The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 23, 1927, Image 1

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10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec. 23, 1927
Dec. 22. 'IT
Editor Independent!'
I had in awful dream the other
night and thought I had better
tell you at-out it 1 dreamed I
was the editor of a large dally
paper, sitting in a large awivle
ehair at a large table In line
office, and had a big dayi work
ahead of me bo I pasted up a
notice,"Do not peiter me, this
ia my buisy day. I was very
busy with my work when all of
a sudden I heard someone say,
"Pardner! I have here a fine
little book entitled, Boot does
not Prohibit, and the Countrys
going back to booze. Just the
booK you need old boy.". He
slapped a tig hand about the aize
of a horse collar doun on the
back of my neck and shoulders
and the ink flew up in my face
and all over my writing material.
I grabed for a aix shooter laying
on the table and got hold of the
end of the barrel. I did not take
time to point It and pull the
trigger but threw it with all the
super-human power I had. He
started out of the door and the
gun landeb against the back of
his head caveing it in like a
frost-bit spuasb. Doun the steps
he went heals over head and lay
very still at the bottom. 1
thought to myself, now 1 have
done it and something kept say
ing. "Murder will out! Murder
will out!" Oh I felUwf ull! The
door opened and in ateped a big
policeman. "Do you know any
thing about thla dead man?" he
asked, "And do you know anyth
ing about this gun? Better
make a clean breast of it old chap"
Then I waked up panting like a
lizard in a southern California
desert But gee I was awful
glad it was all a dr. am. No
thank you, I don't care for any
more beefsteak smothered in
onions and black coffee for
supper. I am no pig even if !
was born in a hog country. I got
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Autographic Kodaks S5 and up
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The Gift Store
up from bed built a good fire
and sang all the old songs I
knew, even sang negro songs.
Oh I would like a barrel of gin
And sugar by the pound,
A great big bowl to put it in
And a spoon to stir it round.
Oh get along home my Cyndia
get along home my Cyndia.
. TlHicum.
Tracing Cliff DwelUr$
The terra "cliff dvrllnr" li uaed to
dealgnnte Ilia upjiued extinct bul.d
erf of the numeroui cliff ruin win
tered throneliout the ranyona of the
Bouthweat, alone the upper river of
tli Colorado and Wo flranrte, In t'tnh,
Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.
For a long time I heir oriel n wua a
aubject of much dlncumlon, but recent
Inveatlgatlon haa proved that theiie
ruin are not Hie work of any extinct
rare, but were built by the Immediate
aneeator of the modem Pueblo In
diana, anm of whom, notably th
ITopI, atlll bar their Tillage on the
timmlta of almont Inacceaalhl menu
Kvldence of cliff dweller bar alxo
been found In vnrloua part of Kurni.
having Hinted during an early period
ft the hlatory of man.
Di$eae Spread by Pete '
ft ha been pretty generally under
food for ome time that dometl
pet bar th facility of Impartlnr
the germa of eeveral dlacaaca to thone
human who come In Itillmnte conlnn
with them. Inatanrta bar been
known where tuberculoid, manpe
ringworm and anme other dlwa,
haa been apread by household pot,
and now pyorrhea ha been added V
th Hit Home pvraoiia fmilliihly allow
dog and cata to "kit" them and I...
habit la datigerou one. Even when
uninvited to be no Intimate dog have
a habit of licking th fteih of their
wnera whenever th chanc orTere
and In ao doing are liable to pane
long th germ of pyorrhea.
Magic of a Smile
Cultivate opttmlam; look for th
bright aide of everything; amll per
alitently, there la magic In a amlle.
Ton can't worry much when th cor
ner of your Up ar turned op. Con
trary to th tiiual opinion that we
cry Wben w fed bad, William
Jamea, the great paycholnglat, main
tained that w feel bad became we
cry. Similarly, It la hard for ua to
feel bad when we peralitentty wreath
eur face In amlle. Tba mental alate
tenda to follow the phyalcal erprea
Ion. Pr. Knight Miller, la Piychol
orv Mmititi.
Plant $ Containing Sugar
It la an Intereatlng fact that augar
exlet not only In th cine, beet-root
and maple, but alao In th aap of
about on hundred and ninety other
planta and treee. ,
lone U represented by seven
students at 0. A. C. this terra.
Regular enrollment numbers 3433
with a grand total of nearly GOOO
including summer session! and
short term courses.
Nolan Paige is a senior In civil
Engineering. He is a member
of Scabord aud . Blade military
science nonor society and of Tau
BetaPI engineering honor
tociety. Paige is a capiain in the
li. 0. T. C. and secretary of the
associated engineers. He draft
ed the plans for the home-coming
arches this year.
Hazel 0. Feldman freshmen in
pharmacy is a member of Kappa
Delta women'a social fraterniay.
She is also a member of the
Waldo hal! stringed instrument
band. Mitts Feldman is also on
the co ed freshman hockey team.
Floyd 0. Grabill Sophmore in!
Commerce, is majoring in
iiankingand finance. He ia a
member of The Beaver Knights
from tne Hesperian club. The
Reaver Knight chapter of the
National Order of Intercollegiate
Knivhta foster student body;
traditions. . I
Linea E. Troeoson is a
sophomore in vocational edueaa
tion. She is a member of Kabba j
Delta women's fraternity. ,
umer stiaents irom lone are
lohn Graves freshman in
The Seasons Greetings
Are Extended To
You By
The Independent.
i w ok
We wisn
t j.-.A..-.f. by?hwtj-
friends and patrons
A Merry X'mas
iBristow &
Commerce. George Ritchie
freshman in Commerce and Clair
F. i Young also freshman
The Thinker ,
Beware when the great find let
looae a thinker on thla planet Then
all thlni; are at rlak. It la aa whei
conflagration haa broken out in a
gregt city, and no man know what
la Oitu or where It will end. There
la Hot a piece of aelenr but lt flunk
rtiHj be turned tomorrow; there In
mit i any literary reputation. mt the
ao-cullt-d eternal name of fame, tint)
ma not be revlaed and condemned,
the very hope of man, the llniii'lifi
i if jila heart, the religion of nHtiri
Hi mnmier and moral of mankind,
are all at The mercy of a new gitier
alltallon. Ilnlpli Waldo Kmernon
J Too Deep for Him.
An Irian aallor, after pulling In -Vi
fut Bonn of line, muttered to blniM-lf:
"fire, It'a a long au today ami to
mojrow! It'a a a-od wcea'a work fi
any" five men. More of It yet? 'Hie
aav'a tnluhly deep, to be mire." Then
he miililenly atnpped abort, and look
inn up at an nfllrer on watrh, lie ex
.ilulned: "Had lui-k to me. aorr. If I
li'il't beluve aouii-borty'i cut off the
otl'i-r end of tin line!" Tonttresa
'IxfiHllat. Monster Shark
II habiting the deo are two glsan
! ahurki, either one of which mny
enh a length of 40 feet The hank
he abark la found In northern ecua,
imaalotially atmylng touthward to
ur coaula, and the whale abark
eeaia to hav iu principal habitat
In lb Indian ocean, though atracvlera
; hav turned op a far away aa th
I hire of Florida. One uch mount
ed J on exhibition at Miami and will
I rejaty a visit to anyone who chance
to k la that vicinity.
T-.T.TtrrnrrrtTlTrri I . . . tn . rp itt. .......
our many?
On Thursday of this week an unusually large crowd
attended the annual Community Christmas Tree and program
in the gymnasium of the local school. Although Santa was
not able to appear in person he arranged for some of the local
men to act as helpers and distribute his presents of nuts, candy
and oranges to those in attendance.
Jan. 3 Lecture
The New 1928
"Sorber Built"
Drum Type Control
Simplifies Tuning
Reproducing with
Life-like exactness.
Price complete
Walter R. Corley
Or Even Wore
ometlme a girl plnka her com
,?lexlon till ah look Ilk a aalmon
ala Patlaa Newa.
To My Friends:-
Not because it is an honored custom but X
because of the sincerity of my appreciation I take this j
opportunity to thank you for the part you have played J
in my prosperity during the past twelve months It has
been fine to know you and do business with you -
I have enjoyed serving you - - and trust that in the futrure
I may merit a continuance of your confidence and esteem.
May this message serve in the place of a cordial
handshake and breathe the True Spirit of Christmas, - J
and as we pause almost on the threshold of a New Year X
may Health, Contentment and Prosperity abide with You
and Yours during 1928 is my heartfelt wish.
Cordially yours, I
Th program was presented in
a wonderfuli manner and showed
exceptional tallent in the children
and also that they had been well
coached. The costumes were of
gorgeous colors and added much
to the childrens appearances.
Between srenen the High School
entertained the audience by the
use of their Glee Club which bad
been selected from their most
ah!e songsters. Donald Heliker,
Sixth Grader also did some fine
singing between scenes.
Friday afternoon at two oclock
Santa made his appearance in the
Grade School rooms and distri
buted presents to the girls and
boys. In an interview with our
reporter Santa stated that his
appearance on Friday afternoon
in broad day light was not exac
tly as per achedule but be had
heard that our local school
children were very well behaved
and consequently could not res
ist the temtation to pay them a
vibit in spite of the fact that it
conflicted with his origonal pkr.e.
Social Study Important
Social (tudy haa becom one or th
moat Important anbject In th moo.
era cbool curriculum of today. Th
itory of the Invention of th t--i
hovel by Cbarle B. Klug the xtiirv
of how he one day aa a boy rr'-ae-t
to "go flabln" with the other bora
necatue he wa lying flat oa hla atom
ech thinking out an Idea about an otd
mill wheel that wouldn't run and how
he might and did mak It work the.'
re far more Intereatlng and vitalizing
thlnga to th cchoolboy of twelve or
fourteen of today than the old IS: of
datea and name, and the mere riem
orlxlng or locating of them wit'ie-t
any connecting link to mak theoi In
terest lb g. Exchange.
Cood wishes I send you
Both hearty and true
For a real Merry Christmas
And many more too.
tt ..L-L -Jl
1 i -