AlabasterLamps " ' IWVKft CHAPTER VII Continued 12 Mary tamed iwi; and looked dbwn. All the excitement had gone oat of her face. It was pale when the turned tack to her mother. "Mother! You were going to Loren Rangeley 1 Promise me you wont" Mary Johnston!" "Don't you think I know! I've known right along that that pafe, cold, bloodless yes, I know he's great banker, but he looks like a money lender. I know he wants to marry you. Oh Mother 1 If you go to him, hell ask you, and If yoo do. Just to be comfortable, I'll never forgive you. I'd rather work for yoo myself, all the days of my Ufe I" "Mary!" Mrs. Johnston sat up against her pillows and regarded her daughter as though she were a stran ger. "I didn't know yoo felt so strong ly, or thst Mr. Rangeley' motives were so evident Don't worry. When be hear I'm practically penniless, I wont seem so deetrsble In his eyes. Mary, atop crying. I never knew anything so so silly." "It lant silly, not so very," Mary sniffed, trying to regain her self-control. Tve hated him good and hard for long time, and I Just loathe seeing him with yoo." Her mother patter Mary's shoulder. "I only thought of him for your take." "You'd lose me," Mary told her firm ly. Td go and work anywhere first even In Dabb grocery store." Uer mother started. There wont be any question of that Bother, there's the car. Send that boy away, Mary." "Wouldnt It do yoo good to go out T" "No It wouldn't Leave me alone with my thoughts and my novel. I want to go over everything by myself, calmly. Well tackle the Jewel prob lem tonight, after I've had my think." "Then I might aa well motor," said Mary. . Mrs. Johnston frowned. "I don't like It But go and ride with your Idealised grocer's clerk. If you want to. Remember, always, that Mother's wary eye will be upon yon when you return. Td forbid yoo, of course. If I didn't know you'd do It anyway and never tell me the Inter esting details." They smiled the smile of perfect understanding. "And, of course," Mrs. Johnston ad mitted nobly, "I want to know every thing. Don't cheat me of single thrill, Mary." Mary kissed ber. Mrs. Johnston raised herself on a firm white elbow and called to Mary's back: "Ride on the rear seat Mary, and don't forget that you're poor now, very poor. In deed." Mary could visualize the Impish mile on ber mother's face that ac companied this remark. Rhe bsd fully Intend"d at least be ginning the drive on the rear seat, but after that and hoping her mother was at the window to see, she climbed to the seat beside Ned, announcing: "Mother's not coming, and you're to please take me a different route today." Mrs. Johnston was not at the win dow. Her face was set and hard as she tried to make op her mind wheth er she would let this grocery shop sit nation develop before ahe bolted to New Tork, or bolt now. It waa put gllng, bat to go now might solve Mary's problem and her own. The solution, however, was very difficult, through lack of available funds. In his office, C. it. Dabbs, once more embarked on his difficult task of com position, wrote, tore np and rewrote, 11 afternoon. When he finally ceased writing he had completed short note, which he thrust Into his pocket care fully destroying the others. He still could not decide whether or not to end It Dorothy Selden, having watted In vain for some sign of Just anger, or t least Indignation, from Ned, had guln the privilege of seeing him ride by, happy and contented, with Mary Johnston seated serenely beside him. It waa not to be borne. Dorothy threw berself suddenly, but gracefully, Into the chair at the writing desk, and seis ing telegraph blank and pen, wrote rapidly. When ahe bad finished, the message read: "Ned here under assumed name. What ahull I dot "Dorothy Selden." It waa directed to Loren Lor liner flangeley. The village saw Ned and Mary ride by and snickered. "Dabbs nevvy was round after settlementer." I nr i 44 The snicker was meant to call atten tion to Ned's folly and presumption, but It was also a Jibe ut Mary. "She must be bard up for a man," was the comment The pair under observation, en gaged In the most absorbing gnme In the world, hastened toward Great Cold spring, one of the beauty spots of the countryside. Although the road was as new to Ned as to Mary, he discoursed learn edly on Its history. Its Indian name. which he waa compelled to admit he had forgotten and couldn't pronounce anyway. Mary listened. Interested and amused, especially as Ned In formed her that he had Just "boned up" on the subject this morning. "Uncle Claude supplied me with the local color," he told her honestly. "It Isn't at all In my line, but I thought Mrs. Johnston might expect something like It from her 'hired man'." "Mr. Carter," asked Mary suddenly, "was your mother Mr. Dabbs' sis ter r Ned started. "Oh no, Claude Dahhs la really no relation to me at all I'm His Coat Wss Off and He Was In the Pool. fond of him, and I call him Uncle, that's all." "Oh, I forgot you told me you were 'adopted," and Mary lapsed again Into alienee. She saw only one thing very clearly, and thut waa Ned'a pro file. She liked It The Great Cold spring, Ned told her, was Just quarter of mile away. As he ioke they came In alght of placid little lake, fed by the spring. Some distance np the road, beyond the lake, was a great old farmhouse, which appeared deserted. As they neared the spring, Mary exclaimed with pleasure. Simultaneously the rear tire blew out Ned'a exclamation waa not one of pleasure. He stopped the machine at the side of the road and made ready with Jack and wrench. Mary went to ward the spring. The pool waa deep, but did not look so. Ned had the tire on In record time. Aa he stooped to gather up his tools, Mary stepped off the plunks to gather some flowers at the edge of the pool. Ned thought he heard a faint cry. It was such a tiny, muffled sound that he didn't think It Important and would have gone about bis business had he Woman Auto Driver nere's good one aKout a woman utonioblllst that B storekeeper told me recently. The woman's machine stopped a short way from this man's store, which Is In North Sulem, and she came In to get some gas from his outside pump. She would have liked to have had him go wltb her, It ap peared. He did not know why until about ten minutes luter and then he had good laugh. Anyhow, he provided her with Jug In which she could carry the gasoline. She disappeared and he heard noth ing, nor saw nothing of her afterward. Aa the minutes rolled by he com menced to wonder If he was going to get back his Jug, or If something also was the matter. The answer came when man dropped In with the Jug. He told the storekeeper that when he came along the woman had the radi ator cap off and waa Just about to pour the gas In, when be stopped her. II volunteered to aid the lady, who not seen that Mnry was no longer there I No longer anywhere In sight 1 He ran at a trouiondoua rule of speed, such a spurt aa he had never accomplished In all his university days. The pool was muddy and disturbed. He couldn't see Mury, but there was long atreak In the muddy edge that allowed where her foot had slipped. Ills coat was oft, and he whs In the pool. Groping, bla hands came In contact with her dress. Ho put forth all his strength and rose to the sur face, dragging Mary with him. . Now that he held the motionless girl In his arms, he wondered If this was the end. He knew, In the same dim uncertainty, that If It was he would go mourning all his days for what had beeu denied him. He put the girl down on the grass and atlll In dae of mingled effort and dream, began to work to restore her breathing, and as he raised and lowered her arms kept repeating, "Oil, my dear, don't die !" He must have said It aloud, for her long lashes lifted, the blue eyes looked straight at him, aud Mury said, "I won't Do atop and let nie up, please." Ned helped her to her feet. "Oh, I'm so ashamed," breathed Mary. Ned, not yet able to speak, or look at her for very long at a time, took her hand and tried to hurry her to the farmhouse. Though It looked de serted, Ned thought he could see signs of life. Mary waa so hampered by her wet garments, which were plastered to her with mud, that he picked her up in his arms, refusing to listen to her protest. After the Initial request to be put down, Mury simply let her head rent on his shoul der and shook with cold. At least that was Ned's belief until he looked down at her face. She was quivering with laughter. I cant help It" ahe gasped. "I'm grateful for your saving my life, and all that hut I can think of nothing but how much I want to wipe your face. It's It's so streaky 1" Ned put her down and laughed Ton ought to see what you look like. Tou look exactly like mud bahy," be told her aa he felt In bis pocket for handkerchief. Gravely, Ned divided the handker chief and gravely Mary accepted It Laughter still trembled about the corners of her mouth, however, as she took this opportunity of wringing some of the water from her garments. . "Come," Ned commanded, "we cant stop for that Now then, let'a see what the farmhouse holds for us." "I hope It holds Just one womsn, no matter bow old or fat because I'm so waterlogged and mud-plastered I can scarcely lift one foot after the other." "I hate to blast your hopes, but I see approaching us an ancient man with whiskers. He has the look of hermit No, cheer op. He's calling Thoebe, and by all the gods, she's young." She was. Thoebe Sayer wai four teen, bat for all that she kept house for Uncle Nate, and miser though he was, he loved I'hoebe. Now, though he had growled some thing In his tattered whiskers about having "passe! of half-drowned rats" on his clean kitchen floor, I'hoebe. who had scented excitement and fallen In love with Mary, ordered him out to the barn with pair of clean overalls for Ned. Though It rut Uncle Nate to the heart she tnsde him take wltb him shirt and pair of socks. ' Phoebe was Just fonrteen, little short. If anything, and hers' were the only feminine garments In the bouse. Slowly, and with much hilarity, Mary was Inducted Into "the longest things Tve got" When Ned emerged from the barn nd brought the car up to the door, the b!!ndsvwere up and Thoebe wss throwing the wet garments, whose dainty fineness she marveled at Into a washtub near the door. Rhe saw Ned and called back to the open door, "Soy, Miss Johnston, your young man's ready for you." Ned, wondering how Mary would take this classification, looked with Interest at the doorway as Mary emerged. She was clad In Phoebe's dark blue dress, one-piece garment that ended above ber knees. She had on Phoebe's best black cotton stock ings, which didn't quite reach those knees, so Mary had rolled them. She had tied back her dark hair with a blue ribbon and she looked like a charming actress ready to play "Alice ln-Wonderlund." (TO UE CONTINUED.) Had Much to Learn had an expensive car, by the way, and did so. He poured the gas In where It belonged, tipped his hat In answer to her profuse thanks, and went his way, taking the Jug bsck to the store man. Can you beat that? I thought people who owned and drove cars were supposed to know some thing about them until told this story, which Mr. Storekeeper avers la the gospel truth. Sulem News. Society' Handicap , "I guess we may aa well give up," sighed the president of the antlpro fnne 'society, "What'a the trouble now?" asked his secretary. "I Just read they are making more fountain pens than ever," he explained. Cin cinnati Fnqulrer. The way to Invite Trouble Is tr celebrate Joy too long. Atlanta Coo stltutlon. (The Kitchen Cabinet (lb, lat, by WmIwb Nwiir uiiioo.) "Ths wis man knows so Isno rant man baeaua hs has baan one hWnaalf, but tha Ignorant man cn hut rwoatui th wlas man bacauaa be has ntvar bean wis." - APPITIZINO" DI8HES There are so many common thlngt which we serve every day without thought of the pos slblllllea of variety which, will make them surprisingly attractive dishes. Take the ordinary C o 1 1 a g cheese which Is so, well liked when well seasoned with cream and butter. Add a few finely minced chives and a half of green pepper, serve on lettuce with a dub of good sulud dressing and one has a snlad. Sometime prepare the cheese with rich cream and serve with siiootiftd of rich preserve like bar le due cur runts or strawberries or gooseberry preserve. Did you know thut cauliflower wus especially delightful served uncooked with bit-of onion and fresh ripe to mato with salad dressing, aa a salad? When cocking green peas save the poils and cook theiu for few minutes In Just water to simmer, pour oft the liquor and use that to cook the pens. The flavor will be more pronounced and the vltainlne content will be In creased. Add teaspcnnful of sugur to the saucepan of peaa If they are not very sweet; do this when they are cooking and tho sweet nexs will suem to be natural. A teaspoonful of sugar added to al most any roast or stew will add flavor, color and make It more attrac tive) to the taste. Use grapefruit for the breakfast table sweetened with spoonful or two of boney or msple sirup. Anchovy Toast Trim the crust from thin slices of bread and cut Into flnger-slzed piece after toasting and spreading with butter. Arrange In a pan for the oven. Drain anchovies from oil and lay one on each piece of toast Sprinkle with pepper and lemon Juice and cook ten minutes In hot oven. Tongue and Spinach Salad. Mix two cupfuls of cooked spinach, one cupful of diced cold boiled tongue, one-half of cupful of celery, salt and cayenne to tnste. Mix with enough boiled dressing to moisten and pack Into small molds. Chill, turn out on lettuce and serve with mayonnaise dressing. Creamed Ham on Toast Take one cupful of chopiied ham, add It to cupful of rich white sauce, and when piping hot serve on softened buttered toast Nice for supiier or luncheon dish. Serve wltb a plain lettuce aalad wltb French dressing. Currsnt and Raspberry Ice. Mix together one cupful each of currant nd raspberry Juice; take one pound of sugar and one pint of water. Boll the sugar and water together until It make sirup. Cool and add the fruit Juice, then freexe; when partly frozen stir In the atlllly beaten white of three eggs. Food Exhibits at Fairs. The more people who bring their food and garden products to the fairs the more Interest Is taken and more knowl edge gained. Thousnnds of women are annually disappointed, often dis couraged and decide never to bother to enter contest again, because of lack of understand ing of the requirements of entry and often (though not aa often aa formerly) because of poor Judgment In decisions rendered. Take Jelly for example flavor, con sistency, color, transparency and gen eral appearance all must be consid ered. Score carda are worked out by tho&e qunllfled by training aa well as by ex perience, and these should be the cri terion by which all Judging Is done. At every fair there should be an ef fort made to explain the score card for Judging so that every person who baa an exhibit may understand why she did, or did not win. In places where this method baa been followed the women strive to reach the standards set and are more Intelligent as to what la required. The following year shows marked Im provement as well aa greater Interest In the exhibits. Don't make remarks for the Judge to hear like this: "That Is my fruit cake; I have taken the first prlz every year for three yenrs with that recipe." Such remarks never bring the desired results, for If the Judge Is the right kind of person. It antagonize rather than Increases her regnrd for the prize recipe. She will be fair In her Judgment no matter who I offended. . We bear, too, women say: "This Is the kind of Jelly or bread that I tike," when both prod nets are poor In color and appear ance. If Judging, such a person will give prizes to the food she likes, think ing It Is the best product Unless we can cultivate a taste for the standard Izei and perfect article, or ran keep our llkea and dislikes In the back ground, we are unfitted to Judge foods. Illy aw Win''' " w New Guinea Native In Full Ores. Prapr4 tka National Omrankl Mar, WhIuhm, P C ) DESl'ITK the steady work of mlsslonsrle and the creation of skeleton government organi sations by Australia and Hol land, New Guinea (or Papua) con tinues to be th least known of the large islands of the world. Murb of this obscurity la due to six Itself. New Guinea Is the moat extenslv la land In th world outside the polar reglona. Th Island la strikingly different from nearby lands. In coming to Papua from Malasla It Is th sudden contrast In the people which makes the most startling Impression on one's mind. The Malay, grave, reserved nd dignified, la aa unlike his New Gulnean neighbor aa a Chinaman Is Unlike European. These Islanders re bappy, boisterous lot until some little thing offends thvin. when they t once become sullen and treacherous. The pure Papuan la very dnrk brown, usually well built thick-set man of medium height Occasional In dividual are seen who are slight short and who have atrongly marked Negritos characteristic. These prob ably represent survivals of th very earliest human Inhabitant of the re gion, a were th Negritos In lb Phil ippine. Out on th Pacific const to ward th old German territory the human type Is markedly different Her In varying degree one meet people who have characteristic of other Island groups to th eastward. for there probably bsv been acci dental colonltaliona along this shore. When th Pacific territorial trans fers ber an during the World wsr, German New Guinea waa added to the British possessions In the Ulan. I and placed under Australian control; the western half ha for 73 year be longed to th Netherlands. Thouim the lalsnd cannot properly be consid ered a part of the Malay archipelago. It population being Polynesian and Negrito, It I often so classed because part of It Is politically portion of tli Dutch East Indies. Interior Almost Unknown. Great tracts of the more than Msi, 000 squar miles of this enormous It land hsv not been explored and prac tically nothing la known about the great range of mountuln In Its In terior, ninny of the peak of which re mor than 12,utKi feet In height f'lv or six of them dwarf every moun tain peak In th United States In com parison. Were the Island Itself set down on continental United States It would cover strip of land from the eastern tip of Massachusetts to Ne braska and as far southward a the city of Washington. Cannibalism exists among th wild er tribe. They are spirit worshiper though they are too deficient In men tal development to hav made their system of religion it all complex, but they ir hemmed about by thousands of superstitions and tuhooa. Neither the men nor th women of th Island bother much nl out tailoring and dressmaking bills. The one dress of New Guinea woman lust her a lifetime for It usually consists only of the tatoolng made upon ber skin Black and White If you ar wondering whether to .i( touch of whit to your black coat or dress, think twlc and then reconsider before doing It llluck Is on 67 th leading color of the sea son, but tli combination of blurk-and-whit must b extremely well handled before It Is smart Sistin Blue for Frocks A lovely btue that la charming In young girls' dresset 1 called sis tine blu. V. Vj1 1 -4? A or of series of small scars made In pattern across her chest and shoul der. Hut th "curse of rags," which has spresd through th South Sea Island with th coming of th whit man, Is taking hold In New Guinea, toot and th natlv la now trading blrda of paradise for tawdry piece of cotton print Even In their most primitive stat th various tribes of native of th Island lov personal adornment Some of lb Inlanders pierce th septa of their nose with sharp heated bone, and through the hole thrust flowers, feathers, or bones. Widows Harshly Trestsd. The Island etijoya on distinction not many other large areas of the earth ran boast great shortage of women, bene polygamy doe not exist Even so, the poor widows are made to Buffer such Indignities because of the death of their lords that few of them are able to attract another hus band Th widow' "weeds" of some of the tribe are queer little poke bon nets mad of bsrk, and among other trthea th benighted must wear sus pended around their necks by filter rope coconut shell filled wltb rancid lard, which I sufficient In Itself to keep all aspirant at distance. Th principal commodity which New Guinea produce I th coconut and mor than million and half dol lars worth of copra la ahlpped to th United State each year. To German I due th credit for hsvlng discov ered th many nae of this vsluahl product and for developing th Indus try to some extent before UHi But th real merchant prince who made the wheels of the Industry go round wss woman. Half Scotch, half Sa moan, thla remarkable person, whom th natives nicknamed "Queen Emma," oiened up thousands of acre of coco-, nut trees and employed thousands of natives. Recently one of the planta lions, which she bought for bog of tobacco, sold for almost g.'I.VMKiO, Strang Varlsty of Dialects. Missionaries find big problem In the complexities of language and Idiom. Dialects vary not by provinces or physical divisions, but actually by village. And the worst of It Is that words pronounced In exactly the snnvj way may mean something entirely dif ferent few miles away. Sometimes there la variation of one seemingly Inconsequential letter which reverses meaning. In one case It waa found after tome years of teaching thai a word used to designate th Holy Spirit actually meant, In that locality, sweet pota toes I Along the coast the natives hav be come superficially civilized and numlier of them hav bocom Chris tianized. Cannibalism has disap peared there, but contact with the eco nomic system of th white has not been without It evil. Especially has the Indenturing of the native to work for several years away from their homea tended to break up their family life end to give them habits and point of view not conducive to happiness when they return to their old environ ment Traveling Coat The woman who delights In travel will find much satisfaction In smart tweed cont of brown and cream, wltb small standing collar of brown vel vet, A narrow border of th velvet extend down to th hem. Ostrich Skin Trimming Owing to the lack of demand fdr ostrich feattjers ostriches In South Africa ar now being killed fur their skins, which ar used In the making of funcy (hoe.