VOLUME XVII IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, July 20, 1928 NUMBER 8 IONE HIGH SCHOOL COACH AT COWALUS THOS. DAVIDSON TAKES COACHING COURSE Orpoon State College, Corvatlta. July 19 Spe.l Thoi. J. Davidson, hiuh school coach at lone, was enrolled in the Rockne-Schlnler courie In foot ball given at the Oregon State College summer session this year. County, Ore,, within six months Davidson 1st graduateof Oregon of the dtite of the first publica State. tion of this notice, the lame be Toll the fourth year Kockne nK dated and publiuhed the first has given hli course In football t,me June John II. Cochran, NOTICE TO CKEDITOKS i Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon, administrator of the estate of Archie U. Cochran, de ceased. All persons having claims awalnstaald estate are hereby no tilled to to present the ssme duly verified as required by la, with proper vouchers attached to the undersigned at the oflice of F. II. Itobinaon, at lone, Morrow hart, more than 100 coaches were enrolled The total registration la 131)8, 15 per cent Increase ove last year. Kockne will be back for the 1929 lummersea ion. Kockne and Schissler are glv Ing similar course at Hastings college, Neb., prior to Kockne's Bailing for Europe to conduct an Olympic games tour. Administrator of the Estate of Archie B. Cochran, deceased. See F. II. Kol-lnson for all kinds of in sura nee, Autombile Grain, or Combine Harvester. MATERNITY HOME At the residence of Mrs. Ethel Ritchie, Second Street, lone. Experienced nurse; reasonable Dr. Clarke of the Clarke Op Il eal Co., 360 A Alder Street,' Portland. Ore., EYESIGHT Si'E rates. Call or address Mrs. Ethel CIALISTS. will be in Jone, all Kitchie, lone. Oregon, day and evening, Saturday. July 21. at the lone Hotel. See him a 1 UK bALL bout your eyea 1 ton Ford truck. Goud condi- See Louis Balalger for fnsur- tion. Price $150.00 Call or write nee. T. C. Troge, lone, Oregon. ? Kodak Pictures of Livestock Kodak pictures of livestock are valuable sell ing aids for you besides, they'll be mighty interesting for you to look over in the years to come. And livestock photography is but one of the many uses to which a Kodak may be put on the farm. We'll be glad to show you the latest Kodak models and how easily they work stop in on your next trip to town. Autopuphic Kodaks are as low as $j BULLARD'S PHARMACY "The Kodak Store" 4 COME in and SEE :: Our new line of made to measure : : Suits. Any two piece suit in the whole $22.75 t Headquarte for Groceries and Ueneral Merchandise "We Try To Please" i;Bristow & Johnson T.rw.1 Roy Llenallan had a visit from thieves Monday right. They took the magneto from his combine which was standin In a field on the John McOevitt ranch. The thieve carefully brushed out their tracks and left no trace. Mis. II. A- Werst and children of Silcott, Washington are the guests of Mrs. Wersta mother, Mrs Emily McMurray. S. M. Warfield will represent the Interior Warehouse Company at Lexington this season. The business will be handled through lone office of the Balfour -Guth rie Co., L, Balsiger agent Prof. C. J. Mcintosh of the State College Extension Def art ment visited the lone Indep- nd ent on Monday of this week in the interest of courses of study for correspondents. Pyramid Built Eight Thomand Yean A 30 t'rhii the oldeat monument In America la-CulrulIro (Meeting I'lacv for Singing mil Kanclng), three tier yr- mid, which only half an hou by motor from Mexico City. I'rnf. Broii Cummlngi of the fnlreralty of Art sona recently undertook the excava tion of thla mound at the requeM of tr. Manuel Oamlo and with the a Nt Be of (ha Mexican gorerninenL The TO HOLDERS OF Third Liberty Loan Bonds Tht Tmiorr offara a ne ili p.r.c.nt. II 1$ yaar Ttaatury bond In aachanga lot Third Liberty Loan Bonda. Tha naw bonda will beat Inl.r.it from Jaf 16, 92l. Intwaat an Third tlbarty"" Loan Bonda aurr.nd.r.d for nchanga will ba paid In full to Btpumbw 15, Mi. Hold.ta ahould conault thai, feanka at onca for further da. taila of thia oflaring. Thud Liberty Loan Bonds mature on September 15, 1928, and will cease to bear interest on that date. A. W. MELLON, Secretary of tha Treaaory Waahlnglon, July S, 192. Mrs, Rietmann and Miss Kern Engelmsn left, Monday for Port land where Mrs Kietmann will have dental work done. StrauHs & Co. have openrd an of f flee in the builu'lng just below the law office of F. 11. Itobinson; Mrs.' Elmer Griffith is enjoy Ing a visit from her sinter, Mrs. H. Cunningham and her niece, Miss Winnifred Turner. Mrs. Cunningham is district deputy for the Royal Neighbors of Ainer lies in northern Idaho. She is on her way from Post Falls Idaho to Raymond, Wash. Mis Turner has been Home Economics in structor in the Lcwiston high school for the past three years See Swanson for insurance. : Mr. W. Kennedy, represetative of the North Western National Bank registered at the lone Ho tel this week. Homer Mankin had the misfor tune to have his arm broken aa be was cranking the engine of a combine. The accident occurred at the E l Engelman place at half past two this Friday afternoon. Both bones of the right fore arm were broken. . Walton Young, whose home is in California, zs visiting with his brother, F, A. Young om Goose berry. Miss Gwendolyn Joneu of Port land ia visiting her sister, Mrs. E. J. Blake. Mrs. Alex Thompson left Pun day morning for a two we ks stay in Portland anifGresham. Mary Katherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake, who his been ill for some time, is at Trying to Help lira. Blank returned home onenftr noon after cotuulllng i phyalrliin v.Uh Hi announcement Hint alia had li.vn mlvlHed to reduce the amount ot c-ir-Itohydnitea In tier diet. A few hour luter the fumlly aaaemlileo for dinx-r prepared by the eook, whan all nt m.-e Mr. Wank looked up to ace Munly lifting aome of the vegplublea off lite Inhle. "Why, Muncty, hut'a the tmiit-'t. tVo't we gt anything to em?" an::te ona asked tha cook. "No. aire, yon don't pet thl. Ifa gol loo ninny hydropholilua In It," :ie unvucri-d nuicklr. 1 EFFECTrVI MAT sa TO SETT. nrruRN umit OCT. si, seas round rav to DKNVFB OMAHA KANSA4 CITY... DUt MOINU .. r. I Ol ll Hit At.O ..... VKTROIT IN INNATI.. II tl.AM TOKONTO MT.W 7t.t 7.l M.aa tji tilt. til I '. IOV.7I 112 17 117 tf" ATLANTA '.'."""!.IW: WAHHINI.TON .141 17 rHIl AIIM-THIA IIH.il MW voHfev. ist.at 0TON.......-...,.47.7 Low fares all parts of mid west, south and east. Fine fast trains. Zloo Natloul Park Craad Canyon Nat'l Ph. TallowatoMNatlcwul Pk. Rocky Mowatain Natl Pku Par lUuttratrd Boort, Rncnra tiooa and Infarmauon.aUUrcM Aamt aanwd bciow. Jos. (Iowk, I one, Oregon. l R. ROBISON t ir, 1 T III t vv nen you Duy? W J FIRESTONE TIRES t 1 1 i you get the MOST ' for your MONEY x o In MACHINE SHOP Board and Room By the day, week or month. Transient meals. Home coAl.'!.,, urrvctllcl service andtne tijjltt price. Second St., lone, one block from the school house. Mrs. John Grimes For style, price and quality try Star Brand Shoes. Bristow nnd Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Loran Hale are enjoying a vacation in the moun tains. Mrs. Hale and Miriam are at Blue Mountain hot springs, while Mr, Hale attends tominir g interests in Baker county. In the absence ot the Hales their house will be occupied by Mr. and Mr?. Frederickson. There will be mass in lone at the home of Paul O'Meara, on Sunday, July 22, at eight o'clock, home again but not al.le to sit up The special school election was rememered by but few of the elec tors.-The transportation measure carried, AFTER 43 YEARS TURKEYMEETINGS Conty 'Agent Smith Announ cts Meaetirgs of Turkey Raisers at lone and Boardrr.an. Two meetings of the Morrow county turkey growers will be held at Board man and lone, July 2G. through thef forts of Charlts W. Smith, county agent, with Mrs. C. U. Brink, secretary of the H ho Turkey Growers asso ciat: i-, u. i incipal speaker. The firt. ..,g will be held at at Boardman at 2:30 and thestc ond a i '. at 8 in the evening. "Turkey growers will remem ber that the people of Hermiston marketed their turkeys through the I. aho association last year Forty and three years ago, Mrs. Mary Barlow of Eugt ne and her sister, Mrs Pt arly Moore, now of C'arinda, Iowa, were separated vr Lucctssfullj "aay&Mr. Smi:h and wert not again united till ( d -n effort ia being made to Monday of this week when they .have the Idaho people expand met in the home of Mre. Barlow's theoperation'in Morrow County, daughter, Mrsr Lee Howell. (The turkey crop is much larger Mrs. Moore will te heie a few .this year than last and unless and then go on to Portland for a short visit with friends before re turning to her home in Iowa. Mrs. Moore is quite charmed with our Oregon c'imate and on her return to the cornfields of Iowa will be'one more recruit for the Boost Oregon Club. Echo prr pjses a bond issue for public iibtaturium. Canyon City has a COO acre air port, Medford plans to buy a 320 acre airpart field. some effort is made to dispose of some of the crop from Oregon in the eastern slates thia year there wiil in ail probability be a fk'Od upon the market at Thanks giving and Christmas." Mrs. Brink wiil discuss the woi kings of the Idaho Associa tion and its method of selling, cost and prepating turkeys for the market, and a representative of the Extension service of the The City of Portland has con tracted for the construction of aii part hangars to cort 35.000. It GET THOSE WEEDS NOW Cheney The new Cheney Weeder will get the weeds and put a mulch on the ground and Rotary Rod help hold down land blows as well as work well on stub- Weeder ble plowing. Get your or ders early as they are go ingiast. BERT I MASON h i &iU1V8J ttW? J We Pay the top Market Price for j Butter Fat ! :: and we need allthe No. 1 cream pro-: ; duccd in Morrow County. Ship your J i next can to the JMorrow to. Lm ry to., f Heppner. We are agents for DeLavalle . Cream Separator.