NUMBER 29 VOLUME XVI !CWE, ORE UDAY. Dec. 10, 11)27 . It V BASKETBALL SCHEDULE KeRUlar luiHk.'t. hull p.Bftiei! btfKn this weet. 1-1 . ! j thire ii no play practice. iu a.'. rfere. t tie boys will bo ublo to intend ( rue lieu more ii'yuluily. The schedule of riiiiics in us fol low : Jim, (!, Umutillu ut lone " 13, LexinKlon at Ionu " 11, I on ut Hoarcrnmi " 2Ct, Fossil at lone Feb. 2, Cordim at lot e " 11, lotto ut. Uxlnition ... " 41, lone at lleppner " 18. Hoardman ut lime " 21. lone ut l osi. il " 25. lone ut Condon Came, to be arranged 1 Chfielriaj Deal Your Mail v r-v"vrv -i r rn i '. CHAUTAUQUA yciucuui.i: Jitn. Ill l.-elnte The New 1928 MMESTIC "Sorbcr Built" School Note's . FOOTBALL IJiTTLUS The hnv Athletic Clnb of lone Uiwh ht;s dm I ed to I ave the length of the fool bull lei tt( rh'inRcd fiom ten Inchon to eltfht Inches, An amandmerit to the con r ii u l iuu mml he made before the chaime in the letter aizo ciin be voted on by the student bidand a noticu to that effect posted ten days before the meeting. The no J tio was panted Dec niber 5. AUSKNTIiKS The absentees for the week of Ihc. 0 to ! Hre as follows: Monday, Kona Fletcher day Tuesday, Fern Knife I. Tun. WtdtHH.lay, Ik-mice Farren.'. Mildred Merman, Gladys Brash iara and l,iiiie Miller. Thursday. L'tnise Mil er and Glad V3 lira.iliiciB. Friday, Louise Miller. s ri'Di-NT r.oi)Ylu:i:iiNC Tne treasurers financial report at the reu ar monthly meelit u uf the lone HiKh for tha puht month showed expenditures ol trt D'J and $138 'JO cash on bund. LOCAL ITEMS C.IIADK SCHOOL K'JTUS Vuljenn Clark mid Joan bipeB i have been objent on utrount of i Mrt", Ii dene M'tore itrrivi-d In colds, 'p'methU week fur a vmit wph Winona Ritchie- wni a):et,t ! h f I a enis, Mr. and Mr. S. E. form iieli'iol two days last week. ! j J,( -ore. Mrs. Bullurl, Mi L?ad , idler) -rXtnss Cards. Cord. Tas un't ind Mrn B'Vifevin have been S, aht. Ibtltard'a l'harm:ifv vihitors of the piimary M-oiii lal'j fir Uli() y,uU 1! iW..f-i The Chistrni1! p'ay to be yiven Deeembfr22 by the first and if c otid(irad0 is emitted "CiiHHU nia? Kve In tie Fon at " " IImzi I Frark returned' to slI.ooI Ins v. ,-ek. Slie ha-1 I ten absent nearly four week. Maruarot 1,'ofs left "chord la "t wek and went to Boise, Idaho with her fjrai.d parent. I.uey Montiiotneiy, from Idaho ha reuisterer a a eixth jerader. Mr. liutii Mutton vhi'ed the hie plat.tdriK a holiday trip t o vi.-i-ii witlt Mr. BilhiKer.s patent pd'enis. M.s. A'lt-e Kelbr was po in " 4.',,r! nnnle. fine duV latit W( el: I f ' ! flip aed fa. I on the frozen Kncin-t. Ii trti";: herr-i If o.niie t-e vrely. I'o bonea were hioisen aft'litis (.nnc-pau-d that the wid n r c ivfi r fioin the ill effecfr of the fall. It i reports.! that Mr. lk il-'verd, formerly of lone, is t.ow A r'-sinint Lf N'ewberu win ie hi seventh t n 1 eiht jiri.d,s lut t ' tit ' putchastti u real t-sta e husi INT3 MASONIC !,ODGK ELECTS OFHCEC S At th- r gular meeting nf U'C 7, I me l,oh'e, A. F. ft A. M. the fid!owiiK lint (jfofiieet 8 wis elect n iv St. nd-r, W. M ; II 0. Me 'i.iiviv. S. W.;.lonn Kn.'tj. J W ; .b;j:ii, S ey.; A. A. McCal-e. IV.-hs ; Karl liv.k-. S. I) : L. L. Fu k, J. 1).; L. K. Ijiek, Sr. Si ; tl .1. lliddle. Jr. it.; Lou Uavi 1. .on. Tjle ; It. II. Hat hi-io-t, Mai 'i d; S. C. Moo e, Chaplain. Cfi! A-... i-nt i u i! " : rl- ' Ii ci( In it: '. C- ' rt :vu, t:-e Hr-l Cf :il r ! 'ii "I 'f, v. , l.iini in '',! 'rt- ! lie Ii An er!--ii at m'i rly ."I'l Ii iiii nrtl 111 ..t I'. I! ( V.'nr 'f !!.. l;c.!utie!i J'V 'i -l ;.H Itis lalciiss to tlii? Aiiiiil NOLAN PAGE PROMOTED 0. A. C.CorvaliH. I), c. 6. Ca let officers and promotions in ihe Reserve Of tice: 3 Traininir Corps at the col'eRe, numberintc 11, including one ftudent from lo'i'j have been anr.cnrced by Colon. I Oorire W. Moxes, com- mandaid, and atpruved by Dr. W. J. K. rr, president of the col lege. Nolan Pfi8! haj teen ap pointed Cadet Captain, one of the hitt'nef.t hnriuts Riven to students tn the mill arv department. week. The mUforlune of freezing hi- ff Mrs. Brown's p'ants dorinti th severe weather lut weeknr', i.w ht uTrKslu:i)UCi;n lotie eonHtliner of e'. etric ht'ht and p twer will be billet th month at the new rae which mean a redueiinn of 33 per Ci-nt on linht and CO pep cent on pow- i V .!:. I 1. ' ' 'i,- i-- ' - 'i :iere will be a juint h stjlia li i i of offieers of t tie I int '..a- n i L.e'Be atu L.istern Star Chap t'-r at the i.'a onic hall rext Tu- s Tin Junior C'-ass of the !I IV lliuh School announces a ;i'iy, "Oimmy" fur the evtr int' ., In s ay, De-ember 20. Tl.: vi I tie t he fit si event in the o-jw dU .itoiiuio. ;ldwaril L' lichnni arJ E met t) r. titi h t-chnol studer.ts ol l.t xinytoi', were iti lone Tti'-Kdaj , tfa . it t.'.in It'll A f U,V .! i i..:., ' ' ' ' " ' ' forty-threedilbuand fifiycenta. ll,lul"sul"IJlim"- t- oeRieii under the uu-pices ol Lexington 1L. T . O i Mr. and Mis. Paul G. Bawuei i 1 m I I uf I ice li'ui .1: ini- u vi-at u il ti r.- HIGH SCHOOL I'LAY The Uinti School rejoic.s in er. h fuel that the piny "Moid That - , ; " i L, ..... When tlimkm x of (lirislmas Line, Jimmy was a success. ,. .... . ... , r 'tfif s rtrcnibcr that our local nnr I tie Bitis'le adnu-aion fees, , ti1e irom the atuHon tickets tor . . in III'. lll WIH'IUHI-. Dt-Ueate Frv:t The lini" ii;it Ik a vrum In-tween tlw H'"'l iiflian lime and Km kinmpiiit onm-.-e. It Ii very much lik the time in .Hjiil.ty iKi.l flavor nd linn the Imr.l tne i.f tlif! i,-urti(iat. Tlie lime tn H-ti-lilvo to culil ta a decree Hint iniil is iiroilietiun of the fruit uncer tain In Kl'x-i-lii. TIJi; F 1 11 Li T SIGN OF CHRISTMAS Tlie Sc-J Vii! the Doable Barrel Cross mm i ?.;i) if ynu cmilJ know l thr i inil.-a rimi jnm kih-iiJ "t it Clirlnlniii' ina!i Sli'hl rlminn lo bit .'lie e ry pniile rii-il WinilU mircly bring ,'u miiii'i HUlo tliltJ Tim hca III It m I b I am know, WinilJ jfou nit at... ml More and ro.irw iiui-h pftinUT .Vniilil you mil turfi'u lomo leaser pl.aMiro veu t jrnii knew i-oulil do tliul? r II hi; I. hi (li.nna .'hut yuuin iiiIkIii tie ,'lin it-iinlr lo riiora ' A aiiliUru nmlliir I To her utriikiii UioikI. Ur tu liriuR a linti ii fattier ! to eailiing ioer. j Would ymi txt K-iid mora pennies! i I lie Ilia pi-nuka I rinil you n lid rim tin re the Rood I rim pi unltn ilii, I'll, n buy I hu Clu Utmaa cal AX P'1. W M b Drum Type Control Simplifies Timing KcproJucitnl with Life like exactness. Price complete $134.05 Walter R. Coiley Aovnf e1 V J . .a j.-- : i ! I XiMAS GIFTS FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE .'FAMILY .?- J M rd l.j .,' ! " over Ciirirtmas acupoints in Oregon Idaho mid Montana . ,riC'172021 "v m-23-24'25 Ik il rttitrn kirnt January 5 U W I O M iuj o t.iLAi-iu oun yr"-- J. V. lima. Aeiil iVrt' 1 1 mi' ( tri'i! oil Decern all .-es in llinois. They exi ct t( "t iiOne Bhonl hix weeks. lJuritik thtir u'..-i i ci', t'.e'r s hi, Alfrei. .vi I make his home with hijuncU I.) ii.- l a -i;tr. lt.e lone Hotel is low um'er i iw niutKiuetneist, Mr. C'liue iMchic retiring and the owi er. Mr. Jack Campbell, abuminu ci H-CtHJll. Belt r.f the Earth Tlie i n'l:e i i:iM.niln!i nf tht norl ' i.ivihe wmiM lr;ive a Inyer of mtt 2".:. feel thkk. . 1 :A-.-.:y--v!-:i ..V:'" 'Hrxn Tr 0- rr-V f II f . Hi i; i . - 1 , -1- duy c:::u3t:,ias seals "!;!r;!r;ilili!!i f i I R. ROCIGON . . . . lil What w jutJ I't q 0x n'cer Cln silnP i;ft fir the fumihJS Jt.ian omc of tl.o? : f . AcLarn.ituQUonei' - s-t A L radio sets.---rpt fj ' - I ? H MACHINE SHOP h fi! u -- .99 ct. SALE 15 O iieces AluminuM . V arE at of ! . i 1. V 1 1-. 1 tint i w 4- ' I - . f rj When shopping for Christmas,' we ! afc I will appreciate letting us show you what we have. Our stock of toys is so t large that we lack space to display it t properly. What makes nicer GIFT thair a KODAK?. Bullard's Pharmacy . The Gift Store (A) to. r . ti- !"1 - - GET YOUR XMAS TREES All Sizes. All Prices. Xntas' tree -FREE -Willi each $5 purchase. XMAS Goods for PA MA and the BABY cto each. Dishpans.s Water Fails, Roasters. Percolators, Double Boilers, Convex 3 Kettles, Sauce Pans, Pitchers, Milk ;Cans, Mxiltin Pans. H HO other Aluminum Utensils priced B; at 10 ct. up to $5. Just the thing for ii Xmas presents. BERT.. MASON lone- Oregon 7 M'ulillui . limit ; wttttttttf iiilllill!!!