The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 02, 1928, Image 2

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Handsome, fastidious and
wealthy fount 81 Croix Crelgh
ton awaits hla aweetheart at
their tryatlng place. Bha la lata,
thia ordinary llttla Pennsylvania
Dutch girl, aleelr Schwenckton.
Daaplta bar seeming Innocanca
and Ignorance, aha auoceeda In
keeping htm at distance, to
hla chagrin. Meeir, In tha
8chwenckton home, whara aha la
boarding, la altogathar unlike
tha girl who maata St Croix
clandestinely. 8ha la tha taachar
In tha neighborhood school, of
which Marvin Crelghton, St
Croix' brothar, la superintendent.
Meely learna that Marvin waa to
have married hla soueln, a titled
English lady, but, believing aba
waa attracted by tha Crelghton
wealth, had refuted tha alliance.
It la tha rumor that St. Croix la
to take Marvin's place and marry
tha English girl. St. Croix' jeal
ousy Is aroused by Meely'a report
of an aged auitor for her hand.
Tha girl cleverly decora hint Into
admitting ha has no Intention of
marrying her. Marvin vlalta
achool In hla official capacity aa
superintendent and discovers
how shockingly little Meely
knows about achool teaching. Mr.
Schwenckton, coming home from
town, plcka op a stranger, and
finding hla watch gone, demands
tha atranger get out and turn
over hla watch.
CHAPTER IV Continued
Tve been held op on tha road and
robbed!" he announced, his voice
weak with fatigue. "May I im jour
phone to report to the police?"
A (tunned (Hence on the part of the
four occuranta of the kitchen met this
statement and request Meely staring
with wide-open eves, her band pressed
to her fnst-beating heart ; Nettle's
face faint first red, then pale; Mr.
Schwenckton trembling and pallid;
8 usle unmoved.
But It was 8usle who broke their
stupid silence. "Bo you see, Sam, he
ain't still runnfa'!
A little hysterical squeal of laugh
ter from Meely brought the young
man's eyes around to where she stood
by the table clad In a kimono, her
hair down her back tn braid. 8he
was glad she wss not dressed nor
mally, for In her tailored school suit
with her hair done up around her
held, she was so transformed from
the country bumpkin of ber voile
frock trimmed with artificial flowers
nd streaming ribbons that the ex
treme contrast would have betrayed
ber hopelessly as masquerader.
For the man leaning exhausted
against the kitchen door was 81
Croix CrelRhton.
"Bow did you get here so soonr
quavered Mr. Schwenckton, too ab
sorbed In his own quandary to see
the flash of startled recognition with
which his visitor's eyes met Meely'a.
She hid succeeded, at an Instant's no
tice, in assuming the look of bovine
dullness which bad so effectually dis
guised ber ever since she hsd known
"Am I Is this Sam Schwenckton's
formr exclaimed the amazed young
man. "I'd no Idea where I was, the
road's so pitch dark 1 I've been grop
ing my way for a half hour to find
house where I could telephone. That,"
pointing to the lamp, "waa the first
light I saw In Ore miles t"
"No, not five not more'n two," Mr,
Schwenckton's shaking voice correct
ed him.
"How do you know? Is this Mr.
Schwenckton V asked 8L Croix, for
the farmer, without his coat and hat
and necktie, did not suggest to him
bis automobile companion of an hour
"It Is," Mr. Schwenckton heavily ad
mitted. "And you, now that I see you
In the light, I rekonlze as the younger
Mr. Crelghton! XI, yl, yl, yll"
Tea, I am In mess I" responded
St Croix, Interpreting the farmer's
exclamation as sn expression of sym
pathy for his plight. "May I use
"If It's only your watch yoo want
It ain't no need to phone. Ilere It la I"
Mr. Schwenckton, with shamed, avert
ed face, held It out to Its owner.
St Croix, amazed, took It "Ton
caught the thief? But bow? Do tell
me I I never was more taken In 1 lie
seemed the most harmless, kindly old
This time It wss Nettle who gave
little hysterical aqueal which
' brought the young man's eyes, for an
Instunt, to her rosy, eager face,
7 J "Meely I" Mr. Schwenckton sp
' pealed, "you tell him how It was I
Me, I couldn't get the words together
; for to explain such a bewilderment 1"
Meely was appalled. The Kcbwenck
tons were accustomed to hear her speak
good English ; St Croix had of course
never heurd her talk anything but the
IVmixylvunla Dutch dialect 1
"Nettle," she murmured, "yoo tell
bin i"
Nellie, shy, but all too willing to
bold the young god's attention upon
of tm
W r m
herself, eagerly assumed the task of
explaining her poor father's unfortu
nate mistake and before she was halt
through her narrative, they were all
laughing except Susie; and even she
was feebly smiling.
"What gets me pupplexed," said Mr.
Schwenckton amaxedly, "la that me
and yoo, Mr, Crelghton, neighbors
since you waa born a'ready, though
Ave miles apart and not seeing each
other often (I ain't really laid eyes
on you since you was college boy,
except to pass each other In our cars)
but that ns we could ride together
near eight miles yet and not rekonlze
each other"
"I'd have known yon In your farm
clothes, I suppose, but"
He did not explain how unnatural
and unlike himself the farmer looked
"I've Been Held Up on the Road and
Robbed," He Announced, His Voice
Wsak With Fatigue.
to blm in bis "store suit" with a col
lar and necktie on.
"It's a good thing we're neighbors
that know each other or tbla here
thing mightn't look so funny, but wery
serious!" Mr. Schwenckton gravely
"I didn't know," St Croix said sud
denly, when Mr. Schwenckton's abject
apologies bad been accepted, "that
yoo had three daughters, Mr.
Schwenckton ; I thought yoo hsd only
thought right I got only two."
"Oh." St Croix nodded, "then this
young lady isn't your daughter?" Ills
nod Indicated Nettie, but as she snd
Meely were standing together, Mr.
Schwenckton misunderstood him.
"No, she's only a distant cousin,
come to school to teach here."
Teach? Why, she looks too young I
Too csn't tell, these days, can yoo,
bow old girls arer
Meely realized that bis look of
amazement almost of consternation,
was not at all for Nettle's youth ss
a teacher, but for the awful Kngllsh
with which the children of the dis
trict must be Instructed!
Nettle was delighted that no one
but herself, as she supposed, per
ceived bis mistake, for It was won
derful to have Mr. 8t Croix Crelgh
ton think ber old enough snd "smart"
enough to be a school tescher I Thank
ful she was Indeed that Meely didn't
speak in and claim the honor.
It was obvious to Meely that St
Croix waa even more concerned than
she was that neither be nor she
should by look or word reveal to this
family tha relation In which they
Mr. 8chwenckton offered, now, to
get out bis car again and take Mr.
Crelghton home, but the young man
In Splendor, Venice
In Venice of the Sixteenth century
luxury and splendor surpassed all
bounds; never before at any time nor
In any city were religious ceremonies,
victories, the conclusion of peace, the
visits of foreigners, or the marriages
of Illustrious persons, celebrated with
greater pomp snd magnlfleencv. Those
In the occupations of cloth makers
and drapers reaped huge fortunes, for
on nearly every gala occasion miles of
rich new fabric were used snd visi
tors to the city were rendered speech
less by the matchless spectacle.
There was a great rivalry among the
nobles to see who could appear in the
processions In the most expensive robe
of gold and velvet while the richness
and the hangings from bulcony and
protested that If they would allow hlra
to telephone home, one of the Beech
lands chauffeurs would be here In a
short time with a runabout
While he whs telephoning, Mr,
Schwenckton ordered Nettle to make
some strong hot coffee and got out
some doughnuts and pie, '
Hut what, Meely wondered, would
St Croix think of the teacher's being
naked to do this Instead of the daugh
ter of the house? She considered
swiftly what would be her best course
to avert suspicion on both sides. To
get across the kitchen to the stairway
and run up to her room? Mr.
Schwencken would be bound to stop
her and Insist that she stay snd have
coffea and doughnuts with them, and
If he spoke to her at all, St Croix
would notice bow differently ha ad
dressed her and Nettle. To remain
here, however, was more certain to In
vite exposure. And yet she was
afraid to go away for fear of what
might come out In her absence.
Nettle, as she bustled about making
coffee and setting out cups snd sau
cers, saw, with keen chagrin, how Mr.
Crelghton's eyes kept turning toward
Meely and never in her direction. And
the expression on hla face furtive,
hungry, Infatuated I Was this. Nettle
wondered, a case of love on sight?
She was greatly puisled, for In her
opinion Meely "looked a mess" In that
sloppy kimono and with a "plait"
down her back.
As Mr. Crelghton bung up tha re
ceiver, there waa a quick movement
In the room Meely making for tha
"Ach, Meely" began Mr. Schwenck
ton. "(Kd night," she Interrupted, rush
ing up the steps before he could stop
her but not before she caught In St
Croix eyes the evidence of the con
flict in his mind a passionate protest
against her going, mingled with a fear
of ber presence.
Upstairs In her own room, while she
prepared for bed, she bad the exciting
suspense of wondering whether they
were talking about ber; whether St
Croix had noticed ths kimono she had
on, a Japanese embroidered silk thing
that a county school teacher would
hardly own It ahe were what she
should be! Tee, this kimono could
be a "give-away."
"Well, when this sort of thing could
happen It was evident that she could
not much longer keep np ber farce.
She must bring things to a climax as
soon as possible; beguile 8t Croix to
lay bis cards on the table; force bis
hand for a show-down.
The sound of the cabinet organ In
the parlor below ber bedroom, and
Nettle's shrill voice singing. Interrupt
ed her thoughts. Nettle wss invari
ably called upon by ber father to en
tertain "company" with her musical
accomplishments of organ and voice,
and of course such distinguished com
pany as Mr. St Croix Crelghton
would hsve to be favored. Through
Nettle's lungs and fingers the entire
family found their one and only ar
tistic expression.
At breakfast next morning Meely
warily watched the faces around the
table for Signs of newly awakened
suspicions of herself. But she found
nothing unusual tn the demeanor of
the family.
Nettie chattered excitedly about the
elegance and "swellneas" of Mr.
Crelghton's stylish clothes, bis won
derful white bands, the wsy be said
his words "He says "hofr for balfl
It sounds awful pretty and genteel
that way I And, ach, the manners he's
got I The wsy be held my chair for
me to set I Say I" It beggared words.
"But I always ssy," ber father
spoke In, "that I don't think so much
of manners morals Is so much mora
"Gimme manners I" Nettle defiantly
affirmed ber choice,
"Morals and manners," said Meely,
"can go band In hand they're not
mutually exclusive I"
Meely bad often noticed that ber
use of a word of mora than two syl
lables Invariably awed the family into
a prolonged silence.
She broke the present lull by broach
ing a subject to Mr. Schwenckton that
was weighing on ber mind, "llow
often do county superintendents visit
a school, Mr. Schwenckton T
"Ach, about once In so often."
Yes, but bow often r
"Not so wery often. Now and then."
"But I mean," Meely patiently ex
plained, "how far apart are "now and
"Well, pretty far apart Too see,
he's got too many to wlslt to come
often. And the schools Is spread over
so much area that It takes np time to
go to and from."
Surpassed All Cities
carpets spread for the feet of the
hour's hero strove to make themselves
(!cn among the profusion of flowers,
the countless flashing candles and tha
play of color. When some magnifi
cent occasion of this sort wss not In
progress Venice was not permitted to
be dull for a moment there was always
some carnival of merrymakers on tha
streets and masqunrsdes were so com
mon they became a nuisance and met
with decrees forbidding them. Detroit
Bets Liked Peacock Pie
It Is recorded by historians of the
day that Queen Elizabeth's favorite
dish on festal occasions was peacock
pie. Brooklyn Eugle.
(I lll. Western Neweueper Union.)
"Loss the dsy loitering, 'twill be
the same atory
Tomorrow, and tha next mora dila
tory, For Indrvlaloa brings Ha own da
And days are lot lamenting o'er
lout daya.
"Are you In earneatf Belie this
very mlnutal
What you can do or think you osn,
begin It I
Only engage, and then tha mind
grows heated;
Begin It, and tha work will be
When a dish of (Ulterior excellence
Is desired, here is a good one to try :
9 w est breads
Saint Germain,
Soak the sweet
bread I In cold
water one hour.
Cook In salted
water to which a
tublespoouful of
vinegar to one
and one-half quarts of water bas been
added. Simmer carefully for forty
minutes. Drain and plunge at ones
Into cold water so that they will, be
Arm enough to handle. When cold' re
move the tubes and membrane, taking
care not to break tha sweetbreads.
Cut Into slices about one-half Inch
thick. Brush over with melted butter
and lay between thin slices of baked
bam of the same size. Wrap each
sandwich In letter paper brushed with
olive oil, fasten with toothpicks and
place In a hot oven until the paper Is
brown. The ham will cook just
enough to give the sweetbreads a de
licious flavor, but should not become
dry. Arrange tha meat on a platter
and garnish with young green but
tered pens and carrot balls, also but
tered. Serve with:
Sauce Espagnole. Cook one tea
spoonful of onion In three tablespoon
fills of bacon fat until a golden brown,
then add two tablespoonfuls of flour
snd two and one-hslf cupfuls of brown
stock and one-fourth cupful of elder;
cook until smooth, add Ova cloves,
two sprigs of parsley and two tea
spoonfuls of tomato puree and allow
the sauce to simmer over very low
heat until reduced to one pint Strain,
season with salt and pepper and re
heat Just before serving. To darken
the sauce add a teaspoonful of sugsr
browned and add three tablespoonfuls
of water. Use as much of the caramel
as needed.
Ill humor, Irrltableness and a sour
disposition are all cured by attention
to the diet
Economical Mast Dishes.
There are thu?e who are fond of
kidney. For them tha following
recipe la given;
ft 1 Beef Kidney, Creole
J I StylesTrim the fat from
a fresh kidney and cut
Into three-quarter Inch
O slices. Dredge with roue
tablespoonfuls of flour.
Chop one thick slice of
bacon an I two table
spoonfuls of suet, try out
and add the kidney, four chopped
onions, one sweet pepper chopped, one
pint of tomatoes, one teaspoonful of
salt one-eighth teaspoonful of curry
powder and a llttla cayenne. Cook
and tors until the meat Is well scared
with the gravy before adding the toma
toes. Simmer , three-quarters of an
hour. Serve very bot on fingers of
buttered toast
Calves' Llver Fry until crisp one
fourth pound of thinly sliced bacon,
drain off all the fat several times
while cooking. Remove to a bot plat
ter. Pour bot water over a pound of
Uver, let stand Ova minutes, then
drain snd roll In equal parts of corn
meal and flour with a teaspoonful of
salt Fry until well browned on both
sides, using the fat from the bacod
for frying. Just before serving pour
over one-fourth of a cupful of coffee,
cover tightly and let Hand for a min
ute then serve garnished with the
Veal and Tripe Soup. Chop finely
two each of small green peppers,
onions and beets. Melt a teaspoonful
of fat In a saucepan; add tha vege
tables snd' stir over the heat Add
one-half pound of trips cut Into small
cubes, one-fourth cupful of rice, two
quarts of weter and a two-pound
knuckle of veal. Let simmer for three
hours, add ona tomato, salt celery salt
and pepper. Remove the bone, chop
tha meat and add to the soup,
Arsblsn Stew. Soar six lean pork
chops on both sides In a hot pan, then
remove to a casserole. On each chop
place one tablespoonful of rice, a
slice of onion and a slice of tomato
with two (trips of green pepper. Add
three teaspoonful i f salt three cup
fuls of boiling water and baka for
three hours In a moderate oven.
Melange of Rice. Prepare by chop
ping fine, measuring after chopping,
one cupful tf cnbbnge, one-half cupful
of carrots, one cupful of potatoes, one
half cupful of turnip, one-half cupful
of onion snd a few stnlks of celery.
Put these vegetables Into a kettle with
two quarts of boiling water and cook
one hour. Add salt, pepper, cayenne
and cook another half hour. Just be
fore serving stir a cupful of milk Into
a cupful of worm cooked rice, add
plenty of butter and add to the vege
tables. Do not boll after the milk has
been added.
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
CT wC sf-fAc"pt on1y "Daygr" pcfc'g
sOf mP which contains proven directions,
f J7 nsady "Bayer" boxes of 11 tablets
Vsas' Also bottles of It and 100 Druggists,
Aepula fe) tha trade suit at Beyer Maasrsetere at KeseeetUeseUeeter af UUerlleaele
How often does
w w trouble r Kara
fV YT Hardy Hollanders have used thia remedy for
A LiMj over 200 years. In sealed all druggists.
S stars.
Cookie Dog
"What's your dog's nsmer
"Does Ginger biter
"No, Ginger snaps," Stona Cutters'
Do WeakoM Detract
From Your Good Look?
Baa rranoisoe, OeJlf. 'About two
year am I waa weak and rundown
Malta, i aaoared so much with
backaohe and pain
to my side, sad did
Dot get any relief
Bill ! took Dr.
roe's favorite
Prescription. A
few bottle of tbe
YreoortpUoa' was
permanent beae
fit to me and I am
glaa to recommend
ft to others for I
Ultove it will do
for (hem What H 414 for me." Mrs.
M. Webb, 110S Launa IL
Obtain this famous "Preeoriptioa"
now, In tablets or liquid, from your
drosiiai, or write J. Ptaree, Presi
dent Invalids' Hotel In Daffalo, N. T,
for tree medical advtoa.
Dont let tba meek Inherit the
wtfth. They'd ruin IL
ew I
'Hoot, Mon, Luckies
dinna hurt my throat
or wind," says
Sir Harry Lauder.
famous Scotch
'Tve smoked Luckies
for years and all this
time Tve been active
in my work which
demands a clear
voice for singing
and good wind for
dancing. 'Its aU
ways a bra bricht
moonlicht nicht
with Luckies Hoot,
Mon, they dinna
hurt my wind or
"It's toas
No Throat Irritation -No Cough.
Neuritis Lumbago
Toothache Rheumatism
that friendly question find you full of
pains and aches caused by kidney, Uver and bladder
troubles t Keep your health while you can, Begin taking
vour health vmla vol
Medal Haarlem 1
i Oil Ceramics at once.
Look for the name oo every box.
Want Supplied
Roger Kahn, millionaire airman
and musician, aatd at a dinner la
New lorkt
"We hear Ms of stories about the
conceit of movie srtresscs, but Bona
about the conceit of movie artora.
Ilere goes, then, to supply a long felt
"A movie actor, on hla return from
his vacation, went about with bla
aleevea rolled up so aa to show IN
big, bulging bleeps on each arm. He
was very proud of them. Ha got all
bis friends to fee! bow bard they
"Gosh, whst a muscle r a friend
would say. "How did yon ralsa lit
, "No," the actor would answer. "II
comes from bugging girl admirers!"
He "Why do yon want to sing
with met" Bhe "To help share ths
A friend who la never tn need la a
friend Indeed.
I Too many men who have good Ideal
' are unsbla to make good.
The Cream of
the Tobacco
t T I