The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 09, 1928, Image 2

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In one dav. Hit J.aa
Csacara-Bromlde -Quint
no tablets knock
cold, Leave you feeling
floe. Look for red box.
WW A 11 i4ninW.
IJalicG Lic
Tor (even generations the National
Household Remedy of Holland for kid
ney, liver and bowel trouble! hat helped
make life brighter for suffering men and
women Begin taking them today and
aotire how quickly your trouble! will
ranish. At all druggists in S vises.
Prospector Tells of
I Real Cold Weather
I Ifle recent news story from Alaska
bout the reindeer freezing In a cold
nap of uous'ial severity has been
.verified by naturalists, who say that
anlmtls of the kind used by Santa
iCIaui before the advent of the air
plane frequently froze to death when
gced was scarce and they lost their
Irotectlre roHs of fat But now comes
the Seattle Times with a story of
smother color. It concerns the late
JDtin Patterson, famous gold musher,
(who In 1000 experienced weather that
night be called really chilly. Dan's
supply of kerosene ran out one day
land he mushed Into ramp for a sup
ply. On the way back to his cabin
it became so cold the kerosene froze
0ol!d so solid he put It in a gunny
ack and toted it home on bis back.,
lie left the chunk outside his cabin
and during the rest of the winter
.when Dan wanted a little oil he Just
went out and chopped a chunk off the
block and melted It down.
Star-Gazing Fuh
A curious fish which has eyes on the
lop of Its head is known as the Star
No mother In this (nllgMened. aa
would give her baby something sb
did not know was perfectly hu.irlesa,
especially when a few drops of plait.
Cast oris will right a baby's rtomach
and end almost any little ilL Fretful
Bess and few, too; It seems no time
sntil ererythUig is serene.
That's the beauty of Ostorta; Its
gentle influence seems Just what Is
needed. It does all ft at castor oil
might accomplish, without sho k to
the system. Without &9 evil taste.
It's delicious 1 Being purely vetsta
ble, you can give It as often as
there's a sign of colic; constipation;
diarrhea; or need to all sound, nat
ural sleep.
Jtut on warning: it is genuine
Fletcher's Cantoris that physicians
recommend. Other preparations may
be Just as free from all doubtful diugs,
but no child of this writer's Is going
to test them! Besides, the book on
care and feeding of babies that comes
with Fletcher's Custorla is worth Its
weight in gold.
Children Cry for
CdprrtfM T DoM. VhI A Oe,
CHAPTER V Continued
Meely decided that for at least a
few weeks she could breuthe, freely,
and feel comparatively secure from
tie danger of a visit.
And that very morning, Just after
recess time, as the children were
trooping in from the playground, he
walked In on her.
"Oh, dear, yon here again P she
tpeuly lamented at he, without offer
ing her his hand, bowed rather curtty
and drew forth a platform chair not,
however, seating himself while she
stood, a courtesy to which she had,
for so many months, been a stranger,
that it thrilled her, to her amusement,
almost as much as St Croix "mau
lers" had thrilled Nettle the night be
fore. "I'm here,' he grimly stated, stand
ing behind his chair and folding bis
srtnt with a resolute, Napoleonic air
that made her heart sink, "to hear
you teach geography!"
"Here I stand so help me Gawd!"
she mocked at his determined mien.
"Martin Luther!"
"And I dont leave this schoolroom
until I have heard your
"Oh, geeP she sighed.
He set his lips and stared straight
ahead of him.
"I've bad this school on my con
science since you yourself admitted
that yon cant teach. We cant let
these children suffer from your ex
cuse me Incompetence. Will you call
a geography class. Miss Schwenck
tonr Did he or did he not hesitate over
her Dame? She could not feel sure.
"But why this passionate Interest
la geogrsphyr she complained.
"Arent you longing to see me teach
spelling? HI call a spelling class"
"Geography, if you please." .
"I suppose," she said accusingly,
"you Just want to expose me as not
knowing any geography of the United
States! Well, If you call that chival
rous" "I'm not here to be chivalrous, but
to hear you teach."
"Why wont spelling dot"
"I prefer geography."
"Just because I Jokingly pretended
to think there were forty-seven states
instead of fifty-seven tend told you
that when I writ a mere child, I
thought the Mississippi river ran east
and westP
"WjU," she said reflectively, "well,
Mr. Crelghton, before I take your re
quest into consideration, will you tell
me what is the extent of your power
over my Jobt Can you take It from
"I can advise your school board to
take it from you. But" be nastily
added, "of course I don't want tot I'd
bate like the dickens" Again he
pulled himself up. "I should greatly
dislike," he said primly, "to resort to
such stringent measures."
"That's better sounds more profes
sional, she encouraged him. "Be
professional or dleP
The children of the school were all
K.'ted now rigidly upright in the
presence of that magnate, the county
superintendent and Mely could no
longer dally with the situation; she
must decide what to do. She might
repeat the successful geograpuy lesson
she bni already glvnn that morn
ing on Italy though a deliberate
repetition of the whole performwje
would be so astonishing to the chil
dren ss to be eir.barraslng to their
teacher I For Venice, she had given
them the songs of tho gmdoUers, and
Impersonations of Portia and Shy'ock ;
for Naples, street beggars and coral
workers; for Rome, impersonations
of Caesar and Mrk Antony with tales
of gladiators lntfpersed; for Flor
ence, impersonate ' M of Savonarola
and the MeClcL a! jch more than the
school had been able to digest at one
dose, but she hsd enjoyei It feeling
bow cleverly she was aolng It ah,
there was the rub! She did It too
cleverly, too professionally. She could
not risk offering It to Marvin Crelgh
ton. Well, then, nothing left but to try
to give a geography leeson In the pro
saic, uninteresting way she had seen
it done In a school she had visited,
where the teacher, for a weary half
hour, had bad the children telling
glibly what states enclosed other
states. What had the teacher called
that a certain word she bad used?
"I'll bore this man so he'll keep
swey from here for the rest of bis
life!" she determined.
"Zehllls," she addressed the bright
est girl of the class that she sum
moned to stsod before the desk, while
she and the superintendent now sat
behind It, "enclose the state of Penn
sylvania." Zehllla looked blank. "What's that
fm to dor
"F.nclose Pennsylvania," repeated
Meely confidently.
Zebllla still looked unenlightened
even dazed. 1 wouldn't know how to.
I dont know right how you mean-
enclose Itl"
Meely sew she had gotten the wrong
word. "I mean eurround It; tell
what states, If any, surround It or
of the Minute
what bodies of water, or whatever
dors enclose, surro.ind or circum
scribe Itl" she explained desperately.
Ach, do you nicer:, Miss Schweuck-
ton, I'm to bound Pennsylvania?"
"That's the word yes, bind It."
A snort from the county superin
tendent was a signal for the nmazed
school and they broke Into a rar ot
laughter that revealed to the embar
rassed teacher how seriously she had
erred. Her fare flushed crimson. She
tinted this monster Bitting on her plat
form laugh 'ii till the desk shook!
Siie rapped for order. The ichool
became quiet "Proceed," she said
to Zehllla coldly.
"Pennsyl-wanla la bounded on the
When Zebllla bad finished. Meely
took as long a time ss possible In
drilling ber to pronounce the letter V
by catching her lower lip between ber
teeth. She prolonged this drilling to
the point of absurdity, for If she
called on any other pupil of this class
to bound a state, she herself would
hsve to keep ber eyes glued to the
map to see that they got It right With
Zehllla Zook that had not been neces
sary, for Zebllla could be depended
upon to answer correc'l. She always
knew her lentous with depressing
thoroughness. So It was not until the
poor girl became restive and resent
ful under her prolonged drilling that
the teacher desisted.
'Bind Connecticut IUram," she at
last proceeded most reluctantly.
"Connecticut is bounded on the
north by Massachusetts, on the east
by Ithode Island"
'Oh, come, an Island cant bind any
thing. What Is an Island, Illramr
she asked, very pleased at Hiram's
blunder, for here she could be sure
oMier ground; she did at least know
the forms of land acd water!
"But Rhode Ialund," sa'd Illram,
gazing at her almost In horror, "alu't
no Islaiid "
Her finger on the map, she conld
see for herself, now, that It wasn't
and turning hot and cold with con
sternation, she yet tried to save her
self. "Very good, niram I was try
ing to catch you up 1 Of course we sil
know how it cam to be called an
Island? Zebllla r
But Zebllla, her stand by, fatted her.
there she did not knowl
Til ask the class," said Meely has
tily, "to look that up for next lesson."
She feared she was not succeeding
In her plot to "bore" the superintend
ent She saw, In a quick side glance,
that he looked anything but bored.
Indeed, he seemed to be enjoying him
self. Probably he'd stay the rest of
the day! Oh, bow she hated and de
spised him I Conceited pedagogue I
Alter a few more states had been
bou.'id (her eyes and finger fastened
the while to the map) she heaved a
sigh of relief and dismissed the class
to their seats.
"Now you've had your heart's de
sire and have heard me teach geogra
phy. What further,"' she Inquired
with dignity, "can I do for your
"I leave It to you," he bowed, mak
ing no, move whatever to go.
She decbted to call up a rending
class. There were no serious pitfalls
for her In American literature. That
b. If she could manage to resist the
temptation to act out the rustling les
son. In case it happened to be a
"piece" (aa tho pupils would say) that
lured her to a dramatic execution
of It!
She settled that danger by ordering
the class to turn to a spcb of Theo
dore Roosevelt's.' And too late she
realized her mistake. The speech
(bounded In political allusions which
none but a native American . would
understand. If only no one asked any
questions! They so seldom did mani
fest curiosity about anything out It
would be Just Ilka the perversity of
fate to Inspire one of them to show
off before the superintendent
A hand was raised the youngest
little girl In tbe class. "Please, Miss
Scbwenckton, what does 0. A. it.
Meely beamed wttb pleasure, for
this was a question she could, as luck
would bava It, answer with convinc
Tradition Bar Jew'
The American Hebrew says that tha
tradition against Intermarriage among
Jews is traced back to Abraham, who
ordered lila estate manager, Kllezer,
to obtain a wife for Isaac from among
his, Abraham's, own people, In Aramea,
It should be added that this Is only
a tradition. It became a practice
among Jews at the time they returned
from tbe Babylonian exile In tha
Fifth century before the common era.
Intermarriage, however, has taken
place among Jews at all times. The
reason why -Jews hsve clung to tlie
tradition of Abraham and the enact
ment of Kzrt lies In the psychology of
group consciousness, especially as this
Is welded by the religious Ideal. The
belief of the Jews that they are a
people chosen by God te disseminate
knowledge of Htm and Ilia moral and
WNU Service
ing Intelllgencu, She rejoiced that
little Becky had been moved to ask It
"The 0, A. It, Is a society of Ameri
can women." she blithely replied, "the
(Iranltluughters ot the American Rev
olution, whose ancestors came over la
the Mayflower." ,
"Well," said Meely telly, aa she
stood with the superintendent behind
her desk at the end ot the morning
session, "I suppone that awful con
science of yours will force you to ad
vise the school board to discharge me
for 'Inconipetence' P
They were practically alon now,
those cf the pupils who did not go
borne for the noon meal having gone
out of itoora to eat their luncheon,
Mr. Crelghton shook bis head. "No,
I cunt be expected always to act dis
interestedly for the good of society
I'm only human, after all and yours
Is the only schoolroom I've ever vis
ited that hasn't bored me to death I
Whenever I'm dull and need a riot of
fun, I can Just drop In here and hear
you teach geography I . No, I cannot
rise to such heights of altruism aa to
recommend your dismissal I It's ask
ing too much I 1'ifi only hu "
"Well, believe me," she retorted re
sen I hilly, "you'll no get a chance to
sit 'round here or .king fun of me
I'll resign P She t. rncd sway haugh
tilybut she is ti good an actress
not to know tnat he waa not tall
enough to look haughty Impressively
and suddenly, without warning, she
found herself cryl.ig. IXwnerately she
fought to control herself, more morti
fied at such a childish display than
she could poaslbly feel over perfectly
excusable Ignorance ot a vast patch
work quilt states, or of the flne dis
tinctions between American alphabet
ical symbols D. A. R.'l and O. A. R si
Useless Information anyway I
But the strain of the montlug had
been too much for her and aba could
not stop crying. Her breath earn In
little gasping sobs, her shoulders
heaved, she fumbled for ber handker
chiefand not finding It h Jerked
open a desk drawer, dragged out a
towel and burled ber face la It
"Oh, but my child! yoa poo' kMI"
Mr. Crelghton unprofesslonslly and
very remorsefully exclaimed. 1 didn't
want to hurt your feelings I Oh,
please!" he begged In distress, laying
a reassuring band on her arm. "Come,
come, don't cry) Tou're not going to
be thrown out of your school and I
swear I won't laugh at you any moreP
She wiped her nose and her eyes
with a corner of the towel. "I'd bet
ter reslgnl" she said dolefully, "or
you'll be lying awake nights thinking
of all tbe education those children era
missing Just because yon were too
weak to wlthstsnd a girl's tears P
"Well." he said ruefully, though
gently, "yoa have got me up a tree,
yoa know I How you ever got a Kut
towa Normal school diploma no your
knowledge of Un'ted States geogra
phy" She showed signs of weeping
again, so he hastily veered off. "All
right, let's never mention geography
again I I da admit that the pupils In
your school are more alert and wide
awska than any children In tbe
county I There, doesn't that comfort
She smiled dazzllngty through her
tears. "Oh, but then Tm a success
as a teacher! since the whole pur
pose 'f teaching children must be to
brighten up their wits, not to s'uff
states and names into them I It ia not
what I poor lnt0 taem bnt ",t 1
lead tl.em to give out!"
"Ah, yes, but there's a lot of nec
essary drudgery In teaching which
cant be aide-stepped, my child ; which
really must ba dope. So If you'll be
good and get down to hard work
"But Indeed I dot Those things I
do, yet do not lesva tha higher mat
ters of tha spirit undone. I do assure
He looked skeptical, but evidently
did not fee! it cafe to pursue the sub
ject,' her bright eyes looking too ready
to shed tears agslo.
"I'm keeping you from eating your
lunch," he suddenly said, reaching re
luctantly for his hat snd coat
Union With Gentiles
ethical will among the peoples of the
world Is also a rest factor motivated
by the desire to hcd to Its mission In
the world and, probably, also by tbe
fear lest Intermarriage should weaken
the force for carrying out its mission.
Vain Search for Treamre
An Australian miner spent part ef
his life In the bush trying to reflnd
a mine his partner found and died la
destlblng. But be never succeeded,
and, eventually, the bushmen stumbled
on bis skeleton. A party of French
scientists narrowly escaped doatb from
thirst in the Sahara seeking traces of
a lost caravan of precious atones that
never reached Tlmbuctoo, aid was
supposed to hsve been overwhelmed
by a sandstorm, lost lta tracks, ar
missed the wells.
Hard to Get Around
Ignorance Like This
Dr. Van Fnrdlcnh of the American
bedlcnl commission, recently assigned
to work In the Neur Knst, rtminrked
that medical effectiveness In the Ori
ent would never be established until
the tnimsos were better educated.
"A peasant woman," lie sulil, "bnd
several children and when one of
them was 'taken III, we Insisted that
the others be vaerliiatod. Much
agulnst her will, she finally conscntud.
"Two ilnys afterward she stormed
into the relief hospltul and iiihriil!?d
us because one of the reccn:l vac
cinated children was dead,
"'Dead I' I exclaimed, but how
could he be dead? He was all right
when we vaccinated him.'
"Ho felt down and broke lila neck,'
scoffed the woman. 'A lot of good
vaccination does.'"
Quart of Water
Cleans Kidneys
Take a tittle tails If Yeur Isek
Hurts, or Bladder Is
Troubling Yu
No man or woman can nick a nils
take by flushing the kidneys occasion
ally, says a well-known authority:
Eating too much rich food creates
adds, which excite the kidneys. They
become overworked from the strain,
get sluggish and fall to filter the waste
and poisons from tha blood. Then we
get sick. Rheumatism, headaches,
liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness,
sleeplessness and urinary disorders
often come from sluggish kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull arha In
the kidneys, or your back hurts, or If
the urine Is cloudy, offensive, Till of
sediment. Irregular of pi singe or at
tended by a sensation of scalding, be
gin .drinking a quart of water each
dy, also get about four ounces of JsA
Bulls from any pharmacy; take a
table-spoonful In a glass of water be
fore breakfast and In a few days your
khtneya may act fine.
This fumous sal's Is msde from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with llthla, and has been owed
for years to bush and simulate the
kidneys; also to help neutralize the
acid In the system, so they no longer
csuse Irritation, thus often relieving
bladder weakness.
Jad Palts Is Inexpensive; makes a
flellghtfu? effervescent llthla-water
drl.ik wLlch everyone should take
Dow and then to help keep the kid
neys clean and a-tlve and the blood
pure, thereby often avoiding scitous
kidney complications.
Pigeon Liquidated Debt
Pigeons were welcome visitors at
tha window of the Cincinnati (Ohio)
apartment of Mrs. Amorelta Fitch, al
ways receiving a few monela of food
until their hostess discovered they
bsd begun to eat ber cherished win
dow plants. Then she put up a screen
to shut out her fsthered callers. A
few mornings later a single pl.ieon
came to the window and hovered about
on the slit aa If to attract her atten
tion. She shooed It away, but It came
right bark and dropped a shiny, new
dime on the silt and flew away, Dot
to return.
Oh, Traniparent Man
Doctor Yon bad better be X-rayed.
Patient There's no need. Get my
wife she Is always able to see right
through me.
A Very Woman
"Is your wife fond ot listening InP
"No; Margaret much prefers speak
ing out"
The product of a tight shoe or an
oak tree Is a -com.
, ' -- v -- ,
1 1 Demand I V X vi
f A v Ax j
The whole world knows XspIrJn as an effective antidote foe
pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one
gtnuins Bayer Aspirin, The name Bayer is on every tablet, and
on the box. If It says Bayer, it's rrenuine; and if it doesn't, it la
not I Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds,
and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and
rheumatism prorn)tly relieved. Get Bayer at any drugstore
with proven directions.
Physicians prescribe Bayer Aspirin;
it does NOT affect the heart
Atxilrla la Uw tnia aurk at Bayer MaBnfMtave ef UoeeaeftlueUatter ef SsllajUaatg
By Taking Lydia LPinkK-m'4
Vefcitable Compound
Manchester, So, Dakota.''! wai 1
a terribly weak and run-down condi
tion when a Irletlil
told me about I.ydla
1C. Ptnkham'a Vege
table Compound. I
began taking It and
after 'tiort time
I full bnt tec, Wa
are a family of fiva
and live on a 80
acre farm, so I
lave qulto a good
deal to do hot a In
doors and out At
first I was unable
to do anything and bad to have a girl,
but after taking tha Vogotable Com
pound I finally gained niy strength)
bark and also gained considerable la
weight. I will gladly answer lettara
from women la regard to your medi
cine." Ms. Otto J. Oct is It V. V,
Dos SO, Manchester, Bo. Dakota,
ksnU map llwa. ftl fur lltwrMlit.
eaiaoN institute or ticmmolocv
X.M.U A. UU1(. rarliaul,Ona
To Cool a Dura
Um Haaford'i Balsam of Mrrra.
Beneficent Sneeze
A snes relieved C' A. Kinney,
eighty-three years old, of Seneca, Pa,
from the effects of Injuries he suf
fered In a fall downstairs about two
ysare ago. He had been unable since
to move bis head and neck freely.
Then came the sneeze, something
snapped, and his head and neck func
tioned normally.
Bevrnge Is not so sweet as a change
ot scene that utterly shuts out tho
object of vengeance.
Broadcast Good Newt
Whlttler, Calif. T)r. Pteree's Fa
vorite Prescription and the 'Oolden
Medical Discovery have been used la
our family oS and
on for a long time
and thsy live al
ways given ns sa
tire satlifavtton. 1
bava lakaa the 'Fa
vorite Prescription'
and so has my
mother. It waa a
wonderful beneflt
XJ'X. Ia has no equal.
K -My father always
look tbe 'Ooldea Medical Discovery
whea bo felt rundown, and It never
failed to build up bla general health
la a very abort time." Mrs. J. I,
llllrard. .11 S. Whltttar Ave.
If your druggist Is out of the "Medi
cal D'soovery" or "Preecriptloa,"
send II eeata to Dr. Pteree, Buffalo,
N. T., for a package of tho tablet.
Are You listening In?
tim sr-sannrrirr siaLm n stiMS.
flUll4 S.MI Of Mf1 Rt WiM. SIMMS
Ha4ia MaMniM til Sv every Thar
(atr IIMj flaninc 'IltirWf MrH(
fe. mm i-riM. (,mi t.., ux.iinur
U4 KVTINT w mmw Im fall ! fnt
sammm i asc tiMdimiM trvm im
U4I MiMrma.
Uttmt .-r mat SM Mnr acme
DVbsms lit tint iiaxwa KM Tuv snw
i-i mm Ism
S ! awns fn f.O,IISW a
I M t .., -llruft 4 MUIM I sit
tartiiUtn ef (III- Inl-pr-tlnf . I. V,
ber SlinitST lit Mens UTTI""
buil4 ee la mmmtj hi-aM aSere aenala kits
auk. Wrlla kaJafT Aaarau Ifeak
Kevtfe tnrlru Ifa rvaa-jmatlM
MbVarven, U, I.
W. N. U PORTLNQ, NO. -1t2.
Bobby's Explanation
Utile Sister 1 wonder why reb
ruary has 20 days every fourth year
I.Utle Ilrother Itan't yos know,
silly? It's so that people born on the
2!H!) of February can bava a birthday
' once In a while.