The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, December 16, 1927, Image 2

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TT MAY seem t bit extravagant to
paterfamilias or friend husband
wben the morning mall brings a bill
for on exotic printed velvet blouse to
gether with the "little Item" ot one
two-piece black, brown, navy, wine or
dark green (at the case may be) vel
vet frock. At a matter of fnct It U
piece of clever economy on the part
of the woman who foresee that the
skirt of the plain velvet two-piece will
serve admirably wltb both tti own
blouse and one of printed velvet
two frocks for a little more than the
cost of one, Wltb thla wise invest
ment one ma; be assured of being
elegantly gowned for every dressy day-
tlmt occasion which tht midwinter so
cial season msy bring.
There's no fabric which "turns the
trick of dressing well, to clotely at
doet velvet. When the handsome
printed velvet blouse madt Its appear
ance It wit cast of "love at Qrst
light" wltb tht woman of fashion. It
fills real need for It lends Just that
touch of festive drest which It so es
sential In every op-to-date wardrobe.
Just one blaze of entrancing color
art these new velvet print and ont
cannot havt too much of gay color In
winter time. Among tht fascinations
In tht lint of exquisite coloring,
shaded velvets art receiving special
attention. A typical new-mode cos
tame Includes, say, skirt of chestnut
brown velvet, tht ramt shirred,
draped, tiered or scalloped, to glvt It
maximum of charm. Tbt velvet
blouse wltb this begins a very durk
brown st the hlpllne, shading lighter
and lighter toward the lop, where si
tht neckline It resolves Itsell Into
lovely cocoa or cream color. Can Im
agination picture a mort llknhla vel
vet dress? Whether the basic colot
bt gray, violet, navy, wine nr any ot
the fashionable hues, tbt sums artful
thudlng takes plait.
Wltb the skirt ol black velvet, s
blnuet of multi-colored velvet print Is
most effective. The most nolle vivid
coloring doiit In bold startling pat
leriilng vie with those of softly hi hi il
ed pastel shades. A blouse nf printed
orchid tlsaut velvet lops the smart I)
' draped velvet skirt in the picture
the accompanying hat ta velvet, too.
And now It Is the hat with
feather which Tarts acclaims. Such
"tricky little feathers, tool They are
the sort which are pert and stylish
rather than picturesque. Clusters ol
tiny quills, for Instance, darting out
saucily over the left ear, or sn Inset
of feather pads perhaps, so Inter
worked as to seem a very part of tht
bat Itself, or a gorgeous feather Rower
with Its counterpart posing on the
lapel of one's coat.
There's no doubt about It these
clever feather novelties art helping
out wonderfully In acquiring becotn
iugnest for the headlining butt which
sre. now so In fashion. It gives
skullcap or a toque a more flattering
silhouette when Its lines of severity
art forgotten because of perky
feather or two.
The all-feather turban Is tht latest
enthusiasm to declare itself among
women of fashion who delight In em
phasizing "lart word" mode. They art
really very fetching, (best feather
toques In either pastel shades or vivid
hues, wltb tht luxuriously furred win
ter coats, and their vogue Is on tht
Tht two llttlt wings which srt
posed to effectively on tbt brimmed
hat st tht top of the picture demon
strate the novelty toucb whlcb Is so
Indicative of tht teatherward trend.
Just below to the left It a velvet
type In brown and beige, tbt toft blot
feathers (s type of plumage which It
much In evidence) reflecting the same
shades ss they droop wltb Infinite
gruct over tht ont side.
An exponent of tht very newest in
feuther-adorned bats Is centered In
the group. Note how tht tops nf these
pads sre slipped under scallops cat
In the felt shape. ,
Abovt to tbt right tbt llttlt velvet
model Introduces su Inset feathei
breast In Iridescent colors.
A navy quill Is Jauntily lodged ai
one side of the velvet end metal cloth
bat shown In tht lower lefi corner.
A soft feather pad Is placed at such
side of the helmet shape whlcb eon
eludes tht group.
(ft, till. WnIiii Nvwapaptr Ualoa.)
::x:::::: ,
Margaret Turnbull
Csptlsht. Illl, b- Mutant TarnbvlL
WNU S.r-lo
CHAPTER XV Continued
"Let nit smoke this In peace and
make up my mind, before wt go back."
Tbey sat, saying nothing, Ned's
thoughts busy with bis own future.
The woman beside hlra was facing the
long years to come, honestly, for the
first time. She knew that her position
was untenable. Sht knew also that
Claude Dabba asked only the priv
ilege of watching over and caring for
Mary, for Ned and for beraelf. He
would ask nothing of her, grateful if
she would stay near them for Mary's
sake, grateful that the children loved
Tolly's mind leaped to Its fine con
clusion. Here was her opportunity.
It might even be that In Claude she
would find the friend and companion
she had missed and longed for, since
Mary bad gone her own way. LHd
not Clauds fact middle age, too, but
wltb philosophy, and brushing aside
Ita disillusions, neither grudged youth
Its due nor shrank from life. Cauda
waa alive, very much so, but of life
he expected little; of himself, much.
Tolly wondered If she would ever
grssp life ss serenely and as firmly as
he did, taking wfiat It gave, grudg
ing nothing that It withheld.
Tolly threw away her cigarette.
"Keady to go back. Nedr
In the library at Claude't home,
Claude and Mary were turning over
plans for the new factory and the pro
posed public library and recreation
"Mother and Ned take long time
on that drive," Mary observed, finally.
"Oh, Dadl do yon think any things
happened V
"Not a bit of It," Cauda told her
tranquilly. "They've Just gone a bit
further than they Intended. Why,
daughter, what's wrong T Mary bad
clutched bla arm.
"Nothing, only I get so worried
nowadays. I never used to. Hut
Ned's a little reckless, don't yon
think r
"No," Caude rose to Ned's defense
sturdily. "Ned's a splendid driver."
Tben he laughed. "Ia it Ned. or your
mother, who's so precious that you
think the Almighty may be Jealous f'
"Ob bush. Father, don't aay It,"
Mary Implored, and then laughed at
herself, helplessly. "See how primi
tive I'm growing, like the heathen
who give ugly names to their best
beloved to shield them from tbt wrath
of tbt gods."
"It's queer," Caude began, mort to
himself then bit daughter, "but the
old folk were so often right My
mother used to say that lovt made
women aavaga tnd men gentle. I
"There they are P Mary ran to the
doorway leading to the garden. Hhe
stopped astonished. "Father, some
thing must havt happened. Mother's
getting out."
Caude looked over her shoulder.
"Let me past, Mary. If Tolly's com
ing Into my store, 1 must bt there to
wait on her."
Mary watched htm go, but stood
waiting. She felt a little aad and
alone, Ned came Into tbt room from
tbt ball behind ber.
"Ned Mary said as sht turned,
"has anything happenedr
"Something nice. Mother's com
ing in."
"Mother!" Mary echoed, ber lips
parted to ask a question.
"And before she gets here," Ned
told her hurriedly, coming very close,
"I want to glvt you your freedom. I
think what you wanted la coining
about Mother's going to be reason
able and settlt down for awhllt here,
and you're fret to do aa you Ilka
about about that engagement of
yours, Mary."
He paused, and as sht remained
silent, continued, slowly: "I can't go
on this way. I want you to know that
and to know that Til keep on work
ing with Caude, no matter what hap
pens. Ton set, I simply csn't stick
this, Mary. I'm Just an ordinary able
bodied man, who wants to be married
soon, and expects to be loved, not Just
tolerated and dodged and held off.
Tbe woman I marry will simply have
to want me as much, and aa near, as
I want her."
Mary looked at him, her eyes on
that mouth that was so like Loren
Rangeley's now, so hard, so straight
so determined. She bad certalntly not
meant to do It but there seemed to be
Just one shameless thing to do. At
the touch of her hand on tils arm, Ned
turned to ber, and Mary pulled hit
bead down and kissed him, knowing
that after that the would never escape
from any engagement he made. Ned
held her tightly, bla eager lips against
her own, then hot against her pulsing
Caude and Polly could be heard In
ha ball, coming toward them. Ned put
htary on bur feet, but sht clung to
' ' Mil. iU t"t SfOmhteMS H
" '." t:0 whtsptrvd. 'Dow
vm j . mit'ire uid n loii;
"I ,,. ,,, Put I'll cut It
up to you, Ned. i ll marry you
Toulght," Ned told her.
, Tolly Johnston, llttlt pals from
'tht effort, came toward tht library
door. Her eyea changed at aht taw
Claude's own room, and read from It
deeper Into Claude't telf. Sht blamed
Mary that sht hud not been told this
side of tht man, forgetting how the
had refused to listen. Hht wat tur
prised now that Mary did not move
toward her.
"Mary," tht began, "I'm going to
be good and stay"
"Mary!" Claude had seen his girl's
face and moved toward her.
"Mother Father I" Ned'a volet
stopped them both. "Mary and I ride
to town tonight to be married. Wt
think that will make It tasler all
round. You ' aeo, Mother's friends
would emburrass Father's. And aa
for my respected parent Well, It
would be awkward all round. You can
have any aort ot a big time you like,
when we come back, but now we want
no fuse, and nobody but each other,"
"Sensible Idea," Claude admitted, to
give Tolly time. "Oot the licenser
Ned nodded. "Cot It this morning."
Ita smiled down bito the blue eyea set
In the white fact against his shoul
der. "Mary, you tell them It's all
"Yea, Father Mothtr, you'll under
stand and let ma go with Nedr
Tolly Johnston stepped forward and
folded ber darling In her arms. "Of
"Oh, Mary," He Whispered, "How
Could You Torture Mt go Long!"
course, dear," aha murmured, "tour
bag's in Ned's car. I packed It, at
the house, while Ned waited."
Mary't eyet were at wldt at
"You must havt been very sure,"
tnd Mary looked at Ned, and blushed.
"I wasn't sure," Ned told ber, hum
bly enough.
"I waa." Tolly Johnston said, and
kissed her daughter, released ber aad
stood bark watching her run to her
father to be held close In hit arms.
"That's to be my lot now." sht told
herself, "to stand back and watch,''
But evidently It waa not to be so yet
for two strung young armt were about
her and Ned's voice whlapered In her
ear: "You beautiful old darling. Til
never forget tblfl"
They were going, and at tht last
Tolly had her reward, for aa her girl
went down the steps, radiant she sud
denly turned and left her lover to run
to her mother.
"Oh, Mother! I can't beat yon to
stay aloue in that big empty Wbltt
house. Tromlse me to telephone to"
"Don't worry, darling. Aunt Lyddy't
purling mt up here, tonight"
4 "Mother, behind the grocery store r
Mary gave them both aucb t rspttr
ous look of purt content that Caude,
meeting Tolly's smile, laughed aloud
and warned Ned to drive off or he
would have to take along with him
both father and mother.
They were gone. Tolly followed
Caude Into tht dim and ahadowy li
brary. At bit hand groped for tbt
matches, sht caught and held It
Through the dusk Caude could see
her eyes, gleaming with mischief, as
she went bark twenty years and ssked
for the shibboleth :
' "Wslt, Claude. This house of yours
Is It lit by 'alabaster lumps' r
Cauda turned on her swiftly. It
twenty years bt bad learned bis let
ton. No, but It will be-if you itay."
London Mansion Long
Abode of Noted Men
London's most famous gathering
place for men la Albany house, where
Gladstone, Disraeli, Henry Irving, By
ron, Canning and other notable llguret
have lived. Albany wat purchased
from the spendthrift dukt of York dur
ing tht reign of Georgt III by Alet
ander Copland, a London builder, who
had conceived tht Idet of turning tbt
duke't Tlccadllly mansion Into an
apartment building of 62 suites. Tht
freeholders of the building, all tf
whom havt always been men, number
GO. Under tht rules tbt suites art
occupied almost entirely by bachelors
or widowers tnd none may carry on a
business or profession within Its walls.
It Is operated by men of social snd
political prestige along business lines
without Idea of profit and tht trustees
have turned down offers of millions
for tht site. New York Timet.
Thought for Today
flatter to bt laughed at tban ntvtr
to bt noticed.
Ont ef Bogotlof Islands' Protean Forma.
Prpari kf tht Natliinil n"rpM
BooUi-. Wuhlnatss, l CI
TIHD recent great earthquake In
tht ocean west of Alaska can
tore attention on America's
garden of fireworks, the Aleu
tian Islands, probably tht most exten
sive and moat active volcanic region
on tht fact of tht earth. Much It un
known about volcanlstn and Ita causes,
but It la known at leaal that volcanic
activity and earlb tremora are often
closely connected.
Tht vast volcanic region of the
Aleutians has Its eastern or continental
end marked by Spur, a mountain near
tht head Of Cook Inlet Alaska, a vein
Whose tctivt character wat deter
mined only within the last few months.
From thert tht chain of volcanoes
sweeps In t tremendous ire for 1.400
miles, psst the INUIh meridian west of
Greenwich, and within live or sis
hundred miles of Asia.
A short distance routhwestward of
the eastern eud of the volcanic chain,
on the shores of Cook Inlet rtst
Mountt tledoubl aud lllama, conspicu
ous landmarks for ships that steam
up tht Inlet They art almost per
feet cone, and with their niow-cov-ered
caps serve very well aa Ameri
can verslone of the fatuous Fujiyama
of Japan. - 8o far these perfectly
formed volcanoes have bad no vlolrnl
eruptions, but thert la no telling when
they may break out for these Alaskan
cones havt a disconcerting way of
"blowing their beads off" with llttlt
warning. Katmal, 200 miles to tht
south, which It ont of tht chain that
bad long been dormant exploded sud
denly In 1012, constituting ont of tht
dosen greatest eruptions of historic
times. A scientific expedition sent to
tht crater by tht National Geographic
society found that twt ruble miles of
material had been blown from thla
previously parslvt mountain. It waa
whlla making t atudy of Katmal that
the society's expedition found that
unique patural phenomenon, Tht
Valley of Ten Thousands Smokes."
Augustine mountain. In Cook Inlet
lest than 100 mllea from Redoubt and
long noted for Ita perfect rone, blew
lie top off suddeuly In 18N3. leaving
only a Jagged stump. The whole Alar
kan volcanic chain la a unit of vol
canic action, and It la always prob
lematical where the next outburst will
Jack In His Boa.
Ont of tht moat remarkable bltt ef
volcanic phenomena within historic
times Is lo bt seen st Bogoslof Islsod,
whlcb lies within 150 miles of tht
Aleutians' chief port Dutch Harbor.
"Jack In tht Box" It tht nlrknamt of
iht atranga volcanic Islet which la up
ont day tnd down tht next It It not
left to glvt tbt dimensions of Togo
slof Island.
Bogoslof takes Us name from a Itur
Inn iduilrtl who discovered It In
1700. At that tlmt It waa but ont
Island, now called Castle Island. In
IH80 Rogoslora "Jack In tht In
activities began to bt known, A new
companion to Castle Islsnd appeared
whlcb waa called Fire Irisnd. At Oral
Iht two were connected but when
American navy officer! visited tht
plnct In 11)00 tht land "hyphen" bad
sunk. Observations at that tlmt
showed that Ilogoslof waa really a
deep aea volcano. Iss than four
mllea away tht ocean la 0,000 feel
In 1103 a new peak appeared be
tween tht two older promontories and
waa duly named Terry peak. Then a
still newer and larger peak absorbed
It But a year later, In 1007, thla
lateat peak disappeared, leaving In Ita
place a Una llttlt harbor. A few
months later Bogotlof exploded, threw
ashes on communities sixty or mort
miles away, and left only amoklng
shell abovt water.
But In split of tbt volcanic char
acter of tht Aleutians, they supported
rather a heavy population a few cen
turtes sgo and some of them art now
sparsely peopled. A century and
three-quarters ago they rerved at a
path for ItusHtsn adventurers who had
madt their way acrosa Siberia to tht
Tad He and were In search of new fur
worldt to conquer. When survivors
returned to Kamchatka from Bering's
voyagt which discovered Alaska, a
horde of them hastily threw llttlt
boats together and rwooped down on
tht Aleutians, exploiting, tnslavlng
and killing the natives In a madsearcb
for furs. With these whits men came
tht diseases tf civilisation, and before
many decades tht 80,000 natives who.
In 1745, lived contentedly In tht Alen
Hans, bad been reduced to few mort
than thousand mlserahlt creature!
continually harassed by their masters.
Wben In Hit early Nineteenth century
Itussla established sort of colonial
government In tht Islands and on the
Alaskan mainland, and Introduced
Chrlstlun minion a rlva, the natives
fared somewhat better; but the Aleu
tian Islands have never recovered front
tbt early daya of exploitation and
moat of them art now uninhabited.
It was because they were opened up
from tht east that tht Wanda art
known as Ihs Aleutians. The nam
la derived from tat ef a Kamachat
kan rapt.
Climate It Chilly tnd Foggy.
Although tht Aleutians art aa far
north aa central Canada, their rllmata
la not severely cold, list her they may
bt aald lo bt always chilly, damp, and
foggy. Tht Aleutians hsvt been
epoken of at tht future air road bt
tween Asia and America. Fog la any
thing but an asset to tht flyer; but
the Aleutian fog bat the gtiod point,
at least of being less dense Ihon tht
fog of mort southern lands.
The Islands art for the most part
very rough. They trt treeless, savt
for a few scrubby willows along wa
ter courses. Ifenst growths of grast
and ttiosa rover tbt till la tnd moun
tains and tht small patches of low
landr. Tht Islands ran bt rather
closely compared to list Islands on!
tht coast of northern Scotland, and to
Icvlund ; and, like those regions, could
produce bsy and aupport cattle. Tht
few Aleuts who llvt on some of tht
Islet now, however, maintain them
selves entirely by Orbing, bunting snd)
trapping. Sea otters, the fur from
which la very valuable, frequented tht
Islands In 'great numbers when they
were discovered, but greedy methods
of fur collection hsvs si most ex
terminated these animals. On soma
of tht Wanda blut fox farms art
Dutch Harbor. Cnalnska, la Hit chief
community on tht Islands, Thla deep,
land locked harbor la ont of Hit Ones!
In tht North and baa played an Im
portant part ss way station for ships
during the gold rustic to the Yukon
and to Nome. It la connected wltb
tht rest of tht world by t radio sta
tion, Dutch Harbor la on Iht shortest
routt from Setttlt to Tokyo, tnd with
Iht establishment of coaling ststlons
may conceivably become such a Ta
cine way elation for the northern
route it Honolulu It for tht southern.
Atks, one of tht Hopping places of
the United St s tea army flyers on their
round tbe-world flight In 1024, la ap
proximately Iht half-way house of tht
Aleutlsn chain and on It It tht last
settlement but ont west of tht main
land, Nasan bay, which glvea an ex
cellent harbor to Alka, ta often clear
of fog wben It hangs heavily outrida.
There Is government school In tht
llttlt village on tht Inner harbor but
no poet odice, tnd tht only connection
wltb Dutch Harbor la through occa
sions! small trading schooners.
Attn the Weetern Outpost
After Atka It passed the Islands for
000 miles westward art uninhabited.
Then cornea Attu, the last of the Aleu
tians, tht weslernmort bit of land at
all connected wltb tht American con
tinent over which the Stars and Stripes
wave. Tht little outpost of America
It beyond Iht 180th degree of longi
tude and so la technically In Iht Ksst
trn hemisphere. Tht International
data lint baa been bulged out around,
It however, so that all the Aleutian
are Included In tht same Unit system.
Attn It much farther west than Ha
waii ; It Is, In fact In the same longi
tude a New Zealand. And In tht
summer Iht tun It Just setting from
Attn when It la rising In Malnt, It
It 2,700 mllet from Attn to tht coast
of Washington atalt, tht nearest point
In tht Uulted Btiiet prnier. It It a I'
moat exactly tht lama dlstanr front
tht coast of Waahlngton to Kustport,
To scientists ont of Iht significant
features In connection with tht ex
istence of Iht txtenslvt volcanic re
gion In Alaska and tht Aleutians It
the fact that II ta attuuled where It
Is relatively easily accessible for study.
And there It much room for Hit study
of volcanoes. Although voles nlsm wat
probubly ont of tht first of osturt't
speclsculsr phenomena lo thrill man)
It presents tnt of tht feW obvlout
problems sboul which telenet has ot
aatlsfactnry hypothesis.
Intensive study of portions of tht
region srt to bt begun In tht spring
of 1028 by an expedition of Hit Na
tlonal Geographic society ander tht
leadership of Dr. Thomas A. Jaggar,
who for years hit studied Hit great
Kllnues volcano In Hawaii from
laboratory on lit brink.