3mm 3n$jim$w&tM VOLUME XVI IONE, OREGON, FRIDAY. July 29, 1927 NUMBER 9 FOREST RECEIPTS PASS MILLION AND QUARTER Total receipt i of $1,209,173 ire reported from the Forest Service from the 22 nailotat forjBtio' Oregon and Washington during the fincal year 1927, which ended June 30 this year. The bulk of the money came from timber sales, which show s total of $1,092,008, Grazing fees come next with $169 285. Summer homeaite permits and other forma of r-pecial use stand third with $24,131. Other sources of receipts are water power and various forms of trespass. Of the 22 national forests the Olympic in western Washington It ads with a total of $289,814, while the Crater national forest In southern Oregon is second with $222,280. Two other forests exceed the hundred thousand mark for the year, the Deschutts with $145,207 and the Wallowa with $UM,57. Twenty-five per cent of these receipts are returned tothe States and counties for the road and school funds, and an additional ten per cent is mtide available for for road and trail work by the Forest Service, SeottUh Lew Term Km It Hmtll-.il law term denoting the mil of liiiul fur rviit In MrMtii Itjr Inntead of a rnillnl amount. Tim nnlli', "I-and in v" In aa roinnmn In Rrnlland aa "I.niid fur Ruin" In Kiiifland. WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY -TUB MKRUl WlBtlM Because Hundreds of Supreme Court Judrt concur In hltSrst tiralie U iht woik ai their AuJumtj. TKa Pr.tiJcnn uf all Undine Unl vct.-ltlea, Coilrr.ca, ami Normal SthuuU give tliclr hearty Indaitf mm. All Stalre that have rdop'ej large liinlonarr aa uniu-'dnl have elected WcUtet'i New Interne tlonaL The Schonlltoolri cf the Country aJhm to the MerrianvWcbMet trstcta ot diacritical mark. The Government Prlntlnj Office at aahlngtun uaci it aiautimtj. Vim ft a tampl. vm ot th. Mm Wli. tiima wi Rault and liWta r.M, nan. 4 44tttt I Maae. R tj'mj,7. i5 HARVEST TIME When it is hot, the dust fogs, you'll need GOGGLES We have a good stock to' pick from. BULLARD'S The Kodak EXTENSION OF QUOTA LAW The New York State Chamber of Commerce hat passed a resolu tion urging that the quota provis ion of the quota provision of the Immigration act of 1924 be extend ed to Canada, Mexico, South and Central American countries and I he West Indies. This action was said to have been prompted by the efforts of alien groups to influence the action of Congress in behalf of special Interests of particular po luteal groups or nations which, in the opinion of the chamber, do not assist In the assimilation of the foreigner into the national life of of the country of their choice. There was only one objection to this resolution. Ox-Wagon Fortress I.anirnr la a term lliat wua flint ap I'IIimI lie Hie Ilocri tif Houlli Africa t l nvrenalre niiiip liMiruvled nut ol ox wnitc.ix. The wairmia ar arranged In a rlrH loe h.-r with ihc IhiKKIiki iIIm up between the wlirela ao aa to fiirtn a rontlmiotia ranitMirt Northern Superstition Elf waa Ilia wltkeil iniiKlrliin ol Northern folklnrf, aiual of fliruri'. ukI of fenttir. and llh lung iniilti-il Imlr The ilvr nor aiiiuwd to wontul enl Ha and men wlih llielr Hfarniwa alone arm lieailnml rlilMifn were rrmmTil from llielr rrmllfe and re placed by Inibeoll elf children. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL Nolle la hereby Iren thitt piimu nnt to the aUtutee of the Bute uf Ort'tfuti. In eueli ciaee nimbi nnil pro vl'lhl, the U'ldiTnlgncil Ima taken up the lierelniiller deacrll'l rat ray mil tnnlloum! rumiliiK t targe upon iiij premlwa. 1 will, on Haturdny, Ann.. 27. r.l.'7,Ht Hit hour of 2 IK) o'clock p. til, of anhl tiny, im'II at public uuc lion to tli hl!nt4t lil'lilcr forenwh, the billowing ib-wriboil aiiliuitl, to wit: One tmy auilille horn, weight tlmut tr.Ht pouiiila, with four phlte fiwt, white twt, white apot on frr mid runip atool hrund on k-ft ahonl ih-r Sulci anlt will In held nt my much, ft tulle aoulhwrat of lone, unit-air-auUI nnliuitl ahull Ik-redeemed hy the owner tliervof prior to auM aule. Karl llliike. A "Harris" Combine Will Work Just Fine. IJ. V. O Meara - - - Agent lone, Oregon the sun glares and $ PHARMACY Filling Station MORGAN ITEMS Mts. Mas (tie Bowers of lone is helping Mrs. It. E. Harbison with her housework. . Mr. and Mrs. Warren Corutcher ISusia Lindstromjof Bright wood sra the proud parents of a son born July 2. Most of the farmers around Morgan have starte their harvest. T. W. Cutsforth and son finish d harvesting forS Birk, Satur day, and returned home, Monday to begin their home harvesting. A, L. Amrine, of Oregon City, is working for It. E. Harbison. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Lindstrom left, Saturday, to visit their nev grandson at Brightwood. Mrs. Chester Hutchcroft an Mrs. Martin Buurenfeind wen calling in Heppner, Saturday. Miss Eudora Hardesty speni Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hardesty. HUDSON.ESSEX SUPER-SIX Paul C. Balsigcr, Agent. CITIZENS' TRAINING CAMP: Many have taken advantage o of avacation offered by the gover mcnt in attending Citizens' Milita ry Training Camps. A recent si r vey showed 29,640 candidates ui dcrgoing training in the 39 cami in operation throughout the coui try. Satten'$ Innovation Ttecorde do tmt tell In atml yea aaleen aa flrat nmnufuetured. It ti flntt mentioned in hnirllxh Itlerniiir In 1ST!) In "Unrlun'a lliK.rj slid I'llii clplei of Weaving." Analysis of Air Purity Ili-vent tMinplea of air aliuwed I ruble fool of rmimry Hlr euiitaliie: 2.otl dual iiurtlelea, auhtirlmn ah 8o,iiO duit nartlclea nnd rlty air l (AM piirtli'lea. J?if Sourcss of Richts A nation wlilih InlMira and tuke enre of the fruits f mr wna!4 W rleh and liuppy, ihotich llier wr id Fold III (he unlverae. John lliickln. Sandstorms on Ocean hlM eiii'iiunler aundKtonua a.mie tlir.ea In eertiiln mrla of I lie Allantli oeean weat of the Oiinary lalnnda Weather r.-rta any that tin anm' pnihuhly eoniea fnim tho Snhitra dee ert They Eat Grasshoppers t'urlng lt late aiumner and ua luinn, aiiyt Nnllire Mucniliie, shim hnpiiera form a (rent Nirthm of the gnrden aplder'i diet. H net kill aphlera for they are niiiu'e friend. Peremptory Challenges Our own notion of a peremptory challenge la one that la uaed by the lawyer for the defect on proapco Ure Juror whom ha knows fuU wall ha could not ,"nli ttt If you need a good Farm "Wag'on TRY Bristow & Johnson Ve have a good stock on hand at prices that will surprise you. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. Nolan Page who has been spending a part ot the summer with our Uncle Sam at Camp Lew is, Washington is expf cted to ar ive in lone next Monday, Mr. Edmund Brittow is now in the employ of the Independent Warehouse Company at McNabb warehouse. , Shorty Kellers reports a nar row escape fom a disastrous fire Sunday night. After everyone had gone to bed fire broke out in a small outbuilding in which sacks were stored. Early discov try, prompt action and the total absence of wind saved the out lit. Mr. Fellers estimates the loss at approximately 150 00 The origin of the fire is believ -d to have been a cigareite butt r a match end. Mra Emily Mc Murray who has ieen suffering for some day with a severe case of blood poia Ming, is steadily improving. Mr. Alex Thompson, of Port land, is emplopyed at Bert Ma on'a store this week. W. E. Bullard is in Portland his week. The annual buyer Zithtiing is the attraction. F. M. Griffin has been suffer g for some days with a partial!) dsabled hand, lbs flesh of the ;alm appears to have been bruin LEGION HALL THEATRE Here ate a few ol the picture ve have contracted for 1927. 1'ily 9. Lone Hand Saunders luly 16 What Happened to Jonei July 23 Braveheart. luly 30 Skinner'a Dress Suit Cut this out and keep it fo uture reference. We will on), raise prices when the price o program compels us to, Don tiins a single number of this cot net, American Legion lone Oregon I R. ROBISON t Att mvrvs nvt i fTSiaau iMtiasi wa ej JOxy Acetylene J O J WbLLUMf X If It Im niiiili of X lltON, STKICL TllUt.SZE or AL1.UMINCM ve I'tin Mvld It uiiiIa J llliike Una 2 N STRONG I AS NEW. 5 I ? n MACHINE SHOP X er- Mrs. Alice Keller went to Lex ington Monday to visit with her son and family. Cecil Ahalt is in lone for a few days. He is conducting evangel istic meetings at the Pentecostal MissBion Hail. Bert Mason is in Port and for Buyer s Week. Temperatures have been high during the past week the ther mometer having a tendency to nang around tne nunured mark. carl l roedson Is holding forth at the Mc Nabb warehouse and Elmer Cochran and helpers are working the Independent ware house at lone. Bulk wheat receipts at the Jor dan Elevator are approximating the capacity ot the cleaner. Mr. Bergevin is hauling wheat for Lee Beckner this week. He uses a truck and trailer and makes 35 Backs a trip. Mr. Fred Buchanan was in town Wednesday and while here joined the family of Independent reaoerp. At the Citizens' Military Train ing Camp at Vancouver, a num ber of awards were made for ex celience in various sports, drills and studier. Oflhese the award for superior excellence in base ball went to George Ritchie, Jr. oi lone wno pitched ball for Co. D. The award was made publicly and consisted in a statement ol the conditions attaching to the winning of tbe prize and the ai.o the presentation of an autograph ed base bait which bore the sig nature of Babe Ruth. Mr. Albert Colvin is now barvett in at the Harry Reed ranch. Mr. Julius f isher, of Morgan and La Grande was in lone, Weo nesday. Mr. H c.'.er is a heavy property owr.er ot Lt Grande ano wno purchased the Sorrensen unci, at Morgan some time ago. weu to Kememier mM ZlV'T't "tP unii'M you are ao,inrv. nrl Shiga- tine. The Balfour-Guthrie grain of ce in located on Main street, 'me, just below the Telephoneof fice. Opn every day and all lay. Phone No. 62. Louis Saltier, Agent. GREAT mean Great Weed Crop You will have weeds to fight on your: j;summerfuilow and the well known Ro il tary Rod Weeder is one to get them. I HAVE jCHeney Rod Weeder land a good suddIv er If you do not own a Rotary Weeder! J get one. If you have Bert FUNERAL OF LEXINGTON LEGIONAIRE The funeral of Ola C. Mc Cor mick was held at Lexington, in the Congregational church on ' Thursday afternoon the 28th inst, Rev. W. W. Head, of lone, offi ciating. Interment was made in the Lexington cemetery. Mr. Mc Cormick served in the i World War and was ready for ver seas duty when the armis 1 tice was signed. Subsequently to being mustered out of the service, be developed pulmonary tuberculosis and, after alongstruggleto regain his health, died at the U. S." Veterans Hosp tal at Walla Walla. Mr, Mc Cormick was born at Marionville, Mo.. Nov. 29, 1897, and came to Oregon when he was nine years old. His home has been in Lexington practically ever since. His death occurred July 25. He leaves to mourn his loss twobroth era and a sister; two half sisters and a half brotherand a stepmoth er. Or. Clyde R. Walker passed through lone, last week, on his way srom Portland to Vale. He stopped for a meal at the Hotel 1 lone and reports that the pros pects at Vale are very bright. Mrs. Walker and the children are visiting friends in "the valley." Mr. Lf ona Colvin is now em ployed as a waitress in the Hotel lone. Mra. H. Turner had the misfor tune to fall down stairs, one day this week and break a leg. Note the change in the Hudson-Essex advertisement All pri ces f. o. b., Portland. STRAY MULE t Came to my place, two mile cst 0 Ione- 1. one ' , , . ' i young, bay mare mule, weight a- ibout 950 and branded P d on ' left shoulder, Owner may have possession on the payment of pasture bill and the co$t of this advertisement. Matt Halvorsen RAINS Rotary ii of repairs. & at one repair it now.i Mason 4 t