The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, September 02, 1927, Image 3

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    gill xgfmwe
Hug Block of Marbl Chow
( ht ih. National 0vrinlff WhlnloB. I), CI
ONK of lh moat Intereatlng
period of aiidviit Orwire wni
Hint of the so-called Rven
Win Men, OW to u.'0 II. C.
Ther li great disagreement among
ancient authorlllee aa to who ill t lie
Kvveo Win Mn really were, nml only
four of tlii'in ar tli itti tn nil the
Hun flVI'tl.
The four about whom w ar aur
lire Illni or I'rlene, rttnkoa of Jllty
It'iie, Thalce of Miletus, mid Solon of
Athena, and Hire of these four wer
from places on Ilia eastern Mediter
rnhi'Rti. Tin center of Interest and activity
among Dig (truck at ttm time of Ilia
Seven Wise Men wore In Asia Minor,
ami audi fiiinllliir namea aa Kuinoa,
Cliloa, Mlletu. MHylene, Smyrna, and
many oilier were connected with Ilia
great event that occupied Ida nilmla
of Ilia people tn that era. It waa a
II in of unlgua Interest In history, fur
niurh of our present thought-life owe
lt origin to movement which began
In Hi day of Ilia Wla Men.
Can w put ouraelve liack In that
faraway lima and pMur something
of th homely, everyday Ufa of th
people? C'un w find out bow the;
thought and fell?
Tli outward aurruundlnga wa can
reproduce, for they ara at III practi
cally Hi same. Tha eastern Mediter
ranean I on of th garilena of tha
world. Th aea la bluer than other
aeaa; tha tlnta of lha at lea are anfter,
th violet and Dm blend trior ninr
veloualy In th annuel, tha mountain
hava aenauou attraction, and Ui
aalla on th horizon allure.
Thar I a wonderful chnrin alao
tn th (aland tlfo of th Aegean, and
that charm niuat b In many waya th
aama at th present tlm aa It wa
In th distant aga of which wa ara
Tha ahlpplng alao liaa not wholly
toat It ancient form. It I tru that
th picturesque warships, with their
banka of oara each aide, hava dlsnp
peared; but tha craft which laxlly
nail from on port lo another today
may well remind as of th descrip
tion of th old merchant vessel.
Rapidly Growing Colonlea,
A great wava of colonisation had
paaaed over that part of th world
juat befor th tlm of th Wla Men,
and th colonlea, after th atruggl
for existence of tha early year In
new aurroiindlng, had emerged Into
larger Ufa. In finding larger II f
th aea alwaya helied them; for, In
political atrlfa within and tha need of
protection from without, there waa
always tha aea for refuge. People
who can anil away from trouble at
home alwaya find reaourrea, and tha
ea wa the ami re of ninny treaaure.
Th growth of th colonic wa
rapid, for other reason. How could
It be otherwise In inch beautiful and
fruitful surroundings, Aa ilerodotu
nya, "The lonlntia built their cltle
tinder the fluent aky and In the flneat
clluint In th world, for-nelthcr tha
region above nor below nor the pnrta
to the Kant or Went are at all equal
to lonlu."
Long before Athena Joined the
circle of coniinerclnl cltlea, tha rlche
of (he entire cnatern world were rep.
reaented In Ionia. The market place
In both 'large and amall town waa the
central point and conatltiited kind
of bourae In fact, wa the Wall
Street of the town where Ihe excite
ment of trnilo run to high that a
market-muster win necessary to con
trol It.
The queatlon naturally arise :
"How wa business carried on, by
bnrter or by ome primitive kind of
banking system?"
What the Colna Toll.
Our chief teatliiiony on t tit point
1 furnished hy th coin of the pe
Three-Piece) Ensemble
A three piece cnaemhlo that la Idenl
for summer wear I a two piece frock
of printed (Ilk In small dealgn with
which la worn a blp length coat of the
tuuie printed material,
Fox Scarfs Stylish
Why 'are street conta today o fre
quently without fur trimming? Cer
tainly It la not beciitiHe furs nre too
wiirni. They will ho worn ull uin
tncr. It la bucuuae wliu a fur collar
How Well Ephesu Wu Built
riod, for coinage originated In Ail
Minor, and a early a the time of
III Wla Men coin were In common
us. There are very few aped men of
that aga now In eilstcnce, yet torn
are preaerved In the British niuteuin
and In other collection.
Tha flrat coin were made of elec
tron), which I mixture of gold and
diver and which wa found In natural
form In the mountain of l-ydla
There were no Inscription on them,
but emblem of rellglou wonihlp and
alao of trade. ,
The age of the Wlae Men wa be
fore the time of Greek blatory, and
there are few record from which to
reproduce It. In trying to deacrlbe
the culture of an age wholly different
from anything which we have ever
known, the chief authority I from
Internal evidence of writing of the
time, largely poetry, which now exlat
for the moat part In fragment, quoted
hy later writer, and alio from pic
ture or vaaea belonging to that pe
riod. The pictorial representation on th
va)- of th el or lea of the goda re
produce the ordinary niatom of dally
life In regard to rellglou Worahlp,
drcs. uae of charlota and bone,
wen pone of war, varletlea of tnualcal
Instrument, bablt of Bitting and
landing, wedding and funeral cere
nmnlea, and many other thing.
Ar w juatined In calling th pe
riod a cultured onet
It seem that w ar juattfted tn
attributing culture to people who
could produce and enjoy the beat
lyric poetry which the world ba ever
known, and who could originate lines
of thinking that have had a perma
nent significance In the development
of the Intellectuul life of later times.
W find tn the late Seventh and
Sixth centurte a C the beginning of
modem systematic knowledge, and
cartful atudy of th thought of th
tlm will give a an Inalght Into th
origin of modern science and philoso
phy, for our preaent uae of language
and oar Ideaa of the world are per
meated with tb reaulta of that an
cient thinking.
Culture In lonla.
Even the emancipation from tradl
tlona and th deal re for Independent
Individual thought, which character
lie modern Ideal, find their counter
part In th age of th Wla Men.
Th culture that amae la lonla wa
very different In Ita form, however,
from any development of later time,
and moat dliDcult for u to under
aland. It wna, flrat of all, addreiaed to th
ear and not to th eye. W are how
eaaentlally an eye-minded people, and
men mi re our learning by the book
that w read and write and collect In
llhrarlea and by other thlnga that we
ran see with our eye, but the Sixth
century It. C. waa an age without any
free dlatrlhutlon of written record"
and only Ihe beginning of llbrarle.
which were moatly collection of
wooden tablet. Some of th great
men of the latter part of the period
each wrote a book, hut It waa la
borlotia proceaa.
Social life In lonla and the lalanda
wna the life of men mid women to
gether, for women were free In that
age to share In all the nrtlvltlea, even
In public athletic exorcise In the
gymnaaliiin of the town, a we rend
of their doing In the Wand of Chios,
The life of all wa free and open
and natural, and the atandnrd of
morality were much higher than In
liihaequent period of (ireek blatory.
There seems to have been a thrlne
at almoat every turn of the mountain
pnlli and a rellglou ceremony for
every act of dally life. There were
spirit In every wood and strt-mu and
on a aprlng cont there I no oppor
tunity to wear a fog icnrf with the
garment. I'retty neurly everyone who
I anyone In the world of fashion ha
fox scarfa ranging from the (liver to
tha moat bedyed and beshaven akin.
Coal of tnllor-mnde sulfa nre mod
eled with a view to giving a slluht a
figure aa powdhlo. They mint of
necessity be short, for now could one
that bang below the hip look mar'
with th new diminutive (klrtT
Their Sickliest Banished by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound
Mr. Nina Mattoaon, Box 209, Ox
ford, N. Y., write ''If It bad not been
ror your medicine,
I could not have
J i u 'hould have been
f , T I done. Mother told
I aftrVJ ma of Lydla E.
I I KjX-U I'lnkham'a VI-
1 . f table Compound,
' ' -A M.J In
dl ff erent papers
what It had don
Bh wanted tne to
'rr It ao my bu
band got me one bottle at flrat; then I
took two other. Now I am feeling
quit strong again."
Mr. Erneat Tanguay of Adam,
Mas., any she wa 111 for four year
and could not aleep night or go out on
th ijreet. She read about th Vege
table Compound and decided to try
It After taking- eight bottle she was
able to do all her work and go any
where and I quit beraelf again.
Tbla dependable Vegetable Com
pound I a houaebold word In thouaand
of borne. The fourth generation I
now learning th merit of Lydla E.
I'lnkham'a Vegetable Compound.
For more than half a century, this
reliable medicine ba been used by
women with Tery aatlafactory result.
If th Vegetable Compound baa helped
other women, why shouldn't It Snip
Balsam of Myrrh
For Piles. Corn
Bunions, Chilblains.etc.
Mitchell l-nsi'VaS
f- h ilhif irrtuiiMi,
fA Tlx U4 tlmpl- !
7. W d hnaf wlwtl Ml
O ,. U kM. th, 4U
OalV6 MHaMMIaiar
Dead or Alive
"In Arlxona my brother Is worth
"Ia that so? IIoW comef
That' whnt the aherlff offered for
hi in, dead or alive." Vancouver I'rov-
Indian J Vanity Shown
by "FaW Ornament
The ancient Indian chief whose
bone II burled In Ohio mound were
not above making and wearing arti
ficial Jewelry when the natural ma
terial were not readily available.
Inveatlgatlon of the rellca of the o
called "Hopewell Culture," by Dr. II.
a Rhetrone of the Ohio State Archeo
logical and Historic aorlety, ha dli
cloaed number of bono ornament
accurately and artlatlciilly curved In
Imitation of bear teeth. liear tooth
necklace were highly prized by this
long hurled people. They accompany
many of the more Important burial.
Only the long, tuakllke eyeteetb wer
oaed, and the larger ones wer fre
quently Inset with river mussel pearl
a big a pea. Moat of the teetb are
of the common black bear, which
ranged throughout North America, but
frequently specimens are found of un
doubted grizzly bear origin, wblcb
must have come by primitive trade
routes from aa far away as the Uocky
Canada' Peat Dtpotlti
It Is entirely possible that at no dis
tant day Canada may be making com
mercial use of the great peat deiioslta
which are 'o be encountered in various
parts of the dominion. A peat com
mittee appointed by the government
and the province of Ontario has been
thoroughly Investigating th (ubject
and ha made some very valuable sug
gestion. Field operation bare been
conducted for aome time at a point 40
mile east of Ottawa and theae hive
led to the solution of many problems
Incident to th commercial production
and utilization of peat fuel. Machine
have been developed for th economi
cal extraction of the peat from th
bog and It was found entirely prac
tical to dry th fuel In the air, a the
eaxentlal climatic conditions prevail
over a period of 100 day during the
summer aeawin, ,
Map to Cover an Act
The great topographic map of th
United State Is le than half com
pleted despite the fact that the work
ha been In progresa for a generation.
When finished and assembled Into one
sheet, the map will cover considerably
more than an acre of ground.
What to todloni at twlc told
tule? rope.
Rlwp stnrea op food naturt for
you. S? that yoo get enough.
rpHB most important element in businesi
success and the most difficult is to be
lure that you have all the facts before you act.
rnpo get them all, from every possible
source, is the first objective in General
Motors. The Research Laboratories contrib
ute some. These are nuggets, left in the
crucible, after hundreds of ideas that looked
good have been burned away. The Proving
Ground contributes others. Dealers contrib
ute. The public contributes. Every depart
ment contributes. Through the whole
organization runs a spirit of inquiry and of
rigid insistence on proof.
op such thinkingcome the
announced from time to time by Chev
rolet, Pontiac,Oldsmobile, Oakland, Buick,
LaSalle, Cadillac all with Fisher Bodies.
And by Frigidaire. Each new model is a
tested step forward. Nothing goes into it as
a result of habit or guess or pride of opinion.
Nothingcounts but hard-won facts,gathered
and used with an open mind.
A car for every
And Ht Couldn't
Wife (with newspaper) 1 notice,
dear, that a post-mortem examination
Is often made In murder case. What
does that mean?
Hub A post-mortem examination,
my dear, Is Intended to allow the vic
tim to state verbally bla own testi
mony against bis assailant end I
taken down In writing.
Wife Thank, darling; and you
won't look down on me, will yon, be
couae I haven't your education?
He said be wouldn't Koston Tran
script Mothers Try Thin
Rr k omtthlnt fboald
fcav In your bom. WhB th
wful ItrblDf of EcMtn or ftftf
akin dlMtM ftearlr drtru yon
mad, rmmbr htro ! a romcdjr
you eaa try toforo you pay. Bta
moltna la tha boat baallng eraam
mada. Will alao taka away plm
plaa, fracklaa, browa a pot u
baal all aorta,
W trust yoa ao yon eannot loaa,
Bnd your aama ami addraaa (or a
larva box of B tamo Una, It for
to daya, thm aand aa on dollar
or ratvrn what yoa hara laft.
Tha Toaac Cc T Dorr St Totodo, O.
Ihtrei quick, r
t I
0 Ol"tOVS SOt 0OX.
to All PniM.HU MonrrbKli (mtimtt.
Detained, Maybe
"Can I speak to your father today,
my little man?"
Tapa 1 at the law court."
"Rut yon ald that a month ago."
"He stilt there." Dl Moskete, Vi
enna, About th only sure way to keep a
secret Is not to have a secret
new models
General Motor
Tar rWw nfnftrmfr
purse and purpose
Cuticura Soap Shampoos
Keep the Scalp Healthy
Regular Shampoos with a auda of Cutl.
curs Soap and hot water, preceded by
light applicatlona of Cuticura Ointment,
re most effective. They do much to
clean th scalp of dandruff, allay irrl.
tatlon, stimulate circulation and promote
th healthy condition neceaaary to a
luxuriant growth of hair.
SMp K. Ointment ind ISs. Tftlram ff SoM mrr
wn.T. flnul Mfh f--. A'ldMMi H0tlnLteftr
hlU. Cot SI. MtidM. Ilia.."
(Near 9hta( Stick ZS.
haarlem oil has been a world
wide remedy for kidney, liver and
bladder disorders, rheumatism,
lumbago and uric acid conditions.
correct Internal trouble, stimulate vital
organ. Three lixe. All druggist. Insist
oa th original genuine Gold Mkoal.
IL ? 'Tom. Win. l',
conaactioa with farkar'a llmlr BalMm. MftkraUie
luir aoft uh) lltillf. to orata by mill or w itrnf.
cuts. Uwoux Uwmlcai Worki, falcbaniM, N. I.
fcnroll any llai. ftcod lor literlur.
g . M. . A. UI1(. PorUsod, Ongom
II pMf paid, w, cl.tfi, r.bloea. rrlm, re
model mn'a and ladl Cll, vlour, v!vt,
Ilk and gtraw bat, at oomtnal coat, all
work auaramcd. Mml OTdirn anlllt4.
ArtkMUH' Uldg. . Partlua. Orceea
W. N. U, PORTLAND, NO. 3S-1927.
Milliont for Banana
Of the money ipent by the people
of till country for Imported fruit,
more than half of It was spent for
bananas last year. The value of
banana Imports reached 122,074,410,
aa compared with 1 19.738.503 In 1923.
Americans, particularly Bostonlans,
own most of the bmsna plantations
In this hemisphere.