10NE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Oct. 21, 1927 NUMBER 21 VOLUME XVI WEDDING DELLS Mr. S. D. Secly and Mia Eudora llardctty Embark on the Sea of Maliimiiy, A very pretty wedding wan celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mm. J. P. Hardeaty or Mor. gtn when their daughter Endora waa united in marriage with Mr, S. D. Seely. The marriage wai aolemnized at noon, Saturday, October 15, in the preaeiice of the parenta of the bride and groom. The aervlce waa read by Kev. W. W. Head, paitor of the Congregational Church at lone. The young couple will make their home on the Gua Liable place which Mr. Seely haa rentde. Carman Priion Rtlorm A uiovriiM nt la on foot, not twfuro It U natdiHl, wrlfra t tit llerlln cor rMM)ttdfiit of Ilia I'lirintlan HHitw Monitor, to affwi tome rafiiriiia In Ovrman rlauna. Ifcx-tnr Hi-luulilt, the inluMar of Juatlra for t'rtiaala, haa for aom 1 1 aat Iwn paying tin-il-tid vlalla to th irlaotit In m rral Uaruiau rltlm. Oti rrault li ta la tha brltflitfiiliic of Hit priaou yarda hjr planting flow ara, and tha irlaonira thrniwlvaa arc to ta allowed a flown- In a mi In Ihatr ralla. Itm-tor Krliiiil.lt la til up Introducing rawarila for fuoil behavior III Ilia ahaia of boka, prmilaalon to rarrlva and writ Mtrra more fro quentljr and other alleviation. Silk for Body Sineun A rerent di'Vi'lojiniciu In auiitery tha uaa of Ml I k a a aulialllulu for v rloua body tram's. With rertnlti pro CHUIIona ail I Ic alm-wa tuny l trim (iIuiiIimI Into Ilia body. In tlila nay, natural alm-wa which ar too ahorl run lie IciiKthuned. A further njiptl cut Ion la In tha form of allien) II mi menta employiid aa a auhafltula for llgiimi'iita which have liceii torn tr In Jnred by dlHcaaa or at'ddent, aa In (lie i'u of lutcnil llgiimeiita In tlie knea, ellMiw, etc. I.lkvwlao, It la poxallilo to errata wllh allk new arlMi'liil aUKtiiln lug Humm-iita. Sttd$ Hold Lift Long Keeda of tha Indian lolua a oi-iitur) old Imva mora actlva Ufa In them limn Uia inma kind of aeeda of limt year'a crop, aiTordlng to a ri'iort of Dr Iflilro Oliga of tha Kducallon Inatltutf of Ditlrcn, iluinliurla, to tha Atm-rl run Jmirnul of lloinny. Donor (then tinted theaa aiK-imt aw-ila both h) aproutlng and by chemlral eiamlna tlnti, anil I hey won on both count a The reaearch waa carried on durlni Doctor OhKH'a aojmini In Ihla conn try. at tha Hoyca Thnmpaon limllhile Tonkera, N. T. Qualification Tha young mlaa waa filling out an application for a poaltlon In one ol tha city oflh-ea. (111a of tha queatlnna wna: "What la the length of your n-aliMica In Ihe rllyT Kha anawred thua: "AImiiii HO fwl." Auother queatlon waa Ihla: "An) phyalcHl defecta?" Hhe anweri-l: Only freckli-a." . - MUSIC-LAND ENTEKl AINEK5 . TENTATIVE PROGRAM A Opening Medley "Poet and Peaaant" and "World Jit Waiting for the Sunrise. B Vocal S0I01.. "Good Morning Bro. Sunshine", "Little Mra. Beck. Pirking Kid". C Trumpet Solo . "Annie Lauiie Fantasia", Mra. Beck "Until" D Kradinga .- ' No Newa or What Killed the Dog", "The Village Oracle". E Vocal Soloa "One Fine Ua" Mr. Beck "Yo San" F Banjo Noveliira, Mr. Beck; Jazi Trumpet Novelty. G Dueta "Blue Koom"; "The Girl Friend" H Children'a Group "To a Toy Soldier" "Daddie'a Sweetheart" 1 leading "Jane S tya So", (Costumel J Spanish Skit V ratumeakit in Spanish ing Hanjo, piano, voices. K Piano Soloa "Lento"; "Shadow Dance" L My Task ... (Duet and Goodnight) J 4 3 -u. rtw Glorious October a Month of Kodak Tays Cool, crisp Octolicr dr.ys an ideal time for picture making. Whenever you step out-of-doors for a leisure hour, take your Kodak along, fully loaded. All Kodak models arc here (with yellow box film to ft them). Come in and see the line prices are but f 5 up. v BULLARD'S PHARMACY The Kodak Store LOCAL ITEMS The lone High-school team won a decisive victory over the team of Umatlll Highschool lant Satur- dy on the lone grounds. The vis Iting team scored but once and with this exceut'on it was lone's game through ev ry phase. The score was: lone 30; Umatilla 6 If the party who carried off two racks of wormy cornmea' from In front of Mason's' store, they may be exchanged for fresh meal. The sacks had been se outfortransportationtothe,Masor henysrd and, while themonetarj loss waa insinificant, the risap pointmenl of the fowls was quit aevere. Superintendent Skeen of Urw tilla waa an lone visitor, Satur day and watched the Umatill highschool football team go do to defeat. Rtcord Athletic Fiat Harry Malmicy, roach of tha Stan ford track team, tail" a "llellev It o- Not" eoncernlng lllff Hoffman, hi tnr ahotputter. While practicing Hoffman put the weight out about 4' feet and lxfore Inking hla next hear. aked him to atlck a marker In the ground at a dlxtnnce. He atood a match up In the apot where tha ahot i hit and Hoffman tried again. Tlila ' time the ahot grafted tha mutch, lluht- i IrtaX H without breaking It. Slnbmey 1 Hien ph ked It up and lighted a rlgur '.om Ita flaina. Habit $ Weav Chain llnblta ara to Ufa what rulla are to a railroad truln. A train rum where It hut run befura. So do moat ieo pie, their hublla directing them am gnldlnf them. Only good hublla an likely to carry ona In tha direction h ahould (o, tha routa Ihnt It la wort while to travel. GrlU Chas. Laferty was arrested one day this week on a charge of robery. The complaint was made by William WindGor who alleged that he had been robbed of $313 by Laferty while in the room of later in the Carr house. A hear, ing waa had before Judge Robin xon and at the conclusion of the hearing, Laferty was committed to the County jail to await the notion of the Grrnd Jury. Owing to a break down of the tx:ttmotive the local U. P. train iid nut arrive in lone, Saturday till 11:00 o'clock, a. m. We understand that the specif c dificulty was connected wi h he blow off cock. There was on trher locomtive on the branth tnd this was dralted to take (he ilaceof the disabled machine. ' , Sh Paid th Potlag A woman bout: lit a blrtlnliiy git l one of C'lncliiiicTi depart incut 'urea. Kha aaked tha anlealudy If iv It mailed out from the at ore li eikeley. Callt 'We will be glad to do ao," anln u obliging young clerk, "but If Him nee. la over 200 mllea away, you wit ive to pay the pottage." The Balfour-Guthrie grain o' lice ia located on Main street lone, just below the Telephone oi Hce. Opn every day and all day. Phone No. 62. Louit Balaiger, Agent. WANTED To rent Piano for the Period ol ihe current school year. Liberal compensation and good care. No children. Write to H- M-, care tone Indepeneent. T a .... . .1 i a Harris lommne 4 X Will Work Just Fine. - - AjentX lone, Oregon r aTV't . r, J iMara r ATCIIRISTIN CHURCH There will be preaching service it tha Christian church, Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock. E. L. Wood. Minister. Oct. 27 Music Land Duo Dec. lone Hish School Play . Jan. 13 Lecture Alarm Clocks, guaranteed for one year. Bullsrd'a Pharmacy. I - LEGION HALL THEATRE Oct. 22, Blue Blood Oct' 29, The Cion . Nov. 6. Tbe Thrill Hunter. Here are a few ol the picture e have contracted for 1927. Cut this out and keep it foi uture reference. We will onlj iiae prices when the price 01 rogram compels us to. Doni iiss a single number of this con ict American L?gion lone Oregon WW I R.ROBISON J I uciuic yuu uuy '.ew that RADIO heir the new GREBE i t 10 Uft n SEVEN,? fc M t Jingle bial, Araeri I jca s DC i rajio re-ici 45 Jgar JleiJ of price. t n Z4 A light fingered party named Eads was caught pilfering from the garrage of Ernest Lundell, was arrested tried given a at'ff sentence end ordered to leave the County. Eada had been working in the harvest and at the time of 1 his arrest was employed on the ranch of French Burroughs. Odd Fellows, don't forget the gathering on Saturday evening, the 2'Jth of October. Business progrom, eata 'n everything. Dad Griff en, who has been under a doctor's care ia so far recovered that he has gone a fitth in in the Deschutes. . , i 11 11 w a Oct.29-fJav5 $100,OOOinPremiUinj17thAnnuaExpo.Ition WA combine Dairy Products Show, world-renowned Hone Show, A National Wool Show, North weat fox Show, Manufacturer!' and Land Producta Show, boyi' and Cirlr Club Work. Cover, 10 acres, exhibiting America' I prii Pure Bred Beef and 'A Iairf Ctc HerM. lUWp, Hoafl. (t., Foxr. Larvnc Premlttm LU vav cMmti. Pftlmai, Om, Oct. 29 N ur. i. Kliu4 bra all nilraauh A s f.rfr Wi !3 CASE COMBINE HARVESTER 1 - Smm r4 :.TT '"af 1 Tfi'it. NOW IS THE TIME I to get your order in if you want your machine on time for next year. If interested in a machine that will save your crops and put the grain in the sack, SEE FRANK ENGELMAN Trnr Orprfnn All things come to the other fdllow if jou Bit down and wait. Get a move on. 4 The New J 928 : 1 MAJESTIC RADIO I r l JVery latest violin toned. Drum Jt pe control, o lUDe console, Con-e listen in at any time MACHINE SHOP fj l SUITS and TOP COATS Our New Fall and Winter Line of :: men's suit and overcoat samples are here and they are mighty nice. Better come in and have your meaasure taken for a new outfit. Bristow & Johnson HEADQUARTERS FOR H AR-. VEST SUPPLIES. .WE TRY TO PLEASE. HUDSON. ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul G. Balslger, Agent. At Paul G. Balsiger's 71 then judiie for yourself: Walter Corley, Agent. f FLOUR and FEED Carload Just In , nriftpd Snow Flour I BRANf SHORTS, MILL RUN, iCRACKtD CORN, SURE MILK i WHOLE CORN, KULLCU 1 BARLEY Get your season's supply of j flour now at special prices. Give those turkeys a real fattening ration of corn. Try a cow out with a sack of Sure Milk. BERT MASON i i