(' Published livery Friday by '. V. HEAD, luliior l'ublisber SUnSC'Rll'TION tine Year $1.50 ' ix Month 75 hr Months ... .50 J'ntercd s second class mutter t Mie postofiice at lone, Oregon, tinder not of - March 3. 1879 Friday, Sept. 9 , 1927 Tii he discontented with the the rfriW diuvntent is the vtrr yrrm ot the tint upgrowth of all virtue. (.Visres Kingskr. WEDDED J From An Old Clipping Author Not Known Soite quick and bitter words we An I! I matched her scorn with said. And then we parted. How the sun, Swam through the sullen rrist of gray! A chill fel on the summer day. Life's best and happiest hours were done; , tHow proud we went our scpar t ate ways, iAnd spake no word and made X no moan! SIe braided up her flowing X hair, jThatl had always called so fair. (Although she scorned my loving tone. My word of praise. Entirely New in Appearance and JPerformance HUDSON SUPER-SIX Standard Models Coach $1515 Sedan ; $1G20 8-oiwham $1815 J 4 Pas. Roadster. $1730 7 Pass. Touring $1860 Custom Built J 3 Passenger Sedan $2,000 7 Passenger Sedan $2,110 118" Wheel F,ase- J Coach $1393 JSedan $1513 Paul G. Balsiger, Distiibutor T lone, Oregon ; ' ' Science THE KEYTO EDUCATION Tru i-iliii'iitiiiii nut. only openx up fluim nf knnu liilp- Imt (li'Vt'liipH tli alert iniii I. The -li i. f dior.i uf muilerii N lenie In THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT lli-llrr eiliiciiHnll III tlie fiel.l uf lipplieil Mcienre coiiililiiiK terliti cul mi il ly with the fiiiuliiiiieiiliil triiliiint; CMMMitlnl to CittZMixliIp. Itit (li'Krcf open t,e wn.v Hot olil.V to lemlet'ilili III " tin? wvenil pumullH i !,il i-rnlecMiniK In life" Imt iiIhii to n larger coiiiiiiiiiilly nervlre. OREGON STATE LAND-GRANT COLLECE Miilntnlnx Heli'Mil of I li! Imt rlii(f elvll, elei'trli'iil, niieltitlil enl, cheiiili'iil. Milieu, r.i-Hiry. Ai Inill lire, I'liin niiny Id iin ICvoitoiuli'H, Viuiitliiiiiil IMnniiloii, Coiiiiiieri'i) iiml Mllltnry Meietiee, nil offering neereillleil eolli-Ke work. The hrlio.il i( It'inlv Arl iiml Keleiii-i m I iiiliixtrlal Joiiriiiilliii, l.llirnry 1'rnrtlru I'liynlenl Eilitcn t Inn, iiimI MiimIc iilfohl hoiiimI liaNk'iiinl Npeclnlii'.i'il In Inliiif. For catalogue and oilier information address the Registiar Oregon State Agricultural College Corvallis Japanese Defensive Art . Jii-J!mi, or Jlu Jiau, U a fiirm of lithlelli'S mill wretIliiK, ivhleh ket'pK tlip Imily In pioil iralnliin, hih en lililiH It In meet nil n M ;,. witlt Iiiely eovereil only wttli lirei'ilns iiml a limse Jiii'ki't. It iiiltlviiIeK quirk lifnH nf (he eyp, hanil mil fnnt, It ti Kioiitly iiritetltu'd liy :'. .riipiuiesc. UStT) MACHINERY FOR SALE, one Daln stacker' with buck rakes, one John Deere m.wcr, one three horsejohn Deere rrgine, one two bottom Deerv sLd plow. You can save money on any of Ills machinery BRISTOW & JOHNSON World Has Much Desert Tliere n iv 4.l'i;t,lH0 stinm mlU'st of l:.ert nrrii In llii world, nconiillitjl to I ibi-i'ty. This N fiil v;iU-tit In th mm Kiu'il suvu of llu 1'nltiil StuU'S, I'.ug l.'ttd. Tramv, tli'nnaiiy, ;rwvi, K.vit, Jiipancse iuiiln and tlu 1'IJI Witiuls, scorn, I hate her with all my heart; J Until - we chanced to meet one aay: She turned her pretty head away 1 saw two pretty tear drops start, L ! love was born Sjmefond repenting word I said. She answe.ed only wiUj a sig4i; But when 1 took her hand in mine A radiant glory, half divine, Flooded the earth and Tilled the sky Now we are wed. f All New Bodies? in a Variety of J Colors - ESSEX SUPER-SIX 8 Tassenger Spcedabout $S6oJ 4 Passenger Speedster Coach $8D5J Coure, cloth , $S95 i Coup-, leather $91' f Sedan. DLux ..$93oJ ? No Dumper Equip-J ment. W All Prices y I F. O K P.l ,1 ! "Auto't" DoAvcllox Thp v.inl iititiiiuiiliile wan tnken finlil the Ci-eeli 'iiiiIii." Itii-ti I it li;r m If. plna th I.n'in "tii'ili"." monnlr,': timviihli.. It U nf IVeneli ml-ltl anil I) mi mljeellvi; UHeil a:i a nmiii. In ll.i Dixt ijmuv It tvu:4 npplleil only In Hlensiiii! vihlelcs or i'iii'rlii."'it. The term una i-ieiileil to lnei-1 the tnnhleii ileinainl for it wnnl to ihrrlliP llin ImriwIi'dH, or Hitlf propelling velik-le. NEW DAIUY MAID Her Name Is Violet Ray And She Never Asks Day Off. There's a new hired mun on the American farm. He promises to b the best all round hand ever. tii never ask9 for a day off. He never wants to ro to town. He is on the job day and niur.t. and ready to go to work on a moment's notice. Not only does he help with the choree, but he makes hay when the sun isn't shining. He has put bets on a mass production basin. He makes hens lay us many prrs in winter as iusummer. lleniukes cows give 'the same quulity of milk when they are standing in the barn, chewing cuds, as when they are out in the preen pasture in the spring, lie lias even con trolled the maturity date of the crop?. Electricity is this new farm hand, lit is showing the farmer tricks he never dreamed of, tricks tuat may affn-d a reater meas ure of ' jgi icultnral relief" than Hie congreestijnal fan.i experts working overtime. "Violet Ray", '.he little sister of electricity, is this new marvel. Violet promises to become a mod fin Maude Muller, and far to out do Wnittier,9 Maude, as a model dairy-maid. By simply touching thi bad; of Old Mossy, or "irraiii aung her, as they call it in the United States Department of Am riculture, Violtl Kay maktsthe row think the summer tun is shinining on her lark, and he (gives milk containing a high per rentage of bone building qualities All Bossy liar to do is to stand ot her stat cion and allow the vio It t rays to (.lay on her back lor from fifteen thirty minutes each day. -. ,i WEBSTER 3 NEW INTERNATIONAL CICTfCNAhY -TIIH MLRtllAM WF ESTER Because Ilur.JrcJl of Sunrme fVnirt n Ji'J.lo concur In hiho prati M ii the work as their Auiljnirj. The Trcil Jcnt of ill Icarfini Unl- M vcrsitks, Cxjllei;i, and Normal ,1 bcliooU give their hearty tndunv 'i liKllt ! All State that Kiv: ojoptej J. Inre dictionary n. j .rjiud hava selected Wcber i New Interna tional. TlieScIioolriocit-, - r..w Country cohere to the 1.1c -n:iv Wcbuer rsttm of diacritk..' i.urka. TH'! Oi.vcrnmcnt I ! 'njj Oflice lit Wuhlngtoa uu; .auxhoifj, V Airn f.,r a mrl. of ih, Urm ''utdi, 'Hclrm-it l H. '.r nj llwlla P-pen. I Kfcli. v 0.C. : -Tiffyr' Uarrian '" Vfr'i On TtuBuif iJif':,l CHURCH Uli.-CTOKV "ONGRIiGATIONAI. CHURCH Rev. W. W. Hi: A I). Tflstot Services 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 F. M Prayer Meetingr, Wed., 7:20 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday School 10 00 A. M. Frayer Meeting TIhhh, Hvenin Services 10:00 A. M. and Hm p M, .. ,a t 4""v . i , f7 . t iv a . i ii t- i ' y A-iM'tin,' I ' ' . i -tUPnr.KE. AUTHORITY" I ' Church News Notes ot Interest t.i All Local Denominations. The regular meeting of the Willow Branch of Christian En- dervor Union No. 17 was held at the Christian church, lone, Tues day, Sept Gth. About thirty were present. Olficers for the coming term were elected, a Budget Committee was appointed and matters con necttd with the C. E. Union No. 17 Convention to be held at Hepp ner in November were discussed. ; The officers elect are; President, Thelma Forbes, lone V. P., John Condor, Heppner Sec. Mary Slucum, Lexington Treas., Edw Keller, Lexington Ihe membcia of the Bu.tget Committee are; Edward Keller, James Kllerand Marion Palmer, ail ol Lexington. After the devotional and busi ness (sessions, u,i enjoyable hour was spent in convention and in playing games and, at, the close, light refreshments wete served. Chinese 'Tc.itce" Sum Ihiw, mil' nf t It rlili'H iiml mint fl IIIOIM l'ltll III Chlllll. U kll'lUII IK tin' "Vi-liiiv of I tn Kill- Iirriiitu' ,.f tin- In !-!; riimiJi . r i f i-uiinU wlili villi li It N Inlt'i'ivi 'nl. TatU for Science If srli'iiii- li m wimili'ifiil n It it.iuiH, liy !n. sn'l It mat;, smut- ft- fn1 t mi- llie ruMi'r liiul llli h-i'I plant mil tliv with i.i.'isil r'.in A P.i- S.lri,i-N :iy tli.it mining iiiuiill t.vi Mini ullirr lim t r' It N "iiljr I fiti'ali' that ittiick imiiii ntiil lii'ast. Till I inn..lily a mrll. rin.lniiiill Kiiiiilrfr. Eorliewt Advertising It linn lioi-n tilled that tin- nrlvln nf mln'rlifiliiK run I triicvil t the wall of pal. lie tiiiilillnr In I'ypt In the (lay of Ksyptlnti Mipri-iiuiry. . Supt rior Drills. The name tells He story. F. G. Rubber. Jack Farris Dermatician. It Pays to Look Well Specialist in Bobs. C.L SWEEK Attorney At Law First National Rank Building lleppncr Oregon taDiawfci'! iFonrmmusrytm When Vou Visit Heppner Rat at the Elkliorn Restaurant 1 t rt . .juwu ricdis oesi 01 service Lunch Counter A.!D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nuwe Asslstanl Heppner : Oregon ;i ClganUp Paint Upr ? Before contracting or selling your wheat it will pay you to see L. Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. ! lone, I t :-: lone Meat market :-: XX ' Meat nukes the meat. It is appetizing,! : nourishing, and hcnlthfull. Meat should be an fimportant part of your daily menu. Serve it every; ; T.l.lV Whpftinf ftu nty Infix mir cl.m r nlinnn1 1 us you are sure to pet We nave a largo variety X X T, E Peterson, Prop. 4 n "IONE BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. JZ? J. R O Meara, Proprietor Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up lo Date. Commcr cial Table Pirst Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WACONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SJRGEON Phone-OITice Residence HEPPNER . Main U33 Main 4'J2 OREGON lOS'li, TIWDA YS ml l'Rtn, S From UAH) tn 10:00 A. M, F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Uw Will practice In all the Courts ION E, OREGON '.I Oregon 4)f44 t!i! kind of meat you want. of choice cuts. Good Service. rESt-fa MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Miss Zena Westfall, Graduate Nurse, Superintendent. A. II. Johnston M. D Physician In charge. Rates Reasonable Dr. F. E. Farior DENTIST Oflice: Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon. ; I j. 1 ..... 4