The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, January 13, 1928, Image 3

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    Drink Water to
Help Wash Out
" Kidney Poison
If Yeur Baok Hurts or Bladder
: Bother You, Btgln
Taking Bait
When your kidney hurt and your
buck (mil tort don't gut scared nnd
lrceid to load your stomach with
lot of drug tlmt exclto the kidney
!anlj Irritate tli entire urlnnry tract.
KjN'P your kidneys clean Ilk you
k'eup your buwols clean, by flushing
,ttjm with a mild, harmless salts
wh.teh helps to retnov tho body1 uri
nous wait and stimulates tliom to
tho'lr normal activity. Tli function
tit tli kidney 1 to filter tli blood.
In St hour they itrnln from It (XX)
grain of acid and wuito, ao w con
readily understand tli vllul lruiur
tunc of keeping the kidney actlvs,
lrlnk lot of good wutnr you can't
(Drink too much; also got from any
pharmacist about four otilion of Jad
., Hullij take a tablespoon ful In a ginsi
of water before breakfast each inorn-
- Ing for four day and your kldniya
may then art One. Tlili famous aulte
I mad from tli acid of grapes ohd
lenmn Juice, combined with lltlila, and
ha been ud for yenr t hoi? clean
and itltmiUt cloggod kidneys; alao
to neutralize tint add In the eystem
a they ar do longer aourr of Irri
tation, thus often relieving bladder
Jad Bait U Inexpensive, cannot In
jure; make delightful effervescent
lltlila water drink, which everyone
ahould lak now and tbrn to help keep
their kidney clean and artlv. Try
this ; alao keep up th water drinking,
and no doubt you will wonder what
became of your kidney trouble and
' ' Unchanged
"Do yon find 8m Ub very mucr
changed after all the yearsT
"No, but be tblnka he la."
"Well, he' alway laying what a
au h used to be," Vancouver t'rov
Stop cold before It atop you. Take
FULLS Caecara . DrnrniU Quinine.
Stop the cold, check the fever, open
the bowels, tone the system. Insiet oa
HILL'S. Red box. 30c. All dniggux,
Strengthening Heme Tie
The movie, the motor car and th
radio, fur fmni loosening tb honn
Ilea, tend rather to atrenglben I be in
particularly on the firm. Young pet.
pi bive been nior content with farn
lire line lb nmtor car and lb plr
tur ahnw brought ainuiemeut am
recreation Into their Uvea. Tb phono
graph and tb radio muk t pnsalbk
for every bom to bve music and m
lure; every bom now ba It owi
amusement parlor. Capper' Farmei
How' Your Stomach?
Preens. Calif. ''Dr. Pierces Oold
a Medio! Wecevery gav me an
Ur saUsfacUon M blood anrlrber
and atomaeh tonle,
and I am only loo
tad of tbla oppor
tunity to recom
mend It It I my
candid opinion that
there la nothing
Iter for a general
debilitated eo di
tto of health than
tb 'Oolden Medl
cat Dlieovery,' and
I de not object to
Mbllratloa of thla statement"
R. W. HnUna SIT B. Angua BL
Obtain the "Dlarevery" In Ubleta
cr Ihrnld from yoar dealer, or, aend
lfta for trial pkg. tn Dr. Plrr's In
valid' Hotel, Buffalo, N. T., and
writ for fro medical adrlre.
Krrer tried Dr. Plnroe'e Pleasant
Pallet to regulate bowels? 0 Pel
leU. M enta.
Thtrci quirkpojltlve,
Otntmmt rot to.
flhftU OHft TBI"
rwiur. aort wmn.
InMl, tofltwhHU the'k innu
nM Pi A em rme
1;,, e'
naiaevaaa wNfja
: "jr Ia(MIfclMW"
y i
of the" '
Helen R. Martin
CoprrliM by rinilit, Meed k Co,
Ifumliom, (tldlous and
wenltliy young HL Croli Cretan
ton awalie hie ewthrt at
their Myelin place. Dbe le nf
tun mlnuui tela, this ordinary
Utile I'annnylvenla Uulch lrl,
Mealy Hchw.nckton, but he
awnlle her eaaarlr. he le eo
itamurely baaullful, he thlnka,
but eo out of hla "clan." Lis-
pile har eaatnlnR Innocence and
'lanorance, abe auccaaila In keep
In him at dlatanee, to hie
chaarln. Maaly, In the a.hwanrk
ton home, where aha la boarding,
la allether unlike the girl who
meete HI. Croli elandaeilnaly,
and har epeera haa little ot the
Pennaylvanl liutcb accent.
CHAPTER II Continued
Mr. Hrhwenrkton looked sternly
Unapproving. "Yon hadn't ought to
heist wlndnha where person' layln'
alrkt" he reaffirmed, and Aunt Hnay
added her horrified prophecy! "Yea,
soon you'll have another wife dead on
you, Mister, with lucn goings-on a
mn a my bark I turned around be
hind m oncetl"
"Sule would be up and about In
sreek If you kept her room aired and
-lean," Meely Impcrturlmlily affirmed,
'and tb bnhy, too, would pick op.
rhere nothing th matter with th
tnhy except that It' not properly
'aken car of, Mr. Fchwenckton."
"Yea, well, but when hody'a lck.
r for bnblea," Mr. Rchwenckton-t-
yated. "w don't hold to openln' win
lab on 'em."
"Susie' bed wa plenty clean a It
was r declared Itoay. "It didn't need
,'hangln' till another week yet It
nokea tn too much work, such be
havior doe I And Buale' too trk
fur Meely to tnk and wash berl Of
ill thing I Washln' person when
'hey'r lrk yetl"
Meely' reception of thl criticism
was as Impersonal as though It were
helng directed toward anyon but her
self. Her whole attitude to tbla fm
lly, her very presence her, teemed
tentative, experimental. When she
araa not regarding them with wlde
yrd wonder and curiosity, her fuc
araa expressing suppressed amusement
ir pity, or Impatience; ometlmea be
arllderment; aometlmes th Interested
ruaperia on might feel at "movie"
er a plsy.
Their attitude to her, however, wa
ntlrely matter-of-fact Evidently they
took her quit for granted. sti cer
tainly did ont tnk them.
Just now her alert observation took
i th fart that Mr. Schwrnckton'a
tnxloua glnnc wa resting with stTec-
litnat concern on Mr lie's red eyes
'hat he was aware of her desperate
ffnrt to repress th little gasping
Pitching of her breath which betrayed
her recent violent crying; that he saw
he wa not eating any (upper.
Iteachlng across th table, he took
tier plate, piled It with food and hand'
d It back to her. "Kut your upper,
Mule," he ordered In ton that for
iltn wa caress. "W enn't have no
nor b'k folk here."
"Ye-yee, air." Though th food
ttrangled her, she would have to obey
md eat It to the last crumb when her
father so ordered.
Aunt Hosy never missed a chance
to disparage Meely In Sam Hchwenck
'on'l eye ; for she felt that If ihe could
ct rid of this objectionable girl,
he had gotten rid of Nettle and Jakey,
he two older children of the family,
lie would hold th situation In hand,
her In her young lister' home, with
niich mnr confidence.
"So you took another of them long
.vulka of yourn again today, Meely,
iln'tr ab Just now remarked In
dnuatlngly. "Seem ao funny wiilkln
lust fur th soke of walkln'I Ain't
Sam? I guess," Aunt ltoiy nodded
knowingly, "ihe goe to meet her
fellnh 1"
Thl bait elicited no reply from
Meely, though It manifestly touched
Mr. Srhwenckton't curiosity bit and
even I.lnle'i sickly Interest
"Hut why," continued Aunt Rosy,
"ar you ao secret about It If you're
got fellah? You're welcome, I'm
mire, to keep comp'ny her In th
front room. Ain't Sum? You're got
no need to meet him secret that way,
It don't look nice, Look Ilk as If
you had aomepln to hide yetl Aln'i
"I can't think," responded Mr,
Scbwenckton reflectively, "of any fob
Inb 'round hera that wouldn't be too
common for Meely."
"Ach, I don't know. , She ain't to
much, ao fur forth a I enn see." Aunt
Itosy frankly stated, "even If she I
high-educated that way."
"Th only educated young men
'round her I the two Crelghtona, and
to be lure," inld Mr. 8chwenckton,
"they only run with iwelle."
HCrelKblonr' repented Mtfly !
qiilrlngly,, .
"yea, They'r awny-np roma, mem
Crolgbtnn. They're 'rlitocrntlca, tbey
nro. Grand folk. None beltnr. Even
the iwelli tlmt live In town nlnt
nothln much to th CrnlKhtona
they're got lo much, the Croljjhtoni
"'So much'J Mony, you mean, of
con rue 7"
"To be auro. Whnt eler
"Well, I thoiiKht you might mean
education or brnlna or even clmrac-
tr lntcreitlng thliiKl.M .,
"Yea, well, tbeyr got all tnem
thing too." ' ! -1 ,
"llav they?" , ,
"Ach, yea, tbey'r wcrygriind col-
legedueated thut way; them two
Crotghton. And tn younger one, Ht
Croix, he' wery proud and high-
minded; wonderful hlgh-mlndedl Mar
vin, the older oue, be alu l ao proud.
Hw'e different to wnt rit. Croix la."
"How I he dlffercntr aHkcd Meely,
dligulnlqg , under an eluhornt Indif
ference her excited Interest Much as
ah had longed to flsk question about
th Crelgbtona, aba' had never (lured
risk It, ao ah wits elated tlmt, with
out any maneuvering on tier part, th
talk should be taking tbla Interesting
"Well," answered Mr. ftchwendcton,
"Marvin make hlsaelf nice and Cora-
Aunt Rosy Never Missed a Chane to
Disparage Maaly In Sam 8chwenck
ton' Eye.
mon with os folk when we meet np
with hlra; and with hi 1'op'i miners,
"ftut that ain't ayln'. Meely," pok
In Aunt Unsy, "that he'd aroop to you.
lie ain't that common I",
"Isn't her
"Yes, well, hut he might stoop even
to such a Meely," Mr. SchweocVtoq
speculated, "since hla Top turned hint
out to earn hla own llvln'." ? ' 't
Oh I Whyr asked Meely breath
leealy, off ber guard for u Instant tn
her surprise and curiosity.
"Well, he don't bold with hi Fop
bout th way their miners I treated.
II put out that he think It s Ilk
Itoosha under tb rxnr. tie' fur
treotln' 'em Ilk Kooaba under the Bol
sheviks. So hlra and bla I'op they
don't hit It off ao wery good. He to'
hi I'op (so It' put out) that he
couldn't live on money so earnt - Mo
then hi Top tol' him to get out and
earn hi own llvln' and see how he'd
like It"
"Then th other on, St Croix, will
biherlt all hla father' wealth, will
her asked Meely. "Or ar there other
"Them' all But the estnte U en
tailed, that way, and Marvin must get
hla share, too, till bla Top deceased
a'ready. That' whnt get old Crelgh
ton so peeved, that he can't disinherit
bis ton ; for he My that Marvin, with
hi Bolshevist vee-you. will ruin their
business til own shnre and St Croix'
too, aceln' It' all together. Yes, Mar
vin he' an awful worry to hla I'opP
"And to hi brother, Ht Croix, too,
I ahould think r Meely suggested.
"Ach, yes. It' put out that th broth
er don't get on good together it alL
Then there' other trouble, too, be
tween Marvin and hli J'op about t
lecond cousin In F.nglnnd with inch
gltle duke-es or whnt that Mur
tvln wai to marry and he got balky
and wouldn't do It It seems be tol'
111 I'op be wouldn't buy bis wife nor
he wouldn't loll hlsself fur no titled
lady In th world, nor he wouldn't
marry no girl that would sell herself
for hi money."
Desert Animal That
On of lb moat ilnntlflg chip
tera In animal poison i tot subject
of natural Immunity, th fart that
some animal are Immune to th poi
sons of other and remain unhurt If
stung or bitten by th poisonous onl
mill, whereas all other sorts of beasts
A case In point Is that of desert
animals which are unharmed by
acorplon'a sting. The desert fox, th
kunguroo rut and other Inhabitants of
deserli where scorpions abound are In
thl hnppy position. Their cousins,
living far away from the desert would
at one be aerlously Injured by
ecorplon's atlng, wherein th desert
breeds remain unhurt It li to be sup
poied that In th far distant pust,
,viire," Meely asked
after en lnliXrrT4 7J('t his
ftngnsn cousin wunieu to simtunieir i
Well, that's tb talk. The two
fnmllle had fixed up the match and
Marvin he got bulky. And bis I'op
wn wful peeved, he'd been so set
on tbl here match. Marvin bnln' the
oldest wa gave the first chanc at
tbl here grand ludy, you see, and
wouldn't tnk It So now It's St Croix
tbnt'i to marry her, tbey iny,"
"I her'
"Ho tbey lay. And I KUCM. It'g het-
tor to, for he' more suited to such
duke-ess, or what Marvlp'l too plal
dresser for such a'hljjh lady."
"And how," naked Meely., after an
other .moment'i slUmce "doe thl
Marvin . tarn hi living since he's been
thrown but by Jil fiithGr?"
"Yes, you better ask, Meely' He'
your bos I tie' got hlsself elected
county superintendent of, our. public
schools I" ' "., ".' ,..
"What!" . . ' . v ,'"
"Yea, mind it be didn't!. fo he'll b
wlsltln' at your acbool on of these
here dnj'i to see bow you teach
'Doevbe know anything1 about
teaching himself?" asked Meely skep
tically. ',.; ' '
"Well, he's got a college dlarploma,
ne wlni.
"And the younger eon Bt Croix
ha agree with hi father, I HppoM,
about the treatment of th miner?"
"Ach, ye, him and hi Pop agree
One. He' th lawyer for th estate
and hla Pop think he' Una and
sharp. Lizzie," he spoke to hi little
daughter, "eat your upper."
"It don't wonder me she don't eat'
said Aunt Hosy j "her conscience won't
leave her enjoy her wlttles, ao bad"
"Be peaceable. Aunt Rosy. You can
tell me after (upper what you r got
to aay."
Th child looked terrified at these
ominous word and Meely glanced at
her pityingly. For moment po on
spoke and, th silence seemed heavy
nd, menacing. . ,
"Well," Mr. Schwenckton preaenUy
broke It "I'm done." He pushed away
hla plate, drew th back of hi hand
arms hla mouth, ahoved bnck hi
chair and rose. "I'll go up and see
Aunt Rosy, who waa greedy eater,
at once concluded ber own supper
with few hasty mouthful and roe
to go with him. "Llzxlet" ah apok
over her shoulder from th italrway
opening put from th kitchen, "yon
at nod clear off tb table and do
- then flntxb up them
dlar-i..,t '
"Yes'ui. finswereu - rising at
one and beginning to scrape and cot
lect the plate.
A moment later Sammy, t cowed
and sullen boy of twelve, skulked Into
the kitchen, tat down af the table and
began hungrily devouring bl belated
(upper.,' . .
kleely strolled to tb foot of tb
fair and Hood listening to th voice
In th room above; and Lizzie, her
eyea wide and strained, left th link
nd tiptoed across tb room to stand
at her aide. ,
"Uzzle ihe wont obey to me," Aunt
Rosy' comptatulng vole cam down
Prom ' th sick room. - "I can't do
nctbin' with ber. After 'ichool this
after she run out and itnyed till near
upper time a'ready I If you don't
learn your children to obey to me,
Mister, I can't bousckeep for you, and
then whert'd yon be, with a sick wire
and bc-arder that' that pertlkklerl
wnntln napktn to every meal yet I
and lsterferlo' and mnkln' Susie
worse wttb lettln tn th cool air
where ihe't layln' here ilckt . Well
of all thing I"
"And. Sam," Susle'a weak vole
backed np her alster, "Meely she en
courages Lizzie to disobey to my sis
ter Rosy, I mlsoverheard ber enylo'
to Lizzie, 'It' a pity you ain't old
nnmrh .In, An tike vnnr. alster an
brother done run ofTP 'Ycl, mind
you, Sam, If abe didn't tdll Lizzie
"Yt yL yl I" Mr. Schwenckton' deep
vole responded In strongest disap
"Yea, and If yon don't get rid I
your fancy boarder, Mister, you will
have another of your children runnln'
off, now mind I'm warnln' youl" said
Aunt Rosy.
"Ach, no, noT Mr. Schwenckton re
turned In ton ot mingled distress
and resolve. ,
"Well, then, yon gotta switch It out
of Lizzie, Mister, the way you don
out of Sammy, If yon glv ber th
good iwltchln' you glv Sammy last
week fur not mlndln' to me, then I
guess I won't have no more trouble
with her. Sammy you bet he minds to
me now when I (peak to hlmt Well,
I guess anyhow then I He Jump when
I ipeak line he got that there good
whlppln' off of youl And Llezl sh
needs It worse'n Snmmy yet"
Scorpions Can't Harm
before th- desert' animals had this
complete Immunity to scorpion venom.
those which were stung and could not
resist died, leaving no offspring. Their
luckier brother, who happened
have hardier constitution, survived
and left behind them a resistant race
ot descendant. I'rof. IL Munro Fox
In th Forum.
Lengthy Railroad Tunnel
The longest railroad tunnel (n th
world I th on between Ilrlg and
Isella, Switzerland, which I 124
mile long, according to an answered
question In Liberty,
. Money that man bums seldo
help hlra to enlighten tha world.
iiiii.iiu uiwwaiw 1ass
J ' "S ! ' '
y '' ' f7eW' ' ; i ' -,'
m y Ufa'7-.''' 3zsji .
UIZV&J lr U.IaSU UJ.' :
The whole world knows Aspinii ai an effective anti&te ton
pain. But it's just as important to know that thert is inly on
genuint Baytr Asjmm. The name- Bayer -i on every tablet, and
"on the hox. I! it says. Bayer, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is
not! Headaches are dispelled by Bayer Aspirin. So are colds,
and the nain that roes with them: even neuralgia, neuritis, and
rheumatism promptly relieved. Get Bayer at any drugstore
with proven directions, '
PLyxkiaEj i prescribe Bayer Aspinn;
it does NOT affect the heart
Alai Is tk tnas smi at Bajar KaasMw; abaaaaatlaatldaatar af lalkrlleaell
Simply Had to Wear ' '
a Number Ten Shoe
Tha kind ladv noticed so old man.
whoa right leg wa gone, standing
m a atreet corner wim a perplex ea
look on hla face.
"My poor man," ah said, "art yon
'No ma'am." ha reolled. Tm look
ing fer feller that got his left leg
ihot off In th Battle of Bull Bun."
"What Is hi namer
"I don't know that" wa the. re
ply, "but b wear number ten
hoe.V '- v
'For heaven's aake. If yon dont
know who be Is, how do yon know b
wear numDer ten snoe7
"I ain't euro be doe, but It stand
If reason thet If ha don't on or
t'other o n Is foln to bar trouble
with hi bunions. Lady, I'm looking
ror right-legged feller f go partner
with on a new pair of shoes." New
fork World.
Room fer Doabt
Mandy wa applying for dlvorc.
ind Zeke, alarmed at tb prospect Of
losing his meal ticket was contesting
th suit . . .
"Isn't It true," Zeke'g lawyer asked
in cross examination, "that your bos
band Is a deacon In th church and is
generally regarded a a pious manT
"He's a deacon of de church, sho'
nufT." admitted th ggrlevet wife,
"but since he's been, 'rested three
times already for crap-ahootln' an'
bootleggln. an' has been ketched re
peated whit runnln' ermin' wld funny-
look In' yaller girls, Alt baa consld
dubl doubts erbout hla ploslty."
Taking So Chancet .
Doctor Sambo, I can think of but
on thing that will cur you. and that
Is -an electric bath.
8ambo--Naw, tub, doctah,.yo' alnt
takln' to dls her nigger. I had a
freln' wbnt took on of them thing
down In Sing Sing and It drowned
him I
For Cold; Crip or Influenza
and aa a Preventive, tak Laxative
HROMO Qt'ININB Tablata. A Safe and
rrovan Keeieny. Tha box oaara ma
signature of K. w. drove. oc. aov. .
Ambulance That Fliet
A flying ambulance, with a com
pletely equipped operating room for
emergency surgical treatments in
flight has been put Into commission
by the Kharkoff branch of th Soviet
Bed Cross. Th alrplan haa ac
commodatlona for four itretcher In
front of the operating room. The ma
chine and motor are entirely of Bus-
slun design and construction.
Mild Crime
Judge Professor, you ar accused
of murdering your entire, class.
Professor Dont be hard on me,
uige. It waa only a small class.
Feel Stiff and Achy?
To B Well tho Kidneys Must Thoroughly EUmlnata
Wast Poisons from tha Blood.
OES every
Doan's Pi
A Stimulant Diuretic to the KiJney'g '
At iB ottlert, 60c bo. Fii-MJUsC,M(l,aIW,lWo,N.y.
laaMiiwka ao4 tffertiTa aouaHa pew
im Vi-Msum aatrlnsCTt. aaothlnf, aaf -
an4,r Mn-alac. It boi. C O. V. Wo-Na
laDor., Bos oi, t. "(" Lioa ABie,iii.
61 L aOTALTV ACBKAOB BMrt sTavtB-Safr-
hmrt. iflld Moauna. Urmi 139 eaah aac
llto aurekaa. . kalaasa 114 timallmauia
paabla a completion prodoclat paria
wall. A44raaa A. U. Campball, CMlmoat. aloal.
Strut rei DISFIGURE yOOWef
I Looks -
aRMrtmMS aa
u MiTiani.
SALVI tol tomt X
t M an arfiralata. .
r SLLLL bL'CKEX. Kra Tork at .
Boschcc's Syrup; y
ha bean relieving coughs due to oold . '
(or alzty-on yeara. j.
Soothes the Throat
loosen th phlegm, promote expeoto
rarioa, tivea a goo4 Bight's raat treo
from joughln too aal I0o botttae,'
Buy It at rpur dpi store, a O. Green,
roc;' Woodoury, n. j.
,Qokk reUaf from pain.
rrevom ano piaeeur.
yt Me stnar aeaC awW sVMi
HanfordVBalsaa of Myrrh
1 84 Has Healed W
baw t-toV U ae a
, Eagie nde Long Flight
The eagle fevrnd recently at-tTIcfh
Tourt, on the oaTnern shores of Thl
Minor, after a flight from Bigs, baa
hero .returned to Blga. Th bird ttore '
on one pf .lt. leg a ring bearing a too
tle tn Russian.' saying that It had been
released Jn tb (tusstan dty 4urlrjg
the Zoological coogreaa tx yar ago.
Garfield Tea
, 'W Your
Crandmolber't Remedy
"uTor every stomach
' 'and Intestinal lit
This food old-fab
'toned herb home
remedy for consti
pation, stomsch 111
nd other derahg
ments of the sys
tem o prevalent these days Is tn rten
greater favor a a family medicine
than la your grandmother' day. . .
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 1-1928.
, Miner' $ Painting Accepted
For tb first time In many year a
coal miner has bad a picture accepted
for. exhibition by the Iknicaster Art .,
society of Duncaster, England. U I
Robert llolloway ot Balnworth, a col.
Ilery village, llolloway ba mad
painting a hobby sine he was a baby,
day find you lame, stiff and
achy? : Do you feel bred and drowsy
suffer nagging backache,' headache and
dizzy spells? Are the kidney secretions
-scanty and burning in, 'passage?
v Sluggish kidney e!6v-. poisons
to remain in the blood and upset
the whole system.
Doan'l Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in.
creaeo lha secretion th kidneys and
(hue aid in the elimination ot waal im.
purities. Uoon'l have eeubKehod a nation
wide reputation. Ash vont neighbor I
L ,
9 1