THE IONE 1NDEPFNDENT Published livery Friday liy VV. '.V. HEAD, Filiinr I'liMi-hcr suhslrii'tion Vine Year ''ix Mcmtlis .. . hrte Months ..$1.50 .. .75 .. .50 Kntcreil as second class mailer At lie postoli'ice nt lone, Oregon, under art of M.iroli i. lS;o FriJay, July 7. 1927 IW what avail the f W or suil, ; Or land or (V liv.;l,,:n K R. W Fuiorson USED MACHINERY ! I 'OR SALE, one Dain stacker , wi.Ii buck rakes, one John Deere m iwcr, one three horsejohn Deere ermine, one two bottom Deere st .el plow. You can save money on any ol this machinery BKISTOW& JOHNSON Giant Arctic Bear The imlnr ln-tir In u hint hour ( 'imis Tlialiiivtos nitirllnius) In li..hitliiK (lio Arvtlc h-glnti of Imlli ! o Old mid llio Now world. It Ht t: il's It It'HKtll of nhuiit U fivt tmd ufl i':t weighs morn tliim I, out) pound. U fit'miontis lliti tdioii's iiihI Ivf llooi u d kwiuim woll, living Inrtoly on tils. It itliTirs from other lieiirs In In iiv.iin.v while color, long mi k, nur ivvt fckufl tmil small molar toctti. PLAY Till; GAME TMIERES a breathless hush in the close tcr.inht - Ten to make anJ the ma'.eh to win A bumping pitch and a blind n& luht, An hour to play and the I tst man in. And it's not for the sake of a ribboned coat, Or the selfish hope ol a season's fame, But his captain's hand o.i hi; shoulder smote - "Play up! Tlay up! ard play the game!', The sand of the desert is so J Jen red, Red with the wreck of a square that broke; The Catling's jawmed and t!ie Colon ldead, And the regiment blind with dut and smoke. The river of death has bummed his danks, And England's far and Honor a name. But the voice of a schoob ,;y rallies the ranks; "Play up! pay np! and play the g:ime !,' This is the word that year by year. While in her place the School is s t, Every one of her sons murl hear, Aud none that hears it Jare forget. This they alt v ith a cheerful mind Bear through life like a torch of flame, And falling fling to the host behind - "Play up! play up! and j lay the game! HhNRY NEWliOLT t i T it T n o . T ryemrwr Entirely New' in FORM FIRES AGAIN Tie Federal statute which makes leaving a camp fire or a In ish fire in or near a Federal Forest without totrlly extinnuinh in it a cri.nhal offense if Na tiotial Forest, timherland is endan ireied. has been upheld as con atitutional by the Supreme Couit o' the United Staee. In handing tit wn the opinion of the Court, Justice Oliver Wtndoll llolmts said: ' The putp: ae of the set is to pre"ent forest fires which havrt'been one of ehe (treat ec nomic misfortunes of the couii try. The danger depends upon the nearness Oi'the fire; not upon the ownership of the land inhere it is built Taken in eon nee ti n with the daniter to be pre v.nlee, the it tntt- lays down a p'ain enotiRh rule of ctnduet for anyone who seeks to obey the law. Medieval Legend Ac ordiiii; to the story of "Ti.' Pol a I'.a ll," ls' Hit ;i i lot j with ' II. I t I ,'t uiuiiiuett wua oiiiMeil j lier keven cruel nroth .. I i or I r to frustriili immune they nle ..Ml. l. li.'llu tlK'U iliiiited III head u it 1 ciiutlful tlouer pot from which ,i'cw it ilnnl which Isaliellii tended .'uii'l'ull.v. Ill Alexundel'l iullitllu idicllu U kliowu DtnudltiK iH'sldu the poL Shocking Affair O'trlches may lntr Hue feuthers hut they have hud teiniiers, o a do v :re Iims heeii Inveliletl to eiinili'i he.M' hiriK It conslKtii of a hundle feet Uius. Willi u fork Bt the tii Kiilch eurrleii n uti'lp of Iii'iibs. When u shid iicnlnsi Hie neck of N cliurcln 'i I'd, mi cln li'li iil colililct I liimle Mini .l.e h id U liUni null nhock ihiciliiy reults. t Appearance and J Performance All New Bodies; in a Variety of Colors Ship'$ Official Record l.og book Is the hiwik III whlcli the i.ixler of H ship entem eucli tiny a " i f hut eai't account of all the vents of tlnit ihiy, the mile mail? lit I. nt day'a run of the ship, an accniin; f (lie weather, and the tiiimea of ves els sl'hteil or spoken when mimes can he obtained. The log la the olll i lal reiord of the wynge. l ' - X tCi, "DSONSUPER-SIX Standard Models :h $1285 .'.in. $1383 Custom Bui t Moe s dster eton ugham 'asser.ger Sedan 'assenger Sedan .. .. 4 s s ESSEX SUPERSIX I 8 I'isscnger SpeeJabout $700? 4 Pa scnger Speesttr $723$ Coach $735 X Coupe $735t Se Jan $795 Paul G Balsi;er, Distiibutor lone, On gon 4 (Continued from pnt'e nwel Their work in the sehtol inelud ed a study of eltc'ticiiy t.nd mu netism, mallieomlic's, tuisic shop work, sioridfc batleti sand sha'R in 2 sets, ti aininir methods, ra.'do labora'ory, dio eq-iipmet, lettering, arm? or , .- . : - i . : i: i.i si son 1600 11 1573 AH prices f, o. b. Uturoilj 1730 plus war excise tax t 1850 fIor;ri," I'.VK took H A Soft Answer Th.y liii.l . . i:i,r,., jls, n(1B wimiKh fr the nowli, .,e Wuru nfT. NM ih t,l ,i b.sliiiili,2 to fliol feet, In r IMollo-r IV nil h uil dotlliterl'y ,;n,. pt ' we were linirilcil tie ceo) !i!;t:f-.l. "you nlw ... . . .... radio sl:,,! w.irK, ra . ,r'"" "" uier. inn nw n,P H weui en,,,! etloll!,. (,,,.. ,,,.,,,.., eimijii or a,,.. ner nni...i. rrom,e,. f, . ,.,..,, to he In rallier n ,nm. nil i, i, w iii not ot,a In fli..nri way out. "So. rUnu." he iiiiinnureil, "i.,n'l think I Let. Voll n e. hi K ,,r, ))f V'l ami If I took ym. In ,h ((.. W'.lll.l be lily ,(.H ,. .,.,, i cnii iimv ji, (. , ,,(z, l)H ,n hll ., , I,, AHtter UHnizatiun, code piactice, fi. Id work, touch 'ypinir, fixd s';l on operatijti and message cenii . These younx soldiers therefore have received tn.ininu; t at Mil enable them to obtain and od resootiHioiee pimoi.s in civ.i .e shoulJ they al tome time tk-c to leavs the service. Tne troininK has I ee ) uiven wet'iont cost to t!iem. The majority of them, liovvevei will no doubt J Wire, id remain with the collors a:id .'.Cine the epletiiiiii a: S gmei.U Hut lal! to to tli? lot ot expert tadio men. Po-itions of re-potiMlnlily, plu. intereslinir duties, call liwm ti Hawaii, (he Pliilippincs, CDiua, Alaska and to the Army Tiant. poitS'rvice, whoce ships Brecon liniiously sui'inif.Ilie seven scis. j the Diet and Cancer The theory ii,v,n,co. h, ,.,flT .vr ""ii Ihiil .-.nit." i.iitut-nt o, n'( ,n, IH icMi,t l ,,,r,.,y been ..mlraillcieil by recent ex,erl mi nis, r. ,oi l llifela M,; ,zi,. u io-n Ihe typi; of iiiiiimhIi ej,ecli,!ly to caiicer pxkio Iiii, to., u....... placeil on ciirinui tt.-l:,. ihose fed the lld diet hm! ihe ,K1(.S, ,.,. ,,. Iiilllv mill Hone f.-i an ii.iaiemly un t.illmice,! .lief !J .,. ,A. , wa not the sli::l,ti.t evidence Unit fried or welleo,.ko, ro, UWM, eliitei) wllli an Increa-e In cumer. Poi$onou (Jpa$ Tret ,. l' as la the Inline glvru to varioua i'wleii of trte found iu Java ami other island. of the Kuxleru archl- I elao. r'roui thce treea oox a liolMinoun (jinn, by the nallte for Ii'iIiik their arrow. The lukr of Hie ileadly flTei't of till trrr an i!ant.-i and miluiuls In lt vlchilljr are luruely tlctllloua. LOCUST CHAFTKR, O.'E. S. Will have a Social Meeting on Tufsday, 28; the last metinit until September. A'l members and visitors are urged to be present. Ruth B. Mason, Secy. CHURCH DIRECTORY CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor Services U:C0 A. M. and 8:00 P. M Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7 :.i0 FIRST Sunday CHRISTIAN CHURCH School 10:00 A. M Prayer Meeting Thurg. Eveninu Serviiii 10:00 A. M. an I S;00 P M nilc Klllteil I'cndleton Local Discoutiued U. P Bus Suvlc : Hejjins The Pendleton f.ral between Pendleton and Ti e Dalles will h discontinued on Ji.; 23. O'l July 1. Union Pacific SlagiF M b' j'in operatii ir on a regular thedule between I't milelon anr' Portland, as follow : : a. in. p. m, Church News Notes ot Interest to All Local Denominations. Sun 'ay evening there will be a general meeting of Willow Br. Christian Endeavor Union nt the Christian chrch in Heppner. The meeting will begin at G:lt0 P, M and will be lead by the president of Co umbia Union No. 17, Y. P. S. C. E , of which Willow Branch is a part. Progrum parts have been assigned to representatives of the-difercnt societies, At this meeting plans will be initiated for th annual convention which is to be held this fall in Heopner. It is reported that ri mat kuble growth has attended the work of the Church f Missionary Society in that part of the Sudan where a division of the dioceso of Ukbii da hai led to the formation of a new diocese known in the upper nile. In the pr. vious year 18,4118 poisons were ht j tiztd of whom 15,000 were adu t e nverts mi US tow FARES n If R1IMMK dXCI'RSlON PARIS IM KKKHCT MAY II TO RKHT. JO KKTOKN LIMIT OCTOUKKJl.tVir ROUND TKIP TO nrinrvFR mt.w OMAHA 7.l KANSAS ITV ... 71. t Vk.S MUIMU M M sr. i out hi a.o l i hoi r lot u CINCINNATI III. 71 I IWI AND 111.17 TORONTO II7.S ATIANTA IZO M ' rir rsm r.ii .. out WASHINCION 1417 rmijtDi i eiitA nu ll M W VOiiH .. II I. fit . oTON I7.U7 Law fare alto to other polnta in Muddle Wot, South and Eat. Liberal (lopover permit vUiling ZlM Natioaal Park Crantl Caaiy HaUal Park TellewttM National Park ? Meunlal Nat'l Park For Illuttrated Booklet , Rnervattoni an.! Inloimation, addreta Agent named below. UNION PACIFIC 3U OvutiAMO auvTa 1. W. III)K, All. NT IONK, (IIIUlllN Jack Farris Derma tician. It Pays to Uok H e I Specialist in Bobs. Before contracting or selling your wheat it will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G, and Co I lone, Oregon 1 1 :-: lone Meat market :-: Meat makes the meal. It is appetizing, nourishing, and healthfuil. Meat should he ar timportant part of your daily menu. Scrvs it every Jday. Whether you come Into our shop, or phone us you are sure to get the kind of meat you want. I We have a large variety of c hotce cuts. T, E. Peterson, Prop, ft 44f444f4444444444444; t : r 410NE BLACKSMITH SHOP' We arc prepared to take care of your shafting requirements by the Installation of an electric key way machine and a stock of shafting in a wide range of sizes. We also have a list of second hand combines for sale. Agency for the Harris Manufacturing Companies new combines. j& J. P. O Meara, Proprietor Under New Management IONE HOTEL lone, Ore. Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer cial Table First Class. A home away from home, with bent meals in Central Oregon. Nice Rooms. Good Service. Lv. Portland Arr. Pendleton l-v, IVnlleton Arr. Portland (r,f) and 4 30 7 05 4 ;'.. 1:C0 10:40 12:20 10:;0 lltv. Dr. Jannu V. Weilons, ! Already Filled I Afli-r thp nnlviil f h,T ,lr S,f j Sully tr,, .r,.n ,., f,,n .; orlb f0' MtWitln. I. ...I .....I .1 . .. .. ,. ' " ' "un niit nt nil IV I )'arn oi uxn, a i:a.nn lor n piitiwil ovi-r tlie ni'w,-.,i..r' untrln Veura, and under whoso ministry of '"'r f"ni'r ulei-iilnu (ii.iripr. it j nail that more than 7,000 n,!"'',',,!' 7, "TT ""0 ,,. . "if niliKfiy to int Hi,. ,,,hy to l,,., Mie pemot.8 pro':,f,;lh in Uuui, f.mtid tln irlt. in ii (lf npi,,.,,,.,,,, died rt'CL'fitly at Uiu .'.I,; ;on c Ltui A" ",l0 ni'priirli... n nrmil tint llnii E-it.n, i .icebo Z.Jj?n'J'!T':,h. """" ro, North Crroiina. pwi "-CMfajo TrUjun DCCU All staRes stop o unch at The I);tll8 with rest Mop nt Umalila Atlinton, The Dau-H, Hood Hiv tr and Multnomah I'-IIh. Fa-e p -acticalli ti.e fiamu nf rail fa"s. Sta(fe Ifavf A'tington foi Portlond at 10:10 c. m. and 3:25 p" m.. arriving in Portland ap piriximatly7hours iutop. Stfifes are of tl.'. latest type, comfortable and convenient. C.L Attorney At Iw Kirat National Hank Building Ikppner Oregon Dr. A. H. Johnston PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Phone-Office Keaidence IIEPPNER Main 933 Main 402 ORECON Farm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENCINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA WAGONS. PAUL G. BALSIGER lone, Oregon if 10X11, TVtlSDA VS ami VKIDA YS I'nim O OO in 10:00 A. M. When You Visit Heppner Eat at the lkliorn Restaurant Good Meals Best of Service Luncli Counter A. D. MCMURDO, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Office in Masonic Building Trained Nuree Assistant Heppner :- Or gon SEE ME BEFORE THli FIRE H. C. WOOD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE IONE, OREGON F. H. Robinson ' Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all the Courti IONE, OREGON MORROW GENERAL HOSPITAL Miaa Zena Weatfall, Graduate NurBe, Superintendent. A, H. Johnston M. D., Physician In charge. Rates Reason blb Dr. F.,E. Farior DENTIST Office: Odd Fellows Building Heppner, Oregon. 7 -