0 3 AttAtv& VOLUME XVI 10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Dec. 9, 1927 NUMBER 23 CITY MARSHAL ARRESTS ROBBER A man rental i r-M nt the lone Hotel undfr the name of Arling ton was arretted by City Marshal Frank after a chant down the cretk. Arlington wan followed by the men from whom he had atolen a valuable watch and some other Itetna of pergonal property. They located him at the hott I and when he refuaec to come out ol hie room aworenut a warrant for hii erreat. While this was telng done, Arlinglon climbed out ol window and attempted to escape down the creek. The marshal gave chine and afier searching the brush a'ong (he creek and finding the funi tve's hand lug gage wnere it had been hidden in the Iiuhht-H, captured him In the open field arid bronght him back to lone. He confess! the the theft o the articles and waa taken to Heppner and lodged in jail. He to secure she watch fhm the per son to worn he had sold it and re turn it to the owner. CHAUTAUQUA SCHEDULE Jan. 13 Lecture The New 1928 MMESTIC "Sorber Built" '3 1 Drnm Type Control Simplifies Tuning Reproducing with Life like exactness. Price complete $134.05 Walter R. Corley Adnf XMAS GIFTS , FOR ALL MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY . When shopping for Christmas, we will appreciate letting us show you; j what we have. Our stock of toys is so i; large that we lack space to display it :: properly. What makes nicer GIFT than a KODAK? Bullard's Pharmacy The Gift Store School Notes SENIOR CLASS RINGS The Seniors have long been waiting for t heir class rings i n were thoroughly de ighted when th'y received them, Friday, Nov 22th. Thy were worth waiting for, since they were attractively designed. PERFECT ATTENDANCE The perfect attendai.ee stud enls of lone High for the last six weeks are as follows: R chard Lundell, Janet Carlson, Hazel Grabill, Milton Morvan, Norman Swanson, Edna Llndstrom, Lew ia Buschke, Geva Pettyjohn, Mar garet Crawford, Ralph Mason, Irvin Ritchie, Mildred Smith, Josie Howell, Ned ra A gee, Edith Ely. CHRISTMAS SEALS Within a ahorttime the Christ mas Seals for the benefit ol the T. B. Horpital wi I be sold by lone students for the usual price of one cent each. The Oregon Tuberculosis Asro elation recently received the fol lowing boost for the tuberculoid t'hrislmasand theheallhlt makes possible from Helen M. Walker, Morrow County Superintendent of Sctools: "The Bale of Christmas aa!s has my hearty endorsement. I do not believe there is a more worthy caniie. I shell do all I t-an to tn caeaee the sale of seala in our county this jeir." The Christmas Seal Chairman for Heppner is James M. Burgea and other communities are auf plied through the school. The money raised in the sale of aealc goes to pay for hea th educatior in the public achoolsot the county Dr. Clarke In lone Saturday, Dec. 17. Inland' Prized Volume The Hm.k of Kelt to a beautifully executed manuacrlt copy of tlx (joe pel, dating from th sixth or 8 enth century. I 1 pretenrtd la Trinity colleje, Dublin, France Viing Her Climate Prune linn mora vnrletlea uf rllmulc limn any othr country In Kurope Tliere are parti In the routti thrit art' alincot tropical ant the long wlntfi of the Alpi la almnKt Arctic In li aeverlly. In thla Arctic limit a num ber of allxcr foxptt arc being bred. Another eKperlment la being tried out that of ralalng reindeer. The II ml cnnnlgiimcnt of a doaen liaa juat left Norway for Itoun, where they will he Inkcn to the center, near tirenohlc. II the reindeer take to the Alpine cll tnnte, It la hoped to breed ttifllclcnt niuuliiT largely to replace Iwimei and ' hitii- mr nrririiiiunii irnnmo. ....... . . ..... U. S. NAVAL ACADEMY APPOINTMENTS Congressman Slnnot An nounces Time and Place of Examination. Washington, Dec. 9. 1927 Cwipessman N. J. Sinnot has announced that he will ap point a midshipman to lh Naval Academy at Annapolis to fill an emergency vacancy which wi I occur in 1928, yn the basis of a competitive examination. This examination will be held on Saturday, Jan. 7, 1928. and will be conducted by the U. S. Civil Service Commission in the following cities in the Second Congressional District of Ore.j Pendleton, La Grande. Baker. The Dalles, Klamath Falls, Lake view Hoj1 River, Enterpiise, frineviile, Bend. Congressman Sir.nott will t d- point as principal to the Nats Acadewy the candidate receiving the higher! rating in this mental test. Thtcaneih-'ea rating next highert will luiointed altei nates. Exam.i..., ns ill be con ducted in the foilming suojeetf; Algbra, Plane Gefmetry. Enuliih Composition and Literature, U. S. History, and Phyaics. Any bona fida resident of tin Secord Congressional District o Oregon, who will have tetcheo hiai6.h birthu'ayon April ls. lsiai an who will not have reachec1 over Christmas audNe.v&ars io all points in Oregon Washington Idaho .and Montana Sale Dates December';7';-" final rttnrn limit Januarys UNION PACIFIC lUVt UUAND HOOT! i.iv.iinWKO Ai'lit ffSl lone, Oregon holiday i mi m. nnr-ii sr-an GET YOUR XMAS TREES at B. & J All Sizes. All Prices. Xmas tree FREE With each $5 purchase. XMAS Goods for PA MA and the BABY hls20lh birthday oe March 31. 1928, Is eligible to take the exsm Inst on. Those who wish to take tin examination should immediately write or wiie Congressmat 1 nott at Washington, so that they may be lilted at one viththt Civil Se, vice examination, and a et of auestlons mav tie sent to tie loca! bjard in ihe city where they may wish to take the exam nation. To those indicating their ,8eaire to take the examination, will be sent a circularof inform lion regarding the scope of th ame and the general ground cv ered in each of tho branches in whidb examinations will be held. JOKES Miss VinHon: Now scholars. your Latin. Kosa. what Ooes "Veni. vidi, vici" mean? Uosa: It.a Latin for "Eni, mene, Mrs, Sperry, American Ilihlo ry teacher: For what waa George Washington notfd? Tel ma M.: His memory. Airs. Sperry: What makes you ;ink his memory was so great? Ihelma: Tney erected a mocu r.ect. iMiss VinHon. English teacher. to Harold Kim-aid : W hut is a verb? Harold: A verb t the suhjtci of a compound ser.t-i.ee. Norman S: Lei' buy a botth f porto. F.ances T.; 1 didn't know thai hy sold Latin in bottles. Harry Peten on to Johnnie E: Vi at is wrong with your bug? Johei ie:The wheels woi. turn. RDOSEVELT HIGHWAY- Of ib.400 milrt lUs-U High war Project, 337 miles iscomplei ed. The Balfour-Guthrie grain of lice is located on Main street, lone, just below the Telephone o fice. Open every day and a'l Jay. Phone No. 52. Lmrr Balhiger, Agent. r - m K IR.ROBISON to M 4 U f What would be X a fi W a nicer thrsitm.t Jgift fcr the family! tthan one of ll.os i rf Iclear natural toned tjiCrtbc radio sets.? X T MACHINE SHOP LOCAL ITEP.3S Mrs. Milton Morgon accompa nied her son Edison to Heppner, Monday. E. R. Lundell wos in Heppner n business lact mek, Mr, and Mrs. E, J. Brittow Made a business trip to Heppner last mnnday. Bob Harbison, TJ. of 0. stud i t, now emp'oyed in an erchi ct office in Sfin Francisco, in t home for the holidays. Xmas Cards. Cord Tag3 and Seals. Bullard's Pharmacy The Ladies' Aid of the Christ ian Church are giving a bazaar snd food sale, Dec. 17. Buy your Xmas gifts from them. Tea was served the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church at the home of Mfg. Cole E. Smith on Wednesday of thi week. Walt Eubanks is pa ling a urkey shoot for Sunday thelSth. . Jt A f W m m w aa a& LPizt LUlvlbllNt nAKVESTCR NOW IS THE j to get your order I machine on tune for next year. If interested in a machine that will save your crops and put the grain in the sack, SEE FRANK ENGELMAN s3 Innp g:ii;;i!!!!ll!!ilii!!l!t!ll!!!!!iril!!l!!i:i;i!!!l!!!!!l!ili: 99 ct SALE 150 Pieces of AluminuM WarE at 99 c Dishpans,s Water Pails, Roasters, fm Percolators, Double Boilers, Convex I g Kettles, Sauce Pans, Pitchers, Milk Cans, Muttin Pans. 50 other Aluminum Utensils priced i at 10 ct. up to $5. Xmas presents. BERT jz? lone Harriet Heliker ft II from her bicycle while riding rn the high way last Sunday, cutting her right knee badly. She was taken to Heppner for trearment. Dr. McMurdo foudd it ncsessary to take several stitches to close the whund. When thinking of Christmas gifts rrr.cmber that our local mer chants have anticipated your wants and are ready to assist you in the promotion of the Christmas spiiit Dr. Clarke, of the Clarke Opii cal Co.. 3COA. Alrfr St.. Pnrt. 'and, Ore. Eye Sight Specialist i, will, be in lone all all day and evening Saturday Dec 17, at the lone Hotel, See him about your eyes. Odd Cause of Fir a It I pn.lmblH tlmt Di;:ny catbrciki of tire t-!lt,,e Ul)t 1(.vt.r rtlKcovw d w,frt. due to he un rava Jh-iis n-friK-ted from nloip window, Behind wlilrh flininy romerlula ami nuiH article mude of eeimiold irre illt'lil, the accretory 0f the Brtt tih fire preTcriUon committee told a m m . . C -f I 111 TIME in if you want your ni OrpcTnn lll!!l!ll!IIIIIll!l!!l!lilllII! Just the thing for T3 MASON t ZZ3 Oregon m 4. each illllUIH