The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 02, 1928, Image 3

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By Takinff Lydia E. PinkhWs
Vef eUbl Compound
"A nets-liber advised ma to tr Lvdla
H, 1'lnkham's Vegetabl Compound,
wblob, ah said bid
helped her ao much.
80 1 bought few
bottle and tried It
out It sur helped
me wonderfully. 1
felt much, better,
My work was do
longer a dread to
Die. 1(1 hear o( any
one who la troubled
the war I as, I
will glsdly reconv
mend the Vegetable
toiu pound to them and I will answer
anr letter In regard to the sain."
W. Hum IStucaAti, 1134 H. l'enn,
An, Lanalng, Mich.
"1 had been alckly vr alnce I wai
fifteen year old. After taking Lydla
B. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound I
got ao 1 could do all my heuaework and
I am la good health." Ma. Maui K.
.Wiiaum. Ketchikan, Alaska.
rrom Michigan to Alaika,from Maine
to Oregon and from Connecticut to
California latter are continually being
written by grateful women recom
mending Lydla B. rinkham'a VegeUble
The Compound I Dad from root
and herbe and for more than fifty year
hu been helping to reatore run-down,
over-worked women to health.
Are you on the Sunlit Hoed to Bet
tar Health?
Mellon Family Riehett
' Tli Mellon family I probably the
richest In America, with the Ford
llockefuller and Baker famlllr fol
lowing In the order given. Thle
the conclusion of writer In the Do
ton New llureaa, Onnnrlnl newsps
per, who say that bawd on actual
value of lecurttlf and aseet value o
other proerty owned, the Mellon fan)
lly heaile Hi Hat The OWl.TIS share
of Gulf Oil company Work held by thi
Mellon I cited on reason. Ani
till la only on of 111 big Induatrle
In which the Mellon family I Inter
ested. .
Term Wat Correct
Jerome That's my let wife.
Bod I didn't know you were dl
Jerome I'm not, hut look at n
To Curt a Cold in on Day
Take Latatlve BIIOMO QUININE Tab
J ate. The Safa en Pron turned
4uk far ln(ur at K. W, Qrove 1
till bos. loo. Adv.
The beat way to keep that nmbrelb
I never to lend It.
Ton can't atrrtrh yonr word fa
without breaking It.
Why do ao many, many bable of to
day cacap all the Utile fretful apelk
nd Infant!! ailment that used t
worry mother through the day, ant
keep them up half tlie night?
If yon don't know the gnawer, yor
haven't discovered pur, harmles Ca
torla. It I weet to the taste, am
tweet In th little stomach. And It"
gentl Influence (rem felt all througl
th tiny system. Not even distaste
ful doe of caitor oil doe ao much
Fletcher' Caatorl 1 purely Teg
table, o you may gtv It freely, at
11 rat lgn of colic; or conetlpatlon I oi
diarrhea. Or thoee many time when
you Just don't know what f th mat'
ter. For real sickness, call th doc
tor, always. At other time, a few
drop of Fletcher' Castorla.
Tli doctor often tell you to do juai
that) and alwayi ayt Fletcher'.
Other preparation may b Just M
pur, Juet a fret from dangerou
drugs, but Why experiment? Besides,
th book on car and feeding of babies
that come with Fletcher's Castorta Is
worth It weight In gold I
Children Cry for
IaaawalMdniH UiaaHairralllail
Raataraa Cater aad I
Bmv k Cr ua F.l Hairl
enniwcllon with fvkor'a llilr HaiMm. Makea the
balr aort tn Sufff. ao inU hjr mll or at druii
aula. Uiaoox Vlwmlua Waiki, 1'itcbofin, N. X.
I .... . . 1
0w a CtoNe
Chine Boatman at Lunch.
(Prte br Ika National Oananvhle
Suridr. Wuklnaloa. I). C.I
TUB river at Shanghai Is full of
houseboats o full that you
could cross dry-shod but few
there be among foreigner who
ever Inquire whor three houseboats
go or whether on can be tcqulred
for song In th proper key. Hurtle
It to Iny that prior to th present con-.
dltlon of civil war houseboats could
be acquired, not, perhap. for a song,
but for a few notes, and thereby aev
eral daya of delightful adventurt
might be secured.
It I no trouhl at all to secor a
most admirable cook and a most
palnatnklng coolie In this land of
houaokeepor's delight A number on
hoy can pick them Ilk rip apple
from a tree. And such food I Leg
if frogs and breasts of guinea and
nheasaht and caviar and sweet pota
toes and pnncak suiett nd won
lerful things In bottles on th Ice.
tnd H for very modern) sura, Irs
ban th hotol charges for th sam
erlod, and doubtles plenty left over
Tor th number on boy himself.
In th tnngl of boat at th Rliang
ial quay th on you hire I sur t
i five or six boats from shore, and to
each It It Is necessary to "wslk a
ilank." On Is glad not to fall In,
'or th river st fHisngluil Is very, very
llrty. However, ther I scarcely
par to full.
How to get th boat out of It
angle la a problem. Coolie work and
iweat with hawser and line and
wles. Great cannon ball of colled
p drop between the stern of on
mat and th bow of th next to pro
em chafing, and before long you find
oarsclf being towed slowly but
imoolhly upstream perhap In th
vak of a Chines hotel boat a
louscboat which Is not rented to on
ell-to-do family, but which take
Ingle passengers for a consideration
ind board and lodge them during
he trip.
Th river I very wide at Shanghai,
ind harbor craft literally by th thou
ands awaria about A bronsed Bnt
ercup, her bambost piled high with
irsnuts and ling nuts, sings a Strang
iltll song st your side and sell her
ware to people a little lens poor than
Food la Tempting and Cheap.
China I certainly th horn of th
delicatessen Idea. Th cramped bona
paca, teeming with children who did
not have th grace or th luck to die,
ha mad cooking or a near approach
to th family tabl well-nigh Impos
sible, and everywhere savory little
mease cooked over charcoal are sold
at an Incredible cheapness, and small
bowl of steaming delicacies ar al
wayi being carried through th street
for morning or evening consumption.
Th river Is no exception. Cook boats
ar everywhere and th principal ob
ject of sal I always food.
A- barg loaded with wool passes,
with on leaking bale. Little hand
ful of th precious commodity begin
to dot th crowded water, and In
stantly half a dosen small boats, poled
by women and girls, screaming with
excitement dart from under your
prow, shoot skillfully between th
houseboats, and glv diss to th da-
slrabl bits. Small children with long
pick or skillets Ilk butterfly nets on
pole flan th treaaure-trov from th
water, swearing volubly a other
boat and other treasure-oeekert In.
tercopt a desirable morsel.
The water carefully squeezed out,
th flotsam and Jetsam are laid out to
dry on th Utile decks. Each of th
women and children risks life In this
freniled dnrt among the stream craft
after a few cents' worth of wool.
Presently water space I not at
quit such a premium, and on begin
to meet Inrge boats, limped Ilk
Noah's arks, swinging downstream,
They ar sagging with vegetable
trang to Western ye great Ilrob
dlngnaglan things, In green and white,
Ilk a Dakst stag setting. They ar
going with th current but ar has
tened In their progres by a strange.
looking bent oar which resembles th
winning half of a wishbone. The oar
I asunlly operated by three witling
workers, on of them almost always
a tireless woman.
A bnby, of two, or three, or four,
often shows a shaven crown on the
deck but th fact that th I several
time a mother doe not exempt a
woman from taking her trick at th
oar In China, and on wonder bow
long a vacation ah get when th
baby actually arrive.
River Scene Above th City.
A soon a th first few bridge
ar passed on begin to meet th
stately Junks coming down under full.
picturesquely patched sails. Their
easier locomotion give crew snd pas
sengers mors time to gate and to per
form various domestic duties on deck.
Women wssh vegetable In th dirty
river water or atltch diligently on
garments of Peking blue. Alwsy
ther I a hobbled chicken or duck
and almost always a mongrel ku to
bark bis wsrnlng at night dually
ther Is a clump of Chinee lilies
growing In a blue bowL
A twilight begin to fall, your boat
commence to pas between long line
of uprlver hosts, not rich enough to
be towed, tied up for th night on th
banks. Everybody I eating a supper
of rice, but no one 1 too busy to point
at stranger with succulent dripping
chopsticks. These boat seem mor
prosperous. The deck ar being
swabbed: boy bable wear large, loose
sliver ring (bout their necks, and
little bright queue braided In red
stand out a 81s Hopkins halo
around their chubby brown face.
It darkens. At eight o'clock dinner
Is served In th cosy cabin, with red
curtslns drswn, bright lights, fresh
dsmask, snd sparkling silver and
glass. The cook I a success from
onp to dessert Bo la th number on
boy, to his long silk cost serving
deftly snd quickly snd with as much
ceremony as If he had a butler's pantry
at hi back aa big a th whol boat
Tour boat Is now passing ferry af
ter ferry, where lusty Chsrons, for a
copper, transport worker from one
side of the river to the other, nun.
dreds of coolie are wsttlng for these
local Twickenham, for It Is th home
coming hour th end of the Chinese
day of twelve, fourteen or sixteen
hours' labor.
Out on deck again, you presently
glide between the bisected helves of
a village. On one side sre dirty.
thatched huts; on th other open
shops, pleasantly lighted and airy In
the cool night
Of course, the men of the vlllsge
are In the shops. In one a cheerful
gambling game Is going oq. Mtn are
excitedly celling out the sum of the
finger outstretched between them
selves and an opposing player.
Th darkness deepens. Th wster
thumps at the bows. The sound dl
away; th village darken; th boat
moored on th banks become quiet
and you tuck yourselves awny In youi
Pretty Qlrt of toochow.
Th towed houseboat arrive at
Soochow In th morning and I soon
tied up In th moat outside and un
dement h th thousand year-old wall
Th ancient barricadea look down
peacefully enough. Th battlement
are pierced with loopholes, through
which green tree grow and long
strands of creeper veil th wall.
Here and there are crumbling watch
Preskfast over, one finds bearer
wnltlng by the riverside, two for each
of the closed chslrs In which on sit
comfortably, looking out In three dl'
The girls of Soochow are lovely.
They are also Oordella-volced. The
most famous "sing-song" gills In
China come from Soochow, and those
of them who have had the misfortune
to have been born elsewhere claim
Soochow for their nativity.
The beauty of the women I
matched by the brains of the men, for
In the palmy days of Chinese civil
service the examining halls of Soo
chow sent mor honor men to Peking
than did those of sny other Chinese
city. The examination halls are In
ruins, of course, together with the
civil service system. Silly sheep now
occupy the narrow stalls where
scholurs once pondered the Confucian
(toston Ivy appropriately drapes the
age-gnarled trees, and the tablet,
erected In honor of famous scholars
of th past are, ninny of them, so old
that they cannot be deciphered, and
tiie character I known only to anti
In Trim This
Winter? .
Watch Tho Kldnayt After
Wlntf 'a Colds.
flOLDS and grip ar hard on the
KJ kidiwys. Whan the kidneys alow
jpj impurities remain in th blood
anal era apt ta make one find and
achjr with headaches, dirvineas and
foa affing backache. A common
weaning i eennty er burning eecretion.
Dean's PtIU, a stimulant diuretic;
erases the secretion of the Icidneye
and aid ia the elimination of waate
lenpuritiaa. Are and rand by users
varywhera. Ak yur nd&iml
DOAN'S p,&s
BMUr-MOWn C HlgCkm. ftalNY
Carter- Urn UwPWs
' SmiM. Mr mm one ol
Sktaa tkrlt stir rrtrtn r 1-1- -r rt hi if -fn-
wUl wmim, MpachllT v4a To hen
takea W h lira Umllf.
fi ii r m'- t- r "f--
Sr There i quick, positive)
Hief m
- BT OiHtlKK1 BO 1 0OX . ,
II U tru4i)l Manrraic. Guaranu.
WANTED-I levera of auk to
aaa far VRS J-ater MltamlUa aaUUa
"uuioa Maws' anil rn Coawat tor
-- mhm am vniu la aaa a UnW aaatYT la
lata aaaaaallaa Ea aalUec.Jart raeoaiaM
aarail Oraaalaera Waal ''lob for Tha
Nov rarchaloajr." Biff InaoeamarvJa far feral
lamoara. aoivaa paraanai prvoiwin. . i .
akla, 4IS alSae. lit TUaaa bids.. Now Tor.
It la Just as well to look out for
th man who la always looking out
for himself.
LA Half Centum
( 1QTQ aaa.
k V,-'r
Announce their Golden Anniversary
FOR SO years the name Cuticura has stood for all that is best in
Toilet Preparations for cleansing, purifying and beautifying the
Skin, Scalp and Hair.
First manufactured and distributed in the United States, they are
now known and used throughout the world, ever-growing demand
necessitating the establishment of additional laboratories for their
manufacture in Canada, England and Australia.
Originated in 1878, the Cuticura Preparations have been able,
through their wonderfully effective super-creamy emollient qualities,
to meet the constantly changing demands of successive generations,
and are today held in highest esteem for all the needs of the daintiest
of modern toilets.
The Cuticura Preparations consist of:
Cuticura Soap Cuticura Ointment
Cuticura Talcum Cuticura Sharing Stick
Each is a highly developed product, with the Medicinal, soothing and
healing properties of Cuticura so delicately and delightfully blended
that they are unique in Toilet Requisites.
ii m a i
Indian Children Ar
Heavier Than WhlUt
When social worker at th Kansas
bureau of child research set out to
make soras Individual growth studies
of Indian children they found th lit
tle brown-skinned Americans so much
heavier than the white children of the
same age that the ordinary hlgh-welght-sge
table did not "fit" them
at all. Through th courtesy of II B.
I'earla, formerly superintendent of
nsskell Institute, federal Indian
school at Lawrence, Kan., data and
measurement were obtained on21,(W7
Indian girls snd boys from govern
ment Indian schools throughout the
country, from which a new set of
table was constructed. Contrary to
what on would expect, the Indian
children were found to be shorter as
well as heavier than their white broth
er and sisters. The Indian boys ran
from one to four inches shorter and
from on to tit and a half pounds
heavier than white boy a, while the In
dian girls were from one to two Inches
shorter snd from on and a half to
four and a half pounds heavier than
their whit contemporaries.
Brevity the Higheut
Point of Eloquence
Th story 1 to.'d that when Abra
ham Lincoln was conferring with
committee over spach th Presi
dent wss to make, he a-!: "If I am
to talk 4b minute I will not need any
time for preparation, but If I am to
peak 10 minute I would Ilk a week
to get my remarks ready.
Lincoln could say mot In a few
words than any man of modern time.
In literature and oratory. It has al
ways been th brief, almple, lucid
style of expression that ha created
the most lasting Impression.
The Iste Senstor Beverldge wss
never able to live down the quip of
"Mr. Dooley," who described on of
hi oratories! flight In th senate as
"apache ye cud wait to."
Many of our writer and public
speaker should learn with Cicero
that "Brevity Is a great praise of elo
quence, "Thrift Uagazlne.
"What Is the proper thing for a
man to do when hi wlf asks blm for
money and he hasn't any?"
"Oh, there Isn't any proper thing to
do In thoee circumstances. Anything
be does will be wrong." Stratford
Beacon Derail
Borne people are always Inheriting
money. That' the kind of a family
to be In.
Trying to be good uses op a great
fund of nervous energy.
TV af
5oap and umtment
Potter Drug and chemical corporation
to end a cold quickly. DILL'S Cm-eara-BroaakU
Qntnuae doe all four
st one tima. Stop a cold In on day.
Red box, 30 cent. Ail druggists.
AFTut lTlltUeellurukim
. rvw -jsi
J$ue Relief
Balsam of Myrrh
A Healing Antiseptic
f OaaatffaBar ' I. " J I g
an MaaoaKOeeaaa. Aa aa.
aT InaeHj, aaa Flap's Taaaaf aa J
Sa OMMSataa.lfa. ml
Jtaraii aa Uaa. Saaa for literature.
omaoM iMSTmrra or TtcwoioT
I.M.C. A.IUd(. rarlJaat,OTacai
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. -12,
Sole Proprietor! of the
Cuticura Preparations
Main Offices and Iiboralorie4
This announcement
Is appealing to-day ia
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