The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 30, 1927, Image 3

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    "I, ' . . . .
t " '
. (n)A(Rli(K)
Vlw of fjhf
(Prnr4 by ihe Natlne-al anraptil
Koruii, Wukinaiua. V. CI
UB Itinllne marshe, clos to
Horn yet Utile known, form oi.u
of (h strangest corner of Italy.
It la paraitoxlrtil Hint (Ida melon
la a( better known, fur one of. thu
world' nioat fuinous road, Ilia Applun
Way, lend atml)ttit to It..
Th Via Appla, built by Applu
Claudia about 300 yeur II. C atari
from Porta Ban Hebastlano, tha aoutti
' am mtt of Home, and l(4da toward
Naples. r'6r tli first C3 mile It rutia
aa airaltfbt aa a tout SirM. 'unfll II
reai-hra tha (own of Xerrarlna, wher
It pass- -underi Uva cliff of Mont
Bnlnt Angflo Hint overhang (tie vi,
The Human bad to chisel off part
of Ilia rok to link spur for Ilia
romltl, After pissstng tlila point It
makes flrat bend and then giie to
When you leav th Eternal City on
tlila classic road you pus at first along
wonderful array of ojil Human
eeptilejiral immiiinnits ; theu you climb
up tha Allmn hills, etllnct volrnmie
of prehistoric tiroes, and from there
you gradually descend upon a great
I'lnln, some JW mile from Home,
known to history aa Ida routine
ftiarshea, , . . , f.
On tti left, aa yon travel toward
.Terravlua. ara tha ollvt-rord !.
pin mounlHltia, of gray llnicatonc,
thai at aunwt ara felled by thai lxau
tlful purpla nil M ou aeoa o 'oftVn
rvtirodtirrd on lha barkgruiind of tha
rarly Ili'iiiilwiuira pnlntlnira. To lha
rlglit la th Tyrrliriilaii a'n, along tlio
bordrr of whloh rum g Inrgo annd
dune rovrrrd hy wonderful nnk for
at aoma 30 nillra In li-ngth, HHwm-n
tha dune and tha art la a arrtra of
lagoon a.
At lha rxtri'nie rnd a aolltnry nmuo
lain rlara, to all appfaranomt from
tha ara. It la tloiiut Clrro, the ror-m-ratona
of tha I'mitlne niiiran-a. . 'hlg
mount wna an lidtfnd In hygona ag-a,
aa gcolngtata hava provH, ami IIouht,
eight crnlurl.-a brfora C hrlat. apeak a
of It In the "(Wyaaey- aa an Mnn.1,
though prohahly It waa not ao any
Water of tha Marahea Confined.
The Urge quadrangle flirnied by the
foothllla of lha Allmn Tolrunnea, hy
Ilia lupine nioiintalna, by thewmMled
aand dunea of Hie conat, and by Uotuu
Clrreo, meaaurlng 'aoin lnn.fxib acre
of rxtrnnrdlnnry fertile Innd, I known
to hlatory aa the Pontine marxliM.
The water, hemmed In on all aldca;
cannot flow out.
In winter the mountain alrenma
pour their foaming, muddy torrent
upon tlila lowland, flooding tlmuaanda
of aerea; tha rlrh mud alowly aeltlna,
mating the field with a allt wlilrh la
the fluent of ferllllnera; then lha wa
ter gradually flow out through nar
row rhnnnel unlit. In auninirr, only
Hi Inweat portion of tha land, that
which lie practically at eea-lovel, re
malna In a awampy condition.
A drnaa, luxurlnnt growth of wnter
plant iprtiiga up with the approach
of the warmer (onion; the atngnnnt,
lukewnrm water teem with life of
very dcarrlptlon, and toward the
month of July Ihe treaeheroua Ano
pheloa moaqullo dropa Ita filmy l)inal
veil, rlxea out "of the "wmrahea, nnd,'
flying around In aenrrn of living fur
lUelf, aowa death upon Immunity.
Muny cenlurle ago moat of the In
bahlttiuta fled to th mnuntiilna, built
their town on aoma ateep hi I) a. arid
from thcaa vanlnge polnta made
dnalie Into -the pluln to work the
flelda and tend tlie rattle. Htlch a
place win ancient Cort, founded by
the Trojiin Unrdnima, with It city
wall conntructed of huge polygunnl
block and with Ita iicfiutlfully pre
aorved temple of llcrculea. 1
Ancient Town of the HUla. . :
A little further ofi roue Norma, on
th very edge of a vertical Tllff 000
feet hlnh, aa undent aa the city of
Home, If not more ao, In olden tliuei
It win culled Norlm. nnd tlie O'cIoijpiiii
wnlla, formed out Of huge, 'carefully
trimmed boulder, are "till a "rtitirvcl
to'thoK who visit tlila hot eiially ac
ceaallile place,
' At the foot of Norma la the oluin;
loiied modlevuUUiwu of .NllifU, the
Wfaas.'t I -i II
Appln Wsy.
I'omiiell of th Middle age, aa Oreg
ororlua called It, covered with Ivy
mid liranililra. Tlila la one of the meat
poetic aiot of the world. .
A Utile further along th rang I
Scriiioneta, with th Thirteenth cen
tury raitle of the Caetanl towering
on a lilk'h inomitiiln apur and dominat
ing tha vuat pluln of tha Pontine
marahea. Then follow Besxa, I'lper
no, aud other towua.
The ara the Inhabited placea to
day; but In olden tlinea the whole land
waa densely populated and highly pro
ductive, Twcnly-thrfe towna r aiip
poaed to 'have etltted where now on
tee not th truce of a single build
ing. Th niont fnmona of theae cltU1
which have dlanpeared wna I'ometla,
rniKuerrd and aucked by th llomnn
king, Tarqulnlu the Rnerb, In tha
Sixth century before Clnlnt.
Hi Ingoona of Ilia ninrahea hnv
formed between the grcut prehlatorlC
dune covered with oak forest and the
mora recent one thrown up' by the
sea.' There la no rmturarnuiiuiutilra
Hon between the lugooii and the sea.
When these lukea swell, during the
rainy arnaon, the llahermen cut a mull
ditch arroes the dune, and the waters,
rushing nut to the sea. In a few hours
widen to a broad river. The flfh last
Oils lukewarm, brackish water and
swim by th tlmuannda and millions
Into the lagoon, wher they are
eaiight. '
"Thla lorulliy la also wonderful
shiHitlng rewirt. There the duck come
from Ihe era, erckliig shelter and food
In Hint mure of ponda and canala dla
trlliuted tliroughont th dense growth
of reeds.
How th Marthaa War Created.
At the t'nie of Ilia llomnn republic,
In th Fourth aud Fifth centurd II.
C, the routine reglun seetus to hurt
been free of waters, healthful and
densely populated. Then, III tie be
for IKK) II. C, near tha time tha Ap
pian road waa built, something hap
pened that has not been fully under
The natural outlet of th water In
th depression between ah city ot
Terrnclna and Mount CI r ceo waa ob
structed, protiubly through aome seis
mic movement; a raising of the ground
a few feat waa quit sufficient to (top
th outflow of th wnten; and th
sea tiicrtttaed th obstruction by piling
up sand dunea.
In tMs way th great plain of Po
mrtta became hemmed In on all aides
b higher lanrta and converted Into a
Inrg basin, Into, which th wateri
naturally converged from everywhere,
but from which they could not flow
except through the narrow channels
dug nenr Terrnclna to connect Hit
marshes with the sea.
The ground became water-aoaked
Th great Applnn mad, not long
lime after being built, began to link
Ire plneea 'and had to be raised bj
Trajan and other llomnn emperora
During th Klghth century It wenl
completely under water and th mad
from Rom to Nnpte had to be shift
ed to Ihe foothills, passing nenr Nlnfil
nnd Sermonets. Prom that time to
III present this waste but fertile re
gion heenme th playground of .un
ruly WtCTg. y . , ,. - "-- 1
In Winter over lurge tracts of Innd
Ihe yellow waters often, rise as high
a the top of th fence; ducks, sea
gull and gees mnk U their borne,
diving In the ahnllnw water for food.
In spring th water subside and
th fields become covered with a lux
urlnnt growth of grasa and flowers,
where the ahnep and the long horned
entile of the Komnn Campujna find
Ideal pasturage, : .
New Ituly Intend now to tnckl
the problem of draining th nmrtihes
that tins bnflk-d each succeeding gen
eration for more jhn two thousand
yenra. The government I Reproach
ing It with all the menus and techni
cal knowledge of modern times and
will accomplish the work.
The.-ancient cnnnl of.Itio Murtlno
will -be opened acaln, tha mountain
iitrenms will be placed under control
hy' building a reservoir nt th foot of
the mountains, and large pumping sta
tion nre to be erected for draining
lh swampy land that la prnetlmlly at
se level.
w m
- MM mil, WMiro Nwp(.r Union.)
"Of swsets w hsv gsrnsrsd frsm
Ufa's goldsn cup . ,
hsll not wssrr onas tsst and Ut
ile onas sup? , . '
Whf hoard up Ufa's n(Aar our
own eups to nil,
If on othar heart va might com
fort and thrill r
A alo dish I th following which
may be prepared and kept In th lr
- Jslllsd Vl Took
hock of veal, add on
and one-half pounds of
lean pork with a buy
leaf, pepper, onion, all
aplc and salt. When
the meat I very tender,
remove all pieces of hone
and other Indigestible
portions and cut Into
small pieces. Iteheat In
enough liquid to fill th mold which
ll used Add olives or sweet pper
cut Into small piece and pour Into
the mold. Hllce and serve cold.
Luncheon Salads An excellent sslad
Is prepared as follows: Tak equul
quuntltlea of chopped hard cooked
egg and diced celery, mix with a
good, well aenaoned salad dressing tod
eerva on lettuce.
Anchovay Salads Wash, akin and
cut Into halve lengthwliw, six an
chovies. Cut Into dice, (wo boiled l-o-tntoes
(chop flue), one pickled tx-et
and one cucumber pickle. I'ut lulu a
anlad bowl one head of lettuce, add
the potato and anchovies, (lie chopjied
plckl and spread over all three taWe
apoonful of boiled dressing. (jarDlah
with a mound of chopped pickled beet
plsced In the center.
Potato Salad. The best pottto
salad la made with potatoes cooked
especially for the salad and seasoned
befor they have become perfectly
cold. Potato salad served with the
dressing covering the outside without
any that baa penetrated Into th pota
to I unpiilutuhle. Iloll small pota
toes In their Jacket. Peel and cut In
to culiea aa soon aa cool enough to
handle; add suit and aeasonlngs of
salt, cayenne and white peptier, onion
Juice or shrediled onion, and either a
cooked or mayonnaise dressing. The
celery may be added at once, but cu
cumlter la best added a short while
before Una autad .Is served, to avoid
Its I. whig Jts cri-ipneas. A handful of
shredded aliiumds makes quite a styl
ish potato Sal ad. A bit of good fla
vored tnrt apple, green pepHr, and If
one luis fresh mustard, a little of that
minced green 1 nio-t scc-itahr, "
Trlie rut Into narrow strips, mixed
with diced potato, celery, and a few
chopfietl caers make One salad,
most apitctizlng.
Psach Conasrva. -Take Ave poundl
of Hnches, five pounds of sugar, two
oranges, and one pound each of wal
nuts and raisins. I'cel the peaches
and remove the stoiies, then cut Into
pieces. I'ut the rnlrlna thmuiih the
ehopper, add the nuts broken Into bits.
Stir In the sugar aud conk alon ly un
til of th consistency of jam. ten
minute before Inking off add the
nuts. Htlr often while rooking.
Tasty Good Things.
A cake which la good, eay to make
and will keep for a week or two. la:
One Egg Plum Cak.
Cream one halt cupful of
butter, add one cupful of
eugar gradually, bent to
cream, add one cupful
of milk gradually with
on beaten egg and two
cupful of flour Hint has
been well blended with
two teusiHioufuis of bsk-
sssssMBssssi ng powder, ginger, salt
- and a littl nutmeg, cin
namon and cloves; add one-half cup
ful of chopped rabtlna, putting them
In In layers when th cak la poured
Into th pan. link In moderate
oven, testing with toothpick before
taking out,
Bsn' Dallght Take one cupful of
molasaea, on cupful of milk, onelulf
tesspoonful of mace, one cupful each
of raisins and currants. Mix well,
add one-half teaspoanful of baking
powder and one-fourth tesspoonful of
soda and two-cupfula of bread crumb;
steam three hours. Serv with;
Fruit Sauce. Mix on cupful of
ugar with two tahlespoonfult of flour
or one of cornstarch, add one cupful
of boiling wnter, two- tnblespoonfuU
of butter and one-half cupful of any
canned Juice, adding a teaapooiiful of
Iiik- ar vinegar If the sauce Is sweet..
- Witt) a steamed or bolk-d.flsh, serv;
Maltr d' Hotal Buttsrllcst to
cream four tnblespoonfula of butter,
add gradually on tsbh-ipoouful each
ot vluegur and lemon Julcw, one-half
teaspoon fill ot salt, one-fourth ten
spoonful of pepper, on tea spoonful of
minced parsley. Spread over th flsh
wheu serving. . , t
. Tomato Salad. Peel small, even
slxed tomatoes and chill In Ice until
about serving time. Cut Into elk'liths
or quarter without separating iho sec
tions, sprinkle with chopped onion and
celery and a bit of cucumber. Oarnlah
with a teiisiHMinfuI of highly seasoned
mayonnaise. Serve on lettuce.
Almond Cak. Take one-half cap
ful each of butter and sugar, onc hulf
teaspooiiful ot cinnamon, one-fourth
teiiHpoonful ea-h ot clove nnd nut
meg, fine-half of g lemon rind grated,
two tuaxpooiifuls of orange Juice, and
two cupfuls ot flour. Mix aud buk In,
a low oven. !"v ' ' ' " "
On of th youngster who bang
around th Hal Itoach studio cam In
th other dsy In tesrs.
"Wbaf th mutterr th comedy
producer wanted to know.
"If tlila way, boas. 1 never had
suit or nothln' In my Ufa, except th
thing my old man got through with,
n' then they wa cut down for m to
"Well, that la tough," agreed rial,
"but If that has been going on for
long time, why Hart crying about It at
this tat OnyT
" 'C'sus th old man haa Just gone
and ahaved hi fare an' now I auppos
I'll hav to wear thoae darn red
whisker of his." Lo Angeles Times.
Customer Ton made a big mlstak
In your last prescription you filled
for me.
Druggist Tht seem (carcely poa
ilbla. vYt are alwaya very careful.
Customer Hut yoo did. Too
charged m only two dollar and I
had tot mor money than that
At th Hotel D Lax
I aafcad tha rsles la accants say,
Th anawer atopswd mjr tnlrlh,,
I said, -I fear I cannot par
Mors than taa mlnatas worth." -
HU Firtt Step
Sled I rn I Examiner (to young stu
dent) Suppose there were a gun
powder explosion and a mnn wer
blown Into th air. Ton, aa the near
est doctor, ar called In. What would
you doT
"Walt for him to come down again,"
wa tb prompt reply. Good Hard
ware. Muiical htorpheut
Hardware Merchant I alept Ilk a
tog last night.
Ills Wife Tesa log with a aaw
going through it
Tonnger Vou cant mnk m tb
foatl .
Older I know It, kid.
Dollar Combat
B hlmaalf a million.
Ills haart wsa llaht and af."
Tha man who had a billion
Bopn swept 11 all a war.
Proot Enough
"How do you know that's a tele
phone girl that Jlgg la waiting onT
"Hecnue he said 'Hello' and h
didn't answer." Progressiva Grocer,
A Gambit
. Model How much am I to receive
for pcrtngf 4
Artist If I sell th picture you
will get $10 a day, If I don't you can
hav the picture, and that' worth
- Entntial
"How about thut new car your com
pany 'was talking of getting out?"
"We had to glv It up. Nobody
could think of a new Idea for a radi
ator cap."
Good Iniuranc
."Did you hear about Hi ship
wrecked man who nearly atarved to
death on a desert Island T"
"No,' how did h llveF -"Oh,
he pulled out an Insuranc pol
icy from, hi pocket and found enough
provisions In It to last him.".
U Being a Young Lawyer
Ted I'm too young to marry youl
Then you're too old for me?
Violet h, ma) he I wa too hasty
in speukliig. Ietrolt News
Standardg of Living
Highett in America
In one or two points there ( dif
ference between actual conditions In
the average American home and the
general Impression concerning them.
On the whole a survey suhstnntlutes
what had been generally believed.
Ituthlubs and sanitary plumbing ar
everywhere. Thlrty-alx town from
llnln to California have (uhmltted to
scrutiny. It Is revealed thai In vil
lains, town and dtle standard of
living ar about equal, all being high
American are rightly proud ol the
physical comforts and convenience
put Into almost every home by Amer
lea. mechanical Ingenuity and Amer
ican salesmanship. It la splendid to
be shle to keep clean easily, to talk
to a relative a thousand milea away,
to prepare a guaranteed pure food
rural In 15 minute from sanitary
ran, to motor, to keep a house dust
lei with an electric cleaner. But we
may be missing soma of the blessings
of a more leisurely day, a writer In
the New Tork Time comments. The
pleasure of conversation about hook,
art, people or music ar not cata
logued. Perhaps they could not be
made th subject of a sctenllflc lur-
Long Enough
Th young man's pstlenc wn near
ly worn to a frazzle. For nearly an
hour b had stood on the corner wait
ing for ber. Finally ah cam up.
"Oh, John," ihe began, "I'm sorry
T.n late, but do you mind waiting Just
a minute mora until I can run In the
tor beret"
For a moment the faithful John
only looked t her.
"Why, you don't really mind, do you.
JohnT" the girl asked In surprise.
"No, I suppose not," he answered.
"Hut I've been standing on this cor
ner so long already, people think I'm
a recruiting officer."
Better Than Gat or Ether
In Chicago the other day a hyp
notist put a pntlent to sleep In a den
tist's chair and the dentist performed
a long and painful oerntlnn on four
teeth. The pntlent obeyed the In
structions of the dentist, opening end
closing her mouth on the projier
schedule. She felt no pain. Plenty
of things cao be done with the mind
wheu we develop more exierts who
know how to use It Cupers
Record Reduced
The first record for traveling around
the world waa made by Magellun'a
exiM-dltlhn. which completed ihe cir
cuit September 8, l-V-Ti having Keen
gone 12 duya lesa than thre yeur.
The present record I 28 days. 14
hours, 30 minutes and 5 seconds.
The Exchanger
Mr. A. Sly husband says I shop
on the 8; B. O. D. plan.
Mrs. B. The & B. O. D. plan
Mrs. A. Ye: Send Back on Da
livery. Boston Transcript
Feel Stiff and
"TO lea constantly lam and acKy ia
too oftea a sign oi sluggish kidneys.
Sluggish action permit wut poison
to remain ia th blood and i apt lo
auk on languid, timl and achy, with
dull headaches, duxinea and often a
nagging bacluch. A common warning
that th kidney ar not acting right i
scanty or burning ascntion.
Assist th kidney at such times with
Dmu'i PHU. Sine 166 Wi hav
been winning friend th country ovar.
tbwter MUbura Co. rtlICkmkririlo.rOt:
Imr There quick, positive,
relict in
At AJI DniatJata MoMroack OuarantM
aavata?t4i to. fcMvu,H
fon't Negu
Inflamed eyelids or othar
ays Irritations. You will
find a aoothln and ssfa
ramedy In MITCMSLt )C
Mew York City druttlals.
Now In Cood Health by Using
Lydlt, E. Pbkham't Vega
Ubl Compound
Lansing, Michigan. "I bar taken
liyrifa K. Plnkhum's Vegetable Com
pound whenever I
needed It When I
first used It I waa
sobad I could hardlyi
walk across tha
room without cry
ing. I was tired all
th time. I think
my trouble waa com
ing on me for ls
month befor I
realized It I read
ot your wonderful
m d I e I n In tha
paper, and i my husband
bought me a bottle, and alter tha first
few dose I felt better, so kept on
taking It until I was well snd strong.
I take It at times when I feel tired and
It helps me. I will alwaya have a good
word for your medicine and tell any
one what good It ha done, m. 1
recommended It to my neighbor for her
girl, who I sixteen year old, and It
waa lust what she needed. Bhe Ia feel
Ing fine now, and goe to school every
day." Mas. E. F. BAasrrr lit Soata
Harford Avenue, Lansing, Michigan.
Do not continue to feel all run-down
and half sick when Lydla E. Plnkham'a
Vegetable Compound I sold by drug
gists everywher. It I a root and herb
medicine and baa been used by women
for over fllty year.
To Cool a Burn Use
Balsam of Myrrh
Healthy, Happy
Th best wsy to keep baby
In crowing, contented health
is Mrs. Window's Syrup. This
safe, pleasant effective reme
dy regulates th bowels and
quickly overcomes diarrhoea,
colic flatulency, constipation,
and teething trouble.
Is bast tor baby. Guaranteed frn
fmm narcotics, opiate, ak-nhol
snd aU harmful In sTedienca. Open
. lon&ula on every latwL
Saa i
haarlem oil has been a world
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct internal trouble, stimulat vital
organs. Three sites. All druggists. Insist
oa th original genuine Colo Medjuw
wa! auMirtifl uiHvrl
RssorM Color sVSsSa
BtMtrtV l Cray aVkW FaM Htvil
Mr. nrt i I'rTJLlflst.
iT1-T r-. tr, Wi. 'it,-ri.tH-.!f T
enntwrUoa with l'nrk-r't Hur H nam. MaktU
lutr swfl tnd An IT t. Vt evnu by or at
4tiU. liiaWttt CtaakaU Worts, I'sUciwutH N. I.
Sew Itwtavatiaia nfvltvwnod fttianH, itylla
I 'ntsi'ril waaihaiblo latnprixif htU Beauti
ful roltkra to otilr. Kirt imly Denrltnc
wholraala prlca IS for aemit hat will
arDolniM tielutva ant In yoyr irrrliory,
HiC monry ipara tlmo. Putiafittlon uar.
Oil :a tales. 111 W. 1 It., Lorn Ai.. la, CaU
Krt-mota mak.-i ilia akiq brm-mful !r onlr l A,
KKK IMKIkvLrrr. A' yiroalror anla Iw.
C. U. Ik-rrr Co. tiat iLKt lilcaisu fa. Cbleai
s.orultaujr tluia. keuU furliMfnttura.
K.U.M. A.llldg PortUuul.Or.coa
fatl UntJJlJ ShawmrMK.iiMl r.mllini
SeueUiallr("rBwrtlBtmiHi.7tfMkMigl Mrltoi-UMSi
KJ-TKIIM UUa.S.1 Mt'U. ro,
A-ISS4 fcurtuAa lhlo,IU,
UK ARK PATIMI SS I. SI a day tor
aellin our n. w lln. Wrl(
W. N. U., PORTLAND, NO. 39-1927.
i I
Aaaia-Aaiarban f A
tlS-llTFaftan Si. 1
Hum Yark J .f.
Disfiguring Blemishes
Healed by Cuticura
Dally us of Cuticura Soap, assisted by
Cuticura Ointmentwhen required, not only
soothes and heals unsightly and annoy
ing blemishes and irritations on neck
and lace, but tends to prevent such con
ditions. Nothing purer, mor econom
ical or mora satisfactory than these fra
grant emollients.
mt Sa. Ointment Bt and Me: Tilmn SSe SoM w
wtim. Smpl wif-li fr. A'ldraMI -0Mmfa taM
akMM, B-l. SS, MI4M.
OT Cirtieea Shaaw Stick ISa. ,