The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 14, 1927, Image 4

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Published Erery Friday by
W. V. HEAD, Editor Publisher
Six Months .
.hree Months
Kntered as second class matter at
he (XMtofifice at lone, Oregon, under
act of March J. 1879
Friday, Oct 14 1927.
'Tis tducation (urmt thttommoa mind:
fust as tlie twig bent, tht tree'
Mad Coldfiih Popular
'Cnlilflsli flrst appeared In Kngland
about two centuries ago, hut It was
l.uljt Cum and li Is futlier who made
tliem popular In the parlor window
of the nation. They began n I most hjr
rliunre. The Curas came to lndon
flura Italy sixty years ago, wlien
l.ulel wus a hoy, and his uncle sent
him a enn ef golilflsli to comfort him
In tils exile.
Finding the fishes Interested tlielr
neighbors, they begim to Import them
and sell tliem. After a time they
added tortoises to their stock-in-trade,
and forty thousand tortoises, as well
aa hulf a million golilRxli, passed
through their hnnds In year.
"Tidy" Philosopher
Many of the world' Kreatest
philosophers are known to have hnd
eery little concern for their permmal
appearance. One notable exception
according to biography written
about 10SS and recently reprinted,
was Spinoza who, says the suthi.
"was extremely tidy." Whenever he
left bla house there was, as well,
"something about hla clothes whir
usually distinguishes gentleman
from pedanf
A present-day critic observes: "He
was man of the greatest reticence,
but with nothing to conceal; man
of Intensely "private life,' but wholly
Catenberg Not First
to Use MovabU Typt
The first book printed In Europe
with movable type waa the famous
Gutenberg Bible. It waa printed In
1450-65. Beside It Doctor Tollbeht
recently exhibited a Chinese book
printed with movable t,iee hng be
fore the UutrnlxTg Bible appeared,
and indeed the Chinese printer PI had
so printed books 9U0 years before Gut
enberg waa born. In all that time the
Chinese had been using movable type,
publishing books of such beauty and
perfection that they are today the ad-
miration of all bibliophiles, and Eu
rope knew nothing about It Not even
Marco Polo, who went to China In the
middle of the Thirteenth century and
became the guest of Kublal Khan,
brought back to Kurope the Invention
that was to electrify civilisation.
Within 23 years after the Gutenberg
Bible came out printing with movable
type bad spread Into every civilised
country In Europe. Fifty years later
tht French and Italians particularly
had Joined the Germans In the print
log of books which for craftsmanship
and typography have not been sur
passed from that time to this.
How big the world was In that dis
tant time! How wholly unlike It la
our world of today. In whlcb not only
am uaiij neiwreo tins conn-
try and China, but as like aa not there '
Is In the oriental sky somewhere
western plane on a non-stop flight
from London or Paris to one of the
capltala of Asia. Imagine a Guten
berg In our time announcing a discov
er IMJO years old'
Horse Show Offers $35,000.00
Ownsd by Portland Damascus Milk Company, J. O. Huston, Up.
as in years past one of the speo-i
tacular attractions at the 1927 Pa
eiflc International Horse Show will
be the coutest between the drivers
of the Northwest's famous six
burse bitch s. These contests prob
ably bring the audience to a higher
pitch of enthusiasm than any other
of the sterling events of the Show.
The 17th Annual Pacific Interna
tional Livestock Exposition, with
which the Horse Kliow la combined,
will be held In Portland October
21 to November (, Inclusive.
I3S.000.00 la to be given this
year In Premiums for the Horse
Show, making this event (or the
fourth time In succession, the great
est Horse Hhow in America. The
stakes and their donors Include
Olympic Hotel, Beattle, 14,000.00,
with the balance all coming from
Portland, Oregon, as follows: Ore
gon Journal, $2,000. un; Multnomah
Hotel, $1,000.00; Portland Cliambor
Of Commerce,; Portland
daughter Anna and ion Arnold,
h id preceeded them to prepare
hune in the West, settling at
line, where ihe lived for thirty-
three years. Mrs. Balsiger mode
turhome with them for ten years,
bit when her daughter Anna,
who had been a successful teach
er for more than twenty years
and was the first woman to hold
the office of superintendent oi
schools in Morrow county, sue
climbed to an operation forappen
dicitis, she made her home with
her, son Paul Balsijter, and part
of the time with her other chil
dren. During the illness of Miss Bal
sitter, the mother was constantly
at her bedside and could not be
persuaded to leave for needed
rest, feeling that she might con
tribute to the comfort and relieve
the suffering of her beloved
daughter until she passed away,
and then bowed to the will of the
Almighty. Seventeen years ago.
January, 1909, her husband pre.
ceeded her in dia b.
She was a member of the Con
gregational church all her life
and for years was active in help
ing to build and support the
c'uurch at lone. She consecrated
hit entire life to her Lord and
Master and through her every
act whether in her daily work
or in her worship of God, one
could not help but see emanating
a Christian spirit and devotion
rare among Christian people, Al
ways mindful of the welfare and
feelings of her dear ones, always
ready to do her part in relieving
the suffering of others, she waa
always ready and on hand when
culltdby any of her loved one
when ill or in trouble, and tender
ly nursed them pack to health,
whenever possible.
When her last illness came she
longed to go and meet her God,
leeitng mac ner uie a wont was
ended and on Wednesday, Octc
5, at 4:30 P. M. the final sum-
mons came.
Mrs. Balaiger is survived b
one sister, Mrs. Alice Ktller, and
one brother, Paul Rietmann ol
lone; one daughter, Mrs. Chas.
A lenger of lone; five sons, Fred
of White Salmon, Wash.; Arnolo
of Vancouver, Wash.; Paul ol
lone; John of Portland, and
Louis of lone; also 15
dren and 13 great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held
Friday. October 7, at 10:00 A. M.,
at the Congregational church.
The pastor, Uev. W. W. Head,
officiated and many were there
to show their last respects to
"Grandma" Balsiger as she was
among ber numerons
f.- endp, who literally covered her
lust resting place with beautiful
f .oral wreaths and flowers, Inter
ment was in lone cemetery.
Hotel, $2.000 00;
First National
Bunk, 12,000.00; Uenaon Hotel. $1
000.00; W. r. Turner, fl.OOe.tO;
Unitid States National Bank, $1,
000.00; American Security lit
change Bank-Lumberman's Trast
Co., $1,000.00; West Coast National.
Hank. $1,000.00; Imperial Hotel.
$500.00; H, Mebe Co, $500.00;
Supporter of the Pacific Interna
tional Horse Dhow, $500.00,
The amount of the Premiums of
fered for this year's Pacific Inter
national Livestock Exposition to
tals $100,000.00. The Kxposttlon
combines great Livestock Show,
Dairy Products Show, Land and
Manufacturer' Products Show,
Northwest Knl Rbow, Weot Skew,
Industrial Exposition, and a splen
did Boys' and Girls' Club Work El
hlblt presented under the name of
"Camp Pluinmer." The railroads of
the entire Northwest are offering
special (are-and-one-thlrd rata for
the reus trip te the Exposition.
Down in the Allegheny coil
mines they keep a canary bird.
Aa long as the bird livesand aingi
and lives, the air In the mine is
good. If the bird quits aiming
and dies, the air is bad, and the
miners kno.v they must either
purify the air or get ou.
The Lyceum Course in Ion Is
a eanary bird. The churches and
schools in lone are canary birds.
As long as they sing the air In
lone ir aood. But when any of
them get aick and die, the air is
If you are a father or mother
with children to raise, if you are
a good citisen of lone, you will be
itai to help keep the canary tn
lone singing,
Season tickets are now on sale
a'$1.25. Buy a season ticket and
save 50c t. The student who sells
the most tickets and turns tn the
most money will w id a $5.00 foon
tain pen of his own select'nn.
The second highest will wiu a $2
Inunttiin peu.
Pens are on exibition at Bui
I ird's Phatmacy.
. Oct. 27 Music Land Duo
Dec. ione High School
Jan. 13 Lecture
Study Your Ameootor
Prof. Rudolph M. Bluder. bead of
be department of sociology of New
Vork university, states that roasld
ration which should be kept In mind
In the search for the proper wife or
tusband la study of ancestral traits.
"Certain traits," says the professor,
known to the scientist aa "recessive
raits,' often held In abeyance for sv
ml generations and entirety forgot
en, wtil suddenly reappear In a child
"The study of ancestry should eevst
it least five er six generations. Moral,
mesial er physical defects may assert
'henselvee a hundred yean after they
avt apparently disappeared."
Hug Eloctri F urnmeot
Electric furnace which are great'
.ubee aunk In th ground are ased to
ieat ship's gun In order to expend,
-tle-i t take ew tore U-rittta. la
he giant Id-Inch guns these lining
av t be replaced after each VJO
llsrltarge ef shells using explosives
f war strength. They will- endure
bout 800 shots la peace-time target
rartic each as was engaged In by
tie Atlantic fleet ef Ouantanam bay,
o th Caribbean sea leaf spring. The
una srs lewered late and withdraw
Yom the funis res by electric crane
apsble ef lifting SS0 tens.
Statement of the Ownership, Man
aflement, etc.,
Bequlred by Act f Cuukkm of
August 24, 1913, of lone Independent
published weekly at lone, Oregon
lor Oct. 1 1!7.
Editor, Managing Editor. W, W
Head ; Publlaber, VT, W. Uea.1; Ion
Oregon; Owner, W. V. Head Iooe'
Known bond holder, mortgagees
and other security holder, holding 1
per cent or more of total amount o
bond, mortgagee, or other securt-
ile. None.
W. W. lit ad. Manager.
Sworn toand subscribed before
me this 1st day of Oct. 1927.
F. (I. Robinson, Notary Public
My Commission expires, 2 32-28
Lodge Directory
Morrow I'onntv PmiiiaUrau-e
Master, Chun. Wkkliinder
Secy. ' '
Next in tins;
I ONE LOIMJK No.l:.'. A. F. AA, M.
Meet every first and third Wedner-
bay ol each month. W. M.Jaaon Hid-
die; Secy , W. E. Bui a d
Locust Chapter No. lit. O. E
Meet the second and fourth Tues
day of aeh month. W M.Mrs. W. E.
Bullttrd, Secy., Vrs.Itutu Mason.
IO.E I.OUUE No. 135, 1. O. O. F,
Meets every Saturday vnlug.'M.
0. T. fJ. Trog; Secy , lee Heyrell.
1. O. O. P. Meet first and third
Tboraday of each mouth, N. O Mr
; Sec j. Mr.
Lacky DUcovurios of
Vsuf Mineral Woalth
Tin Is worth alioiit f 1.470 s ton. Al
North' Dundas, In Tusiiiiuitn, nugget
of th metal ha been found which
weighed 0,400 pounds, and was almost
pur metallic tin. .
i Copper often ocvtir In nature In a
pur state. A solid block of this metal,
weighing more then a ton and s half,
has Just been found In South Africa.
Th moat wonderful discovery of the
kind was mad In th Andes, at the
hack of Peru, where, at s height ef
14,(o ftt, there hat been found t
iniHiutHla of copper or a mil long
and half a mil wide.
Silver Is eonietlmee found In (feat
insases. Moat ef us hav heard of
Cobalt, th adrarl silver city of
northern Ontario. On day, tn th
spring ef 1U0S, two workmen quar
reled whli at work on a rough rail
way track mad for hauling lumber,
High words led to blows, and one
man flung an x at th other. It
missed him but struck a bowlder,
splitting! It In two and showing up In
Its hi'srt a tusss of glittering whit
noes. It wst t lump of almost pur
Thitt spring Cobalt bed four small
shacks, but alx months Inter there
Were mor thau S.UJO.tihaL.'Uinta,
SA Pmd th Ptf
' ' A woman bought a birthday gift
la en of Cincinnati' department
stores. Bb asked tb saleslady to
have It mailed out from tliti store to
Berkeley, Calif.
-We will a glad to do bo," said
th obliging young clerk, "but If that
place It vr ZOO tails away, you will
have t pay the toatas." ;
Miss Brown presents the cause
of the Near Eaat Relief at Lex
Ipgton, Sunday. She will address
meetings at both Congregational
and Christian churches.
r-V ,
We with tojthank those whose
neighborly helpfulness and sym
pathy was so freely extended to
us in the illness and death of our
The Balsiger Familei
We wish to express our heart
felt thanks for thesympatey and
kind helpftirueee of our friende
in the bereavement of ouraon
and brother, Elmer Lcroy.
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Swanaon
and ffmlly.
Church Directory
Sunday School at 10:00 A. M.
PrayerMeeting..Thur.,7:30P. M.
Rev. W. W. HEAD, Paator
11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6:45, P.M.
Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:80
Sunday School 10:00 A.' M.
Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evening
CE.:6:39; Preacbiog Service,
at 7:30 P. M.
Jack Farris
It Pays to Look Well
Specialist in Bobs.
Attorney At Law
First National Bank Building
Hcppner Oregon
When You Visit Heppner
Eat At the
Elkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter '
Physician and Surgeon
Office In Masonic Cuildlng
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner Oregon
Before contracting or j
selling your wheat it will
pay you to sec L. Balsiger ji
'i ;:
representing B. G. and Co.
lone Meat market
Meat makes
nourishing, and healthfull. - Meat should he an
important part of your daily menu. Serve it everyi
day. , Whether you come into our shpp, or phone
us you are sure to get the kind of meat you want
; We have a large variety of chotce cuts. '
T. E. Peterson, Prop. .
We are prepared to take are of your
shafting requirements by the installation 'of an
electric key way machine and a stock of shafting
In a wide range of sizes. We also have a Utt of
second hand combines for sale. Agency for the
Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines.
j& J. P. OMeara, Proprietor jc?
Under New Management
lone. Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer
cial Table First Class. A home away from
home, with best meals in Central Oregon.
Nice Rooms.
Farm Implements
Dr. A. H. Johnston
Phone-Offica Main 933
Residence Main 492
Prom $;00 to 10:00 A, M.
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Will practice in all the Courts
s s
the meal. It is apttbint
Good Service.
, a
Mias Zena Weatfa)!, Graduate)
Nurse. Superintendent
A, H. Johnston 11. D.,
Physician in charge.
Rates Rkasonabu
Dr. F. E. Farior
JOftke: Odd Fellows fiuil&tg
llnn A-.-...