The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 23, 1927, Image 4

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Published Evrry Friday by
V. W. HEAD. Editor Publisher
One Year L $1.50
"ix Months - .75
.kre Months , .50
Kntered is necond class mtter it
h pnttoftice at lone, Oregon, under
act of March 3. 1879
Friday, Dec 23, 1927.
Whatever makes mm good Christiana,
taket them good cititens,
Daniel Wehster
Races in Malta Speak
Same Tongue at Chritt
Ttirro la atill In tlili world a race of
people who spruit the lame tongas
that Jesus and ilia apostles need la
thilr ordinary everyday tulka to thi
people, says the Christian Selene
Tlila spoken language was "Ara
maic" We still may find language
nnd dlulevts which have descended
from Aramaic.
To find today In the par Aramaic
practically Identical tc the colloquial
language that Jesus used we must to
to the Island of Malta.
Even there the traveler must not
iect to hear It Id Valletta. The people
f the gen port have long had Inter
course with the Italians aud the Eng
lish and their language baa changed
Travel Inland (o those compact
cities of stone to Zeltuu, to alosU
with Its enormous dome, the third
largest In the world there one hears
not the Anglicized, not the Italianized
speech, but pur Aramaic. There also
one sees a race of people of not oney
similar apeech, but of slmilnr appear
ance and of similar character to the
"chosen of our Lord" "devout mB
and women who serve God dally." Oae
can well Imagine while living among
these people what Andrew, Peter, John
end Matthew must have been like.
Many races have held so-called do
mh.lnn over these islands, bnt none
has succeeded in Implsnting Its Ua
mag. Lawyer Left Opening
for Verbal Brickbat
A good story is told of the lata
Chief Justice White of the United
States Supreme court, who was fa
mous for his wit. A few months he
fore bis death the chief Justice waa
approached one morning by Judga
Timothy T. Anslierry. former member
of congress from Ohio and a prac
ticing lawyer In Washington.
-Hood morning, Mr. Chief Justice,"
an Id Judge Ansberry. "I hn you are
quite well."
"Good morning," was the response;
but not recognizing Ansberry, the
chief Justice added cautiously, "la It
possible that I have forgotten your
"It'a Ansberry," wss the answer.
"Oh, yes, my dear Ansberry." the
Jurist hastily put In. "How are you?
But you must excuse me for not
recognizing you Instantly. Ton know
the cataract are fomdng over my
eye and I do not see as well ss I
"But," said Anslierry, "I noticed
that the cataracts do not prevent yoa
seeing the denYletiees In my argu
ments before your court."
Smiling broadly, the distinguished
Jurist laid a hand on Ansberry'
shoulders, saying:
"No, my dear Ansberry, a blind man
could tee them."
Then turning to a friend who hap
pened to be In the group, the chief
Justice laughingly said:
"He gave me a chance to throw a
brick, didn't her' Kansas City Btur.
Up$ and Down$
Dr. Marvin Slile, who, at the Amer
ican Medical association's convention
in Washington, exposed the danger to
th health of tn'fowd permunent
flushes and tattooct red Hps, said at
a dinner in Clevelim!:
"Our beauty docin- siinetlmea dmn
age a woman's con ::tv.tlon as much
her bank account
"I heard a story tlie other day. A
man mid:
"'I understand thut Mrs. Mulurln
Mayhew, the society leader, has luid
licr face lifted
"'I that soT suld a second man. 'I
don't ee any difference.'
"'Well,' suld the flrst mini. -It fell
again, I hear, wheu the heuuty rioc'ut
Sent In his bill.'"
t inland' Claims to Fame
Finland Is a lor.J of suiierliitlves.
It is the northernmost republic on the
globe; It was the first country to give
absolute eituil suffrage to women; It
was the first nation to adopt prohibi
tion; It has the greatest forest area
of any country In Kurope; It boasts
th lurgcit puper mill In Kumpe; It
has the greatest number of lukes of
any country Hfi.ouo and It boasts of
not merely "thousand islands" but
r),(m. says a travel writer In the
'Pathfinder Magazine. Klniund for six
'centuries was under the sway of Swe
den; then for a century It was doin
looted by Itussla and finally. In HUM,
Ui country attained Its long cher
J bed ambition and wc farmed Into
k republic. The government Is head
4 by a President who ' "lumen for
Ct year, and the Inwi nre made by a
el consisting of t slofit clumber.
Hera are few ol the pictures
e have contracted for 1927.
Dec. 10, Fiame of Yukon
Dec. 24, Pals in' Paradise
Dec. 31, YounR April
Jan. 7, Rubber Tires
Jan. 15, Gertie's Garter
Cut this out and keep it fur
future reference. We will only
raise prices when the price of
program compels us to, Dont
n.iss a single number of this con-
net. American Legion
lone Oregon
No Women Gourmet
The discussion in Paris as to what Is
a gourmet has resulted In the claim
f one well-known writer that no
woman ever waa one. In defining a
gourmet, he says: "A gourmet Is not
a person, who, as some think, over
eats or overdrinks merely for the sake
of eating and drinking. No, he Is too
particular for that. Gourmets are
rarely or never 'gormandlsers' they
are too particular about those two
twin temple of their devotion"
stomach and the brain real gourmet
rc.irtake of but one serious meal a tiny.
People who are always nibbling are
the very opposite of gourmets, and
there Is no habit so unsociable or
deleterious as picking at food when
lilting down. That Is why there ma)
ie women painters, mtislclana. barrls
em und voters, but never a woman
Odd Toy Balloons
Toy ball'jons shaHHl like such fa
nllinr figures as Santa Claus or the
Raster rabbit, as well as scores of
fanciful and grotesque animals, bird
ar.d people have created a new field
'or Inflated rubber toy. Queer cats
v!h a sqoawker concealed In them.
n il plaintive howls. Another Im
Mvement on the old-time balloons li
he addition of a simple valve which
'ors away with the trouble of tying
he h:llNin with string after Inllatlnv.
The toys, which appear simple enough,
ire the product of complicated iiiiiliu
facturlng procew. Sheet of special
hich-grade rubber are cut out by die,
one for each side of the toy. the two
nam are then Joined at the edges to
form an airtight balloon, the detga
are stamped on In color nd finally
he rnlve Is added.
Bureau Supplies Fighter
If yon n"d the service of a flrat
clnss just ring up a bureau kt
llethnul fireen. Knglund. which make
i hnsine of supplying profes.slousl
Fighting men. who are as meek to miis
er and ferocious to his fot-s as po
lice d 'g. The rmpnrlum of swatter.
IHionch naturally not advertised. Is
'icing well patronized. Miwrlallr by
-Ich men's sons who had gotten Into
'rouble and fear being blackmailed,
"tfmkniakers also are mI patron and
t general election (line the firm la
ivy. The fees run from $5 npwurd
Til the men who do the job are guar
intel to be not bullies, but slmp!
tronit young men who know how re
if tbelr fists.
Ready Money Alway$ Beit
I like to pay my delil promptly;
.iot for si noble reason, but because I
eir tleadlieats abused so much. For
'f: v years aud more I have beard col
ectom growl viciously at deadlxtnt:
o I like to pay promptly. I not only
lean up every debt I owe at the ead
of the month, hut when ixumible. I
prefer to pHy ra-di as I go. No one's
credit I actually as good as bis
money. I know hundreds of men who
nre being Injured heennse col lectori
"talk" lut them. Slont of tbene m
finally pay In full. If man Intent
to finally pay his bills. It Is extreme
ly foolish to he slew about It. I. W.
Howe's Monthly.
Marvelous Stone Car
in Old Indian Temple
U'lieo the Moliaiiiiiieduu invaded
the kingdom of Vljayantignr In the
Sixteenth rentury, they wrought tre
mendous havoc on all the great guild
in.' of that grent city, ny a writer
n a ('ulcutta puper. Today, as one
ramble over If, there Is hardly to be
seen a structure thut does not show
evidence of the Iconoclastic proclivi
ties of the Invader.
It Is Interesting to note that one of
the unique structures among the ruin.
4 temple cur made of stone, has ap
parently been untouched. Thl I the
nor striking as the temple. In the
rourtyard of which the car stand", has
been terribly treated, some of the
finest carving In the whole city belnjt
broken and shuttered out of nil shuie.
This car Is to he found In the i-lclnltv
of the Vltthotnswaml temple, not fur
from the river.
After find appearance one la In
clined to think the cur boa been carved
out of a solid block of stoue, but a
closer examination shows thl Is not
SO The Joint between the vurlous
parts arn wonderfully well done, and
unless one looks lit Hit structure care
fully It Is not surprising the Impres
sion of solidity should be given. The
pilgrim who visit the place believe
that they obtain merit by turning
round the wheels, which are also mad
of stone. As a result of thl devotion
the axle ha become very much worn.
Two elephants of stone stand In front
of th car.
Notice la hereby given that the mi-
dcrttlKiunl hna lufii appointed by the
Comity Court ol the State ot Oregon
ft r Morrow Canity, administrator
of the estate -it' Johannes Troedaon,
tlccpHwct; nil iMon having claims
iig.ihiHt ald i suite are hervlij re
quired to prvnt such t lalin. duly
vorlfl.wl. Hint with proper Toucher
attached, at me office of K. H. Hob.
Inaon, Aturncj at Law, at lone, Otv
jiou, within lx month ot the date
of thla nottco, the aantti lalng dated
nnil published tlit'tlrst time, this Itltb
tla.v of UtvemtMT, 1U27.
Cnrl F. Troetlaon
Administrator ol the eatate of
Jolmnna Troedson, deceased.
F. II. liolllllBOU,
Attorney for the udmliiUtrator,
lone1, Orrgoti,
Dnt of Inatpiibllcntlon, I II '27,
io all points
in Ore&on
Idaho and
Sale Eates
rinal nturn limit Januarys
J. W. Howk. Atf'tit
lone, Oregon Hills'
Notice I hereby given that purau
tint to the statute of the Stat of
Oregou In such cnae made unit pro
vhlt-tl, the undersigned ha taken up
the hereinafter tlecrlheil animal
found running at large upon my
preinlw. I will, on Saturday. Dec.
.'4, at the hour of 3:00 p. in of said
day, sell at public auction to the
biubeHt bidder for cash, the follow
ing dew-rllietl animal, taw It: one
yearling, itraile. Jersey bull, of dark
irtiwn color with both ear cut off.
Hald Hle will lie held at my ranch
seven mile outh ol lone, linlrsa aald
iiiiiiiuIm tw mleruieti by the owner
thereof prior to Raid ale.
Larry Kegley
Oil John tlcllevllt place
The State has let $43,831 con
iracuon the Olex-Fossil section
of the John Day Highway.
Paul C. Balsiger, Agent
At Paul C. Balsiger's
The Port of Pcrtlhnd may build
onother 450,000 buhe elevator
Lodge Directory
Morrow t'oitntr I'muona Orange
Master, ( baa. S Irk lander
, Hecy. J ..
Next meeting ,
IONE I.OJKIK No.Iio. . F. AA, M.
Meet every first and third Wedne.
buy of each mouth. W. M. Jason lilt).
die; Secy , W. E.Hnlla. I
IK-iist riiapter No. 113 (). K.
Mieta the second nod fourth Tile.
dny of each mouth. W., M.Mr. W. K.
Milliard, Secy., ilnt.Kiuh Mason.
IO.SK LODGE No. Vtt. I. O. f). f
UuvU awry Saturday sveuiujr. N,
J. T. C. Trog; 8wy Howell.
I. O. O. V. Meets flrt nml third
Thursdiiy of each mon'h. N. U Mrs
; Sac j. Mn.
Clair Young, Floyd Grabllland
John Gravta ui rived Tuesday
from 0. A. C. to pnd the
Christmas holidays at their homea
in lone. They traveled py train.
Windell and Elva Balsigercame
home monday from U. of 0. to
spendthe holidays.
Frank Mason who -la attendeng
Willamette University Is home
for the Christmas holidays.
Mrs, Lish Sperry and children
left for the valley to apend
Works Both Way
Any time a friend ur neighbor out
strips u In making money we ran
assume a moral superiority, say
"money la not th moat Important
thing In the world.' and hint that hi
I losing hi soul through worship ot
the dollar. If we hsppen to succeed
better than he, we ran let him have
th same consoling thought. i'stle
finder Magasln.
Rabbit Dinner
While touring ! northern Wiscon
sin one ulgbt two hi mbblt ran In
to the road In front of my machine.
They were blinded by the bright light
from my headlights, and It was an
easy matter to get out and catch
them both. ! had a good dinner fae
next day. Kxcbange.
A "Harris,,Comhlne
Will Work Just Fhe.
P. O'Meara - - - Agent
lone, Oregon
Church Directory .
Next meeting:
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting. Thur.,7:30P. M.
iRev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor
1 ' '' Services
11:00 A, M.:C. E. at 6:45. P M.
Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30
Sunday School 10.00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening
C. E.: 6:30; Preaching Service,
at 7:30 P. M.
I LoaJ. Wood, B. M.
I Accredited piano teacher.
J Lexington, Oregon.
Dr. E E. Baird .
Office in Fair Building.
Open evenings or Sundays by
Phone M. 1012 heppner, Ore.
Jack Farris
D e rmatician.
It Pays to Look Well
Specialist in Bobs.
Attorney At Law
First National Bank Building
Heppner Oregon
When You Visit Heppner
Cat at the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Masonic Cuilding
' Trained Nurse Assistant
, Heppner : Oregon
a-'itfww x.Lmn .-jrigavmi
Before contracting or
selling your wheat it will
pay you to see L Balsiger
representing B. G, and Co.
lone Meat market
Meat makes
nourishing, and healthfull. Meat should be an
f important part of your daily menu. Serve it everyt
Xday. Whether you come
us you are sure 10 get
J We have a large variety
T. E. Peterson. Proo.
We are prepared to take care of your
shafting requirements by the installation of an
electric key way machine and a stock of shafting
in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of
second hand combines for sale. Agency for the
Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines.
J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor
Under New Management
Iond Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer
cial Table First Class. A home away from
home, with best meals In Central Oregon.
Nice Rooms.
Farm Implements
lone, Oregon
Dr. A. H. Johnston
Phone-Office Main 933
' Residence Main 492
From 9:00 to 10:00 A. M.
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Will practice in all the Courts
the meal. It is aoDetiiinif
into our shop, or phonet
inc Kina 01 meat you want.
of chotce cuts.
Good Service.
Miss Zena Wetitfall, Graduate
Nurse. Superintendent.
A, H. Johnston M. D.,
Physician in charge.
Rates Reasonable
Dr. F. E. Farior
Oftlci:: Odd Fellow Building
Heppner, Oregon.