.?: THE IONE INDEPENDENT Published Every I'riilay by V. HEAD, FilitiT Puldidier SUllSCRHTION' One Year tx Months ... .hree Months ..$1.50 .. .75 - .50 Kntorcd a. jeeond cl.xs mnttrr at lie ptxtofficc at lone, Oregon, under act of .March i. ISPO Friday, Sept. 23 1927. have nt yet bcun to (?vhf. Cnit. John I atJ iwi HAMMER AND ANVIL Samuel Valentine Cole Look forth and tell me what thcyjThat good and evil cannot - ilo blend, On Life's broad field. 0, still f thvfiuht. The false forever with the true, The wrong forever with the ritfht. And still God's faithful ones as Who hold a fortress strong and Cry out i t confidence again, And find a effort in the cry:, Hammer a ay. ye nostue ! hands, Vour hammers break, Ctd's anvil stands Older than pyramid or sp!.inx-jTIil.in Old as the stars themselves, the' word j As fans the breeze the moun- Whereby, when oilier courage' siJc. sinks, Ntr moves the mountain from The courage born of. heaven isl i's base- s irred, ,'So in all times and in all lands For, when Cod rouJe the world Men's hammers break. God.s and knew i anvil stands. t Western Wools for World .Markets f ' . : :it - ' ft HAMPSV13S RAM Owrtd ly Mt. Hjqgiri Land A Liv;tock Co, N'entani. G-nnd Chimpior R.im, 1026 Pacific Internet aral Livestock Cx?otit:on. Thli Rain was the outstanding pi her. :ve Wool Show will be hMd nimal of the brwd at tho l2i Fa -t whli h consmefiiiJ (beccs tf all cific International Livestock Kx-.m ' gtndti M ill be cxMUird. aitlon. In addition to nci.ii v'.i.k Ppk-rdid fhowmsi nrr- prom'sed this distinction It oIst won the .amin this y-ar In every division of ame awardil at tho 1!(25 Aini ricani the ex.'Mltloft which Includes Kr-ut rioyal, and Chicago . ln!crnaiionl Livestock Show, l):i!ry I'niL' jrtj Shows. It will probably be aown fhntr. Land and .Mniiuf ieiiirers" In the flock btiug sent by the Mt. '. llaKK'n I.und imd Livestock Co. to th 17th Annual Pacific Interna tional to b held nt Portland. Octo ber 29 to NoVi-rober 5, Inclusive. The Sheep Khow at the Pacific International will, this year, as In the past, be one of tho best of it-; kind In America. Borne of tin 1:103! DOtod Judges in the country wll! plao the awarflf. In cotnn . i t: with the Sheep Show a new d ;..-ir-ture Is being aflded. V'nder lie- ili rci ort of the fracltic Co-opr:;,; Woi.1 Crowtrs Association s i Field of Peterlco TV FI"I(J "f I'ctcrlno Ix 11 m-inn n;i tilnrl)' isivcn III Ktitfli'iid to ihc h-i-iic (if nil nfliii'li hv tlii- jfiiin-in cniiilr) iiwiit n Killllciil inri-ilnu in si Peter" flelil, Minn-tie iti-r. mi .':;-ii'it 1ft, 1!-I0 Tlic meeting V;. 111 I,.; ll,.,l ly Cfi.'KKl fnrsntis. mul In tin- il:i li with tlm euviilry ei;rlit .ei---ini were killed mul mimy wutimr i. lie ivor'l I'elerlim win formed from the leitm of IV field In ImiiIimiup liiiliiiilmi nl Wiiterlim. tile neerie of Vi'ellliiL'leii'h fillliiilia vletiiry ever ;iin. un. tvnn fmir yen j)iid'two imiiiilii. Iiefm-ii ili Inih nt St. I'elei-'H field. M-iliehi-stei Cfiort Alone Gc'.t Haula Cliiiiiieler In tlie iiiilivldii.il'.-' lliir wny of deiilliit; wlih life, ("h.-.i-neler Ih In lif wluit ellieli m j In fi wnrltlns. Indnlenee d:i,vn 11 pi-rsl-ient In' ml In I1111111111 mi I did. i:rriif m Un mile reiillly from wlileh iiny d-lniUi result run ho cxpeeted. H f.il!m-e I'llllllM, III KlH Of lidded IdlllWleil'C nothing remiilnii tut fnither eimrt We hnve only to renew e'"i.rt In Hie IlKliI nf rtlll better know I- JVy clicluk')' Miigiizlua, lU'iPiiMICS port unities of .contfot inf?elion Hi tlu school and careful mediea ir ip. c!ion of school children U detect incipient cases, tallies ll an cl t?ure, are the most effectiv w ivs of connrollinu communie.i b'i diseases when epidenrc. it is somt tines astonishing with what unanimity the closing of schools is demandee hy other wise well informed physicians. The strongest argument against c osina schools is that such pruc t ee does not matt riully reduce (I.e. amount of contact whiel Lnjely determiiies the proxies c)ontlnin',l I'tiltmm 4 H.' planned however men might 5 do. What shou,J bc wou" bc ,n the end, i And though as thick as ocean sands. Thou knowest that thy cause is J just, Then rest in that; thy cause is ,.,(y w()rJ fa ,rue. u J sure; must la sj ite of slanderous tongues endure. ",As toward the cra2 "ebillo.v I... fa. b3ck( sliatferedi to its place; Vntt'.urti Show, Northi Bt t'ox Hiow, Iniliplrliil Kxpo-hion ann W'-rtd-r'Mi'vned Horse Show. The II ;ys' :.' d (ilrls- Club Work Exhibit this yir will be one of the be:'! of l;s kirn! in this r-'-'rt of th country. Millions, of dollars' worth of the country's finest Pure Hnd Hmi and Ii.iiiy Cattle, llors-s, Kheep. Hi jrs at:d floats vill coiiiintu for :he Jl'Miji'io ii-J offered lu premiuuia Tiu- lohdir-K railroads of tho Wan: c ;-r-- I y o.'f.-rinx special fan. loiH-ihiid rut( for those whi u-;wl ;h to Mter.d the Exposition. Cczs r.cct-Kly Dc'.jcI Heredity cf "f.hvlcs" Ci.tM. Iiirdx mid ii-'!;i'ii resiniid ti 1: 'I'ioii picl 111 11: If the) were r.-i.l lull d" t '-:t 1 it -I In- fimiiil iieeordilif t i le lii !n:i(!i- I , v II I li'I'lilftri KelenlUt Tlic d g uil( no it'll nt inn even whel l,Ietiire nf n;!r'r i!n'j were ulinwn Tlie lihly exeeplloli Wi'll wltefl 11 liftll 'I'l-li-hiind ren ii;i to tlie serceti fiilTed nl the ieoi'e xlimvn on it null i lieu uuildeiilj In I hitercvt. iiiiiirenl !v rnihlied Iiml (lie 11,-uies were mil ii-mI. ril.ilen I'lipnliir Meei:iii!iK M:i :;;:lni'. ("iiIm tn lstli d d-lhiliee when u l:n ;.'e il: jj iipjieun d ei Ih-' Hel eeti. doniestlc fowl nlmwcil- fii;;!il ut tlie id Sill I of ll li.nvU lioveiiliK over u Held, end v. Mil lili-d sliiiweil illirerent ill.' :;eeH of lnlei'e:d. All i:ii-lliilile iniivter III -W rei(;ii;edly III mi llllllg Innry ciiemy mi the M-recn. When ililille-i nf llien imd woinm were kIiowii In Ihelr nil t tf-si I td.c on n wlilto ii i t en, viirlnun reiillles HlniiieiJ at litem ii lift cvld'tieed uHtnnlKliini'iil win n tliey eun;;lit nollilnj. slow advance: in ART OF MEDICINE Only Recently Matter of Sci entific Exactitude. ltelilml the wlille-wnlti il, Htniltiiry linspltiils of tnilii.v, with tlielr trained physicians, Mli'Ki'tms and mirsei, lurk the shmlow of the rolilslnrk' tnedl-, cine man mul the nehtiliie of Kiipm-stl-tlmi. ajn )r. T. K. tlrulier, Riipellii liiuh'iit of tht Potrult receiving h.'spllal. It I not over 75 yours that medicine iiml Kiti'Ki'i'y hecunie it mut ter of Kelentltle exactitude iiml Hot ovor M that It bocait to rise to ll present hljih cstiite, Supefstlanit i;ov.illed its the prime cmiilhp fartoL of alliiieiilM for it'll tuiies mul perhnpi has not hoen on tlivly rt'inoveil until tho last two or three ileiailes. The nieilli-lne lit it ti of Hie liiillan ami the tiftim vihhIoo man are an out growth of our first physl I'laiot. A pain Im i he li wim mihjivt to the treatment of certain liit'iintti 1 1. ami welril steis; un liitlaniiiin lion wa cliit'il hy mystic nyllalile mul tokenn spreail hIhu( the i'"l of the slik. Some of then- stiperntlthms nut denth with IhcilUnwrry of the line (Mtiilltlim, but many traveled down Ihroimh the i en t.i tin .'iiich of our y ai'ilp. ' ' ii!'1. t :ie ol the oldest, which still li nc- cipteil with B:- ' . I ed d.Vrill.v'it on os;r pint. Is that the heart Ih the eul of love. The actor still preiwej hit hand lu the left Mile of his bosom when adilresslna hue iiM'sRnui'H to the lu'iolne, and our vocahulary otlll In Judeii mh expressions lis "heart K.hes," "broken heartctr ami "heart III roll." "In the e.irly days of meillcal his lory the powers iittilliuled to the heart were numerous," loctor limber r.iys, "The I'h'.nese, niuoiiu the Hist to practice nii'ii:clne us It Is under n.m'd today, hold the wholly erron eous belief that the lurynx eomuvted with (lie heart ami that our food pn-M'd Into that orjun. ll also was aid to b;' Hie re:. I of our Intellect us will as our love." The fnt.;e view was held hy the Hindus, who N' ascribed our Intellectual mwer to tlic spleen. J'or it'iiluries, probably fri.m tin' heuiiiniiii; of man. illness was uttrlhti tcil to a spiritual power; the 'nneu tion of the hoily by some evil plrlt, which In the early days the medicine ll attempted to drive out with their weird cuperiUKs B'l toneless chants. It was not until comparatively recent years that the physical and the H'lrlt- usl were dlsussoclaied lu tin" pinciice i f medi, ine ii rd .ii' t'.eory of the hocy heliiK R purely chi-mical tm illa tion win acceplcil Hut III pite of Kllperstllloiis mid Lnoranr, medicine made sonic stein III the early years of Its known his tory. China knew in the years before Christ of prevt-ntallv Inoculiitlou for imiillpox. Power at Long Distance Cheaer elii'trlclty lor everyone, be cause It can be transmit led tcmor il cully thousands of miles where only hundreds have heretofore been poi hie. may b one of the results of new system of hiinillinif electricity per fit ted by Frank !. P.aiim, Sun Fran cisco (Mutineer. P.y H, reMirts l'oml.u Sclcnec .Monthly, lectric Miwer Ken crated ill the llockj inouiitaiiis may hi sent to the Mississippi valley or even farther east, and toe pov.-.-r of Man ara lolejit span the country. The new system divides the entire transmission line Into wet ions of UK end li'H miles, linked by rotary repi lalors, or condensers, each of which transmits the current oiiwunl with mall losses. It promises to make po silile (tie utilization of waterfalls bleb are now Idle because they un In isolated localities. Had '.o Be Cere', til l'Kn entiilntf hp KnulMi town fa mous for Its f.porllliR lissdrlHtlons, Ar. Ihur Henderson, former P.ritlsh home Secretary, went to 11 hotel and ordered tea for himself mid his party. He was autprlsed whi n the f.-.iltcr demanded pay nt In advance rtnl did not hesi tate to express Ids iliaazemelit, "I (iiltc understand, sir," anld the waiter, "but well, you see, when the racea are on we have to bt Terr carts A.t I...A . .. ' iiu ruai we re idoul Lodge Directory 4: 10.NE LODGE No.l.'i A y. AA, M, AleetH t-vpry flrt nn l tlilnl We tm-n Imy of each month. W. .I..Ihhoh UliJ. (lie; Seey , UiciiHt fhniter Nu. 119 f), K Meetw the Hecoinl niel fdiirth Tiich- ilnyiifeneh month. W. M Mm. , Hccy.,'UrK iou i.oikjk No. nr., 1. o. o Meeif every Knttirdiiy crenlnir. i. T 0, TniKi'j Heey , .t Howell liir.NCII 0IIAH8 KKHKKAIINaUl, I. O. O, V. Mi'ctM flrni ami third Thtirmliiy of eneh 1111,11 ih. N. b Mrt i 8eey. Mrs. Church News Notes ot Interest to All Local Denominations. Sunday Sehool reopeiieJ in the (Moran district last Sunday. Tne pastor of the lone Conine flational church visited with the Uxinpon Endeavor Society, on Sunday fveninjr last. A very plea inu feature cf the proicrrm for the veninjf was a vocul nolo ren liered by Laurel Ueach. The cause of the Near East He lief will be presented at the Con Ki-eifational chinch, ot. Oct. 2 at the hour of morninir wornhip. Don't miss the cafe'.trU din. dinner at the Christian church un the 30! h. The Baptist Church at Eusene has just installed a new pi( e or Kan at a cost of S17,r,00. Rev. W. W. Head is announced to preach in the Cmim optional church at Loxinuten, next Sun day evening. Church Directory . ni;sr baptist cuuucii Sunday School at l0:t0 A. M, rraycrMeetinjr, Thur., 7:30l M. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor Services 11:00 A. M.:C. E. at 6.43, l M. I'rayerMeetin,, Wed.. 7;30 URST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 A. M. Prayer Meeting Thurs. Evenm Service C. E.:G:30; Preaching Service, at 7:30 P. M. KI'IKKMIi'S of an epidemic. The children min ifle just nbout a much outside of of school aa in aehucl. The only eu'eption is in rural oihtricta with acatertfl population, where then i little n 1 : n I i n of children sway from school. Closing of such schools may be a uselu! proceedure aa an aid to effective contro! measurde ; t quired by reg ulutioi", but there ii no evi lence that in cities and towns the clos ing 0 schoula has any effect in stopj-ing an epitivmic. On the uiher hane, a few simple proced uresi.re adopted while thefchooln are kept open, an effective con trol of an outbreak of disease may t'u had. Wettern Story Sir; A Judije In 11 mnall U'eilern 1 'mil wim ilelertiiliii'd (11 ulop the. Im). from xln ,t i 11 k In the town, (ihh iln) 1 lie uf I he Imy ifnt drunk mul Klurie.J iu lil.oot tip Ihe plure. W hen he w.o liriiiiclil liefure tlie Jiulse he wn g'ten 'Twenty iliilliirn rnd e(, t- I'm J idw," he mild. "I tired Into the lr." "Tlint's nil rllil," mild Ihe Jmle "you nilhl hnve kIioI 1111 nnjrcl." Jack Farris Dermal ician. It Pays to lM,k We I Specialist in Bobs. C.LSWEEK Attorney At bw First National Hank Building Heppner Oregon 38Ciasi3'S'Siwuit.2ixnte When You Visit Ileppner Eat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Sen Ice Lunch Counter A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner : OteRon I Before selling your wheat it will pay you to see L. Balsiger : representing i ! lone, 1 i I Trvi r f iL-at makes nourishing and hcalthfull. Meat slioukl be an important part of your daily menu. Serve it every day. Whether you come into our shop, or phone us you are sure to get jwe nave a large variety ouhotce cuts. tX T. 12. Peterson. I'ron. n "IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP" Wc are prepared to take care of your shafting rciiuirements by the Installation of an electric key way machine anJ a stock of shafting in a wide rane of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. j& J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor j& Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. iaisiHsiBnaasisisisisisisiasjs ft Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER TLOWS, SUI'ERIOU DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTCR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon U (I 5 Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone Oirice KcHiilence Main m Main 492 OREGON HEPPNER luxii, Ti:i;siA is ii i-kipa ys I'ntm 0:011 tn 10:00 A. At. F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice In all the CourU IONE, -0RKG0N ' contracting or B. G. and Co. Oregon it t mv-.1nl. .1 T 4 the meal. It Is appetizing,! t'; kind of meat you want.t Good Service. - istsiusia - - - - m m m m m n m m m m m m MOKROW CENKRAL HOSPITAL Mitts Zena Wcstfall, Graduate Nurse, Supi-rinienifent. A, II. JohtiHton M. I)., Phyaician In chargpA Kates Reasonable Dr. F. E. Farior DENTIST Oflice: Odd Fellows Building Ileppner, Oregon.