OUR COMIC SECTION D G05H.' IT3 A LONGWALrW I GET TIN' TOO FINE MORNING ( "7 I "V.W FINNEY OF THE FORCE 3 roS uw5?s a KX L Zlw pose vw oC man fch e.T.r, .!,TrL,ij yS3Sl35pSl an' kim w.tm-6 hose an' yj In -uT VEC muSBAkT IS in) 3 IEFT THE FOiCB UNOHEQ", ..e-ern .p;,-r mi.,,, m ) ifij HljV WUllilt' ' I l H f f 1 HtTIaHi f I 'L'-yAtlMO 'II1 I THE FEATHERHEADS Fanny Pulls a Fast One I, I n i V " . -w jiiii::::!::ir:wiirr::rrii!:rr::iiii::r?:TJJMi"L.;":::::r. llllllllli r III I ' X i' riill t 'I Sla' Ik TO.oroouQec-MiH ; " lM'p A Bfl Iter) Our Pet Peere jm W0I?M3 MAKE GOOD RAW MH!FINr.N080py HERE YEXJ D ILL JUST HURRY AUQ V 'F0R60T THEM J? 3 Mental Suggestion GET THERE FIRST, i CThe Kitchen Cabinet oboooooooooovxoooooocxxo6o IW, Hat, Woatoru NiwimiMr Unluu.) Oh! In h hl nouiih to follow ArohbUhop llvniinn' irl,ioliliil "Not to oil ltntlon to erowiUd work or petty fKtlHun, or trlvll prlinr. To rk no fuvnr, no emnpnslon: to dMrv. not to Hk( for ttmctarniiia. To honl wound whlrh In tUn P"t mjr cru'l roil rrlM bund tiv nmdn. Not to fel ny uiiparIiioh when my ! vlr or opinion I not aaktd, or la ot ld."r DESSERTS AND DRINKS There are to ninny tltlluttfn. dlHht-a wliloh may be iiimle nnil frown unatlrrrd or mnldivl, Unit thore li tin Infinite vnrl cty from which to clinon Chrry Moum. To lnt of double rronm add throe tnlilONpoonfiil of powdered itienr, cup ful of cherry Juice nnd n drop or two of nlmond extrnrt. Chill and whip the rrenm until ll(T, then add the other Inirrrdlciits, Turn Into a innld, rovor clowly and pnek In loe and anlt for four hour. Nougat lee Crom. -Cook toxothvr a cupful of sour rtvain and cupful of auttnr until It rcarhc tlie aoft ball utiiKe when tried In cold water, flavor nnd add a cupful of hli'kory nut mentf or peenna, add one qunrt of rich milk to whlrh ha been added a cupful of tiKur and when cool frie ai uoinL Fruit Crewn. I'eel, core and quarter three awevt aptle and three quince. rover with tweet cider and r'k until tender; remove tlie aple unlmken( 5leure the cider and add enough to iimke a pint. Over half a box of (el at In pour hnlf a cupful of cold elder, et Into cold water and atlr until It begin to thicken, then turn Into a border mold, tipping the mold o Hint the jelly w ill line the mold. Now All with chopped and cooked quince and the apple. Cover with jelly and et away to chill. Invert on a cold dlnh and All the center with rwectened rrenm or pour It around the mold. (nralxh with browned almond. Grape Nctr. To a quart of rne Juice add a pint of plrup and the Juice of four onitiKe. Chill and when nerving add a bottle of charged water. Pineapple Drink. Acid a pint of prepared alrup (water and augur conked together) to a pint of grated pineapple. Set on Ice for three hour, add a hit of lemon juice, Urn In and erve. Ever Ready Lemonade. Hull toccth er one cupful each of augnr and water, add one-half cupful of lemon Juice, cook a few minute and bottle. Keep In the Ice client until It I ready for the addition of water and Ice and the drink I ready. A tnlleponful of till lrup to a gluiM of water make a fine drink. firnpe Juice prepared a drink la delightful with addition of a bottle of ginger ale. Autumn and Fruit Time. We are ao buy with putting op fruit for winter that we nil much of the joy of the rlotou color of fruit It bang from the tree. Fol lowing the lu clou berrle of auininer come the, dellelou autumn fruit, the lute liearhea, pear, melon, plum and grape, and the melting aweetne of the cantaloupe, tnnklng a group of color unrivaled and flavor uneqnaled. A a eulud there I nothing more attractive In color or better lu flavor than good ripe pear, peeled and cut Into aectlnn and arrunged on lettuce with the anme alzed aeetlon of rle peeled tomato. Serve with any well liked anlod droning. Pear Gateu. Voh tlx rlje penra, remove the blwoin and acoop out the core. Muke a rich ilrup to whlrh add the juice and aome of the grated rind of lemon. Cook the pear without deatroylng the ahnpe, lift out and cool and fill the eavlllo with chopped flga, witlnut meat and pinch of anlt to each. Hot on Ice and when aervlng time come nit out aquiirc or round of aponge cuke, acoop out the center and net a penr on each piece. Pour the alrup over thnm and aerve. Grape Deart. Hoften two tnhle apoonful of gelatin In cold water. Add one and one-half cupful of augur to one pint of grope juice (freoli), add the juice of two leinoua, atraln and add the gelatin. Ret the baaln containing the mixture Into a dlidi of erimhed tee, tlr until It thicken, then add the atlffly beaten white of four egg. Kill chilled glne two third full and pile aweetened whipped crenm on top. Paach Boucheea. Kiike a rich bin- cult dough over tlmtml mold and when cold All with aweetened alleed penche over which ha been poured a little orange juice; aerve topped with, whipped crenm. Pear With Choloeate Cream- Pnre and core firm ripe peurs cut Into hulve. Hollow out the pear, leaving rim a hnlf Inch thick and deep. Have ready aome chocolnte lee cream (cooped In email rone. Kill the hol lowed penr and aerve at once. Middled chegtnut tnnke a mont dunty and appetizing dlHi to aerve with meat a one doe potato. Cook and aenoon tlrem a for mnnhi-d potato . r Just f M Little COULDN'T BE Tito etvnmer win plowing 111 wnT 4croH the channel nt time when a big (en wui running. A kindly lewnrd went up to an old Indy, who looked very ptilo aud wua Icnnlng ngultiNt- the rail. "Como bnlow," he ald j "your teeth are chattering with the cold." "Don't tell Ilea, laddie," replied the old lady, iternly, "My teelu are In my pocket." Tll-nila, SIGHT FOR SORE EYES "l'rofemor, can you aee how abort that terrible woman la wearing her aklrtar "No, doggoned, the glnue need reudjuttliig.' Mart Modern Lamb Mary had a lltlie lamb. It drank aome (aaollna. One day It wandarad naar the Bra, And lnr ha not banaln. - F aultUu "It I extrnnrillnury that Mr. Jenki ran never (ee any fault In her chll dren." ohnerved Mr. Smllh. 'Mothers never can," remarked her huahnnd. "What an ahnird Idea, Jiuneal So like a man. I'm sure I should see fuulta In our children at once If they had any." London Tit lilta. Valuable Thumb! How, niadam." deinnnded the at' (nrney for tlie defenae In compenn lion raae, "enn you prove that the thumb yog lout In till accident was worth $.",(Hior It wa the thumb," retorted the plulntlfr. "under which 1 kept my hue band." Vnnoiuver Province. All Stt "Of course, young man," said the girl's father, "yon. know that my daui;hter has always bad good home." 'Ye, sir," beamed the euttor. "I believe Ihnt It will prove entirely sat Infuctory." American Legion Month ly. - . UNMANNED Mr. June "I hear Miss I'uase Is wreck from losing the mnn she ex pected to jiarry." Mrs. Bmllh "It's completely unmanned her, my dear." Indtitructlbla Thar wa little Joke. For ccnturle It (raw. Now, when In pulillo apoke, It' Juat sood new, lt'$ ThT, June I Juat came from ilia draw ing room. Helen There's no drawing room In that building. Jnne rev there la. My dentist has an olllce In thnt building. Worth ot Difference CiiHtoiner I run get till article 10 Cent) cheaper nrroFS the street. Clerk I'erlmp so, but why rink your life for a dlniet Huston Tnin crlpt. . ' Had Itt Number Waitress (to customer troubled about Ills solud) Is the snlnd gritty, sir? Customer Orltlyf It'i a gravel lialh with a few weeds lu IL London Tlt-1'.IM. Worth Trying "Doctor, my wife Is a kleuloiiinnlnc. Can you do nnyihlng for her?" ."Well, we might try vaccination; llutt keeps people from Inking things," A'K THIS WOMAN FOUND BELIEF After Long Suffering by Taking Ljrdia C Pinkham'i Vegtx Uble Compound . In llttlo town of the middle West, win a dlacou raged woman. For four nionthasbehndbeen In auclt poor healto, that (li could not stoop to put on her owu aliovs. Unable to do her work, unable to go out at doors or enjoy a friendly dial wlto hor nalghbors, life saemed dark IndeciJ to Mrs. Daugherty, Than ono day, m booklat Wi left at er Iroiit Ooor, Idly she turned the pages. Soon ab was reading will quickened Interest. The little booklet waa tilled with letters from wuruuu In conditions similar to hers who had found better health by taking L-ydla IS. t 1'lnkbam'a Vegetable Compound. "I began taking the Vegetable Com- ' pound," Mrs. Daugherty write, "and 1 after I took the third bottle), I found re lief. I am on my elevantU bottle and I don't have that trouble any mora, and feel like dlffereut woman, t recommend tbe Vegatable Compound to everyone I ace who baa trouble like . mine, and you can use these facta aa a testimonial. I am willing to aniwar ' ny letter from women aaklng about the Vegetable Compound." Ms. Ko. Davomestt, 13oa Orchard Ave., Musca tine, Iowa. Are you oa tht Sunlit Road to Bat ter HosIUjJ Boschee's Syrup baa bean relieving coughs due to eeldo fur aluy-oo yaara. Soothes the Throat lonaana the phlegm, promote ipacto ration, (Ivas a good nlsht'a raat free from coughing, so and oe bntttaa, liny It at your drag atora. a a Orate, In, Woodbury, N. i. aral ia. adiaw nl I Ma T kM I JiTi SYRUP D N&vmovs SYRUP IW lalaak' aa tmUna'l llak Oindne eraw lualiar aad fraa tnm aoUa. etarrhmo, SaiulMM-r. I "wi(mmi ana oumt iwua u Crm li al toaUiifie him. V plaaaantaiwybrtntw. Mwaaaie aa i At AH OraaeMa 00 YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA 9 TrytXfiT. TnKsjU II iavtxlw iHrMt Ui4nMl jyayr- KuW tM next. Rl rbet tO PolMTa IHaflsra-tMlO. Takalnidsrnally toiiiatughing mmA ' rtwrn inflgniMU Uvm UaMM.ta thi vat avad lung. Tet FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haartem oil hat been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. 00, HAARLCM OIL ff.lai m 1 1 , eorrect bitemal troubles, at ImuUte vital organ. Three liar. All druggtatt. Insist en the original gnvilna Qolo Mum, Popularity F oe to Braint The reason thnt popular college youths do not get aa high murks aa the bookworms Is not, aa commonly believed. Just thnt they do not car to work as hard, but that tliey are likely to rat lower In brnln power, report Dr. W. II. Sheldon of test made at the I'nlverslty of Chicago, However, brains , and outslnndlng lesdershlp seomed to go together. The, notion that Inrgebodlcd men rank higher In sociability than lliln Dien, ' but lower In eclioluintilp and Intelli gence, appeared to have aome sup port from the figure. II) gel llngii. Una. . , Halted Trouble ; J "So the .llrown hnva hud a dis agreement and separated. What wus It sIkiuU" Hh wanted In . have her fur lifted, and ha Insisted Hint ll le the Diorlgnge.'' . ' , , Ihilll ttVMasfrW InlUtlW! iiutniDsf wiim put?t nn drug umpia' 'i.U mnn, m tautnitiiA ruggtl. UAi.i.tHiti;rrXRLa gy m w tuia vi vy J- nAUTlIII ' s. main li laiist.at ifnraiiiii ---- - , , ,", 'Vancouver I'rovliice. )