r Children Cry OUR COMIC SECTION FOR D Our Pet Peeve J Motor Boating If you own motor boat whether It be a handy out-board driven craft or larae cabin cruiser- you'll find Champion, the better spark plug, more dependable mora efficient and mora economical. nfnplm li lha htu fMtliNMtCHI Ma alraMa iM4 llllma. eru Man.p4ca wmttnHtUm mnd ill it cut aMiiyala alaclraaaa, Chamjbln. X for f .f J Cur n'hW linn frnUa 75 Champion SixirlCPlugs 1 OIXVO, OHIO fFor your proUcllon b tur tfiaTI C'humpinni o buy arc lit I lh onjduil Chumpiun cur Km. II MAItlllT KKINH UASTrl) AM Vit.llr.. .p ,r,i-a. Yn!hU1 tr COn 1194 Uulill Av.., a. Vl..H, Snappy Antwer Left Honor $ With Johnton KiiiiiuH JiiIiiimiii, who received $7 873 fur compiling lilt dictionary, bad almost n Initialed (lit palleno of th bookseller liy wham he wa employed, and til frrju-itljr urged to complete Mi iiKUi!i'iin iil. Andrew Millar, who bad lh principal charica ot conducting Hi publication, could not forbear acknowledging III receipt of tli Inat sheet ot th manuscript Ul th follow ing trrmi: "Andrew Millar tend hit compli ment to Mr, Baruucl Johnson, with th Dinner fur lh lint sheet of th copy of th dlctlonury, and (hnuki (J. id b hna don with him." To whU h Johnson returned Uil( brief answer: "Hnmuvl Johnson return lit com- plluicnla to Mr. Andrew Millar, and li very glnd 'to llud (na h doe ljr bit Mute) Hint Andrew Millar ha th ;rur o lliiink Clod fur anything." Murket for Kichani;. Tho Impoiiibtt Th Inte Albert J. Ilcverlilge, states limn iiml author, tinted dlvorc or, rnther, lie tinted Hi offender who lni make dlvurr necessary. lime, at dinner In Indianapolis, Hie guests discussed with pity the CRM of a very admlralil woman, th iimllier of (even young clillilrvn, who fiiuiiil herself obliged to dlvorc her liimtmnil. Thi r were ohatnrlca, flnnn rlul and other, In th way, and Mr. ItrverlilKe snlili "A illvnre Ilk (hit It too had, too tlnmllily illmcult. It's Ilk UO arriiiiilillng au omelet to reinov on iiml i-tu." I'rehlnliirlc people of Central Amer- li'n and Mexico oaed oil centuries be fore American oil well vt ere "discov ered" and developed. Whn yos ifrrlila lo tt rid r Wnrmi or Taiiiriii, gml Ilia niiwlh Ina thl will iimi Hi. in with onm dua lr. I'rarjr's "Daaii hut," 171 l'fl CI.. M. T. Adv. If we nil only aired at much for lie great population! of ill let at we tnke pride In their number I WHAT CAUSES BOILS. Holla and eartmnrls era the roralt of tm pfnfar dlat or InfarOon of tha akin. It la hard to datarmtta lha aiaet aauaa bat CAHIMilb will elva quick relief. Noaatianalvaoparalloit la nacaaiarr aa) on polleatMa of CAKIWJIL, SromtiUy aiotw tha iniin ana aonttniml naa rawa out tha anr t a eanaruua 5oo ha f rumTour dnitslat, Haatf auk t tauaM. PURLOCK-NtAL CO. NAtHVILt. Tinn, IIAf.O la eaiiranlaad to ttva Inatanl and alwilula rrllrl la anr eaaa nf HAT KRVRI1 In lha wnrtil, nr nuny rolundwil. l-rlia l Til K IIAt-u uu, auiulania, wyununt. Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh For Moaonlto Bltet, Sllag of Bee and VeaomoM laaecta Monar haa Im am book II aot nlud. AOdaahaa, Kill All Flics!" iMaaMrl ftnwwhauT.. DAI!V H V ttli f Tnrr ararAD OIHKANa VUit kii 0M, Nut, aUaui, arauitMll, Mvcntoti, mn& attrta and fan' auill or ilDovrrl i II ml sol I or In Inra Uf thlnn. UutVtVDMii ImM mptm 'DAISY 11Y KIUEI IfOfB rtHM lta HAROLD IOM1M EYES HU 1'irii't If not iht ihinrvr if malt nf Mhlrtf ?. real IMi. bkM Kiu "naiia, 81 rm tim,rtiuiraiiiii awwitiMi paid. KALI c. RTTOVIt HT1 I PARKER'S f,V- I-IAIK BALSAM hik S R art oraa Color and tKVk T BaaalvtoGrarandr'ad.MlHak' ,ShSirfy ni.ro. t:li,.m.W.fat.-U.lc.W.T. HINDERCORNS nnmnvM Onma. Oal Irniaoa, aui, l'ia all pain, anniinn wirofurt to Ilia li'iit, Bjnlioa intlkliiil ;. Ian I'T mall f at llru- aula. UIHIOI uuauitoai woraa, t-awnuaua, at. . I sMOPtLAriPlltV. RvmtND- Ml J V TT PVFH SXO? FINNEY OF THE FORCE 1 1 CoS OvI.PUWlVl' AVIidOO Ot 8J Vti TVllS nop. house tCXMS.1- IlCajfa it r i n n V 1 ' h "aw ttPQ.SSlD ytvTT' MA IMJIU KEQ (16 tlDf DA rto r DCNfiv woti" i wtQ. t na vou rvr rs nrna rvinc. anoc rvmri- vCH I JuST PlCSUMEO "fa SQlOT, A TIM PiMfc OF. Bun.!! I ASK Si x THE FEATHERHEADS "Will, ll llJaiveavw 1 mvc v wr NlllfeWrSlillllll 'I til WWW AftOlTr ON&Tbl 8.NCMAM4 ( Tb 60 AU OWQ I Tibeo f AUTnlAT BlCV 'I ' ' iast ra-MT-i Ndncg vooft wacain" TO-00 AflodT being sen I 1 'I TJlBI.I 6CKNC59 MA-, DH- I V 3nST BBCA09B VOOCANT l AWiftSta 1UI3 HOONaMQ-l " lj l AppetdftTi 5ABAH I HI If Il llf N0 WHAT, FrJI f ll WK XyBWOMAMS? 1 No COT Mire A 1 bumk at AiuVWAV.l'M (VulrruO' -blCTY DlfiS of vtftos- CALLS D Mi A VOU& . Respect for Growtvups 1 eoFrtQ wtPCHAfiaM- NOT ri r5flF.BUi raii. 60S AT BCLTOlfiHOOO OP MAN. TQtATIhlED " CIVUrASMlhi fZVF 19 MENACED' A Sure-enough Alibi A ; what 15c sbuNGttd) yv t" ill !MOTHF.R?- Fletcher' jCastoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infanti in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always took for Ahvlutelr HarmlfM - No Opiate. Judging by tht King I am monarch ot all 1 turvey." "Say, If yon are a klog a Jack mutt t a pretty low card." was 'SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST I Proved safe by miUioiis and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain ' Neuralgia Toothache . Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART la -a rraoa nark ar Banr Maaafanafa a( lloaaaaatteacldaatrv ft talltjlltartd To tho Point Wlfle "1 asked th cook for refer ence." Hubby "Silly. loo should have asked for samples." Hero's Speedy Relief for Tondor, Aching, Swollen Feet Your Druggist Says Emerald Oil Must Give Complete j Satisfaction or Money Cheerfully Refunded. j. ' Tonr feet may be to swollen snd In flamed that yon think you can't go another step. Tour shoe may feel ai If they are cutting right into the flesh. ton feel sick all over with th pain and torture and pray for quick relief. What' to b doner Two or three applications of Moone'a Emerald Oil and la fifteen minutes the pain and orenea diaappeam. A few more application at regular Intervals and the swelling reduce. And as for Soft Com and Callnuaea a few applications each night at tied time and they Just seem to shrivel right up and scale off. Baby Buzz sounds ame$s"call FLIT spray dears your home of flies and mos quitoes. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants, and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. DESTROYS Flics Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches I mum MH n) Travelers Should Carry Cuticura Dally ut of th Soap and Ointment ra ni ovet tb duat and grime of travel, allay Irritation, rednea and roughneta of tha face and hand, and keep the tkin soft and dear under all condition of exposure. Cuticura Talcum la frafrrant, cooling and refreshing, an ideal toilet powder. Snap )a. Mntmaat 91 and lOt. Tatana ? ftnM arary ahra, fttmpla mcr frm. AHrirtaa I "Catttam Lafcar. alallM, TlTl I, MMra. Hmb." fV"" CvUaara Skavlat Stick tSa. th lignatur of Fhylicunt everjrwher recommend it Hard to Find Mr. Well, be utlafledl There an won fellow than I am. Mr. Oh, don't be so.cn a penimlst t UuSUu Accept only "Bayer" pactagej which contains proven directions. Handr "Btver" boxe of 12 tablet Alto bottlet 'of 24 and 100 Drofcgitta. A Truo Gambler Boy (to girl) 1 throw my entire for tun at your feet t 1 Glri Shall I call It head nr talltl No matter how dlaconrnired yon ; have been with powders, footliuth or other application, If you have n( tried Emerald Oil then yoo have something to learn. It's a wonderful formula titles com bination of eaaentiat olla with earn phor and other antiseptic so marvel ous that thousand ot bottles are sold annually for reducing varicose or swol len veins. Every good druejrlst grtnranteet the first bottle of Moone'a Emerald Oil. It must end your foot troubles or money back. "7t wIwm itik iUJt SHU i W. N. V., PORTLAND, NO. 29-1927.