3mm $twm VOLUME XVI IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Oct, 7 1927 NUMBER 19 PIONEER RESIDENT CALLED BY DEATH Mri. Celestlr.e Ba!ilier Diet at Son'i Home. Mrs. Celestlne Adele BaliiK er, for thirty three year a real dent of I ne, died at the home of her ion, Paul U. Balelger, at 4:45 P. M October 6. Mrl, Balslger was botn in Switterland, July 6, 1841. She came to America in 1848 with parenta endaettled at HiRhland, 111. In 18G8 ahe married Ferdi tiKmi Kalnluiir at the home of her parenta, Mr. and Mra. Arnold Hietmann. They maie their home at Highland till the year 1891, when they came to lone, Oregon to make their home with their youngest daughter, Anna J. Bal. eiger, Mr. Balsiger died eeveti. teen yeari ago. After the death of her daughter Anna, Mra. Bal aiger made her home with her aon, PaulG. Ba tiger, with whom ahe apent the wintera. The aum mere aba uaually spent with her aon Fred W. Balsiger. at White Salmon Waehlngton. Mia. Balslger ia survived hy one brother, Paul Hietmann; one aialer, Mr. Alice Keller; aix chil dren, Mra. Louiiie Allenger, of lone, Ore., Fred W. Balsiger, of White Salmon, Wash., Arnold W. Baleiger of Vancouver, Wash., Paul G. BaUiger, lone, Ore. Dr. John A. Balsiger of Portland, Oregon, Louia Balaiger of lone, Oregon; fifteen grand children and thirteen gnat grand chil dren. She waa a member of the Con gregational chnrch for the great r part of her life. She waa a charter member of the Fuel Congregational Church of loue and one of in main supporters. The tuueral aeivice were held at the Congregational church in lone, the pastor, He v. V. W. Head ofliciatlng. l ATTENTION ODD FELLOWS! You are urped to be present at lodge, Saturday night, October 15, 1927. j i i Well - are like well Remington Portable Thi RscognirnI Ltader In Said and Popularity BULLARD'S PHARMACY The Kodak Store Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist In Interim! Mi'illclne for tlie piut twelve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be in the Dalles on Wed's dayOct. 12, at the Dalles Ho tel And in Pendleton, on Thurs., Oct. 13. at the Dorion Hotel. Ofiice Hours, to 4:00 P.M. 10.00 A.M ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Dr. Mrllxtlitn U a n-gulnr gradu Htc In utetlklue aoil surgery ami la llwinwd f the state ol Oregon. He doss uot oMTat for rhroiilc pieu (lli'ltlD, gall stones. Hirers of stom ach, toi.Mlla or mli-noliU. i tin to III rrmllt wonderful r ulU In illM-aoea of the stoiimrh. II vr ltd wcIm, IiIoimI, skin, nerves, heart sl'lney. tiliuliler. ImmI welting, cat arrh, weak tunic, rheumatism, InU l-, leg ulcers niul rectal nlliiients. Ilelow are the namea of a few of hla urn n y satisfied ntlent In Ore. Ron. who have beeu treated for one of the above named cauaea: Klmef Hooker, outlon. Clin. Dearli, Portland. 1. ('. Ilorih Boiiaiua. I'red Mhk-ttti, Klanmth Kail. Daniel Mh-lnon, Allrgiiny. II. r. Nenl, Central I'olut. Joe. Hheiilil(Ml, (illdion. IteiueiiiU'r the alMive ditU, that coiiaulllon will I free and that hut treatment la different. Mnrled women iiiiihI lie accompan. led lir their InmlinniU. Address: 211 liradliury Hldg.. Los AiiRvles, California. dressed reports - dressed people DONT make any mistake about the part appearance plays in your college work. Neatly type written reports, lecture t ran scrip tiona and theses create a favorable impression on the"powers that be.' ' Get a Remington Portable and dress up your work. Your pro fessors will appreciate the clean cut, legible writing and the chances are thia appreciation wil be reflected In the marks you get. Remington Portable is the port able. It is the smallest, lightest, and moat compact machine with four row atandard keyboard. Handiest, fastest, most depend able, and simplest to operate. Weighs 8 pounds net. Can be bought for as little as $10 down and $5 monthly. ' MORGAN ITEMS The Pomona Grange met here Sattrday, for an all (ay session. Mrs. Bay Oviat and eon of Heppner apent Saturday visiting here. Mrs. Maggie Bowers apent Sat urday in lone. , VelmaSharrard of The Willows apent Sunday with Edith Ely. J. V. Gibson moved onto the school section land last week, H. O. Ely purchased a Chevro let sedan, Saturday. Cecil Padberg hauled wheat for It. Ekleberry, Inst week. Mr. and Mrs, K, C. Crowell were in Heppner Saturday, Dr. Clarke, Eye Sight Special, ist, will be in lone, Monday, Oct. 17, at the lone Hotel. Picture- Writing Goet Far Back in H'utory "It Is au liiteresiliif reflection," points out liuvld HsrnofT, vl presl ttent of the Itsdlo ConwrulloD vi A merles, "lint after thouxaml of years of rnimnnlratlnn exiierlene mankind will probably go back, not In the too far fotura, to plrture trans mission pictures of words as well si iif p!iot(rililc reproduction" of Im-eaes- for the bssi of Its written com iiiunlratlou i) item. We are Just en tering upon the era of coiuiuunkatloo by tits squsrs Inch." Tliounuuds of ysars ago plrture writing was the only known method of communication. 8ubequently, a a means of ssvltii time, conventions of one sort or another were adopted, symlxris which stood for the picture writing describing an object. Later mine the alphabet, a still falter meth od of compounding pictures or wordi In express thought Communication was carrted on Willi the alphuhet un til ths telegrupb was Invented. It brought wllh h dots slid dushes, uaed to represent ths letters of the alpha bet. iKits and dashes were ths fast est means of communication until the telephone Was developed. . Now, however, sclencs has discov ered a method whereby an entire lues snge can he transmuted with one op eration, and appitreiitly the s-cd of communication sgaln hss been In rreased. Wllh It, Imtead of stnrtltig with the Sddress snd following word for word through ths signature, au ex act dupllcats of the matter to lie trsnsmltted ran he reglatered In the receiving office. .The procewi still li stow, but progreis fi being made dally. and It seems certain that before long practically limtantnneous vlmisl trans uilsalon of metauges of any sort will be possible WANTED To rent Piano for the Period of the current school year. Liberal compensation and good care. No children. Write to H- M-, care lone Indepeneent. AT CHRIST. N CHURCH There will be preaching service at the Christian church, Sunday evening at 8:00 o'clock. E. L Wood, Minister. SUITS and TOP COATS Our New Fall and Winter Line of men's suit and , overcoat samples are !j here and they are come in and have for a new outfit. ii I! Bristow & Johnson ISO HE ADQU ARTERS FOR H AR- ! VEST SUPPLIES. WE TRY TO PLEASE. it LOCAL ITEMS Trie Dornas Society will hold it a regular monthly silver tea at the church parlors, Thursday, Oct. 13. Doughnuts and coffee will be serfed and there will be a sa'e of Btampped goodsand doughnuts. The Bilfour-Guthrie grain of fice in located on Main street, lone, just below the Telephone of fice,. Opn every, day and all day. Fhone No. 52. Louis BaUiger, Agent. . BORN ' T6 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Chris tophemon, at the home of Mrs. Fred Ritchie, a son. Mother and child doing well. Johnston's Chocolates "She knows how good they are.' Bullard's Pharmacy. THE LYCEUM Season tickets will be sold by the school next week. Spot cash will be paid for eggs U the lone hotel. Combined Fanning Mill and Wheat Treater. Highest grade Copper Carbonate for wheat treat ing. PaulG. Balsiger LEGION HALL THEATRE Here are a few ot the pictures we have contracted for 1927. Spt. 10. Sept. 17 Sept 24. ' Oct. "1st. Oct. 8th. .Stc-ppin Out Pain and Powder The Danger Signal Lure of the Wild. Some Pun'kins.f Cut this out and keep it for future reference. We will only raise prices when the price of program compela us to. Dont miss a single number of this con tact. American Legion lone Oregon I R. ROBISON t NOW IS THE I time of ihe year tot " ;equip your RADIO with r.ew j LAYER BUILT BX batteries or the CKEBE B - eliminator if you ) live in town. X"' t t n MACHINE SHOP t mighty nice. Better your meaasure taken THELvCEUM ASA CHARACTER BUILDER The Lyceum reflects the influ ence of the leaders of Yesterday. That "reflection" guides and in spires the Youth of Today. Your Course is a success if just one boy or eiil is made abetter citizen by reason of its Christian influence. It's a community bl fair and everybody should be in on it. Roosevelt. Taft, Wilson, Cool idge all endorse the Lyceum as a worthy American institution, it's been a real influence for commu nit v betterment for nearly a hun dred years. The lone Public School is help ing to make the Lyceum posible in lone. Are you going to support them by supporting the Lyceum : There will be three numbers as follows: Oct. 27 Music Land Duo Dec. tone High School Play Jan. 13 Lecture CLARKE OPTICAL CO. Dr. Clark-, of the Clarke Op tical Co., CG0 A, Alder St.. Port land, Ore., EYE SIGhT SPECI ALISTS, will be in lone all day and evening, Monday, Oct. 17th at the lone Hotel, on his regular monthly trip. SEE HIM ABOUT YOUR EYES. '27 FOOT BALL SCHEDULE Oct. 1 Arlington at lone Oct. 8 Oct 15 Oct. 22 Oct 19 Nov.5 Nov.U Condon at lone Umatilla at lone. Heppner at lone lone at Fossil. lone at Heppner GAMES PLAYED OCT. 1 lone 20 Arlington G Goldendsle 19 Condon 0 Heppner 6 Umatilla 0 Loa J. Wood. B. M. J Accredited piano teacher. 1 J Lexington, Oreuon. No one can afford to be care '83 about fire hazards just be ause he thinks he is fully iusured HUDSON.ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul Ci. Ualsiccr. Acent. At Paul G. Balsiger's t FROST REPELLERS These cool mornings are a reminderf fof the winter that is coming. PREPARE YOUR-SELVES WITH WARM CLOTHING t A large stock of .rs, Stag Shirts, etc., PENDLETON BERTMASON! IONE BOY VICTIM OF FATAL ACCIDENT Elnr er Swanson Crushed Under Loaded Wagon Elmer Swanson, Bt.n of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swsrvon of this city was accidentally killed at the Eubanka farm near lone, last Saturday afternoon. He was rid ing on a load of barley with How ard Eubanks who was driving the team when one cf the wheels broke into a badger hole. Thia caused the sack on which he was to elide off between the wagon carrying him with it. The team was stopped immediately but not until the forward axle had passed over him, crushing his head a gainst the sack of barley and fore ing one of the projecting bolts through the skull. Help was sum moned immediately and the in jured boy was taken to Heppner for treatment. Examination show ed his injuries to be mortal and his death occurred at about six, o'clock the same evening. Mrs. Swanson, at the time of the accident, was in Hood River where she had gone to bring her daughter Reth home from the hospital. The funeral waa held Monday, October 3, at the lone Christian church, in the presence of a large congregation. Rev. W W. Head officiating. Elmer'8 sunnv disposition had so endeared bim to his friends and school fellowa that his sud den death shocked the whole com munity. t . . J i 141 1 13 Mliliuuil J t " Will Work Just Fine. P. O'Meara - - -lone, Oregon Agent 1 Consult Dr. Clarke, the Eye Sight Specia'-ist, in lone Monday, at the lone Hotel. The New J 928 I t MAJESTIC RADIO J JVery latest violin toned. Drum t; pe control, 6 tube console. Corr.e listen in at any time Jthcn jude for yourself: X Walter Corley, Agent. f x new Blazers, Sweat-! Just in. See the new? BUCKAROO t SHIRTS i X t-' ssas " K