The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, October 07, 1927, Image 3

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    The Doctor
In fair weather or foul,
tcro nlghti or rainy
day, I hava alwayi
foun d that my car arti
Instantly and perforata
perfectly with Cham
plon Spark Plugs
they're dependable
Cnamefaie) la (He attr
Sufi, pjaf hacalMM of M4
ANiMtf-rlMml sdltnuesj.
Me ears Ma Iwa-fJlaea
raaeinfrrtlee) and tu tm
Stal aaaljele lIMMta
(of IWI
Cart of ke
IT Per your pnUaion U iwr iJx'II
' II 9'M,mf,'m,J0" r II
original Ounufkm carton. JJ
TreWes lee SUIISUS, TDII rioFuiioni
kltrull muf lime. Malta Itif literature.
oaiao iNttiTUTi or ticnnoloov
I.M.1I. A. illdg. rrlkMHi.reeru
Strang Individual
An Eaet Ornnd bt.ulevurd redden!
received shock recently when a ui
torlat. Who proved lo be from out of
town, knocked at tin door mid tnld he
tid accidentally collided with parked
car In front of !b house. In emwer
to the motorist' rcu,i:et to nmkt It
right the resident Mid: "I cun see
tint the car Isn't hurt much, but If
It were, I wouldn't chars you thing.
You're the fifth nitia to lilt thut car
but' the tint one to atop and own up
to IL" Detroit New.
Got Hi Monty Back
In plowing near Falrlce, 11 J., a
fanner turned np a pocketbook which
ha bad lost two jesr ago while at
work In th aatna apot Tin wallet
wai practically decayed and a $3 bill
It contained bad fallen Into sevea
pieces. The money w forwarded to
Washington to I redeemed for the
benefit of Ilia owner.
Actively Engaged
Mae Iion't overexert youraelf.
John Thanks. I Dud It terribly
hard to keep from kissing you.
Especially Prepared for Infant
and dildrcn of All Age
Mother! Kletcber'i Caatorla has
been In uaa fur over SO yeara to ro
ller babiea and children of Constipa
tion, Klnttilrncy, Wind Colic and IHnr-
rhea; alloying i'evcrlshnes arising
therefrom, and, by regulating the
Ktnmnrh and lUiwela, alda tha a ml nil
lallon df Food; giving natural sleep
Without opiates,
' The gennlna bear signature of
DO you surrtfi
I mtfm hsu frarwel n IWf 01re Tar fWH
W9 94 aaaUtak m ttmttbnmm W titnttl tm4 kfta
August Flower
la a mild laiatlva, and haa been In us
fnr sixty yeara for tha relief of con
atlpatlon, Indigestion and aim liar atom
arh dlaordore. A trial will con vine
yo of Ita merit. loo and too boltlri
At all drug-gist. 0. O. Green, Inc
Woodburv, N. J.
Deafness Head Noises
"Re Back tt Can"
At All PtiiniiM. trtt II
Jollier tbMt "DlAfNtSS" ea WXt
A a utoNAtn. inc., re rim
Holla and aarbtmele eaure agony, sometimes
death. Taka no ehaneaa with butna-made poal
tkaa or axponalvaoparatlona. Oaa application
ot CAHIIOIL, (a actentlno antWtle) quleklr
Itopa pain and draw autoora. tirtliwwwl
aue boa from yourdniavlet today and kaea ll
oa hand Monar back if not pullifled. Iion't
aaoapt aubatltutaa aak for CAHBUIL by nama,
For Barbed Wire Cuts Tr
Hanford's Balsam of Myr
lhaaa batk f at (nl Bottle UaotegnH. AU aeale.
'ROM 1 kt
. -av in r
esmnn i.
Hope In Alberta Where Eroalon
irraparail bt the National Oaoararthta Waahlnalun, U. C )
SI.NCK the dnya of our Jungle for
beura the qtieat of big game hna
niipeiiled to man, hla apprecia
tion of the eHtrt being ineaaurea
chiefly by the elt of the game and
the difficulty of obtaining It.
Today we nmnt go to Africa for tha
Mltett game; but there waa a time
lu the dim, dlntnnt puat when Amer
ica produced otilmnla larger tliau any
now living. That waa eo long ago that
nothing remnlna of theae creature ex
cept their btmea, and they are tamed
to atone.
The anlmala are dlnowaura; for the
moment we will cull tliein llwirda not
tha creep! ii j. crawling kind, but bUK
reptllea that atulked Urlght throuurt
the Juniilea. rivaling In alxe the ele
phant the hlpHitnniue and the rhtnoe-
The place la Allierln. C'aiiNilu, and
the time of tlielr exUtence 8,ii,(M
years ago.
Ik'twit-n tbe (Ireiit Ijikea and the
RtH-ky nioiintnlna, jiixt north of the
Canadian Ixiumliiry Ilea a vnt area of
level lund, prairie In the fnt and for-
eated near the ninuiitulna, with a nar
row Intervening aectlon thut Is brush
covered. Kant of I ho limbered belt
the central part of Albi-rta la level as
fur as the eje ran ae and dotted hre
and there by amull gliiclnl lake, where
neat countleaa numbers of duck a and
Twenty five yeara bbo thla level aec
tlon waa prnlrte Innd covered with a
luxurlunt amwtli of gruaa, on which
grated roniaratlvely few cattle, with
a ranch building here and there, but
spamely aettled withal. Today the
country la covered by a network of
railroad, and near the rullroada moxt
of the avalliilile land la hnmeateoded.
A numlH-r of amull rlvera drain thla
area, uniting In the province of Al
berta to form the Kiinkatcttewun.
which flowa Into take VlnnlN The
Ited Ieer river la one of lliene trlbn
Inrles that rlaea In the mountain
north of HaiilT. Numliera of leaaer
streams fed by mountain enow anl
prulrle lakea Join It, making an trre
alatllile atreaui that hna cut thrniiGli
the prairie land, forming a nilnhiture
grand canyon, a mile wide at the top
and from two to five hundred feet
Foaaila of Four Period.
AlthoiiKh black, fertile eoll forma
the aiirfuce of the country, the earth
below la roinponcd of horizontal layer
of clay ami anndxtone, and a Journey
of mllea down the river reveals
four dlttliift geologic perlotl In the
canyon wall. The alrata representing
tlieBC ihtIoiI overlap like alilngloe on
a roof, and In each are preserved the
fraudl remain of nnlmul and plants
which enable us to picture former con
dltlone and llfo during punt aites
Where theae rocka Hank tlie moun-
tnlna they are tilted at an aiiKle or
aovernl degree, which ahowa that I hey
were laid, down before the complete
elevation of the Itocky mountain.
Thla formation Is called the I'lerre.
Near the clone of the Pierre a part
of tha Inland eon-floor was elevated
above the ocean and became a land
mass of low altitude a mat stretch
of Jungle-covered delta fend coBHtnl
awnmp, Inlempemed with bnynu and
lagoon. ,
In the freh mid partly salt or brack
lah water bike nnd river beda of this
period are prencrved leaf Impreaalon
of a variety of trees, rare teeth nnd
fragmentary bone of niammnl, and
numerous remains of a great variety
of reptile. Thla la known aa the Ju
tilth (llelly) Illver formation
8ulieqiientl,v this area again sunk
below the sen for a long time and 4(H)
feet of dcpnalta accumulated. '
Then a long period of elevation be
gun, the rock nnd fimall allowing a
gradual change from sail to hru'cklah
water condition, which near the lop
became quite freah. Thee bed, over
700 feet thick, are known a the Kd
tnonton formntlnn.
In theae muralie of prehlatortc
tlmea dwelt a hoat of reitllea, aome
large, some email, nnd of rnrlou
form, fleHh.enter nnd herh-enter. but
all aluirlng certain cluiraciera In com
mon and known na dlnoanur. Not nny
were cloap y related to nny living rep
tile, yet they had some character
common to The Hoard, crocodile and
i That grent iimbers ot these crea
Haa Expoaad Ancient Skeleton.
ture lived In the ancient momhes Is
evident from the numerous remains
found In the rocks. In a single quarry,
of which there are muny on The lied
!eor river, bone representing eeveral
hundred Individual have been waihed
out of the bank, and more or leas com
plete aVelcton and Individual bone
art acntlered all through the at nil a
Climit Was Bub-Tropleal.
At that time southern L'unuila and
the northern part of the United State
enjoyed a climate almllnr to that of
Klorlda, for fig fruK and palm leaves
are often found In th"e an me rocks.
Numerous coul elit" snd petrllled
wood beapenk the tropical abundance
of the vegetation.
Along the Ited Ieor river, In places
the ennyon walla are nearly perpen
dicular, and the river wind In Ita
narrow valley two to five hundred feet
hctnw the prnlrle, touching one aide,
then croaalng to the other, so that It
I lmHHuilble to follow up or down It
courae any great distance, even on
For many yenrs the American Mu
euin of Nut urn I lllxtory of New York
city made a ayatetiiatlc collection of
fnaall along thl river, (ending an ex
pedltlon there every aummer, and each
auccM-dlng exiedltltm returned with
notable reniil '. A the only feailble
way to work theae bank Is from
boat, the parties proceeded to the town
of Ited Peer, where the Calvary-Ed
monton railroad eroataea the river.
There, with the aid of aeveral car
penter, a flathont, 12 by W feet, wa
conatructetl aln.llnr to a Western fer
ryboat Thl boat wa rapublt of
carrjlug ten tone with aufety.
Supplied with a season' provision.
lumlier for boxes, and plaater for en
caring bonea, the foanll crulae itnrted
down the canyon.
At Interval the party tied up the
boat and went aahore to search the
hank, that foaail mlcht not be over
lotiked. No large fiHwll were found
In rock of the I'nskapoo age, but a
noon a the Kdmnnton rock aptieared
In the hank large bone of dlmwimr
Itecame numerous, and In the pic-
tureaoiie exposures nt the mouth of
Iilg Valley they were eeclally bun
At the fiNit of a hutte lie icnttered
fragment of bone, nnd on the rivulet'
aenrred hlllalde other fragment ap
pear, as we trace them up the water
way. Finally, ten, twenty, or thirty
feet above, other piece protrude from
the bank, and thl I our lead. Can
tloualy the explorer follows In from
the expoaed surface, nnenvrring the
bone with crooked awl and whlak
broom, careful not to disturb the bon
Itself; for, although atone. It Is nauul-
ly checked nnd fractured In many
plncee by former dUturbnnce of It
bed or crvlnlllr.liig of mineral salts,
nnd I rarely strong enough lo permit
Every Fragment Gathtrtd.
Other bonea may appear In thn
courae of thla preliminary work, and,
If the find la dewlrnble, the next tc
Is carefully to gather every fragment
large and amull, that ha weathered
nut and fallen down the hlllalde; for
when reatored In the lulmrutory one of
theae piece may be the critical point
In the determination of a specie.
Then with pick and shovel ihe heavy
ledge nlmve are removed, and often"
a team nnd semper and dynamite art'
used when a Inrge exeuvatlon I to be
made. As the bone layer la ap
prnached the work la more carefully
done, with ever In mind the probuhlu
poult Ion of tbe hones of the akeleton
A false stroke of the pick In exenva
tlon tnny cause days of mending lo
the laboratory nnd might deatmy tome
dellcnls bone.
When the bones are uncovered nnd
bruahed clean they are saturated with
ahellne tin all amnll pieces adhere to
each other; then the dirt I taken
away from tbe aides, more ihellac ap
plied, and finally each bon etnnd
on a little pedestal.
If the apcclmcn la a skeleton It la
next determined where the bone may
he separated or broken to cause lea!
damage, and each part la covered
first with tissue paper, nnd then with
two or three layers of plnstcr-of-pnrla
hnndiigc strip of burlap dipped In
plaster. When thla la let nnd thor
oughly hard, the block Is undermined
nnd turned over and bandages are ap
plied to the lower surface to form s
complete pirr Jacket.
On the
rtlffkln waa suffering from Uvet
trouble and the dc"-tor told hlio that
If ha laughed fifteen minute before
each nienl hla condition would Im
prove. One day In a restaurant whll
lllfTklna waa having hi little laugh
s man at the oppoalte tuble walked
nver to lilin and sold In sn angry man
ner: "What the dlckena are yos
luughlng air
Why, I'm laughing for aiy liver,"
auld r.lffklii.
Well, then, I guea I hid better
tart laughing, too. I ordered Din
bulf an. hour ago."
She Do you do your dally duienl
i ir .iifc uuoiv toe I'liurieviuil
II. V t .1 - . 1. -
once a week and that more than makes
Pac Ship
Whan my ahlp comet Inl Whea
ship comas In!
I ho,e with all my heart to ae
Tha honest wealth I hnprd to win
Without a trace of TNT.
Darker Dayt Ahead
"I'm all In thn dark about bow theae
bills are to tie paid." said Mr. Ilurdup
to his wife.
"Well, Henry," said , ah, as she
pulled out a green one and laid It on
the top of the pile, "you w ill be If you
dont pay that one, tor Ita the gar
Old Type Wanted
"I auppose you want to marry a girl
aa near like your mother aa posslblef
"No; I'm going to marry an old
fuahloned girl."
Psychological Moment
Clark 1 low do you feel today, dd
Closemun I don't feel like myself,
Clark In that case, perhapa yon
will lend be a five hl
Relativity of Riche
aurh fortunes all Immense we as
That when ona tale) ha waa bereft.
Ha thought himself near broken whai
Had but a million dollar left
fVot Speedy Enough
Father Isn't that young man rather
Daughter Tea; but I don't think
he'll get away.
Hi, Work
Mrs. C I hear your Jlmmle Is work
Ing on a newspaper. What doe he
do? .
Mr. D He's circulation manager,
think. He tell me he ha charge of
Watchful Waiting
"If you've spotted the fellow who
tide your car, why don't you get It
"I'm waiting for him to put on a
new set ot tires."
Knew What Wat Good
Mrs. Itellly What make theae sar
dines so hlghf
Grocer They're Imported, ma'am.
' Mrs. rtellly I'll take the domesth
ones those that had the brains
swim across to thl country.
Far Apart
"And are you any relation to Pat
"Only very distantly. Ol waa mt
mother' firt child and Pat was the
Occation Found Sitter
Equipped With Thrutt
A lot of modern writer Samuel
fluller, Oronrd Khaw, Well and so
on preach that family life Is a farce.
hat relatives are mors apt to hats
linn love each other, and therefor
own with marriage.
The speaker was Lester Bcott, ex-
i-utlve secretary of the Camp Firs
Girls, He continued;
"These writers are. all wrong, of
course. I told one of them so the
other day, and the best he could do
was to come back at me with an
anecdote. Hut anecdotes, is I told
blm, prove nothing.
It was an anecdote about two
sisters. They sat on a moonlit pier,
and a wealthy bachelor sat between
them. The older slater looked up Into
the bachelor eyes and said In a far
away voice:
"1 have always bad a presenti
ment that I would die young.'
She drew a deep breath and nestled
closer to the bachelor, and then the
other sister said dryly In the silence:
Kut you dldn"U did your"
Reward Goei Begging
Rack In 1803 Mme. Anna Kmlll
ilur.mno left lOO.tXK) francs to the
French Academy of Science to be
awarded to tbe Brat scientist who
would communicate with another
planet, Mara excluded. During the 34
year alnce thl prize. It haa caused
more trouble for the academy than
all Its other duile combined. Thou
sanda have claimed the award. Let
tera have come from all ports of the
earth purporting to prove the writer
bud communicated with other worlds.
The academy would Ilka to gel rid of
the money, but ooean'l know bow.
Fottert Nature Study
-fhe move made by Itev. Joseph
Murgas. pastor of a Slovak congrega
Hon In North Wllke -Uarre, to bring
the chldren of the pariah, and all oth
ers who care to av-ill themselve of
the opportunity. Into closer touch with
nature. I worthy of special mmmen
dntlon. The pastor, say Nature Mugs
tine, ha secured a tract of HU acre
here bird and plant life are to be
propagated and encouraged, and all
phase of nature fostered for their
educational Inspirational value.
Saved by Her Hunger
Mme. Florestlna lluehcars appe
tlte ruined her funeral at Madrid,
Spain. The mudume, supposedly dead
suddenly ant up en Tt uie to the ceme
tery and ilemunded nourishment. The
funeral attendant fled for their live
and Mme. Huchcar, deserted, calmly
walked borne to get a bile to eat
In a Musical Voice
"I told my husband about those
gowna that are selling for a ong.'
"What did he sayT."
"He auld that It I expected blm to
furnish the note I'd better change
my tune."
That't Love
Sarah Ton said you'd do anything
for meT
Ted Tes, dear.
- Pnrah All right Muke love to
Orace and let me cut her out.
Tote Notice Thoee Th'.ngt
"Well, aon. did yon have a good
time at the little partyr
"Tes, but I wns wultln' for qulttln'
Flattery may tierome a vice, but
sincere praise can't be.
If yoa like to write poetry, study
the dictionary diligently.
Ln$jr U USU u
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are no1
getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physi
cians and proved safe by millions over 25 years for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism -
Itnuia I la
tm!e aurk at Saxar atassfaarars af UoauantioaclJrl af lallerllearM
Lyt'a F. Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compcjid Has Kestored tha
Health of Thousands
Brooklyn, New York. Mr. 0. Her
mann of 228 ftchaeffer St, was In a run
down condition and
could not do her
houscjwork. She
could not sleep at
night. Her story la
not sn unusual one.
Thousands of
women find tbera
nvf In a similar
condition at soma
time In their lives.
"1 found your ad
vertisement in mjr
letter box," wrote
Mr. Hermann, "and took Lydla, E.
Plnkbam'i Vegetable Compound and
got relief." Mr. Hegmann also took
Lydla E. Plnkham Herb Medicine and
Lydla E. l'lnkham'a Pills for Constipa
tion, with good result. 8h says, "I
am recommending your medicine to
all I know who have symptoms the
tame a mine, and to other whom I
think It will help. You may use my
statement as a testimonial, and I will
answer any letter sent to m by women,
who would like Information regarding
your medicine."
There are women In your state
perhaps In your town who have writ
ten letters similar to this ons telling
bow much Lydla E. Plnkham' Vege
table Compound has helped them.
The PJnkham Medlclrs Company,.
Lynn, Mas., will gladly furnish other
women with these names upon request.
m.w&ff?s syrup
Pleasant ts a-tee tlaMart t
tel a. Cnaranteed purely ve
. arable ar.d aaoluteljr hannleee.
. It qiilcus everecraca actie.
dlarrhira. flttufenry and
athas l:!:a dieortlera.
Tha ape anbl.ebad f
ervcrr libol. rat-
ni Moors Mak'a (! al flame Spar
Of ftt'l tlm-. Win. arm a. Su aflrlnra
neeeuary. fend lOr f a-mple en4 full In.
forma. H. E. llillle. I1..S 111. Oaklaa,!, Cant.
inflau:? LIDS
It lrry iv imutin,
t'a MlKll.-iX
tVU, - i.ple. ''a
,riAbl), lfe t aflf,
t'j at all ini- lua.
W. N. U, PORTLAND. NO. 40-H27.
Breaking in a Hutband
Tie peril a prospective husband
of Jersey City Is willing to undergo,
as related by a new tllspalch from
that town:
"Married In a Hon case. Ernest P.
Uemtl. rliaiiffeur. and his bride are
on their honeymoon "h a luhstuntlal
gift of cash and furniture. The Lions
t-luh arranged mntlcr. A I ml her kept
sharp watch on three llpnewes. but
ihe Sat perfectly still." American
According to Request
Customer Say. those shoe
old ma haven't snv lomrmil
Oealer Well. sir. you said yoa Hired
to dres as quietly a possible.
Where She Shines
"Does Mary go in for athletic. 7"
"Rat her t You should see her Jump
lo conclusions."
All mankind like a kind man.
Accept only "Dayfr" packnga
which contains Proven directions.
Ilandr "Bayer", boxe of 12 Ublet.
Also buttle of 24 and 100 Urugtriats.
'.V S' '
4r. V .WW
1 1