0 OUR COMIC SECTION D In a Stupor 1 1WW THE FEATHERHEADS Maybe the School Hasn't Changed TtiiME ! ! weu I CCASHEO Te I Y wturAMUV- SJI'f mabouTIT- I 1 1 1 ' TOat moose andTme BflotM l I I L-!9! V TCJ.EO TO UPTOWN (OoT OF had BLOTTED upahTTlE Vjjj.jl'i ji'i Cr ocqstanD V T ft 1 THE KyObWfiM ! J y J ) J wo I n v a FINNEY OF THE FORCE Good News! WHVNO-dlCKEV- ft WMiri Nswtpspu talon VE SEE, WS MANAGER M C00, I 13 AN Oil CCAB AN' W f0 SE Par WMfc? 01 TOtb VtZ tXCKEV- V'1:!!".it'!!li?!l, : ffflf Mil ihT 0 KNOW POCO PE8SCWAU.y- I .j' W ' I P060,"W ClOwM.lS OASEV jy jTPT ! WWAT IP 01 SAID US WAS SO!' " i l , I '"V TV iuj.n urO UAnfN "J J( I WKtiiktJ LIKE I 1 Mi BO IW,T AlUMiiQ VNE5H0W m d'Uk mrr nm v. i v jf HIS HEART 0M3EPN y Bv TWS RPESS TmaT TmE S'-A fV ij-lfv 1 W5f POGO PtUFOQH, MANAGES OF VOO(2 I GtAfcWL- 1 ot3 tt3 6urj-eoT clowm reirNos Afr is JlY" i HBWTb AVOID, A BEW CHASED OUT CT C 4 ..Villi., lUo rUP Ya ' - ' - KtTi r,dh Cllfft of Lowtr California Island. T1IK l.ilnndi Crt in wwi owm of Lower California aro widely arattrred over a aeollon of the ocean wmcn provimi titj (cant ralnfulU At a coneiuemt!, dfiiert eondltlona prevail amnnx tliem. Tlie moat lntereattug of then la- lands Is Guadnlup. It rlHea pre cipitously front aliysmnl di'ptlia, vol cano torn 12,0(10 feet lilgh but WHO only l.noo feet above tlx sea. It has Boer been connected with other fhorcs and It Is, therefore, an oceanic Inland In every rerpect. All of Its an imals and plants have com to It cither over or through the ocean. This enforced Isolutlon of the spe- rtes which come to Gundulupa has caused them to become modified Into many dim I net forms which art of irreat Interest to students of biology. Hut, aside from this "esthetic" value. the Island ha been of very consider able commercial Importance because of the itreat abundance there at one lime of certain species of marine mammals. Guadnlup It the sole remaining. horn of the only remnant of herd of elephant aeals In the northern hemisphere. Its flue herd of fur aeals was hunted and persecuted nntll ap parently the Inst sun-Ivor succumbed to the huekuhot of the hunters. At least 200,000 skins of this valuable fur-bearer, which, at present prices. would be worth more than 10,000,000, were taken from the Inland. Guadalujie, Meilco's westernmost posnerslon, located ISO miles south went of Snn LHrgo, Calif., la about 20 miles Inn and alx mile wide. It It known to have been visited by fur- seal hunter In the early part of the Nineteenth century. The world's (reatest herds of fur seals have been so long commercially extinct that people have come to as sociate the name only with the spe cies which resorts to the I'rlbllnf Is lands, In Alaska, where, by long an! hitter fighting of diplomatic and legla- Intlve battle, the I'nited State has been successful In preserving the larg est herd now In existence. Hut once there were several other herds, much larger, In the tout hern hemisphere. Fur Seala All Killed. Tli specie which lived on Guada lupe was akin to then Inst and not to tire Alnxknn forms, allhnugh the furs were almost equally valunbl and hrouiiht Kd profits to the hunters, (luudulup being such a distant out post of Mexico, It la doubtful If a tingle nhVlul of thnt government had the fnlntest conception of Hi war of extermination at the time It wae tak ing pine. Ho fur at the available records show, the lust living fur seal wus seen on Guadalupe In 1S0Z. Sine Ihen several expeditions have gone to the Islnnd and sen relied for the an imal without SUCCORS. Former fur-seal rookeries hnve been examined with scrupulous care, the area measured and the number of anlinnls which once hauled out there to rear their young computed. South Itnokery originally contained at least 00,000 fur seals and compared fuvoruhly with the major breeding grounds of the I'rlbllnf Island today. The entlr Gundulupe herd must have numbered at least 100,000 onlmnlt when It was In Its prime. Without printed records, how do we know this, thirty years after the last of the animals died? They left their own records, which can be rend nlmoet as plainly today at If each an Imiil were In Its place; and this ninkea the realization of th fact all the mora bitter. Tli anlmnla chose th roughest and most rocky shores for their land home and congregated In large, com pact rookeries, In conformance- to the habit of fur tent generally, The con stant trampling of thousand upon thousand of flipper over th hard blocks and bowlders of lava rock wore them down to the smoothness of pol ished marble. And there they are to da, silent monument to lielplesi animal which paid dearly for having a skin coveted by man. Th great aluughler of the Gund alup fur aeala took place between 1S00 and 1U0. Th hunter then thought they had killed all th an Imale, and th Island waa forgotten for many years; but about 1W0 It was rediscovered and several thousand seala wer killed In few succeeding seasons. Stories are still heard In Ran Ph'go of (h Inst killing which took place, The fur-bearvra wer pursued Into th dark recesre of volcanic Iwach caves and shot or clubbed by th tight of torches. Th Elephsnt teal. Another Interesting sea animal I the Guadalupe elephsnt seal a huge, clumiy beast with lung flexible trunk. Th animals wer at on time widely distributed and abundant on many of th remote Islnnd of th Antarctic region, but th whaler toon learned that a fair quantity and quality of oil could b obtained from each rnrcar. Ho the slaughter be gan, and ended only when th specie waa commercially exterminated. Th animal found on Guadulup I similar to, but not the same sitecle s thnt of southern waters, but It suf fered equally from th attacks of tli whalers. More than once It was thought that th lust living representative of th specie bad been killed; but fate has dealt more favorably with It than with the fur seals; each time a nn cleus escaMd to rebuild th herd. Then anlmnla atlll frequent th original elephant seal beach, alight Indentation of th northwest shore line of Guadalupe, where precipitous, unscalable cliffs wall In the beach on the back. . Even without the 'fur aeala and ele phant teale, Guadalu would be on of th most- Interesting Islands of the western bemlspher. The sea haa eat en Its way Into the votranlc materlnl of which It la composed, and exposed the very heart of some of th era ters. One needs but to ml) along close to shore and examine (he great dike systems, caverns, lava hsWiles, and vent to gain an Idea of tlie tre mendous dynamic force which wer once at work here. Th first naturalist to visit Gund rlu ie we Dr. Edward I'aluier, In IST5. He camped In on of the cy press groves and described the pine as paradise. There wer a great many beautiful shrubs and flowering plants In th molstur belt, and th birds were so abundant and en tnm4 that he called It an Isle of dreams, DavastaUd by floats. Put conditions are vastly change! now. Guadnlup 1 a biological septilcher. The shrub and flowering plants have been 'practically extermlnnteij and for thirty year no young tree hnve had a chnnce to grow. Fortu nately, specimens of the pines, pslme, and cypresses hav been brought to California and planted In aom of th pnrks. The oaks, which apparently have been neglected, are said to hav the largest acorn In existence, belli fully two Inches In diameter. The old tree are fast dlsappenrlnt through natural denth and th ef fects of rtorms. Four of the fin tie cle of birds have become extinct and the other are reduced to a fraction of their former number. The cause of all this death and de struction waa the ambition of somt one to start a gont ranch on Omnia, lupe many years ago. The animals, without cure, thrived beyond tli wild est expectations of tlie promoters, but the venture proved a fullur finan cially. The goata hnv learned to quencli their thirst with sea water and hnv eaten almost every living plant li seasons of exceptional drought, whet nothing grow on the loSnmls, thou sands upon thousands of th mlmnli hav died, and th canyons, henchea and caverna ar itrewn with theli blotched bone. SICK WOMAN SOONREGOVERS By TaLlng Lydl E. Tinkham't Vegetable Compound "A neighbor advised ma to try Lydla Id. Plnkhsm's VegnUbl Compound. which tho n!d hait helid hor so much. Ho 1 bought a ten bottles and triad It out. It sure hulpedj m Wonderfully, I felt much better. My wrk was no longer a droad to mo, If I hear of any one who Is troublsd th way I was, I will gladly recom mead tli a Vecstsbla Couipuuud l them and I will answsr any lottort la regard to the said."- Ma. llxsTit Mbacbaw, 1U N, J'eun. Ave., Lanslug, Mich. "1 had been sickly ver tlnr I waa fifteen ysars old. After taking Lydlaj K, t'lnkhtni'a Vegntabl t'ompouud I ?ot (0 1 could do all my housework and am In good health." Mas. Mxaia K. VV'iixiius, Kstrblkan, Alaska. From Michigan to Alaska, from Mains to Oregon and from Connecticut to California loiters ar continually being written by grateful women recom mending I.ydl & l'iukhaui'a Vegutabla Compound. Th Compound I mad from root and herbs and for mors than fifty years haa been helping to restore run-down, ovtrworksd woman to hrnlth. Ar you on Ui Sunlit lload to Bet tr Health? Th Ungllsli lawt punish vice; th Chines law do more they reward virtu. Goldsmith. r- -m The BABY 1 V- '.--4 I r'. ' i mm no mouier in in is emiiriitnit ra would glv her baby something aht did not know was perfectly harmless, stMClallr When a few drntia nf nlr.tr. Castorta will right a baby ttomacn and end almost any llltl 111. Fretful nee and fever, too ; It seems no time until everything Is serene. That's th beauty of Castorta J It! getitlo Influence seems Just what I needed. It does sll that castor oil might accomplish, without shock tc th system. Without th evil tasta. It's delicious I living tiurelr veseta. able, you ran glv It a often a there's a sign of colic; constipation; diarrhea; or need to aid souud, not aral sleep. Just on warning! It It genuine Fletcher's Castorta that nhrilrlans recommend. Other preparations may b Just as fre from all doubtful drugs, but no child of thl writer's Is roln. to test them I Beside, th book on car and feeding of bablea that comet with Fletcher's Castorla la worth lm weight In gold. Children Cry for I AmblOou la Ilk lov. Imnutlent both of delay and rivals. Denham, Htaiaehtt horn Slight Coldt u.Z pnMO QIIINrNB Tablets r. Iisvj th llnsitaehe r rurln lh Cold. Ijook r slsnstur of U. W, drove oa th boa, o-Ad. " There's no success without fullh. 1LT77 "Utter rTT Don't blame the feert nr h ren dition of your stock if market men grade you low and custom ers complain on account of the color of your butter. You can keep your butter always that golden June color which brings lop prices by using Dandelion Butter Color. It's purely vege table and meets all State and National Pure Food Laws-uaed by all large creameries for years. Its harmless, tasteless and doean't color buttermilk. Large bottles, 35c at all drug and gro cery stores, Writ for FREE SAMPLE BOTTLE WJk RldWtW U, he ptrfmjlM, KtrsMMt