Published Every Friilny liy 'W. W. HEAD, Editor I'lihlishrr ' srnscRiH'tox 1ne Year $1.50 'ix Months 75 href Monllis 50 Ivntcwtj ikihiiI class mnttrr at he pnstoli'ice at lone, Orcvion, under t ..( M.ircli J, 1870 Friday, Aug 19. 1927 Only in broken sknms an,! partial Jight the Sun ol Liberty yet teamed Hntunx mrn, yet nil prc-res httth she called Itirth. Henry ticorgt A GRAY MOOD H.V Klllt WlliHlT Wilcox As we hurry away fp the end, my friend. Of this sad little farce called existence. We are sure that the future will bring one thing, And that is the grave in the distance. And so when our lives run along all wrong, And nothing seems real or certain. We cancamfort ourselves with the thought (or not) Of that specter behind the curtain. But we haven't much time to whine or repine, Or to wound or jostle each other; And the hour for us each is today I say, If we mean to assist a brother. And there is no pleasui e that earth gives birth' Hut the worry it bring; is double: And all that repays for the stride of life, Is helping some soul ia trouble. This world is a vaporous jest at best, Tossed off by the gods in laughter; And a cruel attempt at wit were it, If nothing better came after. IUUiUUUUlUAlumx i t .. HUDSON Entirely New in Appearance and ! Performance J HUDSON SUPER-SIX Standard Models Coach Sedan B-ougham 4 Pass. Roadster 7 Pass. Touring . $1515 . S1G20 $1815 ... $1730 ...$isro 4 Custom Built 5 Passenger Sedan $2,000 j 7 Passenger Sedan . $2,110 118" Wheel Base- Coach $13L'5 Sedan $1515 Paul G Balsiger, Dist:ibutor lone, Oregon 4 ?! Science THE KLYTO EDUCATION Trih filunitliiii not only iieun up .turex of Limn ledge hut develop Hit- alert lulinl. The elil. ( nltv uf nnnlei n hi ii-ii. e h THE SCIENTIFIC SPIRIT Higher ediii'iillnli In the field .,f npplled m leiiee i iiiiiI.Iii. m tet-liniciil Ktuily Willi the fiiniliiiiH nlnl trnliihi e-K.-ni ,, to cI11z"Iih1i!). Iu lU'jjreM open the n,v not imly to l-ndenlilp lu " the wvi-ral p'iriiili. mid pio!iM.liiim In lid--' l.nt nlxo tn n larger com in unity wrvlee. OREGON STATE LAMJ-CKANT COLLEGE MllllltlllllH KcIkmiIm (i I . I' i:l Ml t : 1 1 ;r ill II. dec I I lid (h i , . Clll. cheiiileiilj, Miiieri. I- .i -i-i r.n . A arli uiture, riiiii iiitn-y, Home KeoiioiiilcB, Voi in 1., nil 1 '.d u n '. Ion, fVhuneri'e mid Mlllliiry JScleiu-i-, all nK-ri'iu iieereiliied rolleee work. The Mvliool of IIimIc Artt tllld Selelee 1 III I Ills 1 1 ill I J I llirilll ii-111. Library Irn-tl- I'Ii.vhU-hI Kilnc illon, nml Mnk- affonl hhiiiiiI IiiihIc and Hiei'lullzi'd Irriiiliig. , For catalogue and other information address the Registiar Oregon State Agricultural College t STRAY MULE Came to my place, two m Its west of lone, about March 1, one young, bay mare mule, weight a bout 950 and branded 1' d on lift shoulder. Owner may have possession on the payment of pasture l i'.l ind the oSt of this Matt ILJa'-Xn Copyright Cooht k first selection of rwh' of limd; w'tlelt uro sent In the nipyrlcht ollliv lit Wnsliliiriliiii with npulli-mUms f.ii o pyrluht iT;il-;lrl!on is mude from ir nui; tlicni I ,v l'u Ulii-ai'liin of coti Civs, Copies rem.ilnltri iin' iliti''' u ;mI iiniotiu: iiilni' lUinirii's In Hie : Ii vt of Olutnl'lii. TYcc'a r.'jfi'n Ya'uj t."";:!,';'.f i'.ih Is n i!!-i'H",r;'!-'v Yiilit ii! l iiv-' fur l.u i.i'i;;.tt!i! in innny of lln V-o;ih l:'c;Uo of lis est p :ly In y.ivw In liio ponre-sl mul il o.H'il saiiily l.'T. : of l:iliil. It. will j; ow on I lie di'.u.t : iCt lis well lis o i wot l.'.inl-, i! ml wiili i! ml product III" llllllnT llllll Uli-Jl.';it'l:l nTion tllll.V o Mvert .suvll 1,'MiiN from in ccc;iomle li.,liiK;y lulu ir.i i: -M i. S.ipfrioi- D.'illa. The name telle tli? story. P. G Halnner. - . . . .4.t ESSEX : All New Bodies in a Variety of Colors ESSEX SUPER-SIX X 8 Passenger Speedabout 4 Pa-senger Speedster . Coach $365 sons ..n.Fj Coupe,' cloth $595? Coups leather ?91P Sedan. Df Lux . No Dumper Equip-J mcnt All Prices F. O. 5., Portland S - ' ii rMi Z (-4.44.4--- J i t- I J 1 i I i Vl Corvaliis 'J..t4.4.4.,tt USI U MACHINERY ! OK S. iLL, one Dain slacker with buck :, one John Deere mower, one three horse John Deere engine, one two bottom Deere steel plow. You can save money on any of this machinery URISTOW & JOHNSON PACIFIC LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION WOOL AM) MOHAIR CROW KKS TO, COMPKTIi FOR PRIZES A new feature of the Pacific International Live Stock Hxposi. tiun to 0e held at Portland, Ore., on On Odtober 29 to Nov, S, 18 the Pacific International Wool Show. This exhibit will be held under the auspices of the Pacific Co operative wool Growers, with C. R Grelle, member of that As aoeiation ami oiredor of the Pa cific International, in direct chaise. This show is open to every wool and mohair grower, whether a member of the wrol if'owers association or not All r rowers will receive the same considera tion, announces Air. Grelle. "Rules ani shipping tags may bi secured by writing to the Pacific Cooperative Wool Grow en. 461 Davi . St., Poruanu, Ore. Tnoces niav he sent to 'heir warehouse ai an time, v. here they wi.l be taKen care of ani hi I ) for the Show, "This is a real opportunity 'or wojI and mohair growers to have their il ps juiced hy the railing experts of the West, ami lo carry home sime prize money ami valuable trophies." Cash prizes, ribbons; and in some cases',, silver trophies, wil tie awarded best fleeces in the v iriotis c'as.-ifietition-". The cash . iiz -s wi; vary fiorn $:).00 t-j $15 :0 tor first place, depending , i the number of n ri s. '. From the large number t f en tries already received, theevei.t pro-iiises to be the largtst and most interesting wool show held in the West, according to tho.n in charge. Se Bristo-.v and Johnson for that tew suitor overcoat. Nifty p itit is, ciiiira'ii-e.1 fit nr I a pri.e that's riht. Samp ts row o i d'splay. ivo.':i.'.g l.'.ul V.:.'n li lleW l.eiil m.i . tu . !:!)' I J!-l jriuie In fur il li- -v lio'iliv, IV-a ruili'et. '.i.i. 'i'Me lull wn luneil smite lini" :' hy inr itui:. Tiiiiipii TiUmti". Tool of Houtektep'.ng i ,- tit till' MII' ( ill!! tlK-rl el UH elil f;f!ii"ei riiii'-r li-i'.ly il.tile ilut Hiimen ilu nil llieir li-m-el;-'. ph'B wiili :i eiiii 'M:. tier. Ari.'ii. ':! ' i-.i 'U'. First Record e' Fzl'a Tie- t'.rei.t I'.ilU nf I!. e M'ntirl river nenr t lio p eient ti.wn nf lin-nt 1 ;t'?-. wo-e H: I I 'li'l'- l.ti iwn hy l.el H'ti! I nk. tt'lil Htriveil Ihere .lull" IT!, l-i ". The f.iiN pi Ms!!i!y h 'i ll ki'Ii f riirr l y I riM-h lr:,p;-er , he.i the; Ill'I'le r.n renin) f ih -in. j Csr.:e cr.4 Do:- jh Uix'.Ofc'.Crt Vi e il ll't hi Ih p Hie ri.' a ii illii n l ever n-i , hy IIIU' pill III 0 V ife w pimih In r lii!!e,iid- i irlii"li In I'm j-ofitr.-iry tint v. M li f j-tf!:ir. bill Hie t:-i lihie tin -. en- tint II nl f ir my tMi'I el", elil. : r . - ( !ifi :n i:l f!:i i.ii!i.". flag FcrTr.a'.ly Adop'.sd T!ie li:i" .if (In- f'lllle Will nilnpti'd Ii Jo! n Admit lni "e ! re;n:iMlnii In the I i I't l'!i!h;i!i-lplihi tirnl : Iv ti i-mI iiiiiM ur r., - f ft lulled .lui.e II. 1777. I '' mlnplliii' 'ili'l run-jn-i i . i iili"li!iiniu ' 1 l.ii'.liinm. -.-..'eJ ' . M'l 1; ,t, 11,,. i -. Iii rein in I ..: U He 'I l Hi hi Hip - . ,:-..i-i. f. I.x : :. I piniliii.'t i' ' nil Ih I'Klh i iIiiti' Ih a i "'le nut he . .r;." i!!.:lilllii- Til lie ll'!li;ite. In ri li 'Iliniis toll i;i I.I- lel-ijn- 1 1 1 - '. I I III -ht i.f UH ill l.l-l f, Il !! llli.ll i,f (,-., ... Cl.Iili.'e. l.fcrty CruJc f. The t'Ui I nuii.h' r i tin t nr lulled f.-npi i tiiuli"! nt ticiii'ly IH.--I!il!ily (hut mi It fvolvi i! hy neiy "e i mill lr!'liill.' tile! hi Ml, CHURCH DU. CTOla COHGIiKGATION: !. CIIUUCM Rev. VV. VV. V.l ;.D. 1'at.tor ! be,v,r" p ,. ... . PrHyfir Mw""nK' Wcd- 7:30 .FIRST CHRISTUM CHURCH .Sunday School 10. GO A. M. rai'er Meetlnir TIuxh. Kvenin ServietM 10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P M. Thousands of N&v Y$vds, i-r;'liiiun!-J, ar.J d.!: -J In KEW INTCrATISNAL Tfni "Suprvm Authofitf" Hurt an a fou tample$ t h it purmilt ki-tl Bur Aif ClHIllcil C'tUll Bllip iiiJ pun , inymmy olilp 8. I1, bout iirciU nta riiiil inacmlfl Ktlniila Ainorl. on Loglmt Ulu Cnr.ia pill IK out r.liprtrt cypor cryll tlolKCtnr ipplo annt-itieVtJKHiyno BlioniKn it o int'ormatitm Mrtllfltf Jftvf 2 TOO Pari eiHIO llliu. 4II7.COO Wurdu Mi i Cihi anil BI.,ttiiiK!ci!Ololl trt G. t th Hfitt - Wi!t tot n imrtttitt rll ol th Vw Vt,.r.i Sn:'(n-fl of R.yulnr iini U.J. ......... I . G.&C.Mfc.rRIAM CO. Sprinfiotd, ..1 jn U. 5. A Balkan lla:t One farh Tin- i- I only mi,' rt:il inrl: hi tl.ti liuli' nf tin' r.illk.lli i mul tli'm lit flit' , . v- ,. Ill Vc.tcr'$ CuJiJ,- j Fo-r.t On ii ih 'i'iiii'iiii'ii r i, !!.-! t t 1 1 r hi Jut! or H ili-iir-. i hi. -null- In tlirtitiu I lie li 'il.iu ! i-i 'if wiiter. C';vcu Sc'e:t.'Tc Cretan V.niii i-iuli- .i I it-l ii, hi ii itlt-j ti:iv I - -tt le'l'lnl "'Hi.' i li ell nl M'l liii'iV hy i'ii-i: '" FARES J BUMMPP BXrt'RStnN IN EKKKl'T MAY 11 TO MtPT. to KETUKN LIMt r OCTClJEM Jl. iT ROUND Ta;p TO DFN-VFB 517. HI OMAHA . . 71 SI KSS ITV ... 74. l III N WI!lNt.! HH.M kr. l ot is HII (.ll ot i koi r .. i .! INt lNATI M.7I IVII ASU .... TO WON 10) 117 A 1 LAN TA ... IW.M ri r i sin u(.u .. ix.ii M'WIIMI.H'N IU.I7 rnn AOtl -!lA ItH.M M A OKU 1-1. 1'! BOSTON . l.7 Lnw fnrrn ! t- othpr piint j In Middle West, &jutb and Eatl. Liberal ilopootrt permit visiting lion Netloaal Perk Crand CanyonMnUoiwl Park YcllowMr.ite Natlmsl Park Rck7 Hounluln Nal I Park For Illiutra'rd Cooklrtt, Re-irrya'.ioris ond Infi.itiuitiun, addre .1 Acr.t name I b-luw. UNION PACIFIC JUM biklUltl) KOvii J. W. IIIIWK, Al.l..l Jack Farris Derm;iticiui.. It Pays lo Look We i 'Specialist in Bobs. C.L. Attorney At Iaw First National Bank HnildniK Heppner Oregon When You Visit Heppner Fat at the Elkhorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Lunch Counter A. D. MCMURDO, IL D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nurse Assistant Heppner -:- Oreon if I Before I selling your pay you to see L Balsiger i representing lone, 4- 4- f lone Meat market Meat makes nourishing, and heallhfull. Meat sluuilil be an I important part of your daily menu, jierv; it every $Jay. Whether you come into our shop, or phone jus you are sure to get JVe Lave a large variety T, E. Peterson, Prop. 4i0Ni: BLACKSMITH SHOP" We are prepared to take care of your shafting rcukvments hy the installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide ranje of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. j& J. P. O'Meara, Proprietor 'j& Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Ueturnishcd and Strictly Up to Date. Cuaaair cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with best meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. n n u H U M n Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER FLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENCINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AER MOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone- Office Residence HEPPNER Main Id Main 402 OREGON IO.W, TUI-SDMS un,l I-KIUAVS I'rnm 0:00 t 10:00 A. M. F. H. Robinson Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courts IONE, OREGON contracting or f wheat it will i B. G. and Co. Oregon i the meat. It is appetizing,! t the kind of meat you want o. chotce cuts. Good Service. MORROW CENKRAL HOSPITAL Mina Znu WeHtfall. Gradual Nurse. Superintendent. A. II. Johriuton M. I)., PliyHieiau In charge, Ratks Reasonable Dr. F. E. Farior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon.