluj rniuiuu commission promise prosecution f-r ny one who is caught carrying out tills unauthorised program, was discovered with l.V holea In It and the tree will have to be cut down ,, . . iicnorls ot tne country s.lcsl statisticians. Crtin ramie jne latest perpetration is a saxophone rommjr Malloy, the demon tllm eitl 'lii "K." We don't know wh.it that tor la devoted to the Tlolln In his' means tnt it is reported to mean "S.ixo. leisure hours. The other day he . , " ' '' j marked that he had to gel a new, bridge for Ills fiddle. "What the deuce do they havo jut, otie more, )ioi,,i,ui rccotdi will brldgea on violins forT Edille Merer, tell. here from India to study the clnemut,: According to the latest L'nilcJ Stale wauted to know ! census, the? .ixolione f.imilv, fron. "Oh. lust to pit A. tnosle arrow." smallest to largest, comi.ts of ll.e l. vu, j""' ikiwmg: t llut soprano, C soprano, b H i, replied Tommy.-Loa Angelea .Iwea. 'yJ)f(Wg j, 6 world of style and bower Heaven Help Us! Another Saxophone Has Been Bora! Not content with spring home clean' Inc. presidential cumiui.:.!.. senate ill' vesications and nine saxophones, the hates have thrust upon ut another saxo phone, rmikinir ten. We in it received One treejti,;. I,..! nrul irom iU, Conn Music Center, Elkhart, Indiana. 1 hut will increase the suffering of the putlic ten cr cent, according to the ,. illlfl,. nn.;, ,. . phones are nude, we gur we can stand rattles and adjustments eliminated; inspection only at 20,000-mile inter vals, when lubricant may be added if required. Super-brakes that act like a hand of steel in a velvet glove. The mode of tomorrow Studc baker's 76-year tradition of integrity proved performance all at One Profit prices! The Prchidcnt Eight . $1685 to The Commander . . 1135 to The Dictator .... ,1185 to The Krskine . . . . . 835 to All prices f. o. b. factory P nieno-soprsno. E flat alto, C melody, U Hat tenor, K flat Urilone and Ji flat lass. Count 'Em and Weep Count 'em, aentlemen. Count Vtit and wei p. Ten of 'cm, now. hat makes it worse is th.it tl. n?v nietio-iopiano in F it to I UuJ instrument. You know what that means. Kememlier when you used to sing in the choir? Everybody wanted to ling Ilia smId parts. It wasn't so tad when must .,f the choir was set to work siiisriiig alto, taritone or last, but when they bioke forth into the lead it was IcrnUc. With the resourcefulness of the Span i h Inquisition, the makers if this in sirumcnt have doped out a new driign which is diltercnt from all the ret, h !.ks the same tut it sounds different. We're not interested. It can't Sound igr, Ua ItuUs, 4t $2185 1665 1395 1045 WINTERTIME RADIO RESULTS OBTAINED DURINGSUMMERTIME No Longer It Thore a Dividing Line Botween One Season and the Next In tho Pursuit of Radio Happiness.' y OR, ALFRED N. OOLOtMITH Chief Broadoaat Inglnser, R.C.A. Radio, unlike canned goods, baa no winter or summer season. Thar art) fresh vegatablea the year round la tha radio garden, so that It la hardly necessary to har vest and can our radio eujuyment during a (aw months for una In what might he a leaa fortunate a.a ion. If we mentioned wintertime nr sum mertime phono graphic music, we might be laughed at, because the A. N. O.lsimlth phnnngraphlo presentation has coma to be accepted aa a permanent, un changing, Immune form of entertain Burnt, rvatljr to sorve h mid winter or mid summer alike. Aud bjf the same token, when radio programa and radio services ara maintained from one end of tha year to tha other at the same high levels of eirellence, with little difference to In dicate the paaalng aeaaona, It beeomee decidedly out of order to apeak of seasonable radio. Today tha algnal strength of any Artl-claaa broadcasting station wltlilu Ita service range la mora than ample to ride blgh above tha normal sum mertlwe alalia level. Indeed, It la only when the radio enthusiast Insists on golug In search of DX or long dis tance algnala that the sialic level be comes troublesome, since bs baa plunged below It, Important Considerations Ot course tba elements ot good re ception should perhaps be mora closa ly observed la summer than In winter. Among tba mora Important eonaldersv tlona are: t Selecting the algnala from a sta tion ot adequate power, located not too far distant. It la well that tbo atatlon bare a repuatlon tor careful maintenance, and be quite free from tha criticisms ot poor transmitter op eration, bapbatard monlio ,ug, vary ing power, aerloua fading. ave length wobble, and other algna ol noor broad easting. Fading, It goee without say ing, la usually a condition beyond tha control of the broadcaster, and may Just aa well be charged op to tba lo cation ot tha listener. 1. Selecting blgh quality programa, and especially fonturee wltb lutnclsnl "body" to cover up such ststlo back ground aa may exist even with high algnal level. It la well to nota that signal level la on thing, and souad level la another. Thua a dance orches tra or concert band la a bettor feature In combatting atatlo Interference than a airing trio or a violin solo. I. It la well to be content wltb reasonable volume. While It la true that tba volume control of tha radio aet Increases or decreases everything lasulng from the loudspeaker static aa well aa signal proportionately. It la a nuttier of how much background nolae may be present before the lis tener becomes fully, conscious and even Irritated by Ita preaence. By be ing aatlallnd with reasonable volume during tha days of blgh atatlc, we may reduce tha background nolae to a mini mum. The power of transmitters la not reduced during tha summer montha. Hence In most localities there la am ple elgual strength from leading sta tions to ride well above the usual summer atatlc, wltb lbs exception of the occasional thuuduritorm In tha Immediate nulghboihood. Yet who expecta Ideai radio conditions every night? Try driving your automdblle through a thunderatorm at night, with tba danllng flaabea of lightning, tha torrential downpour ot rain, with tba Ignition system In difficulties due to moisture, aud other troubles! Still, we do not speak of summertime auto mobile handicaps. We ara willing to forego motoring during tha occasional storm ot winter or summer. Quality Programa Programs ara maintained at tha highest standards, although In keep ing with seaaonahle moods and ao tlvltloa of outdoor weather, they may ba pleasantly different from tbosa of Indoor weather. Tha skilled program director, In fact, paya close attention to tha demands ot bis summertime audience. Aa to tha radio listener, there la Just as much reason to listen In dur ing tha sumn.er aa during tha wluter. Music, enlightenment, contact with tha world, tha thrill of sporting avents, participation In history In tba making, and othor program features form a rich mental background tor our summer life. If anything, radio may truly be en Joyed to better advantage amid tha outdoor setting made possible In warm weather. Tba acoustics ara frequently better when windows can ba thrown open. Radio la at Its best outdoors, on tha porch or aven oa tha lawn. Indeod, too little attention hag been paid to tha ataga setting tor tba radio presentation, and summer time offers ua many aa opportunity Is thla, direction. ., ' IN "TP t if -) r