The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 30, 1927, Image 1

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IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept.. 30, 1927
Over Fifty Volume Now on
Hand at Local Station.
Traveling Library No. 83. of
tbt Oregon State Library, li now
It now open to borrower! at the
office of tU lone Independent.
The liat of titlea lollowi.
The Story Of our Army for
Young Americana; The Star of
Gettysburg; Fairy Titlea and Won
, der Storlei; Johnny Appleseed;
laldio; Hero Tales; Hound the
World In Any Number of Days;
Judith Shakeapeare; South Amer
lea; Blue Goope and Ked; Tom
my and the Wishing Stone; The
Girl from the Big Hum Country;
A Far Country; The Heal Turk;
The Book of Stars; The Maroon
lug of Peirgv; I'oilv of Lady Gay
Cottage; The Valley Hoad; Great
Authors in thtir Youth; The Ho
mance of Scientific Discovery;
Sansy'a Pal; Fortunes of Garrin;
Pioneer Campfires; Peg o' the
King; The Diversions of a Natur
list; Acroaa Siberia Alone; Head
ing tee Wt-ather; Honorable Sen
ator Sage Bruah; Amarilly ol
Clothesline Alley; A History of
Germany; Catcher Craig; Day
break; The Jolly Book for Boya
and Girla; Lotta Emburry'a Ca
reer; The Mexican Twins: Child
ren of the Wild; Thomas Alva
Edison; Straight Down the Crook
d Lane; Gold Seekers ol '49; On
the War Path; Every Day Elec
trlclty;Tbe Story of a Pioneer;
Our Uttle Norman Cousin of long
Ago; Homo Book of Verse Fir
Young Folks; Stt Apple Cove;
Pg Along; Happy ll.wkina in
the Panhandle; Daddy Loug Lege;
Guardiana of the Columbia; Uo
known to History; The Covered
Wagon; Civica and Health; Prin
ciples of Kural Economics; Moth
arand Child; Kitcbener'a Mot-;
Tooth Brush Man's Own Book.
Count that day lost whora low
descending sun
Sees at thy hand no worthy action
A ilanla" Combine
Will Work Just Fine.
1 P.O'Mcua - - - Atfcni:
lone, Oregon
fc ,
Keep a Kodak story
of every trip
Wherever you go there's a chance for your Kodak
and a picture for your album. Picture opportunities
never wait keep your Kodak handy.
Our atock of Kodaks is complete. Come in and let
ui help you make a selection prices are from f$ up.
Kodak Film- Expert Finhhing
Bullard's Pharmacy
The Kodak Store
Coming to
The Dalles and Pendleton
Dr. Mellenthin
In Internal Mi-illclnu for I Im
(nut twelve yen r
Will be in the Dalles on Wed's
day Oct. 12, at the Dalles Ho
And In Pendleton, on Thurs.,
Oct. 13, atthe Dorlon Hotel,
Oftice Hours, 10.00 A.M
to 4:00 P. M.
No Charge for Consultation
Dr. M"llitlilu U a regular urmlu
hi In iiiedU-luu nml surgery and I
lleriiMil lj tli itntu ol Ort'ifiin. He
doc not oHTiitf lor chronic npiH-n
dliltU, gnll atornn. ulcer of atom
Hi ll, tonsils or adenoid.
Helm to his credit wondvrful re
sulls In (Uncase of the utomac h. Ilvi
lioweU, l owl, skin, ntrvf, liearl
sMney. Iilrtil'ler, ImmI welting, cut
arrh, wen luugs, rhruiiiutlam, "tint.
Icu, leg ulcir anil reetnl allmcul.
IMnw nre the name of a few of
Mh many satisfied otlenU lu Ore
gon, who have I wen treated tor oni
of the above uniiied causes:
Klmer Hooker, Condon.
Chn. iK'ach, rorlliind.
II. ('. Horn, Bonantn.
Fred Mlilelila. Kliiinilth Kail.
baiilel Hirlmin, Allegany.
II. K. Neal, Central Point.
Joe. Hlitehls, Ultilioti.
Iti'ineiiilHT the altove date, thai
cuiraiiltlon will lie free and thnt lil
treatment la dltferei t
Marled women must lie aceompai--led
lit their hualinlltl.
Address: 211 llradliury Uldg.. Lu
AuKelee, California.
The Btlfour-Guthrie grain ol
fice la located on Main street
lone, just below the Telephone of
fice. Open everv day and a'1
d it. Phone No. 62. Louis
' Balsiger, Agent.
Mr. rnd Mra. H. Ekleberryand
una were the dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and fam
ily, Thursday.
Mr. and Mia. N. E. Pettyjohn
we e calling on Mr. and Mra. Elii
Minor, Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Patmateer
were doing business in Heppner,
Most of the people of Morgan
attended the Heppner Kode, Sat
u d f
Morgan Sunday School reorgan
ized last Sunday. Everyone U in
vlted to come. i
Clifford Kulty, Andrew Porter
Franklin Ely finished hauling
wheat for Robert Smith, Satur
Hood Ekleberry ia able to ge.
about without the uaeoi crutches
Gladys Medlock is asMstini
Airs. Sea ton, of Cecil, with her
High School Athletic
Schedules Drawn Up
The Upper Columbia Athletic
League held its annual raeeetint
it Arlington, last Satuiday. Of li
cers were elected and schedule!
adopted for the coming year.
Almost all of the schools ol
ha counties of Morrow, Gillian
aud Wheeler were represanteo
it this meeting. The officers eleit
re: president, Supt. James H.
BirgeBg of Heppner; secretary,
frin. George Winters of Gillian
bounty high school; treasure',
frin. H. It. Johnson of Heppnei
aigh school.
Schedules in all tLree majti
iports-football. baseball and bast
anil -were drawn np and apptov
;d by the league.
There wil be a meeting of tin
Aorrow County Pomona Grange,
Saturday, October 1st, at Mor
an. Stale Lecturer. Minnie Bow
vil be present.
To rent Piano .r .iit Period of
he current school year. Liberal
:omper.sation and good care. Nc
:hildren. Write to II. M-, cart
(one Indepeneent.
There will be preaching service
it the Christian church, Sunday
evening at 8:00 o'clock.
E. L Wood. Minister.
On Mot TToll onrl Winfpr T .in nf I
I ' V4a i lW TV X Ull MliVA T aW afcMaw w - y i
i x men's suit and overcoat samples are X
J here and they are
J come in and have
i I for a new outfit.
Bristow & Johnson
A box of books hail just been
received from the State Travel
ing Library at the Independent
office. The list includea ficti n,
hintory, biography, travel and
science. The list totals 56. The
titles given in another column.
lone and vicinity was visited
by a gentle rain Monday night
and Tuesday. Previous precipita
tes for the current month was
0 68 inches.
Mrs. M. L. Logan of Casper,
Wyoming, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Harris, left
astSuuday, for Corvallis where
ihv expects to make her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Werst of Silcott,
Wash, visited Mrs. Werst.s moth
r, Mrs. Emily McMurray, for
(em daya last week. On their re
turn to Silcott, Mrs. McMurray
ccompanied them for an axtend
ed visit
Mrs. Celesttne, Balciger has
seen quite ill at th home of her
.on Paul Brlsiger since Monday
f this week. Although still very
veak, at this date she is resting
Combined Fanning Mill and
Vb:at Treater. Highest grade
Copper Carbonate for wheat treat
k Paul (J. Balsiger
Here are a few of the pictures
ire have contracted for 1927.
Sut. 10. . . .Steppin' Out
Sept. 17 . Pain and Powdei
Sept. 24. The Danger Signal
Oct. bt. Lufe of the Wild.
Oct. 8th. Some Pun'kins.f
Cut this out and keep it for
uture reference. We will only
aise prices when the price of
irogram compels us to. Dont
uUs a single number of this con
act. American Legion
lone Oregon
. . S
mX X
g I A Complete Line?
r- r . i u X
i CARS&!
unruiNP SUSP
mighty nice. Better t
your meaasure taken
Miss Hilma McMurray, of Lew
iiton, Idaho spent the week-end
Li lone visiting with her grand
mother, Mra. Emily McMurray.
Mrs- Arline Koebring of Seat
tle surprised her parents, Mr.
and Mra. Paul Balsiger by arriv
ing Thursday of this week for a
visit. She planaon ataying in lone
and on visiting fiienda in Port
land on the return trip.
Mini Hath Kwanann. who nnrfer
went an operation for appenaici-
lis at tbe hospital at The UalUa'
last week, ia reported to have
u&e a line recovery. She is now
able to be up and her family ex
pect Ler to come home next Sun
Mr. Allen Learned of Seattle
arrived in lone Thursday afte.?
noon,-returning Friday morning
Mr. Learned ia a giadnate of
the University of Washington of
the clana of '26. His home is in
Port Ludlow, Wash, where his
father carriea on an extensive
mercantile business.
Mr. H. O. Ely, of Morgan, waa
abusioess visitor in lone thia Fri
Mr. Albert Pettjs whose has
oeen a hospital patient at Tbe
Dalles for some lime ia so far
recovered that his home coming
s expected next Sunday.
Miss Helen Baisiger left thia
Friday motoiog for Seattle where
che will resume her aiudiea at
the University of Washington.
October 1st is the date of tbe
first football game of the sea on
on the lote grounds, lone is to
Fancy Calle Gate coal at the
t'aimei 'a Elevator.
Smokers started 31 fires and
sportsmen 16 firea in tbe Des
tinies National foret thi er
. ... , a
LoaJ. wooa, u. u. i
Accredited piano teacher. I
Lexington, Oreyon. X
No one can afford to be care
less about fire hazards just be
cause he thinks he is fully iusured
Paul C. Balsiger, Agent.
At Paul G. Balsiger's
! These cool mornings are a reminder?
lof the winter that is coming.
A large stock of
;rs, Stag Shirts, etc.,
Harry Turner Champion
Sack Sewer of County
Harry Turner won the $30 first
prize in the sack sewing contest
conducted the last two days of
the Hodeo with 89.4 points, Jim
Furlong took, $20 second money
with 861 points, and Glenn Ball
third with 80 5 6. Charlie Ritchie
theonly other sewer to reach the
finals was disqualified on his
second sack by not taking enough
stitches.Prize money was put up
by the Hodeo association
lone Wheat Raisers Are
Highly Complimented.
Lon McCabeand'Henry Smouse,
wheat laisers of the lone section,
pooduced some very fine turkey
red wheal this season, and they
are the recipients cf very high
compliments by Balfour, Guthrie
a i d Co. of Portland.
Louis Balsiger, buyer for the
company at lone, and manager
of the Jordan Elevator Company,
has received a letter from his com
pany stating that two cars of tir
kev red wheat raised by Mr. Mc
Cabe and shipped out of Jordau
wai the finest they received from
the Pacific Northwest.
H. V. Smouse's turkey red waa
a close second.
Ciiiette Tlmea
The New J 929 J
Very latest violin toned. Drum
pe control, 6 tube console. $
Come listen in at any time?
vuiitc iuicii ui 41 an
J hen jude for yourself:
Walter Corley, Agent.
Too Proud J
Senator Wataon waa discussing the
ImmlfraUon question.
It's one defect," h said, Is th
aerrant question. It la reducing na
to native American servants, and na
tlre American aervanta are too proud.
"A Firth avenue swell loat his Knf
lisb butler and engaged a liaudsnme
young New Englander In the man's
" 'Youll like It here,' the swell said
hospitably. This Is the address of
mj tailor. Go down there and order
are vi suit.
The new butler said nothing. He
walked toward the door.
"'Po you understand nieT said the
swell. 'Why don't you onuwer?"
"The new butliT turned and gave
him a Hi-roe look.
"1 never anitwer,' he hlnwd, 'un
less, I don't hear, and then I say
Wotr Detroit Free 1'rens.
new Blazers, Sweat-t
Just in. See the new f