mam ran HOW DO MORE OUR COMIC SECTION Became Lydia E. Pinkh&m'. ID 0 Vegetab'e Compound Keeps Them Well Our Pet Peeve I Tlfty years ago there wr few ormpatlnna for women. Pom taught i o D o o I eome ma houework, lomi round worn to do at horn and a few took up nursing. Today there ara I very fewoftcupatlon not open to woman. Today they work la factorlee with hun Id i d o other woman and glrla. T h a r ara alao women arohltocti. lawyer, dentist, executives, and lila- latore. Hut all too often a woman wlna her aconomlo Independence at Uia eoat of her health. Mra. Ellrabeth Cbamberlaln who worka In Ilia Unlonall factorr making ova rail a wrltna that aha cot "wondort ul reaulta" from taklnit Lydla 10. flnlc- hama Vegetable Compound. Mra. Cbaiffberlalu Uvea t 600 Monmouth Rt.. Trenton. N. J. Blia recommend the Vglall Compound to her frlonde tn the factory and will gladly anawer any lettore aba geta from women asking bout It. If Lydla B. Nnkham'e Vegetabla Compound haa helped other women. why abouldn't 11 beip your r Hit Treat Visitor at church (lo friend, aa col lection pint neural I'ut that money back In your Docket. Hill. Thla one'a with me I Proper Kidney Function la More Than Ever Important. As.; i we araw older, lhara ia apt to be a 1 giedual alowing up ol bodily function. The kidneye ara the blood filter. If their actio, beeomM aluf giah lhy do ot that oughly clean the blood ol poieonoue waata. Thi land a to mak one tired and achy, with often naaging backache, draway beadackaa and eurxinwee. A core, tnon (ymptora oi Imperfect kidney action ia acanty Of burning mcrattona. Elderly naopU reeomnwnd Daaa'a PlIU. Thia ltJ diuretic i andonad the country DOAN'S "U? STIMli.ANT DIl'RF.TIC KIONtYS toater KObura Co. Ml( CUBuUo.NY Moat men am better acqnalnlpd with faltli and hope than they art with rhnrlty. INDIGESTION If yon are troubled with Indlgeatlon, dyapapalu, eonitlpatlon or atmllar die- order Green's August Flower will help you. Il been need auccea fully for mora than half a century, toe. and 0o bottle. At all druKKleta. 0. O. ftreen, Ine Woodbury, N. J. rrr "Cutting teeth is made easy" MRS. WIN SLOWS f SYRUP fae Mmrnl' mmJ CMlaV' KtuUttr At afl anwiMa Koa-Narcotk, Noo-McohoUe Oakland. Ntbr., Feb. A W Anilo- American Drug CVk, Caatlament , I ra mora than fla to tell vau of tha iMrtpnr Brxl mult obtained frum your wimovrlul ltby MnlKin. Our aecond baby u nnw wvm moniha old and he. nvrr K'vm ui a moment 'a trnubl. Tha At at and only thinl the hu over taken wa Mia. Winkm' SrruD. 81m haa four toeth and la al. wava amilmi and plavlna. Cutting ttlh II auxM tmi) by lb uaa ol nut, Wiaalini'abrruu. Moat aiucarelr. WamMnajaaiO ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO. Sll-aiT rkM Stmt, New Vark CORNS Ends pain at once In una ainneanaln from corn I ended. Dr. Bcholl'a Zlno-pad do thia eaety by removing the oaoae praaaing ana ruhhlnv of haa. Thav are thin, medi cated, antlaeptic, healing. At all drug lf I I I TX 16.1 1 I IM a t.r r t-w v-vs we uruw i-tcjt i i n h uwer t& ) ' p " iCttrltHW.W 01 " ' " ' ' ' " THE FEATHERHEADS KNiri.' rff (P) Wcatcrn Newi'pnix'r l iilmi I II .dflaS!U rv i i 1 1 n II i ft 11 II i - "t w y FINNEY OF THE FORCE ' "- 1 1 II a 1L i i II III aw K f J VI VV r m lAV or FN Trtari? U at MV B0S9 L u D( hum.'-an Dift Hf 1 i nnnn"n n nr Go Ahead-Cut Up! Had It Coming to Him SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 25 years. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART wC aaO y Accept only "Bayer" package1 aOf Jr which contains proven directions. m MA4 Handy "Bayer" boxea of 18 tahleia Alao bottU of U and 100 Druggiat. Aaplrfei I tt trade aurk at Bayer at MoaoaertUaelowtor at aalkrucadl A Total Failure "Doot cry, llttlt one," aoothed tha great criminal lawyer. "Everything will I all right." "8nf. anfl" gobbed the fair mur- dereag. "Iff been two hoora alncg I killed my hnrhfirid, and rkd a taiilnld rTarier &u gent around yet for niy diary." Tha American Legion Monthly. TOTHE:- netcher Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Children Cry Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitation, alwaya look for the lignature of Ahyhrtely Hartnle ia - No Oriate. Phyaician everywberg reoommend it Mothers tit Thu Her I aomMhlnt ra ahould hav. tn your bom. v'bn tba awful itrblac of Ecaem or any akla dueaa. aaarly arina you mad. rmmbr bar is n runway you eta try aefor. you pay. Bla. motln la tha boat beallat emm mad. Will aUo tab away pirn ploa, trMklaa. brow apot aad kaaJ all w W truar yo ao yo eannot to. fVnd your nam and addraaa tor a tare box ot Blamoltna, ua. it (or It daya, th arnd ua n. dollar r retata what yon hav Utu Tbe Taauc Ca. 7 Dare MH TUIedo, O. 77tg Soun Friend (admiringly) Whera did yon get your amazing knowledge of aoclal and economic aubjeclat lloat (proudly) From my anugn- ler'a graduation essay, my boy. Di'eael Locomotive Diesel englna locomotives have been uccessfully tested on British rail ways. LAST STAND of the cockroach army No use waving tliat white flag! FetermanSs EVERY cockroach la thooaaii Js of home baa been xterma Dated by Petermaii'a thla aeaaon. Yon mui have) a pomder for roaches. Peterman'a Koach Food la the right powder. It enlace eockroachoe from their neata. They get Jual little oa their lege. Back to their neeta they go behind baar board, antler floors, trhorw no rproy could rach them. Every cockroach they tooch, their young, arery egg la extermi nated. Nothing ia left bat a little dry dual, No odor. S7 Poor Cirll George lea, I think I can make your daughter hnppy, air. Her rather Well, youH hav to do different She weepa and walla every letter yog aend her. Americana are backing a plan for the erection of thonaanda of apart menu In Germany. MITCHELL EYI SALVE beala Inflamed eyas, granulated ltd. etrea.ato. Sura. Bafa. 8 peed r. 5oat all drugglata. Hall Bucket, N.T.C. SCHOOL FOR MEN Traiaaa. lor StniKUS, TBADC5 a. rlOFlSSIONS tnroll an; tin, broil lor lllrralur.. OREaON INSTITUTE OF TtCHNOLOOT l.M. C. A. illil. ronlaiavu.Onajoa tr.t.T hat) vi.r.Axro II B"t "" ' 'I', rrbtoc. ratrlnt. r. nodl man and ladlra Crlt. aaloar. ral'at, allk aad atraw hat a at nominal coat. All work auaranta.'d. alatl onlra aollcltr. riKlat'B UltLIMKV ArtaaaaV UMx. - lurllaat. Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh For Wounds and Sores MoaawhadtfaraMaotOagaotaattad. aVQaWar. W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 3-1927. tou nmt tell mucb about a wom an by the things that appeal to her sense of humor. will get him JZere U the right ItuecticUU for each insect i PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD , exlcrminatr cockroachea. PETERMAN'S ANT EOOD termlnalce ante, PETERMAN'S DISCOVERY (fJo aid) extermlnatea bedbugs (used through epout oo can). FLYOSAN hills niea and mo, qulloee. PETERMAN'S MOTII FOOD protecla agalnat mo tha. You muaf have a epecifio Ineeo tlcide for tarh Ineect No alngl Inaeettdda will exterminate then W have had nearly SO year' experience. W nor that la true. 10 EM and ahoe atorea. Coat but a trine, mSchoiVs a-tb.rt,kl , r Jtmnianh laaaaOaMa aaat. Ou a ZitiO'pads Put on on-difTpalA l0M(' 0 Weatern Newapnper aeoruihAraHii.r.c.