f HE 1QNE INDEPENDENT Published Every Friday by ! V. A'. HEAD, Kilitor Publisher SUBSCRIPTION One Year 'ix Month .hree Months .. .. $1.50 75 .50 Kntered second class mutter at ' he postofiice at lone, CVenon, under , art of March i, IS79 Friday, May 4. 192S 1 Man in not thecreatmeol circnnMni res. Circumstances are the cte.lttirt c men. Beaconstirld i t t t i : t t t ROUND TRir TO BFNVFB OMAHA KNAS CITY.... VI S MOINES sr. i.oits HH Ai DETROIT CINCINNATI ''lJv i I r V rj. A 111 II ?hfTiM;? ati sta at tiriij . riTlsniROH Jxk ivasn!'i,ton i Ttrs r!"i-Ani-!.i'iiiA ? TORONTO ' ? BOSTON iiJ iiMinAroAn.E J or. Uowkr Coming to The Dalits and Pefidlcton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In luteruHl Medicine for the pimt twelve yeuia DOESNO'TdPERATE Will be in The Dalles on Wednes day. May 16, at The Dalles Hotel and in Pendleton, on Thursday, May 17. at the Dorion Motol. Office Hours, to 4:00 P. M. 10.00 A.M. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation )r. Millet bin la n reKtitiir cradll ate In medicine ami atirip-ry mid l llivrnted ly the utate if itr.-uti. I'e duett not oH'rnte fur chronic ftppni dlcltut, K"H vtotieK. uki r uf htuiti ui'li, toiiHlla or adenoid.. He him to bin creilit wnnderful re Hutu In diHeue of the utotti ich. llvi liowelx, blood, nkin, li'Tvi-n. lean Kidney, ldnddi-r. bed wetliiiK. cm nrrli, weak Iiiiikh, rheiimatlKin, m bit tea, li g ulcem and nc'nl alltui'iitM ISelow are the minim of a few liiN many MHtlKtied pntii-nt. in (ire linn, who have Ix-en t rented for on. of tbe above uaiued cnim : H H. ltlake, MarKbrbbl. Elmer Hooker, ('oudou. BeKHte Eckbn, Empire. I). U. Horn, liotini ta. W. C Helyer, Kent. 1. M. Kimter, Mt. At kI. Mm. I.. II. Martin, Morn. I a vis Stclnoti, Alli tfniiV. Kred Shield, Kbimntb Fall. Joe SheoHhlpH, Gibbon. I). I. WastenM tt. I'ortlnnd. n-melalier the ii'.ovediiteatid.jhiit coiiKiillbin will 1 1 f v" atid that bin treatment I dlllr: l.t. Married uoini n i.i lie aToiiipiii;- led hr tbi-ir IhiIji . AddiVMx: 2-1 Drndliiiry lildtf., l.o, Anireb..r'allfornla. Morrow I'ounty Pomona Uriinue Maxter, CIiiim. irk In iwli-r feey. Next lilietlllK i ; HUDSON-ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul C. BalsMcr, Agent. At Paul G. Balsigr r's Caloritt In phyetea tbe eiilnrlB It any of revoriii ibernril units, but die won) l libeij moul cun niml,' now In illetet lea a iiwinliiii a ""It to Indleiiie licit i or eiierKy pnidiielng mine uf rund ; ill to the amount of fund required ta pit) duee It. But l'c ii F ?--e lli'iiibii lie If the mie ":in uf KiifTer Ini which rintkc nil '' c world feel kin, American Miitfnzine. V, tt , if Hal Ho a. Candidatu for tke ticminitl in 0 i the RepuhUcen ticket for ll e t.ffce of Semt-uy of Stale. frf. A XX Af S EFFECVIVK MAT I TO SEPT. SO t RilflT-N LIMIT OCT. 31, 19 Low fares all parts of mid west, south and east, fine fast trains. $7.W 71.91 i.l .Mtl si jf :.).! - A 1( 9.23 B5 J :'.71 Liberal ttopomrt mnmbU yam to ...if I!J.J7 2!en National Park i:v 'an4 Canyon Nat'l Pk. 113.37 Ycl.owitom National Pit. i,i.n Rocky Mountain Natl Pic ns.si """"""'""' I.7.SS CronJ Canyon Nat'l Fk. For niutratrd Dokk-t. RrMrv tioai a4 Informant a, ailUrest Afirat cuuucd bcioM. Weather Report For April imai prec pitation :. OS'J 'since Sept. 1 8 (!2 " for the corres ponding period last year 9 SO No of clear days 7. No. of cloudy days .. 9. No. partly cloudy 14. It K. HarhlNoii Cooierarie cWrrcr r. .S' IP ;. Morjt.ui. Ore , May I, pijy NATl'RAL RESOURCES Continual irom I'ugt I. ahere a sawmill will he construct ed to convert the mahr-jrary ir to umb-r which will he carried in air p'anes to Weil Sprinas where a pick handle factory will be op ! etated through power bltain-.d1 fr im natural ta. The bir planes can alS!, he user) . , , ,. to h. Hush orders nr ridivtrthe vo'umoof proiuction to cenUre or tiisuibutiun. WILLOW BRANCH UNION ' C E. SOCIETY Pres. The'ma Furors V. Pres. Jji.n Cundor Sec. JIary Slocum Treas. Eiw. Keller 8t Next meeting', Heppnt r Orc-aon. IP Dont forget we're in the market thisl season. ! It will pay you to Earmers' nnd see Cole Smith J. C. Sanford & Son STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers', of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Seafrn by W. M..Eubanks It will pay you to contract your wheat. Church New Notes ol Interest to All Local P -'nominations. Calh ic Services On Sum! y, May 13, there will there vP! Se mass at the home of Mr. ami "Ira. Paul O'Meara, in lone, at 8:."0 iu the mnnhv so as to (jive an opportunity lor a I to make their Mas: a." Ccm muriiotis. Confes ions will bo un.rd before the mm. On Satur lav afternoon, at 2:30, there will instruction in Chris ian Moctrine f ir all the children. The Pastor takes thisonpirtun t.v to inform the peoplH of lone that the monthly Smithy mass there will b" tr econd Snn dsy of each month r.nd at 10;!?0 in tl e o orninir, unlesn otherwise! announced All annoui cnients; in this column henceforth may he t evarde t as official and thevan e ill be faithfully live up'i A' tt r the ms" ii t ..ie o;i Way 13 there will h" a meet'ns; r f the parishoners w ho will select a com mittee of ladies and irent'emen u h'i will act for the p:rishoners. Church Directo.y FIKSr UAPITST CHUIICII Sunday School at lU:U0 A. M. Prayer Meelinsr. Tliur.. 7:30P. M. ONGUrJGATlONAL CI1UUCH liev. VV. VV. II FAD, Pastor Services ll;00 A. M.: C. C. at 6:45, P. M. Prayer Meeting, Wed.. ' :30 I-IKS i CHRISTIAN CHUUCH Junlay School 10;00 A. M. Prayer Meetinn Thurs. Evenmu Services 0. E.:6:3'; Preachinu; Service, at 7:30 P. 11. Lodge Directory . lO.NE l.lUMii: N...IJI1. . r.&., m. Mi i t every firnt aud third Vcdn'-1 bay of each month W. M. I!o.vtteii ib r, Siry , Klim r irll(lili, Trewi. A. A. M.r rube. t.otmt Chapter No. 119. . y, M- tn theH.r.ui.1 and foiirtli Tm-a. Any ,Mr"- U"r- tba llck. Sie.v., Itutb Maxoii. 1 lONE I.olMii: No. 1 (:.. I. (. O. F. Meeif every Saturday eveiilnif. N. i T. K. l'eteroti. V. O . K. Mel bo r, Siry., U-e Howell. I reim., K J. Bri.tow. Itl Nt'H tiHASS liKllKK A H No. M. I. () O. K. Meeta flmt and third I Thiirduy of each month. N. U. lira. Oelbi Mcfurdy, V. O. tiladya Ltltidel. , feey., Verila Itltchle, TJeni , Etta ' I'rlntow. drop in at the Elevator as he is buying for X f Ii T I f see him before Vou PROFESSIONAL i t t CATiDS i I DR. E. E. BAIRD "Dentist" Oftice In Fair Building. J Open Sundays and evening t 4iy appointment. $ phone M 1012, Hcppner Ore. t J "C. J. WAL1E1V Lawyer CO. Notary Public. 'e.ni IhiiUUtig Ikppncr, Orijjou JACK FERRIS -: Dermatician : It pays to luok well. "SpecialLl in Bobs" c. l sweei; ATTORNEY AT LAW. First National llatik DMil X Heppner, Oregon When You Visit Hcppner I Lat At The J'Elkhcrn Reslaurant" Coo J Meals Hest of Service ? I Lunch Counter A.D. McMURDO, MD. Physician AnJ Surgeon Oftice In Masonic BuilJing v t Trained Nurse Assistant ii . i . ncppnei, urcgon A. H. JOHNSTON Physician &. Surgeon I 'In me - Office Ib'Hldeiice Hcppner - Main '.HI Main I''. Oregon lone, Tuetiliift anil 1'i'nlny l-rom U.(j(tii lo.oo A. M. F. II. fiyilUUi Attorney & Counselor At Iw W III Tract lee In All Tliefoiirm lONE .OREGON Morrow Ccneral HOSPITAL MUa Zi'iui WeHlfull, Uruduiite No me, Huperlt.tvubent. A. II. Jolinsloa M. D. I'hyidi Inn In ChnrKi'. IIA I EM KEAMDNAI'.l.i; t Dr. F. E. Farrier Dentist Olfice; Odd Fellows P.id'tJ. Heppner Oregon LoaJ. Wood, P. M, Accredited piano teacher e Lexington, Oreyon. 1 I J. 0. PETERSON expert watchmaker AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Heppner, Oregon. Term Almost Obio'ete The term ,"olilliue milllnu" refer d (he movement of n H'umi'I ivlien nie mill upon a rnnritp mnMns nn nbllaiie niigla with the nierbllnii 'I lie iih of i the term I rure, Before contracting or selling your wheat it will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, Oregon 5 its'- t z t I Variety . . ttimiiiuinvi- JUUI IIIIIIU IKVU Hi V i be made up when you come In. Our layout ut t J J choice meats is just one delight full suggestion after t another. Yes, even if you don't see what you have I I your taste set for just speak up. No doubt that J I paiticular cnt is in our refrigerator. J I I lone Meat Market, T. E. Peterson I Appai tmcnts For Rent Electrically lighted. Vater connce- I tion, Rent reasonable :-: Inquire Independent Office :-: "IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. VV also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. j& J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor ? Xlitt Hut tin ri i ll e cater to the til Hotel T wish first class accommodations. f' George Ritchie, Prop. tit W It t l If Si BUY YOUR WOOD AND COAL FROM COLE St St :"t it si it it st YOU ALWAYS FIND THE VERY BEST AT THE FARMERS ss tt ss ss tt - it it it -a ? is - st H.4.4t l I Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, ( MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WlNONA WAGONS. PAULG. BALSIGER lone, Oregon In Fine Meats:-:-::; I one patronage ot those who ELEVATOR! j: st ts it n ss st . st tt i