of &f JMdS ! Th Wall and Roof of r.djf. (trap! fcr tha National Oaocraphla ei.ir. Waahiulva, 0. C.I NKDJKK, a desert city weit of Ilia K'Hlirutes Id Iraq, la a nit of aecondsry Mecca lu Ilia Muliaiumdao world. It li Hi anmiul pllgrimag place fur tlia Slilss, tlia "dissenters" of Islam, Just mi Mocra la a goal of pilgrims among Ilia orlhoiloi Muhanimednua. It la Ova days y mula or caml caravan from Itngdad to Nedjef, and la th eroul f ul centuries tlnce tun dhlss founded Nedjef on tli snot where a nephew of tli Prophet Mo lisinnied wst alaln It la estimated that over 2A,O)O,U00 Moslems htvt mad tli pllgrltnsgt to tlili tnysterl out dewrt city of gulden domes, fab ulou treasuree, and weird rltea. Thousand of devotees from th Blila hordes of India, Tenia aud Tur knstsn Rock through Ilagdsd acb jer, bringing with them llielr muunulAed dead Mlted and dried for burial In th holy ground about th mystic city. Ily minel caravan and winding mula train th patient pilgrim oiak th long nisirb; many from dlittntit Tur kestan art a whole year making th rouud trip. To help IsnJIe th throng that poura through Iligdad each aprlng and autumn, enterprising Usgdsd Jews bar establlihed an "arauanah, or tin ft lint, from llagdid to Kernels, tli half-way town on th desert rout lo Nedjef. Kroro Kerbela on tli way leada through th dreary and monoto nous desert a rolling aea of gray sand, th margin of lb great wart that tweept Arabia from Kerbela and Ned jef to Mecca, Aden, and tha lied aea. Aa on approaches Nedjef be aeea Drat the great gold dome of Its mosque, burning In tli aun raya; then, tlia high, frowning walla that aurround th aacred city. It la a gorgcona spec tacle, mlragcllk virion, aa of a mighty city floating m th air. Th high, rharp walla abut It off abruptly from tha desert, and It aeema a Nghty thing apart from th tur rounding aea of eand. Nedjef la freak city. Not green thing a plant, shrub, or trea lives within Ita dry, hot limits. It la built on a high plain of soft sandstone. Th Harrow, crooked streets, In many place mere passages thre or four feet wide, wind about Ilk Jungle path. In tha Arab quarter th mud plastered bouses ar all two stories high and, odd a It sounds, hsv no window facing tha afreet Only a wooden door, maul re and boll-etudded, but so low that ona must sloop to enter, open to th atreet Cellars Ar Refugee From tha Heat Ona of th atraig featurea of tbla atrang city la Ua cellars. In summer tha Derr heat drive tht panting peo pU deep down Into th earth, Ilk rata In t hole. Itenealn every bous la cellar, burrowed mlnellb to amnilng depths; on. It la aU, reachea an as toun.".ngly low level, being mora than 100 feet Mow th atreet Down Into then damp, dark bolea th Shins fie when th scorching desert air alulet above and lniiorted Ucrman thermom eter aland at 1.10 degreea Fahrenheit. Soire of th cellara (serdabs) ar ar ranged In a tier o, evils or rooms, on Mow th other; th upper room I used In th first hot month, th fain tly going lower down aa the heat In crease. Bo many of ther vast underground retreats hav been dug that th ei cavuti'd mulerliil, carried from the city on donkey' buck and dumped on th desert outside, form a great hill over 100 feet high, from th top of which a fin view of the city may be had. It Is said that many of these serdnbs are connected by ineuna of underground corridors, and that criminals, who a norm In Nedjef, easily elude crplure by pusHlng through these tunnel from bous to bouse, finally emerging at a point In tha city reuiot from their plac of disappearance. In th heart of Nedjef, 111 great dome lslble for mile on th sur rounding desert, stands the magnifi cent mosque of Abba, the shrine that draws the teeming throng from all tha Middle Bunt Turning ,froin the natlv quarter, the visitor come to the long straight biisiuir lending to th mosque, 11 Is atruik with tli difference In tha looks of Hi Nedjef people and th crowds at Kerliola. Mirny uncouth, swagger ing desert wen are among thrift, their long hnlr, f tided drc, and camel sticks, or ovcrsuoply of guns and side anus, marking them a from th wild places. There la a spirit of crude, barhurlo prlinltivenesa In th crowd that surges past Th little touches of oi lde tnfluenc on aeea at Dug dad, Ilk an occasional European bat or an Imported overcoat are all lack ing at Nedjef. Her Is old Arabia In original binding. Btsutlss of th Mosqu. Th mosque la com upon suddenly, for th crowded bazaar atreet ends In an open pi as before this daixJIng structure. In amazement on gazea on Ita won derful fnrade; golden tile and fancy silver work rls abov and about the great portal, and across th wld en trance I bung giant chain of brass, worn smooth and shiny from contact with the millions f turbsns, tar booHiea, and keffeyeha which bare brushed under It In centuries gon by. Thla chain la so bung thst all who enter th mosqu must bow. Through this open gat can be seen til bas of th great mosque Itself. Th great gold tiles which cover tha dome also run to th very baa of th mosqu. Aud on th Insld of th wall about Hie court ar more gold tile. Abov the outer portal, too, on tli outride, are sprawling Arabic character 20 lucbca high, seemingly cut from sheets of gold. Whst must this barbaric splendor hsv cost I Tb cost of th wooderful temple Itself Is but a bsgatelle compsred with th valu of th treasure In Ita vault For agea, be It known, Indian prince, shahs, and noble of the Shla fa I lb hsve mad precious gift to tlila tem pi at Nedjef, pouring Into It a price less stream of Jewels, gold, and plate. The looting of tbe Nedjef mosque bas been a favorite dream of eoldlert In the Middle East The true enormity of th tressur at Nedjef was only brought to light leu than genera lion ago when tba ahsb of Persia msde the hahj and th pent-up wealth waa revealed to bla royal gaz by Ita sealoua official keeper, tbe "KUitdar." Dut no Cbrlrtlan baa ever teen tbe Inner glories of th great mosqu of Abbaa at Nedjef, Th contrast be tween two fall be Is striking; a Mos lem walking Into a Christian church Is made welcome; t Chrlstlsn who walked Into tlie Moslem mosque at Nedjef would be aluln aa a defller; yet both claim th same Oodt More human bodies ar burled In the plain outside the walls of Nedjef, It it ald, tbsn In any other one spot on earth. Myriads of fancy tombs, terminating at tbe top In little blue tiled domes, rls from th plain. And all th million of pilgrims wbe hsv com In agea past with corpses for burial have also broMght money to spend. The richer the man ho brings tbe body, tba greater tbe toll taken Burial There la Costly. Burial rites within view of the great mosque bring blgb price. Tag la laid on every corpse Imported from India, Persia, etc. Many bodies ar smuggled In. It la told of ona astuto rerslira pilgrim that be divided bis grandfathers akcleton and aent It In separate parrels by mall to aave freight and tax. When a dentb caravan reachea tha outsklrta of Nedjef, they unpack thelf grewsome baggage and prepare the various bodies for burlul. Th crude methods of embalming or mummify lug would expose Nedjef to disease were It not for the dry desert air. Th very few folk of Nedjef who work for a living muk money manufacturing fancy shrouds, stamped with Koranlu sentiments, for th burial of corpses brought In by the pilgrims. Others turn out prayer brick ("Torba"), which every Shla uses lo hit dully prayers. These are mad from holy clay, scooped up from tbe great cemetery and pressed Into tiny odd-shaped bricks, and also stamped with an inscription from the Korsn. When Shla prays, lis lays this torbj on the ground, fuces Nedjef, and pros trates himself, touching bla forehead against the sacred brick. In all of thla unnatural city one tees not a tree or rhrub ; not even a pottod plant It la a liiry, prisonlike pluce of somber gray stones and mud-plastered walls. Itemove It mosqj, Its one priceless possession, acd Nedjjf, wltb Us horde who live on those that corns to pray, would perish from the earth. In the 1,200 year of Its eventful life, not on useful article has been manu factured within It fanatical pre cincts. Vet In oil Islam, Shins turn to Ned' Jvf to soy their prayers. To Nwdjel very goad man must mak th pil grimage onct In bla life, and at Ned Jef b bopea to be burled when b die. aUyounvalls For aleeping room formal parlori and reception hall dining room and living room (or tha library and (or public buildinga. Properly applied it won't rub off. Wrf f to ua or tuk your Jtaltt far a copy of our ftmm drawing book for children' ' Th A lahat tint Horn Color Book" and a fria color cord. Writ to na also (or our beau tiful Irta boak "Artittic Home Decoration" by our Home Betterment Expert, Miia Ruby Brandon, Alabat ttoa Company. 222 Cirandville Ave, Grand Rapid, Mich. Alahastine a powder la whit and tints. Fackad in 5-pound packaaa. ready lor us by miming with cola or warm water. Full direction on every package. Apply with aa ordi nary wall brush. Suitable for all - Interior surfaces piaster, wail boaxd, brick, caawoi or canvaa. Making It Short In a bested Hollywood controvert? between picture men, one of th pro ducers present said: "I can cut thla abort In two words Ira Possible." Experience la Ilk a light bung at tb stern of a ship. Tb tongue of a woman la her rword snd she never lets It rust Mr$. R. Wom Practicing a Art of Guett Dodging One Saturday Mrs. It, was leaving hor borne to go downtown shopping. Two ladles with suitcases were going up the walk toward the house of bar next-door neighbor, Mrs. it hap pened to see ber neighbor walking quickly toward tha atreet corner where the Intended to board a street can Thinking that tli would be dis appointed If ah missed the guests who at that moment were on ber porch, Mra. It. called to her neigh bor several timet without making ber hear. Finally, by hurrying, the caught op with her and somewhat breathlessly delivered tbe news. "Shut up, you fool I Shut up!" said her neighbor In an angry tone. "1 taw them coming, and I was trying to get away before they taw me. I - had planned to visit some friends In the country tomorrow, so I would not have to get Sunday dinner myself. You don't think that I Intend to stay borne and cook for them, do your Fortunately, the street car arrived In time. A Girl Story Charlie Chaplin told a New Tork reporter the other day a girl story, "Girls are more beautiful and more er practical tban ever," b began. "A girl named Montmorency tat In a moonlit California rote garden wltb a young man named Fetberstonbaugh. Fetberttonbaugh bent over ber and aald In a passionate voice: "'Mlae Montmorency Augusta, If I may call you so I am not rich la this world's goods, but ' "Wltb a slight wave of ber cigarette th silenced dim. "That will do, Mr. Fetbertton baugb,' the aald. '.W Overcrowded Uotcow More than 70,000 residents of Mot cow, Itussla, live In houses unequipped with running wtter and even without sewerage, at a result of tbe great re cent growth of the city population. Last year homes for 100,000 persons were built but the city Increased by 480,000 in that period. For Cold i, Crip or Influenza and as a Vraventlvs, take Lasatfv BROMO Q0JNINB Tablata. A Saf and Provaa Ram. Th bos brara th signature ef B. W. Oroya. 8c-Adv. Many a luxuriant bead of hair la due to Ua mellowness of tbe toll. 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