The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 04, 1928, Image 3

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Should Baby Get?
'Wramous ftuuiority s Ktuo
Iluliy specialist agree nowadays,
tlint during tlie flmt tlx months, babies
must liuvo three ounce of fluid per
Iouiid of body wuljtlit dully. An eight
pound bnliy, fur Instance, needs twenty-four
ounce of fluid. Lntor on the
rulu In two ounces of fluid ir pound
of body weight. Tho niiioiint of fluid
absorbed by breast-fed bnliy 1 beat
determined by weighing him befor
and nfler feeding for the whole day)
nd It 1 easily calculated for tho bottle-fed
ono. Thro make up my de
ficiency with wuter.
(living bnby sufficient water often
relieves bit feverlrh, crying, upset and
restless xilt. If It doesn't Rlvo him
few drops of Fletcher' Castorla.
For thes mid other Ills of liable and
children such aa colic, cholera, diar
rhea, Sl on stomach and bowels; con
atlpatlou, sour atomach, loaa of sleep,
underweight, etc., lending physicians
say therti's nothing so effective. It la
purely vegetable the recipe la on the
wrapper and millions of mothers
have depended on It In over thirty
years of ever Increasing use. It rego
latea baby's bowels, niukea hlin sleep
and eat right, enables hlin to get full
nourishment from his food, so he In
creases In weight as he should. With
each package yon get a book on Moth
erhood worth Its weight In gold.
Just a word of caution. Look for
the signature of Cbaa. II. Fletcher on
the package so you'll lie sure to get
the genuine. The forty-cent bottles
contain thlrty-flv dosee.
TraMw la atnmut. TS IMS rtoruiMM
JkurvJI any tini. toud fur liurlur.
omaoN iMtrrrvrt or T(cmnoiov
(. at. V. A. ludg. rartluul,Oncta
For Barbed Wire Cuts
lianford'i Balsam of Myrrh
MaeMlvMWIIillMliM, aJ tmiwm.
Unlucky Visit
Ueaslea waa Introduced Into tlie
FIJI Islanda when the king visited
New South Wales In 1875, and his son
and a servant with him caught the
Mothers, Keep Your
Health Up to Par
Baa Bernardino, Calif. Dr.
FUroe'a Favorite Preeeriptloa is
eoeh a help In
motherhood, I am
amaaed that every
woman does Dot
take tt during ex
pectancy. Before
ry trst child came
suffered with a
ontiaaone pain In
any left aide. Dr.
Pieree'a Favorite
etrnthen4 m e
aad I aid a fine healthy child, with
out the palna that most women sui
ter. Also my strength returned rap
Idly afterwsrde. Or. Pleroe'a Favor
lie Prescription la a tonlo and
nervine worthy of the highest praise."
lira. Mary i. Queen. 161 . 4th 8L
All dealers. Urge bottles, liquid
Hit: Tablets 11.11 and (So.
Holly Wood Valuable
The wood of I he holly tree, whose
foliage Is so Indlapensubl during the
holiday sen Kin, Is highly prised by
the makers of mathematical Instru
ments. MOIT peepla know this absolute1
antidote for pain, but are you careful
to say Bayer when you buy it? And
do you always give a glance to tee
Bayer on the box and the word
gtnuint printed in red? It isn't the
genuine Bayer Aspirin without it I A
drugstore always has Bayer, with the
proven direction! lucked in every box:
Aemlel. la
CHAPTER IX Continued
And now, as at this Instant they
licurd the enr stnrt away aguln, the bc
cusutlon In her Inquisitor's gux deep
encd ; for Mr, Crelghlon wus sure that
It wus soelng his futher' car at the
door that hud tnado Murvln drive on.
The girl wus a llur end a sclmmor. In
the very act of waiting here for his
son, aha hnd denied that aha ever
remained here for visitors! If she had
not guilty consclonre, If In her re
lations with Marvin thore wore noth
ing to bide, she would not, of course,
find It necessury to He. A dangerous
wench I Murvln could thank his father
for saving hlin from bar, Mr. Crelgh
ton felt ruthless.
With bis usuul directness he csm
to tils point. "You were expecting my
eon? That was, of course, his car that
etopped here and then, at sight of
mine, drove on wasn't It I"
"Not being an adept at seeing
through a brick wall, Mr, Crelghton, I
don't know."
Her evading a direct answer to his
every question only continued hlin In
his darkest apprehensions.
"Miss Bchwenckton," he said abrupt
ly, "I would mitke It worth your while
to resign from this school and go
"Away from your son, Mr. Crelgh
ton I" shs Inquired pleasantly,
"Hut In these days of airships whith
er csn I flee that he cannot follow! If
I take the wings of the morning and
dwell In the uttermost parts of the
sea, or ascend up Into heaven, or make
my bed In hell"
"What la It worth to yon to get
out of this neighborhood and atay
"Well, not being very experienced
In theee transactions"
"'Not very experienced P
"Not very," she Imperturbably re
peated, "so I'll have to ask your ad
vice, What'e the mnet I ought to sis 7
I want to do aa well aa I can for my
self, of course."
"Come, Mlsa Bchwenckton, I'm seri
ous please don't try to play the fool
with met Tou must know that I could
get rid of you less expensively. A
few words from me to your trustees,
and you would tnee your position. Hut
Tve no desire to Injur you. I prefer
to help you"
"Help me out of the neighborhood?"
"I'll amply compensate you for the
lose of your school and something sub
stantial over."
'ton really and truly are offering
me money to give up thla darned
school and go awayt"
"I am."
"Hut," aha exclaimed, a glad sur
prise coming Into her eyes, "thla la
the first time In all my life that I've
bad money thrust at met Will you
give me any amonnt I nnkf
"Of course not you'll have to be
reasonable," he protested, feeling
shocked that a girl who looked like
this should after all be sordid and un
principled. "Just what would you call reason
able. Mr. Crelghton r
"Name what It's worth to yon to
leave and then I'll anawer you."
"Well, then, let me ace well, Ml
take my railroad far to Hollywood
and enough more to support nut (and
my family) for six months while I'm
convincing the picture maker at Hol
lywood what a gold mine I'd be for
"Your family? You'r not going to
tell me you have some children to sup
port r
"No, I wont go ao far aa that Only
some parents. Two helpless tittle par
ents." .
"If I give yon a check for Ave thou
sand dollar, when will yon leaver
Meely caught her breath. The sum
seemed vast to her. A thousand
pounds! It would liberate her from
thla schoolroom prison, rellev her
mother's needs and waft her to far
away California with a Sonne of as
and security such aa ah had not
known In many years!
"If you will algn thla statement giv
ing up all clulma upon my son"
He took a folded paper from his
breast pocket and laid It cn the desk
In front of her, pushing aside the let
ter she had atarted to writ to her
"All right," ah answered him gayly,
though not at one aignlng the paper.
"And If I fall at Hollywood, I'll marry
on of your sons and then my hus
band ran pny back to you thla loan"
"On of my sons I I've only one
son who'd be fool enough to glv you
the chance, young woman!"
"nut Mr. Crelghton," .ah asked In
genuine curiosity, "how did you And
out about us? Did Bt Croli talk In
his sleepT"
Mr. Crelghton stared at her. Now
why, he wondered, waa ahe putting up
a bluff Ilk that! protending It waa
Bt Croix I
"8t Cnilxl" h repeated, with a
laugh. "Don't wast your tnlonts,
Mlsa Rchwenckton, trying to deceive
me I My son, St Croix, will never
cause me a moment's anxiety as to
his choice of I wife!" .
"A wife!" she breathed. "My
goodness I What's all thla about, any
way r
"I'm sure you know quit well what
It'a all about."
"If it's not about Bt Croix, I don't !"
She looked so sincerely pusxlcd and
astonished that for an Instant h be
lieved her almost
Hut only for an Instant "I'll never
lava to pay any girl five thousand du
of the Minute
OeprrlsM br Void, u4 A 0.
wxu ewrios
lure to keep flt. Croix from marrying
her I" he repeated.
"Hut-but."- she faltered, "If It's
Marvin you've been talking about
do you mean Marvin? Hut you can't
possibly but what on earth make you
think Marvin want to" Bhe pulled
herself up with a Jerk; If she were not
careful he would realise that there
was no least need for bis paying her
that bribe I "Oh, If It's Murvln you
mean," ahe rattled on, "then I'll re
consider I I don't think I can sign
away Marvin! Or, If I do, that'll
really cost you something! Marvin Is
really worth something I"
"You're mlstuken. He's worth the
puny salary h makes llfty-slx hun
dred dollar year. Not a dollar
"I know I didn't mean that kind of
worth. I meant human worth. I
wouldn't however, get money from
you, Mr. Crelghton, on fulse pretenses.
I really have my doubts whether Mar
vin would want a wife who could not
tell how many stntee there are In his
country. Do you think be would?"
"I'll tell you what sort of wife
Marvin wouldn't ' want when you've
algned that paper."
Without a moment'a hesitation she
took up her pen and affixed her name,
"Amelia Bchwenckton," to the stute
"And If I Fill at Hollywood. I'll
Marry On ef Your Son and Than
My Husband Csn Psy Back to You
Thla Lean."
ment that ahe gave up all claims of
every description upon the son of Mr.
"How unbuslnera-llk you are!" he
aald aa he received the paper from her
handa and tucked It Into his breast
pocket "to algn this and glv It over
to me before I have given you my
He took from another pocket a hank
book and rapidly Oiled out and tor
off check.
"Now, then," he aald, not at one
handing It to her, "when will you gor
"I think I ought to glv the trustee
a chanc to get a teacher In my place,
don't you? Think of all those chil
dren running 'round loos for days
without getting educated! My cou
aclence won't atand for It I"
"A conscience that can stand for
"Hut your conscience seems to stand
for them ! If you think bribes so bnse,
why do you go 'round offering bribes
to your sons prospective wives? Cor
rupting the I'oor Working Girl I Ity
the way, Mr. Crelghton, this won't be
n bribe, It will be a loan. Ml pay you
back If I have to marry one of your
aona In order to. For I prophesy, Mr.
Crelghton, that when you know me
better, you'r going to want m for a
dnughter-ln-law I Oh, yea, you are!
When I com back from Hollywood
I'll prov It to you for I'll atop and
pay you a vla!t Or, I'll atop off and
be your cook until I've earned that live
thousand dollar. In America a cook
must earn flv thousand dollar In the
bat of an eye"
r m
Belief in Witchcraft
A writer, looking over th annals
of Ncwburyport Mass, dug up a curl
on case of th witchcraft eras. It
wa In 1W) that eom very strange,
happenings took place In th houa of
n old resident; pot and pnna rattled
at unearthly hour of th night and
mlssllea flew through th air In th
most mysterious manner and on on
occasion a brick from th chimney
struck the old man and nearly ended
hla earthly existence. Ill wife was
tried and convicted of being a witch
and sentenced to be hanged. A neigh
bor suspected boy, the old man's
grandson, and In telling th aged man
he could determine the cause, hinted
he had knowledge of astrology and
astronomy, 'Suspicion of witchcraft
fell on him and he waa tried and es
caped conviction only when another
"When will you leaver b sharply
"Tin very moment l'v th where
withal to leave!"
"Hut," he Informed her In a firm
tone a he banded her th check, "If
you dure to com around ber again,
you will be dealt with, Miss Bchwenck
ton, In a more summary manner than
you will like!" ,
"I'm afraid, Mr. Crelghton, I'll have
trouble cashing this and It would put
you In auch a funny light, giving tlv
thousand dollars to such a dun gor
ously alluring girt as I am apparently I
If you've the real money about you"
He had been wondering whether ah
would prov so sophisticated aa to
renllz that H had no Intention,
really, of letting her leave the room
with that check.
"You or Indeed 'experienced,' Miss
Bchwenckton, for on so young!" h
said Ironically aa he took back tho
check and gav her roll of bills ten
five-hundred dollar notes.
And It was at Inn very moment of
her receiving these that again the
sound of a cur stopping outside Inter
mitted them.
"He's com back again," aald Mr.
Crelghton bitterly, "In th hope that
by thla time I'd be gone I You have
played your game well!"
"And thla time," ah answered
blithely, her head bent to listen,
"though . your car la still there, he
doesn't eem to b driving away
Little did they dream that the first
car that had stopped and then driven
on had carried away Mrs. Crelghton,
who, th moment ah had recognised
her husband'a car parked nearby, had
been atartllngly convinced that Mar
vin' fantaatlc tusplclons of a plot
between his father and Lady Sylvia
Bt Croix was not after all fantastic!
For what else In the world could bring
her husband to the schoolhouse?
She had decided, after a moment'
debating with herself, not to Intrude
upon their conference. She would let
Marvin know, when ahe saw him on
Thursday, what ahe had discovered.
It waa so evident that he was deeply
Interested In the girl ws his Interest
too deep to be turned to aversion by
the fnct that ahe was Lady Sylvia Bt
Croix and In league with hi father to
Intrigu him Into marrying her? a
he had declared such a fact would dis
gust him I
A half hour after ah had driven
away, Marvin, driving out toward Ab
salom 1'untx', felt as he drew near
William Fenn tchoolhouse, that that
spot waa fnt becoming to blm th
pivot on which hi whol nnlvers
turned 1
A be came nearer, the eight of I
car standing before the little building
made hla heart sink like lead In hla
breast Was Mlsa Bchwenckton hav
ing a rendezvous again with Bt Croix?
A soon, however, aa he was near
enough to recognize the car, he saw, to
his startled surprise, that It wa not
St Croix', but hla futher's I Instantly
h waa convinced. Just aa hla mother
had been, that hla suspicion of col
lusion between "Miss Bchwenckton"
and hla father, to entrap him Into a
marrlnge, had been well founded.
He did not with hla mother' deli
cacy, decide not to Intrude upon them.
On the contrary, he loat not moment
In parking, alighting, and striding
straight Into th achoolhous to con
front them hl heart and brain In
a whirl.
At the sound of his approaching
atep they had stepped down from th
platform. Mr. Crelghton' fsc stern
aa th Judgment day. Mis Schwenrk
ton' a Interested aa If ah were In
a theater seeing ploy, a they stood
looking expectantly toward th door,
Marvln'a long stride halted at algbt
of them.
"Well?" his father peremptorily In
quired. "What are you doing here?"
"My duty aa the county superintend
ent Earning my salary."
"An easy, pleasant way to earn It
calling after work on your young
teacher !"
"I'm her much oftener during
school hours," answered Marvin, won
dering whether thla ton of displeas
ure wer assumed and why.
"You wished to see me about some
thing. Mr. Crelghton r Mis Bchwenck
ton addressed Marvin composedly
the elder Crelghton recalling that ah
bad apoken of him a "Marvin."
"Only to Investigate," replied Mar
vin, "why, at this hour, your school
ll atlll open."
Strong in Year 1680
neighbor testified he had seen the boy
throw shoe at his grandfather.
Then suspicion fell on th grand
mother and ah waa convicted and
sentenced to death. Meanwhtl th
grandson went away and th disturb
ance ceased. A reprieve wna granted
and later the case waa dismissed.
"Show Af"
An English Inventor filter th
scratching and metallic sounds from
phonographic music by passing It
through more than 00 feet of tin tub
ing Oiled with peas.
Think It Ovr
Know that the slender shrub which
Is seen to bend conquer when It
yield t th storm.
The fiMr--TZm '
Cream feJl
Tobacco llUCrol
crop IvsTrnTOj l
It's toasted
No Throat Irritation -No Cough.
!, Th American Tobacco Co,
New Type of Goggles
Ideal for Motorists
A new type of dark glasses tor out
door wear at tennis, golf and other
porta, and aald to b especially use
ful for auto driver at night when
meeting can with glaring headlight
hs been produced In th optical
work of th Zeis firm at Jena Th
baal for th new type protection
consist of two wedge-aha ped piece
of glass fused together. Th upper
member of th pair Is mad of dark,
gray-brown glass, while the lower part
1 clear and uncolored. Goggle mad
from this msterlal are thus very dark
t th top. shading off gradually Into
clear glass at the lower edge. This
arrangement cut off th glar of th
sky, while permitting ao unclouded
view of th ground. Motorists, en
countering glaring headlights, simply
duck their heads a llttl and look
through th top of their goggle un
til th offending car baa passvd. when
they again mak use of their normal
vision through th lower part of the
Ntw Experience
It I Mid thst Charlie Chaplin be
gan hi career a clrvue performer.
Befor "going on" each night, ll la
declared, Charlie would put a sack of
peanut In hi hip pocket for an ele
phant friend. Th pachyderm would
(huffla up behind Charlie, thrust his
trunk Into the hip pocket and snuf
ll gratefully.
On on occasion Charlie thought he
would glv th elephant real treat
So he placed some nice, fresh, stleky
popcorn In his pocket Th elephant
could not get in candy nut Nor
could he extricate hi trunk
At this point In lb story Charlie
always pause for effect
"You'v heard an elephant truin
pet," he will say, "but did you evet
hear on trumpet In your hip pocket?
-Kansas City Star.
Trapping Tomato Moth
Th us of electricity In exteriulnat
Ing tomato worms I being demon
st rated on th farm of U W. I'untutn
A Sons, Danville, . Having tried
all recommended measures for th con
trol of the tomato worm without sue
cess, Mr. I'urdum conceived the Idea
of trapping the tomato moth before
It could lay egg A simple trap with
40-watt lamp wa constructed A
three-quart pan containing kerosene
Is suspended from th reflector email
A Inches below th lump. The lUlil
attract th Insect and In flying
against th glob they drop tuto the
kerosen underneath.
Bronz and Bra
Hi composition of th bronze used
hy primitive peoples during th so
called Drome age wna an alloy of
copper and tin. Rronz has contin
ued In very extensive and general use
down to the present day. It resem
ble closely bras, which I an alloy
consisting mainly. If not exclusively,
of copper and xlno.
Noted Star of the
Pittsburgh Pirates, umtest
"When I arrived at the Pitts
burgh training camp I
noticed my brother Paul
tmoked Lucky Strikes exclu
You will agree that we were
in a close and exciting Pen
nant race and it certainly
called for splendid physical
condition to withstand the
tax and strain upon one's
nerves and wind. Like Paul,
my favoriteCigaretteisLucky
A Gentleman of Quality
Maid Jo swsyl
Tramp I want yon to know I'm a
nntlsmiB I
Maid All right go to th froot
door and 111 tell you lh cam thin.
Woman Took LytLa E. Pink
ham' Vegetable Compound
Denver, Colo. "I have taken six
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vega-
I tabl lompotind
and will tan
more. I am tak
ing it as a toni
to help m
through th
Chans of Life
and 1 am telling
miBT of mv
kfrieiids to take it
9 . . , .v
i luuna mim
ing befor this to
help me. I had
so mnv bad
feelinrc at nicht that I could not
sleep and for two yeara I could not
go down town becauii I wss sfraid
of falling. My mother took the Vege
table Compound yeara ago with good
results and now I am Uking it dur
ing the Change of Life sua recouV
mend it" Mas. T. A. MntE. 1011
Adam Street, Denver, Colorado.
I 1
Removing the Cause
Stranger I repiesem a soelety for
th prevention of profanity. I wsnt
to Ink prnfnnlly entirely out of your
life ann
Jone (colling to hi wife) I lay.
Mary; here' man who want to
buy our carl Stray Stories.
Quickly Relieves
Rheumatic Pains
12 Day' Free Trial
To get relief when pain tortured
Joint and muscle keep you in con
stant misery rub on Jolnt-Kase.
It Is quickly absorbed and you cna
rub It In often and expect result
more speedily. Get It at any drug
glt In America.
Use Jolnt-Ense for sciatica, lum
oogo, sore, lame muscles, lume back,
cheat colds, sore nostrils and burn
ing, aching feet Only 00 cents. It
penetrates. .
FDr1!? Bond nam and Aildrena for II
riVdbdny trial tub to Pops Labors
;orle, Dtafc I, Hallowell, Main.
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 17-1921.
Plfir inuinwinrw
Easy street need uo toulng law.