Morgan Items M.8. Pat Medlock.and daush- terg, iiiaays ana Lame, visited with Mrs. N day evening. Pettyjohn, Satu. Noel Streeier and Roy D;ar dorf called in Morgan Thursday. Mrs. Harbison has employed Ervin Medluck to care for her cow during the rush season at the warehouse. G. C. Hulchcrofl and family left for the valley last Saturday. Mrs. Pierotte cam from Poi t land by stage on Sucday last. She is visitinK her daughter, M s. Gladys Ely. Charlie Christopherson wts a bnjiness visitor in Morgan Sun day evening. W. Kuban Its has oened a grain office in the bui.ding next door ; to Judge Robinson's law oifice, tot Main street, lone. C. G. Hutchcroft had the mis fortune to have his grainfields Citch fire Monday afternoon. The fire is thouuht to have started from t car which stopped in an a -i joining field, lis gas tank was leaking and when it atarted ia spark from the exhaust set fire j to the gai on the ground. The fire jumped this field to Mr, Continued on Vg 4 VOTICB Or BOKO SALE. NOTIOK IS HKHKBV GIVEN that the undcrtlKnsd will rciv sealed bld until 3:iU o'rluck P. M . th lltii ituy ot August. 1STJ8, and Immediately (hereafter th bids received will bs publicly opened by the County Court lit IK County Court Room In tm Ciu.t Huuse lu Heppner. Oregon, (or tl purchase of mn tssu of bonds of Mor row County, for the construction of permanent roads therein In the tun of On hundred thousand dollari tluu.O0u said bonds to b In denominations of Oi, thousand dollars itlduu) each, numbered 1 to luu Inclusive, to bear date of Aua-ust 1. 19JK. and to mature serially In numerical order at the rat of Kive thousand dollars (Hull) on llio fir: t day of Auk utt m each of tiie Tcaj s 19.14 to 1S6J Inclurivs. said bonds to bear Interest at the rat of not to ex ceed Are per cent (5 per cent) per an nvtx payable semiannually on the Brat days of February and August principal and Interest payable In United State gold coin at the office of the County Treasurer In Heppner. Oregon, or at the Final Agency of the Stat of Ore gon In New York City. All bonds will be issued bearing th same rate of Interest and no bid will be considered which doe not conform to tins requirement All bids must be unconditional and ir'P"' r certified check for $S 000.00. The Court reserves tht right to reject any and all bids. Th approving legal opinion of Teal. Wlnfree. McCulloch and Bhuler will be furnished tht successful bidder. tSAL GAT M. ANDERSON, County Clerk. Heppner. Oregon. We sell everything to write with and to write on. Ballard '' Pharmacy See Dr. Clarke, the Eyesigh Specialise about jour eyf. II will beat the lone Hotel all da. and evening, Saturday, July 21. KERR,GIFFORD&Co. Will be represented in the lone territory by GEORGE N. ELY Manag'er, Jordan Elevator uonc iorget we're in the market this season. : . I It wiil pay you to Farmers' and see Cole Smith J. C. Sanford & Son X4WiH STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to sell your wheat. MORKOW COUNTY AT QREGON STATE COLLEGE The annual report of the regis trar, E. B. Lemon, shows that out of a total enrollment ol 2818 long term students at Oregon State Agricultural college in the school year 1927 -23. Morrow Co. was represented by 2o. Total en rollment for the year, including the 1927 summer session and var ious shott courses reached 5311 as compared with C087 the previ ous year. Every county in the state as well as 25 othvr states were represented in the total. Students were also in Corvallis ftom five foeign ccuntrie; China India, Canada liushssia and Ko rea, and from Alaska, The I'hil ipines, Hawaii and the District of Colnrabia. The UttBt report for this year's summer setbion shows students fio n all but four counties of Oregon and from 19 other states. Total registration is 1385 including special atd jun.or session students and 707 regular adult students. Of the la . , 3 are from Morrow County. ! They were very much In love with ch other, and the young girl hal but recently accepted an engnjement rlnj from her sweetheart AlthouKD everything wm perfectly planned for their future, the young man was Inquisitive to the point of folly. Tell me, dear," he pleaded, "luive you ever heeu kissed before?" The girl blushed. She did not know what to nay for the best "Well, ye es: only twice," she cnr fesped reluctantly. "What?" he ahrlcked. "Who by!" "Pon'l be ridiculous, dear," returned the girl. "It was only the church choir and the baseball club." NOTICE TO CREDITORS OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been, ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, Administra tor of the estate of Paul Riet msnn, deceased. All persons hav ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, with proper vouch era attached, to the undersigned at the law office of F. II Robin son, at lone, Oregon, within six months of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time this sixth day of July. 1928. Otto Rietroann Administrator of the estate of Paul Rietmann, deceased. drop in at the ! Elpvafnr ! as he is buying for! see him before you J 444444444444. Church New Notes of Interest to All LocJ Denominations. The Christian tndeavor meet mg Lexmgton lust Sunday even ing wab attended by a small del gation irom the Heppner C. E. Society. The program ol the even ing was most pleasantly varied from the usual routine by a vo cal solo rendered by Laurel Beach with John Condor as accompanist and by a brief report on the last Willow Branch Union meeting, Rev. Thos J. Brady, pastor of St Patrick's Church, Heppner, Announces that there will be a first mass in Heppner on August 19 at 8:30 at which all children and bab.ts vvi.i be solemnly bless ed and dedicated lo God. Parents kindly take notice. Congregationalists are looking forward to the convocation of a Pacific Coast congress of religion at Portland ee ly in Siptember. Ccakrrsof national prominence in all fie'Js of the scivitiesof the church will be in attendance .nd a'arge attendance of ihe lai ty of the Pacific slope states is npil for. Church Directory FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting, Thur., 7:30P. M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45. P. M. Prayer Meeting. Wed.. ?:30 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening Services C. E.:6:30; Preaching Service, at 7:30 P. M. WILLOW BRANCH UNION C. E. SOCIETY Pres. V. Pres. Sec. Treas. Thelma Forbes John Condor Mary Slocum Edw. Keller Next meeting, Heppner Oregon. at Lodge Directory IO.NE LOIHJK No. 120. A. K. AA. M. JleeU eery firat mid third Wedw. bay of each mouth. W. si. Koy Kten-d.-r, Secy., Elmer (Jrltfltb, Trv.. A. A. M: I'nlw. LrfMMWt rli8iter No. 119. O. K. MeeU theaecoml nnil fourth Tm duy of eHeh month. W. M , Mrs. Unr tha l)lc. Secy., Huth Mason. 10XE LOtMJi: No. 135, I. O. O. V. jMeetj every Mnttiriliij ereiilng. N. ,U. T. E. reterxou. V. G , E. C. Id . Iker, Hecy., Lee II nvell, Trei., K .1. j Hrlxtow. ' llfNCH nilASS KKI1KKA II No. Q. l. O. (). V. M et., first mill lliinl jThtirHtliiy olem li month. N, J. iiro., IMIu McCtinlv. V U. UlHilyt Liimlel. Secy., Venlit Kit. hie, Tjciik., Klta llrlstuw. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is he -;by given thatlhe undersigned vt been appointed by the County Court of the State Of Oregon, for Morrow County, executrix of ihe last will and tes tament Jeni.i- Nolan, deceased. All persons hbvingclaimsagainsl the estate of Jennie Nolan, de ceased, are hereby notified to present the same duly verified as required by law, with proper vouchers attat htd to the urder sigred at the thu law office of F. H. Robinson, at lone, Oregon, within six moot ha of the date of the first public t ion of this notice, the same being dated and pub lished the firs', lime, Jul) 6, 1928 Bessie Everson, Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Jennie Nolan, de ceased, PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR.E. E. BAIRD 'Dentist" Office in Fair Building Open Sundays and evening by appointment. Phone M 1012, 1 leppner Ore. "C. J. WALKER". Lawyer CO. Notary Public. Odd fWowi Huilding Heppner, Oretfon JACK FERRIS : Dermatician : It. pays to look well: "Specialist in Bobs" C.L.SWEEK ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National Bank Bldg. Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Heppner Eat At The "Eikhorn Restaurant" Cood Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, M.D. Physician And Surgeon Oflice In Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner, Qregon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician & Surgeon riione-Offlee Iteoliti'itre Mulii m Main 4i)2 Heppner - Oregon lonr, Tuadnri and Fridnri From B Ooto K).(H) A. M. F. H.- ROBINSON Attorney & Counselor At Law V III I'rnctlce In All The Court 10NE OREGON . Morrow General HOSPITAL MImi Zenn W'estfiill. Griicliinte Ntir', Siiperlt.U'iilMMit. A. II. Joiinston M. D. I'lijsli lun la (linrge. It A TEH HI'.AM()NAItI,r, Dr. F. E. Farrier Dentist Office; Odd Fellows Bld'g. Heppner. Oregon J. 0. PETERSON IXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. 4 lone Independent JOB PRINT tl . HUDSON-ESSEX - SUPER-SIX Paul C. Balsitfer, Acnt. At PaulG. Balsiger's Louis Balsiger handdlea all lines of insurance. Are yon In lured? After the fire Is too late Before contracting or jj selling your wheat it will ; pay you to see L. Balsiger jj representing B. G. and Co. j lone, Oregon W - sVAAsVA,lsssVAAAAsXAXAAs.XAsl . & .sAs.. Variety One thilisl about this be made up when you X choice meats Is just one another. Yes, even if you don't see what you have your taste set for Just speak up, No doubt that particular cnt is In our refrigerator. , lone Meat Market, T. E. Peterson Appartinents For Rent Electrically lighted, Water connec- tion, Rent reasonable :-: Inquire Independent Oflice :-: "IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting In a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor j& n Hotel 8? 8 cater to the . s. . t wish first class ry tl til ueoree Kitcnie, rrop. u 9- n (i - '-.'''..-''.- 1 Xt'MttWitm?AM'nf XS?tl:ttifMJtt,'Xlit'MJtiXi ttUO-ti1: t BUY YOUR COAL FROM COLE I YOU n ALWAYS FIND THE I VERY BEST AT. THE I FARMERS ELEVATOR Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon 4m'mmm 4 4m4tmmmm In Fine Meats:-:-:; marker . vntir mlml nppit'nt '. come In. Our layout ot t delightfull suancstlon after mmmmmmmf. lone patronage ot those who accommodations. i i" m m WOOD AND