VOLUME XVI IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY, Sept., 23, 1927 NUMBER 17 EPIDEMICS AND CLOSURES There is miiaU.i ImpreHslon that the State Board of Health should function locally. Only when a luciil health department dues not or cannot enforce meas uren for the prevention of dis ease, does the State lioutd of Health bo fuucllon. The state otta in an advisory capucity. The m- fcroement of uecessary rcstric tioni it the duty of the local health authorities. In the rnniUrof clos- closure, the State iioard of Health may conaider the regulation ol common aarriers and the control of travel, but the cloHure of . schools and meeting placet ahonld be regit ated by the local health 1 authorities. In every epidemic there ia a papular demand that the schools be immediately cloned. Tne clos ing of schools ia a question nut t) be lightly decided, for the closure of achoola means a loss to the community, and Is wai ranted only after due consideration and stuJy. The popular idea that the schools are if real distributors of disease is not clearly confirmed by carefnl observation and study. The chief argument for it ia the increase of diphthena, scarlet fever, measles, etc., during the school year; but this fact ia by no meant concus.ve. There, is of course no question that infection does lake place through associa tion of chndre.1 in the schjola; but the amount of it as compared with infections through associa tion outside of school has proba been exaggerated. It is, in any case, bad practice to close the schools and to keep them closed for weeks without ony apparent benefit. Experience has shown that closuie lor a lunn . r .mrlort than that nf incubation v " is of little value. The best author ities beiieve the reduction of op- CollltllUi'd (HI HIKH A "Harris" Combine Will Work Just Fine. 1 P. O'M tara - - Ajje.nl J lone, Oregon v I 3 & iB. Keep a Kodak story of every trip Wherever you go there's a chance for your Kodak and a picture for your album. Picture opportunities never wait keep your Kodak handy. Our stock of Kodaks is complete. Come in and let us help you make a selection prices arc from f 5 up. Kodak Film Expert Finishing Bullard's Pharmacy The Kodak Store Coming to The Dalles and Pendleton Dr. Mellenthin Specialist III llitci'iuil MimIIcIiii' fur I lie lllrtt twelve Jl'MTH DOES NOT OPERATE 4 Will be in Ihc Dalles on Wed's day Oct. 12, at the Dalles Ho tel nd in Pendleton, on Thurs., Oct. 13, at the Dorion Hotel, Oftice Hours, 10.00 A.M to 4:00 P. M. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation lr. Mi'lli'tlilii Ink regular rtwIu iIh In iiii'illi iiii unit MirKvr.v nmt I IU'piim-iI ,y the Btntr ( Oregon. Ilf Inert not opcrnle for rlironlc iippou Hi llU, itull hIoim-n, nicer of Ntoni Mi ll, tol.ttlln or iuIi'IiiiIiIh. Ho lum tn IiIm cretin womli rfnl re hiiUh In illwiiHcii of tin- nloiiiarli. Ilvi Iiuwi'Ih, li 'wml, t-klii, in rvi-K, ln-iirl uMiicy. Iilinlili r, lii-il wetting, cut nrrli, wi'iik Itinpt, rhi'iiiiiiitlHin, wlnt. icii, niacin imil rectal nllim-iiu. Hcltiw nru tin1 million of a fow i.t till man)' mil lulled piillonl In (ire Hon, wlm Imve Iiocii trontoil for inn of tlio iiIiiivh niitix it ciiiimi-h: Kluier llooltor, ('(union. CIuih. Honoli, rorlliiiul. I). ('. Horn, Buiiiiiixa. I n .1 Milelilit. Kliiiniitti Kail. OhiiIi-1 Hloliion, Alli'Ritny. II. K. Nenl. Colilrnl Colli t. Jihv Hli(Hiilitii. (iltiliun. lli'MioiiiIxT Die hIhivh (lute, tlml commit Ion win l lw nnd tlmt lit tni nt Imlifforei t M',rl-1' ",,,Ht rucon.puh. tod li.v tholr hiiriluiniU. Aililrei.it: 211 llrmlliury lll.ltf.. l.o AiiKoli'x. Ciiliforiiln. The Bilfour-Guthrie grain of fice is located on Main street, lone, just below the Telephone of fiee. Op-n everv day nd a I d i)'. Phone No. 52. Louis Halbiiter, Aent. DANGER Parents will do well to warn their ci'ildro aairmt pluyiug on d.;r or around the un i 1 elvvators an I warehouses, These building' ere now filled to the limit anr wari-houres have been, known to collapse. Let the chldren p'ay safe and stay away. Mr. C. M. Sehriver of Kindt Valley, Oregon was in lone for t shortllme this week Wayne Schii ver is working at IheJordan Ele valor, Saving Search ' Tlio klml W111111111 imilt'oil 1111 0I1I iiiiiii, whow rlu'il h'K tvim Kimo, ulaiii ItiK 1111 Blroi-I inriior with jit nloxcil IiniIi on IiIk fuoe. "My piKir mini," l mild, "ure ym loHl ?" "No, tim'iim," lie rojillod. "I'm lnol.lliK for Toiler tlml cut lilt lof 'o(j nlmt 11IT III liiillli!." "U'lmt In Ilia nniticT" "I di'ii't kirn llinl." wik the ropl) Inn he wenr a number Ion Kline." "I'cir lievoii' nlir, If )-n doli'i iikiw who lid In, linw 1)0 ynu know h voum iiutiilx-r' ti lt time)" "I uln't sur& lie iliH'i. hut II nf nnd 10 reiiwm thoi if he don't, one m I'olhor of li In k'Ii'K ti Imve troulili A'llli hid liiuili'in. I.ii'ly, I'm ln,iklm 'or ft rklil loeirod fi ller In n partner; villi on a ticw piilr nf kIoh-k." In (it I! and 1 of Love T know thm l.oc iiliiiic mm tin (kilniiliiK nf iKiliire nml rri'iiliire. thm iiithln 1 1 1 1 1 Ijive cir iihii:ikih tin tvliele unlvi r-e of Ihlnui. Unit the pv rnllig llmid thul nverruloii nil. tin viilrlifiil ve thul won Ihn.ii.'h nil, ) nulling Iml oiuol 1 l ,'itt nnd uiiuilwlciii 'jive. ukIiiii 11 n liiflnlly nf aImIiiui. I ;iiv every mUviililcil erenlure fmn lie iiilsemliln wnik nf Im nwii hnndi lid liuike tin 1 ) 1 1 k-m and Elory the er etiinl liilioril;iriif of nil the rroiilhii, 1 II lellei-tliiii tlml nniMt he qull mv lulling to every Inlellljti'iit ere.iluri ' lut t I ni'tmlMe nf It, rlli. Wllllnn f.nw. Ilia ICiiuIIkIi mymic. uf tha Kifclil nilh renliiry. Whine of the Failure John l. llixkofelli r Riive a IniKlne (Irl a hrlclit new dime Hie other da; at tirnmiiil I'.eai h nnd told her a tur fe Mlory. Kiillunn dnii't Illume themwlves,' be mill, "they Illume the world. The; never think their work Is bud; the; think It'll exploited. "I ued to know a Cleveland iiBI" hoy Aio Iih, of c(iitrM, turned on' to he a failure. ItiK Ihm nlil to hln Wie iliiy : "Well, Tliiiotliy, I hop you wivg half of what jrou eat-nT "llow ran I do that.' the boy whined, 'when I don't set half of what Farmers are coming more ant nore to the idea of lettinii eltc licity and machinery rather han muscle do the farm work. AT CHRIST! N CHURCH There will be preaching service it the Christian church, Sunday vening at 8:00 o'clock. E. L. Wood, Minister. pmHrrn SUITS TOP COATS i Our New Fall and Winter Line of I men s suit and overcoat samples are J here and they are come in and have your meaasure taken $ i for a new outfit. Bristow & HEADQUARTERSFORHAR- J VEST SUPPLIES. WE TRY TO ! PLEASE. ' LOCAL ITEMS Albert Petlys, whose ciitical 1 IneHs was noted in thei-e columns lane wiek Is now on the high roai to recovery. Mr. GiMift, of Walla Walla, on if Ihe stock holders of the Turn A - Lum Company, v,aa in lme fir a shirt lite, one dry this etk. Mr. W. n. Hinkle, of Spokanp, examiner for the Federal Farm L an Bank, 18 in lone this veek checking (U'. Mr. C. B. Huley he retiring Secrotary Trf8urer if tht loi-at Federal Farm Loan Association. A auccessor to Mr. tuley ras not yet hwn chosen. Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Balsiner w.nt to Portland Tuesday n'jfht. eturniiig Wednesday with a new indson car for E I Lindetjan. Alice Head is now a student tt the Monmouth State Norma! U-rtool. Ed Linden an! family are .ilnnning a motor trip to WiUam ft va'lny pjints.They expect to ejin their itinerary, Sa'orday. Combined Fanning Mill and V'heat Trcater. Ililicst grade J'ppcr Carbonale for wheat treat . PaulG. Balsiger LEGION HALL THEATRE Here ate a few ol the pictures ve have contracted for 1927. ttpt. 10. . . .Steppin' Out Heut. 17 . Pain and Powdet ?eot.24. The Danger Signal Oct. 1st. Lu'e of the Wild. Oct 8th. Some Pun'kins.J Cut this out and keep it for uture reference. We will, only aise prices when the price of irogram compels us to. Dont iiiss a Bingle number of this con Met. American L'gion lone Oreuon i ol FORD T y-v wv T la ffJA Complete Line? 3 o-J For Both" fa CARS 8n op RUCKS il MALtiint srijr . Ai litlia llt . . .niniiii, I and t T mighty nice, better t Johnson On account of the Ileppntr Ito. deo proyram for Saturday evei i'lP", the regular Saturdav show of the L"tinn Ila'l Theatre wis 1 rmenteo FiHay eveninjr. Ar 'ouncomert of the change was made by means of hand bills. Miss Linea Troedson left, Fri day niht, for Coivali where she will resume her co'lee wort , Mrs, Lee Howell has been ir. disposed this we-k, apparently With atiRineerinKcre.;campedj in the city park nb a ekiiled workman preparing the cross arms for the service pole?, it be girs to look as (hough the rew iine of the Sherman Electric Co may soon be completed into lone. Of the local teaching corj.3, airs, thrown and miss wells are d imiciied at the hotel, M.ss Vin son and Mr Wirtz lodging at Mrp. Hale's and taking thtir mtals tt Mrs. Forbes'. Cooh. Preserver A colli of vurnioh may he sipi'lliil over the fineM IimpIi-J leuihir or other hiMik IiIikIIh: without fc-.ir nf Injuring the color or nppeiirnnoo In any wny The Idea la a S'id 0110 for the protee lion of rnre old tonka, since the vnr nlli furiin n moist-proof, wear-refh t Ins (tint whlrh will preserve the cover lloh'flnllely. It In a C"o'l Idea, ton. for i-liililri-ii'a hook, whlcli goon nlum lliii.er prints and other n!i:iia of wi-;ir; r fur the rook hook, nhlt-h l II!:! 1; lo hecoino itted and tthky. The iriishnhli' varnish liinke the hindlifc nentcr ami the book more cinitury "AUeraftont to Phase" The Kiuillnq little man hu-tlid lull he tullor'a and asked tn nee eotm eiidy iii.'nle mlm. lie wna ehen r. holce. "I'll tnke this one," lie until if you'll make any alterations I re liiiie." "Certainly, fir. heium-d tin l.iilnr. "All alterallotn free. lr j-.m ri ad ciii" advert I wtnent." "I did," unlit 'he ctMoincT. "Juitt aller the price, iicn, f.iun forty dol'ara to Jf-.venty flvi md I'll hike the suit with nie." COLE HAS THE COAL Fancy CtB'leGate coa at the Fa met's Elevatir. Smokers s'srted 31 fins and n.irtsmen 16 fires in-the Dts hutes Natirra! fo'est this year. Lea J. Wool, 15. M. J J Accreriiied piano teacher. $ J Lexington, Oceyon. 1 No oie can afford to be care ss aliout fire hazards just he ause he thinks he is fu'ly iusured hudsonTessex - SUPER-SIX Paul G. Batsigcr, Agcpt. At Paul G. Balsiger's FROST REPELLERS These cool mornings are a reminder lof the VT.'er that is I PREPARE YOUR-SELVES IW1TH WARM CLOTHING I A large stock of ;r$, Stag Shirts, etc., PENDLETON BERTMASOI COMPLIMETAUY PARTY , GIVEN IONE LADIES . Mrs. C cil YounK and Mrs; Ma y Yountf weie tl.o Rucsts of honor at a social eat h-i ing of the Dorcas Scciety at te Paul G. BaUiuer hi. me, last Thursday. The !a lies present were Mrs. Cecil Young, Mrs. Mary Younp; Mrs. Alice Keller, Mrs. Lydia Bu'sigtr, Mis. Peterson, jdrs. , Lilian BalBiirer. Mrs. W. E. Bui- lard. Mrs. L. E Dick. Mrs. C. A. Low, Mis. Jennie Mc Murray, Mr. John Louv, Miss Helen BaU siRer, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Jackson, and Mrs. Smi'.h. A number of musical selections were rendered bv Helen Balsiger and Eleanor Builard. Atthecloae, lightreireshmenta wete served. CHICKEN DINNER Chicken dinder will be served caferia style at the Christian Church parlors, Friday evening, Sept. CO. Dinner will be ready at 6:00. P.M. FRIDAY SEPT 30 Final rctun limit Oall Your last opportunity to go East on exceedingly low round trip summer excur sion fares. Liberal stop overs going and returning. At will uQ yta ttKl far tram ranr or a4 feolp mmp oat yvar torarr. U N S 0 M PACIFIC TUB CV COAiD Ruwn J. w Honk. Apt., Imie, On null coming. , new Blazers, Sweat-t Just in. See the new: BUCKAROO f fi flft ft r w zr its E.I A A Jmfnwsend SHIRTS J