The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 23, 1927, Image 3

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PrsUr.LvJi. E. PlnkWl VageUMa
Compound Became It Cat Hef
Health and Strength
tn ettnny pasture In Oklahoma t
iwr1 of slwk rows WU gracing. Tbsy
mail 9 pretty pic
ture, llut the thin
woman tn the blue
obecked aproo
slghod u lb looked
at them. Bhe tu
llrd of cow, tired
of her tedious work
In tli dairy. Bha
waa tired of cook
ing for o houseful
of boarders, be
Idea caring for ber
own family. Tba
burdens of IK seemed too hoary for
ber falling health, Baa bad loit on
Sdenc In herself.
One day aha began taking Lydla H.
Plnkbam'a Vepretsble Compound and
br general health began to Improve.
Bha took It faithfully. Now aba can do
ber work without any trouble, aleepa
welt and la no longer btua and timid.
Tbla woman. Mr. Cora Bhort, H. R.
9, Jlox 187, Oklahoma City, Okla.,
write: "Everybody now aayii 'Mra,
Bhort, wbat are you doing to yourielff
I welRb 136 and my weight before 1
took It waa HE. I bar taken seven
bottles Of tba Vegetable Compound.'
Other women who bars to work bard
and keep things going may And tha
road to batter health as Mrs. Bhort did,
through tba faithful aea of Lydla, 0.
Plnkksm'a Vegetable Compound.
Ask your neighbor.
Kmp Stoauh tad Bowab Rifbt
By rtrW Why fx earmJeaf. awlr
fee eaUa,laiaau eadeaikiraa traaTtieW
la aaalmf Uby'e atetaaafc also!
faa bewele urn M
tMretMaldM (aetata
m UaaraaUed free
-, Irmm HMM ep.
J iaa,aleenl meatt
kanaral taaeedb
J U. Befeeod.
At Alt
Carboil draws out thr tort
and glvra quick relief '
g OtNtHOVt 04 OM
Deafness Head Noises
M " Y"sm r t.orr.01
m in nmi-h rw ii
tu eke -OLA ft US' aa laaaat
a. a. umin.'rr.. ft rm vi, g.
Eta iai.i
nui. iioumi tale.
at all erwrirleie.
uucaau new Tern ui
Country t Many Smitht '
About one raon In every ona hnn
dred In tlili country la a Smith. Tha
hit census found l.NH,) Htulths In
tli I'nltod Slate. . In other words.
there) are enough Smlih In tha na
tton to replace Ilia entire population
of any ona of thee atatea: Maine.
New I! am pull I re, Vermont, Ithode
Inland, IMawsre, Florida, Oregon.
Colorado, Vtnh and eight lesa popo
toua Western stale. Th renowned
Smiths occupy 17 page In "Who'
Who In America." The Outlook.
When ninn contracts einonnlve
bablis bis Income needs expanding.
Investments, Ilka charity, ahould be
gin at horn.
The Racer
When Vm burning up th
log overtime at tremendous
temperatures there's at
least one thing I know won't
go wrong and that's spark
ugs. llnsUtcmChampioris!
CImiHm b tM SKMr
akarli Hmt tuoHUt of He
ZwMa .rtbbU llltauw
tmrmaiom end m y
for Fonts
Foe your protection be sura rJi
SNr rJiaTI
or tn II
cotvviv II
smplont you buy
original Champion
it Algal
i". gga
As r
in i ' -"ywwtrwTi'iii.iii i luMijuiii
fertpetlv View of
(Prepar br h NtlRl 0arabl
lir. Waihiiwloa, D, O.I
TlilC beat known scenic attraction
In Africa Is undoubtedly tha Vic
toria fnlla of tba Zambeal, on the
In between southern ana norm-
era Ithodoala. This Is on of th three
greatest waterfalls In the world,
worthy to rank with Niagara and with
Iguasu In South America.
Prom Immemorial time an atmos
phere of myatery and superstition baa
hung over thee African falls, ao pro
found that Llvlnirntoiie, who dlscor
end them In 18SS, bad tha greatest
difficulty In persuading bis follower
to accompany blin, as they believed
the region to be the home of monrter
and dovlla of deatructlon. Vestiges
of these tradltlous still exist, although
the Cape-to-CuIro railroad, which
eroNiee the river less than half a tulle
below the fulls, Is rapidly dispelling
Oolng by rait from Tlulawayo one
seea, eorue 10 miles before reavhtiig the
fall, five enormous columns of vapor
shooting their rowate tinted shafu
hundreds of feet heavenward. This
Is a marvelous seen In th early
morning. With th first rujs of th ris
ing sun come a picture of color of
wundrou lovellBeaa. Iiellcate tint
of violet, crimson, and beryl play
through the mounting apray a It
shoot higher snd higher, ultimately
disappearing a virgin cloud In heav
en, wtill th ever Inrmuliig thunder
of tli water lends sn added solem
nity to th view.
Notwithstanding th magnitude of
Victoria Falla, th flint view of them
Is disappointing. Although nearly a
mil In width and 4K feet In height,
lh grandeur of their proportion I
ecllpwd by th sudden dlanpiearanc
of the river as It plunges Into a nar
row, rocky ft snore extending acron Its
entire width. Only st a single central
point I there a breach In this fissure
through which the falls can be seen
snd appreciated In tlirrr full propor
tion, where' the converging waters
rufth madly to the tlgxag canyon be
low. So rent rioted Is this view that
there I an entire absence of that awe
Inspiring and almont paralysing effect
which atrlkea the vlkltor dumb with
wonder and amazement when Niagara
burst on bla Dear vlalon. On first
sight of th Victoria falls on Involun
tarily exclaims, "Oh, how beautiful T
but they lack th majeety of Niagara.
Must Be 8een Many Tim.
No ngl vlnlt ran adequately re
veal the fullness of their charma, but
repeated excuraiou must be made to
their Inlands and precipice, their grot
to and palm gardens, their rain for
cuts and projecting crsgs, their rain
bows and cataracts snd many-sided
views of their eiquWte setting In the
emerald framework of tropic forests,
before their Indescribable beauty can
be appreciated. Tha fiisclnatlon of
discovering new and bidden charms
from different points of view grows
on th visitor snd becomes one of the
greatest attractions.
As th rainy season commence In
Hholela In Norruilier and continue
In th form of tropical showers until
April, th moat sdvsntngeous tluie to
see the fulls Is In May, when the seeth
ing torrents are at their flood, Novem
ber also has Its sttractions, when th
river I low, fur then the chaain la
comparatively freo from mist, dlm-loe-
Itig vlstaa and views of the great abyss
of rare beauty which hefor wer
wholly obscured by th whirling
column of spray.
Th brldg of the Cupe-to-Onlro rail
road la the favorite point selected by
srttsta, aa the picture through the nar
row gap at Danger point exhibits the
full extent of the sngry waters aa they
leap from the precipices to he abyss
There Is a hotel near the railway.
From It verandus a magnificent pano
rama of the canyon and llatoka
gorge can be seen. A walk of balf a
mil brings on to "tha plnce where
th rain I born," as th native call
th llnln Korest, This Is a phenome
non of rare beauty," especially to the
botanist, for here the tropic heat and
constantly fulling spray produce a
wealth of vegetation of wonderful
luxuriance and variety. Every living
thing bursts forth spontaneously here,
from the delicate malden-hulr fern to
the fenthery-leafed palm and the
hoary baobob, ,70 feet In circumfer
ence. V
From th western extremity of the
Itnln Koreat tha leiiialng watera of the
cascade run be seen to best ndvnn
tngo, while Its entire front, bonlerlng
on the greut crevasse -Into which the
river hurls Itself, furnishes a superb
view of the crest of the falla from
Mid to end. except when Interrupted
by tha whirling musses of spray that
Victoria Fall.
shoot from the seething cauldron be
View From Danger Point.
But the most thrilling scene Is from
the eastern extremity of the Kain Kor
est at Hunger point, where the treach
erous vinos and grasses, clinging to
the rocks with hungry, desperate roots,
tempt on to th very vorge of th
precipitate cliffs that seem to tremble
with tli terrific shock of th cataract
So dens her at time Is th mnss of
vapor burled -from th seething csul-
dron that th sun's rays can no longer
penelrat It, and complete durkiiesa
envelopes one as he Is deluged by the
downpour, while the terrific thunder
of the falls drowns all other Bounds
and nukes his own voice Inaudible.
Occasionally a violent blast opens a
rift through tha blacknese snd mist.
disclosing a momentary view of tba
lashing waters In tha boiling caul
dron, wboae heaving, battling surface
and pyramids of emerald foaui change
with kaleidoscopic rapidity.
An Interesting spot 1 the kloof, or
palm garden, hidden In the first of th
serpen tins curves of th canyon below
th falls snd reached from th brldg
by a slgzag pathway, which descends
In comparatively euay stages through a
tangled primeval Jungie to th ruahlng
water of tha gorge below. Here
again nature, with lavish bands, has
shown her prodigality. I'alins of enor
mous sis and vuriety, bathed by
eternal spray, mingle so densely wltb
other forest growths as completely to
shut out the direct rays of the sun snd
form a safe refuge for the rldil
plumed parrot and monkeys that
frolic In their branches. Kroro the
edge of the waters of this tropic Jungle
an upward view of the falls enables
one to appreciate them In their fu'.l
height and beauty, and to carry away
a lasting Impression of fliclr msjestlc
graniteur as seen from below.
Tli lip of the falls Is broken by
four Wands, which Interrupt Its flo
Just aa Goat, island ftrfrtP' iOui-ara.
The natlvea npphiprlutely named tli
first of these lloruka Isle "divider of
waters." Net ween this point and the
shore the river channel U deep and
shelving, and the leaping watera Of
the cascade rush with fearful impetu
osity, shooting clear from the pre
cipitous walls In their mad flight to
the atiys 2.V) feet below, while the
M-hotng woods ring with the thunder
of their boisterous glee.
Formed by Erosion.
Llvlngatone, who discovered the
falls, believed that some geologic cat'
clysm had opened a crack In the banalt
plateau over which the Zambesi flows
snd that the river, pouring Into this
cleft worked Its way out on a lower
level, leaving the great falls In th
narrow gorge.
Oeologlsta of the present day, bow
ever, deny Livingstone's theory re
garding the phenomenon of the forma
tion of the fulls, claiming that It tl
due entirely to the processes ol
erosion, and that th liver, by In
creasing friction through Innumerabls
age, haa gradually frittered to granu
lar atoma tha dense rock and engraved
tha deep channels of the tortuous can
yon. The basaltic rock which form
the greater portion of Rhodesia la ol
volcanic origin, proof of which 1:1
evidenced In the great lava-flowai
which have beeu poured out In succes
sive wave, covering th country In
differing strata of varying porosity
hundreds. If not thousands, of feel
deep. Through this tha percolating
waters have deposited In the csvlll.'i
the beautiful agotes, chalcedony of va
rloua huea, quarts crystuls, and ico
nics that are found In abundance
along th projecting surfaces of these
amygdiiloldsl rocks, many Siectmens
of which are found In the expose!
gravel at the river bed.
It Is said that these Katoka lavas.
In consolidating, created a system of
shrinkage cracks, with occasloual long
lines of "faulting," or fractures,
which constituted planes of weakness
that materially facilitated the eronlve
action of the river.
If this theory la correct, It la pos
sible that the Assure Into which th
river plunges at the fulls Is due to a
fault-plane, where a vertical belt of
comparatively soft material breaks the
continuity of the harder basalt, and
this belt or vein, connecting with
others of the same or similar -charac
ter, haa been washed out or excavated
by the undermining action of the river.
thus explaining the complex phenome
na of the falla and slgzag canyon
Willing to Hoar
Jerry You have heard of the fight
between David and Goliath?
MaoI don't rend the sport pig
but It It's some more scandal, let
. n r
Mr. Sprlggs wss complaining loudly
to tha plumber of th blgb cost of
"Well," said tb plumber, wev
got to pay a man and bla helper."
But you don't need a helper for I
Utile Job like this, do your said Mr.
No," admitted the plumber. "But,
yon aee, It a Ilka this. Tba man who
goes out to your bouse has got to
tske the machine, and It ain't worth
while to run tha machine for Just one
man, ao wa send tha helper with blm."
fie Personally, I think the rising
generation Is going mad.
She They have nothing to get mad
shout It's tli older generation that's
"PiV in Politic
Th esmers Is coin strong.
An la the mlaty by an by,
Tbrr who selre applaua mar long
For the comedlan'a eualard pi.
. Nervoui
Madge-Dick Is to ask father'a con
sent this afternoon. I feel nervous
about It
Mollle Are you afraid your father
won't give bla corifMitT
Madge KO.'M'm aTrSId Dick wont
turn up.
Customer It's really very kind of
Sum to pick up the package I dropped.
New Clerk Not at all, ma'am. Wa
men are gi-ttlug tired of being ac
cused of being polite only to pretty
girls. Progressive Grocer.
"Sir. mv exDensea at home are In
creasing and I am growing old In
vnur eninlov. and"
"Well, what do you expect m to
do furulnb you with monkey glands T"
Indettructibility of Chaltr
Thr wss s little )ok,
Por centurlee It grew.
Now, win a la nubile spoks.
Its Juat as good ss SfW.
Kept It
"Why doee Blnka want a divorce
His wife had half a million when b
married her."
"Well, she still has half a million.
"How long Is it going to take na to
set through this ennef asked the
prisoner of his counsel Just be for th
"Well." answered th barrlrter, "me
about three hour; you about four
years." ,
Matter of Health
"Out Weft It Is considered healthy
to mind your own business."
"1 don't And that Idea prevalent at
the various health resorts."
An Unreliable Hutband
Helen He told me I was the pret
tiest and moat Interesting girl that
he had ever met '
Gladys And you will truat yourseli
for life with a man who starts to de
eelv you at th beginning of the
With Sauce
Tli pompous man demanded:
this a flrst-cliis restaurant f
(h. yes." answered th waiter, "but
w don't mind serving you."
i iar s i i i i w
Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are
not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe
by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years.
" "j -.Accept only "Bayer" package
OtC which contains proven directions.
J'ajaV Tlnnaf "Bsyer" boxea of 12 tsblets
Var Also bottles of 14 and 100 Druggists.
Aaptrki I lbs ttmte suit St V Mib(sp MoaeMtUoelOMtrt f illerllel4
Ottrich'e Varied Diet
Post-mortem examination of Ida,
famed ostrich st the London Zoologi
cal gardens, disclosed the following
article In ber gizzard : Three .1 ves,
handkerchief, cord, an empty film
spool, two large and several small
nails, a pencil, four halfpennies, two
farthings, a French coin, parts of a
comb and a gold necklace, a collar
button, bicycle tire valve, a clock key,
dozen abort bita of wire, metal
staples, acrewa, rivets, a glove fasten
er and a piece of wood four lnche
Breezy Propaganditt
Fozzlelon 1 met with sn awful blow
Bouleton An a.vful blowt
Fozzletoo Yes, he sold he was from
California. New Bedford Standard.
Love thy neighbor as thyself but
know thy neighbor aa thou dost thy
self. MOTHER Fletcher! Cas-
toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub
stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Teething Drops and Soothing
Infants in arms aid Children
To avoid Imiutiooi, always look for
proven dirccirmi en each paclcare.
The Wrath to Come
President Guth ot Goucher college
told at a tea In Baltimore ao examlmi
tlou alory with a moral.
"A atudent," be said, "took It easy
through the year, and when examlii
lion time came he failed In all seven
of his examinations.
'Poor father ! he thought, "and he
ao proud of me r
"So the student hurried to the tele
graph oltlc and telegraphed to hi
"'Failed In all seven examinations.
Prepare poor fa I her.'
"Ilia sister telegraphed back:
" "'Father prepared. Prepur your
Satisfying Hubby
Have you heard of the young wife
who cooked three egg nine mlnule
because her fussy husband wanted
each egg conked three milium? Th
Slowing Up?
You Can't Feel Well When
Kidneys Act Sluggishly.
QVERWORK. worry and lack of im,
all put extra burdens on the kid
neys. When th kidneys slow up, wast
poiaons remain in the blood and ar apt
o mak ona languid, tired and achy,
with dull headaches, dinuMss and often
nagging backache,
A common warning of Imperfect kid
nay action la scanty or burning accre
tions. Dm 'i Pilli asaiat lh kidney in
their liminativ work. Are endortcd
by users svarywher. Ak gout ruff html
Liquid Lentet Perfected
As eubstltutee for ordinary lensea,
glass shells filled with liquid have
been devised by a French Inventor,
who soys that by his process an aa
trouomlcul lens equal to the usual
ground type that would cost giuu.uui)
and require years to complete, may
be made In a few weeks for 1 1,000.
The fluid substance Is Inclosed be
tween two hard surfaces, and the new
lenses may b used in opera glasses,
cameras and microscopes.
Hent Out of Work
Thousands of hens have been
thrown out of work aa mothers In
California, according to farm and
Fireside, which reports the biggest
hatchery known has been found In
Petal uma. Calif- where a single Bet
ting require 1,8UU.(WU egg.
Going back to where one "waa ao
happy" always means disappointment.
The past Is past
Syrups, especially prepared for
all ages. '
the signature of fibjfyjcAto
Physicians everywhere recommend it
Qakk relief from pain.
Frevent sho pressor.
fn all in md Am mm
Stomach Disorders
sr decidedly unpleasant
Green's August Flower
a gentls laxative, will art promptly In
relief of twnach at d bowel trouble,
and your freedom from pain and din
comfort will make you feel that life la
stain worth llvlnv.
"o and 0o bnttlcn. At all frurgtite.
ti. O. Ureea, Inc., Woodburr. N. !
For Old Sores
Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh
Star kor foe Srat bonk It M mtltmi. AUSmW.
Oregon & California Directory
SLUG ERGS.. San Francisco
Rave nor Wat dealer take your meaanre fnr a
SatiefactJon Guaranteed " ALL-WOOL SUIT,
i'rieea to auit roar puree.
Ever? with bath ar ahmear. S2.0O t fete,
Jonea at fcddy. Garage next doee.
Hi) tfUrufctm t.,nrar in-.n ( quart. 6aiwr Vt
HA MKT HOYI.K. Uxttmft
0itld fwttu with bulb, ft '0 kiitf. P 81 )otib1,
C""rt ronui with ba'h. Kill lnai?, r.'W double,
Biraifuu Ite. tOc.mei Uianen 4j6c: tuwUy U.QU
Auto Parts
ffrr all curl, rvw uttj
Aorti, ana.
Writ or clL
701 Oold Oat Av. ftan FriwlM
Motorcycle & Supply Co.
Third & Taylor Sta. Portland, Or.
Hurler Davt'leon Airente. New and pnaraa
teed uae-l Btobircrelea. TermatoaulL Faehir
KulpiMd aaup la couomUuu. Addraea Dept G,
Trintee ler SUi:N41, TRADES er M0ITJSI0NI
Liiroll any ttuie. fceud furlllerHlure.
T2rT NnV!f S6ueupereenlpallwll!l
VatSASI IIUII lib, PoellloaeeronNl.
Lecture weekly. Sfeollea-ea. Writ. fur eatalo.
Mfll pp avarta or collioci
niWUII to Serial. SUaet fatUaad. re,