The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 17, 1927, Image 2

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    .TIE MMMifl T1AIK
i?y Arthur D. Howden Smith
yiutAor of PORTO BELLO COLD, Etc
(A by Brwtam'fc)
I sought for a word with Marjory
we Filtered the door, but Murray
deliberately strode between us. A-'l I
Kalued was a glance from her eyes
that bade me be strong and confident
Ta-wan-ne-ars sat with his back to
a wall, his eyes fixed on vacancy, his
lips murmuring at Intervals Ga-ha-no't
name. I tried to Interest him lo
what went ou without success, tie
looked at me, and turned his eyes
Wa slept little that night, for we
wer very cold and we had no food.
Cut In the morning the Keepers thrust
pan of corn mush within the door
and we ate It to the last kernel I
forced a portion upon Ta-wan-ne-ars,
feeding him with a stick we found on
the floor.
After that we slept for several
hours, and then a lanthorn gleamed on
the stairs and Murray step(ed Into
our midst, an Immaculate periwig on
bis head, his linen spotless, his brown
cloth suit as fresh as if direct from
the tailor's hands.
lie set the lanthorn on the dirt
floor and stood beside It
"A good morrow to yon. Master
Ormerod." he began, "I have come to
hold counsel with yon. Look you, my
friend, we each of us have that which
the other wants. In such a case sensi
ble men come to terras."
"I would not trust yon now on any
terms,' I said flatly.
"Tut, tut. sir. Is that language for
one gentleman to employ to'anotherr
"You are not gentleman, air; you
He glowered.
"Have care, sir," he warned.
Too are a scoundrel," I finished.
"Look you. Master Ormerod, I have
you fast here. I have also the chief,
your friend. I have In addition one
you love."
"Before yon proceed further," I In
terrupted, "I wish you to answer me
one question: Whose child Is sheT
He hesitated, and regarded me side
wise. "Ob, well," be said after moment
"it might as well out now as later.
The maid is the child of my sister."
"And her namer
"She la a Kerr of Fernleslde," he
answered pompously. "I should add.
Ir, that I have been at particular
pains with the girl, having an espe
cial affection for her."
"Well, of that we will say no more,"
I said. "I find It unpleasant to bear
you talk of her. Ton are helpless, but
you attempt to Impose terms. What
are your terms r
"A safe-conduct for me and my peo
ple to Canada."
"So that you may restore your trade
A look of sorrow flitted over his face.
"I cannot restore It, Master Orme
rod. That fact Is Indisputable. My
one hold upon public opinion was my
success and the power It gave me.
Let me fall and lose my power, and
my Influence la dead."
"Tea," I agreed ; "that Is true."
"Moreover," he went on, "my tav
agea are killed or scattered. My or
ganization la gone. My most valu
able aervaiita are slain. Let ns end
this ui.enrlew. Are you prepared to
go ouUlde the stockade and secure
consent to the terms we have dis
cussed, giving your word of honor to
return here afterward?"
I bowed.
"I will do so."
The Barring of the Doom Trail
"Qua, O-te-ti-an-i r
Do-ne-ho-ga-weh's right arm wna
lifted In the salute. Corluer, his
broad face wlih Is insignificant, hap
hazard features shining with emotion,
grasped my band and wrung It
The (Juardlan of the Western Door
drew himself up proudly.
"Ga-ha-no did wrong," he said, "but
she died as became the daughter of
roy-an-eh of the Long House."
"She died like a warrior," I replied.
"Yon niHke the heart of Do-ne-ho-ga-
web very glad," acknowledged the roy-an-eh.
"Can he still my fears for my
nephew V
"Ta-wan-ne-ars fought like a chief,"
I answered. "Hut his heart was made
very sad by the death of Oa-ha-no and
Lis mind has wandered from him for
"It will return," affirmed Do-ne-ho-ga-weh.
"Now tell us, do you come
hither as a captive or a coniUerorr
"I come ti offer the terms of Mur
ray; but first tell me how successful
you have been, so thnt 1 muy know
whether I should advise acceptance of
What he offers."
Do-ne-ho-ga-weh swept bit arm
around the horizon.
"Everywhere you see ashet and de
struction," he replied. "The Keepers
of the Trail are dead or Imprisoned In
Murray's stockade. Their women and
children are our prisoners. Our belts
can scurcely support the loads of
scalps we have taken. We have swept
the Doom Trail,
"Take back this message to Murray.
Tell him that he Is to surrender his
Spouse as It stands, with all It eon-
tains. Tell him thnt he la to give up
to us the maiden he calls his daughter,
whom you desire to wed. Tell him
that he Is to send forth the prisoners
he has taken. Tell blm that he L to
render up all the bauds he has tu h.t
"And then he and those of the Keep
ers of the Trail who are left to
htm shall march out, and the people
of the Long House will escort them
to Jagnra, where they shall be handed
wer to Joncnlre to dispose of as
pleases Onoutlo aud the French."
Murray heard tiiy report In silence,
and out his eye over the surrounding
scene before replying.
"It shall be done," he said at Inst.
"Was ever a man so sorely tried by
fateJ Does our treaty go into effect
at once?''
"So be It I will give orders to have
your friends conducted here."
The battered remnants of our war
party appeared with Ta-wan-ne-ars
walking in the lead, his face once
more a study In Impassive rtgor.
"Murray says we are free, brother,"
he said, stepping to my side.
"It Is true."
The sadness shone momentarily in
his eyes.
"I have had a bad dream, brother,"
he went on. "My Lost Soul Is re
deemed by Ha-wen-ne-yu and is gone
on before me for a visit to Ata-cut-slc.
But In a little time, when I am
rested, I shall go after her and fetch
her back to dwell happily with me In
my lodge."
"But how can you, a mortal, Jour
ney Into the hereafter?" I protested.
"It cannot be!"
"How shall we know It cannot be
until we have tried I Ta-wan-ne-ars
wIU try."
I could say no more. Such simple
fallh waa unanswerable. I wondered
how much was the unconscious
working on S sensitive mind of the
very Christianity be had rejected.
Murjory't voice recalled me to the
"Master Murray tells me be bath
surrendered," she said.
I turned eagerly to find her at my
side. My bands leaped out for hers,
and she yielded them without hesita
tion, ber brave eyes beaming love and
comradeship unashamed.
"Yes, we are free, Murjory. Will
yon come with me
She caught my meaning, and made
to pull away from me.
"But we will have had no wooing,'
she exclaimed, half between taughter
and tears. "Sure, sir, you will not be
expecting a maid to yield without
I would not let ber go.
"Every minute that bath passed
since I stepped Into the main cabin
of the New Venture to see the face of
the mysterious songbird bath been a
persistent suit" I declared.
The warriors of the Long House
came pouting through the gates of
the stockade, and their war-whoops
echoed over the forest as they com
menced the work of looting Murray's
establishment and securing tbelr pris
oners. As Marjory and I passed out
of that sinister enclosure, which had
seen so much of wickedness and human
suffering, we had our last Joint
glimpse of Andrew Murray.
"Farewell, my children," he called.
"Bear In mind 'twas Andrew Murray
brought you together. So good coinelli
out of evil."
Marjory shrank closer against my
"Yes," she said; "tnke me away
from here. Let ns go away, Hurry
and forget."
But 'twas Corlaer, and not I, who
escorted my lady to Albany and the
tender care of Mistress Schuyler, Into
whose charge Governor Burnet most
Wouldn't Be Bluffed
During the early part of the World
war there was considerable hard feel
ing between tome of the regular nary
men at the submarine base and those
of the naval reserves at Ran Pedro.
Many of the salty recruits of the regu
lars bad and showed a feeling of su
periority over the reserves, whose
camp adjoined the base.
One morning a salty recruit who
had about two weeks' service In the
regular navy was doing sentry duty
at the submarine base gale when the
commanding officer of the reserve
camp passed by. The sentry fulled to
salute him.' The commander was a
retired regular navy officer and a
stickler for naval etiquette.
"Why did you not salute mef asked
the commander.
They have set up In the markette
place the ymnges of notable men, and
of such as have bene great and boun
tiful benefactors to the comuien
wealth, for perpetual memorle of
their good actes, and also that the
glory and renowns of the auncestors
muy slyrro and provoke their pos
terity to virtue. More, Utopia.
WW terries
kindly commended hor. For duty com
manded me to discharge by obligation
of removing Murray and his Culuma
gas not ninny survived the cnatlga
tlon of the Iroquois lu safety to
Jagnra; and I must accompany lo-ne-bo-gn-weh
and Ta-wnn-ne-nrs and the
warriors of the Klght Clans in the
triumphal procession which traversed
the Long House from the Upper Mo
hawk custle to the shores of the
Thunder Waters as un lllustratlou of
the wrath of the Grnt League.
And I was not sorry that I did so,
for It enabled me to sit beside Do-ne-hogu-wch
and his brother chiefs In
the half-finished stone fort at Jngnra
and hear him lay down the luw of the
Long House to Jouculre, as representa
tive of the French.
"Qua, 0 Joucalre, mouthpiece of
Onoutlo who rules at Quebec," he said.
"We people of the Long House come
to you tu peace. And we give into
your hands the white man Murray
and those who are still alive of the
Keepers of the Doom Trail. We
promised that they should come here,
and we have fullllled our promise.
But we have set a bar across the
Doom Trail, O mouthpiece of Onoutlo,
and we desire you to tell the French
of that
"It Is our wish that you should ac
quaint Onontlo with our decision. We
ask him to assist us In wiping out this
source of trouble between us."
"I have heard your message, O roy-an-ehs
and chiefs of the Long House,"
replied Joucalre. "I will repeat It to
Onoutlo, but I do not think It will be
welcome lu his ears."
From Pearl Street to Hudson's
The sun bathed the dust of Pearl
street wherever It could steal between
the layers of the thick-leafed boughs
overhead. I lounged on the doorstep
of our cozy, red-brick house by the
corner of Uurden street and reread
the letter from Master Juggins which
the suercargo of the Bristol packet
had delivered a balf-bour earlier.
Mr Hurt Is reejolced. dear Lad, at ye
Ficelant report 'of vov which la coma
From Uovernour ilurnet. Murray's dle
cumniur hath had Escedlne; Advaa
Uiioui efecta In ye Cult and ye Mar
chaunts who Earl? did Clamor for ra
(rdim of Trade with French are
nuw Percevelnce how re Planna of
(lovtrndiir Burnet did Bella to their
l'rotll la ye Lonsa Hunne. Use year
Own Judsenente, I prare you. la da
velopplne e Provincial Trada and
draw I'pun maa at will fur what Fundi
you Mays hard.
Grannie and I do eend you our Lova
and Keapect and Una blddaa ma say
ha Conalddera 'Twaa ya Actte of Oodde
I was folia Upon la ya Mlnclna; Lane
what time yon Cama to my Itesrue. Wa
dcatre that you and Mlatreee Marjury
may Daam ya house In Holbourna your
home and 'twould tfoeilght our Urn
mlsht wa See you Hera Hutte of that
you will baa ya Judaea. Ta New World
Is ya world for Youth, of thai There
caa bee do blauiiie.
I recalled the damp, wintry day Id
Paris I had made up my mind to quit
the Jacobtto cause and try my fortune
at all rinks in Kngland; the pang
with which I had abandoned the last
link remaining with my dead pnrenta;
the rough trip In the smuggler's lug
ger; the wet landing at night on the
dreary channel coast ; the fruitless at
tempts to enlist the aid of former
friends; the hue and cry upstart
cousins had raised; the flight to Lon
don; the
"Ha, there, Ormerod!"
I looked up to see the burly figure
of Governor Burnet rounding the cor
ner. He waved a handful of papers
at me.
"The packet balh brought great
news I" he cried. "The lords of tradii
have seen the light 'emt Do but
bark to this!"
by "Reserve" Officer
"I did salute yoa when you pnssed
about on hour ago, sir," answered the
recruit sentry, who had read some
where In the naval regulations that
he was supposed to salute an officer
the first time he met him, but had not
read on to where on sentry duty he
was to salute an officer whenever be
"You are supposed to salule me
every time I pass," thundered the re
serve commander.
"Who do yoa think you are, and
how do you get that way? You're
only a reserve," answered the sentry.
The Periscope.
Motet Called an Inventor
Jens Juergens, a German engineer,
tins written a book In which he pro
duces biblical references to prove bis
ssertlon thnt Moses was a "powder,
nitroglycerin and dynamite merchant"
He maintains that Moses held back
the Egyptians by laying land mines,
which he exploded by well-timed fuses.
The writer says the tabernacle wui
a well-equipped laboratory.
We give advice but we cunnot give
the wisdom to profit by It la
American Citiet Need
Color, Expert Thinkt
A freer use of color In modern build
ings Is advocated by the clinlrmnu of
Architectural and Allied Arts exposi
tion. He hopes to see American cities
take on color to such an extent that It
will make life more Interesting and
more cheerful. He suggests that the
shnde used lu a building should suit
the needs and general atmosphere of
Its locality, mentioning green as
soothing antidote for the high tension
of the Wull street neighborhood. Con
versely, suburban regions of peace
aud qulut might run to guy reds, yel
low and orange to counteract a too
constant calm. Broadway and the the
atrlcul district cull for rose color, or
perhaps primrose. The vicinity of the
Tombs suggests purple for tlnj proper
motif. Tropical cities have long used
brilliant pinks and blues lu their make
up. Even southern California boasts
of brightly colored buildings which
would seem startling If set down In
the gray aud tun and buff of Northern
ind Eastern cities. Anglo Siuons are
thy of color, and If American men are
anything like as self-conscious about
color In buildings at they are In
clothes we shall not soon see Wall
street In green or Lower Broadway
In bright blue. New York Timet,
Roof Makee or Man
Appearance of float
The day of the drab roof It gone
the roof that simply shuts out rait
snd weather. True, the roof of youi
house must give protection against Hit
elements. It must last Bui, as out
of the most prominent architectural
features of your home, the roof should
slso add much to ttt beauty.
Color la becoming recognized mort
and more as an Important feature ill
home decoration, outside at well as In
It relieves monotony, edits Individual
Ity, creates the very "atmosphere" el
On the roof especially color playt at
Important part Most often the largest
unbroken expanse of a house, the rol
frequently sets Its whole color key
ante Thus restful coolness It achieved
with a roof of fresh blue green tones
while one In which toft browns an
reds predominate creates an ttuoa
phere of genial warmth.
Pleasing lines can be strengthen'
by tones contrasting with the bod)
color or trim of your bouse or Its set
ting; severe ones msy be softened b)
the use of blending shades. It it Im
portsnt of course, that the roof colot
be In harmony with the rest of tht
bouse, for only then can It contribute
Us full share of beauty te your borne
Town p$. Country
It It t matter of common observe
tlon that country-bred people are not
more dull-witted tbnn townsfolk. Rnth
er have they stores of wisdom whlcr
the feverish distractions of town-lift
do not breed. Tor the purposes ol
education the country provides foi
more favorable material In some wayt
than the town. One does not need tt
be a Wordsworth or a Jefferlet to fint
Inexhaustible inhjectt of Interest inf
Inquiry In the earth tnd every com
mon, tight Tht boy who lives mill
meadows, mountains, woodt snr
streams It it in advantage it com
pared with hit fellow whose hnrlton
It bounded by brlckt and mortar, tht
endless monotony of the streets snC
the endlest bustle of the factory tnf
workshop. London Morning post
Extend City-Cleaning Idea
From a health point of view, sayi
flygeli llagsr.lne, spring honserlean
Ing It not sufficient This authority
points out that tht alleys, back ytrdi
snd vacnnt lots need to have tht win
tert accumulation of trash moved
Tht gnrhsgt pile and the manure heap
should be taken awsy before the dls
esse germt In them trt spread shout
Stagnant pool dltchee breed
mosquitoes and should be drained and
cleaned. Weeds on vacant lots should
be cut down, the water tupply should
he looked tfter, and ill outdoor toilets
should be Inspected, cleaned or re
Pertonality In Garden
In the creation of your garden
which should bear the ttamp of yout
Individual fancies, let the first tier
be tht free play of your Imagination
Vague day-dreaming, however, will
not do It Your dream-garden must
he definite, practical. Plan the gar
den with a fair degree of deflnltenest
before going to a teed store, er sitting
town with the catalogue! to ictuall)
make out the order for your seeds.
Build lor Permanence
Tht Intending home builder should
realize that permanent construction U
the only tenslblt type of construction
for blm. This It donhly true In tht
case of tht man of moderate means
snd that taket In most of us, when
tht Investment In a home It a blp
'hlng, probably the biggest single In
eestment be ever makes,
Juetily the Kind Wordi
Do the best you can when calico
ipon to eld your city, your church
four friends, then tome one can tell
he truth about yoa when yoa pass
in to another world. Decatur (Ala.)
Praises Ly.Iia E. Pinkhtm't VeittalU
Compound Because It Csvs Her
Htallh and Strength
In a sunny pasture lu Oklahoma, a
herd of sleek rows was grulug. They
made a pretty mo
turo. But tht thin
woman In the blue
ohtekad apron
slghod as sha looked
at thinn. She was
tired of cows, tired
of hor tedious work
In the dairy. Bits
was tired of cook
lug for a houseful
of boarders, be
sides caring for har
own family. The
liunli'iiB o( Ills sostned too heavy for
her falling health. Btie bad lost con
Hilence lu barsulf.
One day she began taking Lydla 13.
Plukham's Vcgetitulo Compound and
hor general health began to Improve.
8he took It faithfully. Now she can do
her work without any trouble, sleeps
well and it no longer blue and timid.
This woman, Mrs. Cora Short, It. K.
, I lux 387, Oklahoma City, Okls..
wrltos: "F.vorybody now says: 'Mrs.
Short what are you doing to yoursolff
I weigh 13S and my weight before I
look It wat llo. I bave taken toveu
bottles of the Vegetable Compound."
Other women who have to work hard
and keep things going may find the
road to better health as Mm. Short did,
through the faithful use of Lydla IS.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
Ask your nslghbor.
Bunions f
Quick relief from pain,
Prevent shoe proeaure.
At efl mJ akea eMai
Come men are so lueuu Hint they
even refuse to let their wives have the
last word.
Truck Driver
No matter hem heavy
the load or how bard
the going I can count
on my truck pulling
through because I use
They're the tetter
park plug,
sfsaVfilfalsjtMj gf) sAsJ eWrfW
srlt fktwy htemmt W J
ttt CsMrv U Ntjsj pum
cwnnirtim mmd ti ile
CKetenMtjf) X
Car rafKsye?
Tat lakes eWaWtejlee
Pleasant te ttrevleaeant ta
take. (ioarantJMHl sural veg
etable ear! elteulutelr aarbMea.
it quickly evereomee eone.
dtarreora. tatulvnef and
that Ilka dleontere.
The apea aubluhed
fursrala appears an
rery label,
Betty Buzz stars
c-H'1-' .!
If t
FLIT ipray clean your home of flics and mof
qulroci. It also kills bed bugs, roaches, ants,
and their eggs. Fatal to Insects but harmless to
mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today.
Files MoHqultocR Moths
Ants Bed Dugs
Ha$ Society No Ptact
for Repentant Sinnen?
An liiiiiutii uf a prison ut Alcutrna,
Cull f., writes to us at follows) "There
It no one to whom I can speak and
none would understand If I did, I am
soon to bo released from Ak'strus
prison and I huve nothing lo look
forward lo. What have I to live fort
Those who prvleud friendship are
cold. My fun Its are alt thny tee.
There Is tin one to say '1 will help.'
It Is hard. Yet I am used to It I am
now thirty-throe years of age. Twelve
years have I spent behind bars. What
have I learned? The answer Is, notli.
Ing, I hi. vii degraded myself so low
through the association with oilier In
males (hat It seems hopeless to be a
success In the future. But regardless
of what others tuny think or say I will
endure until my aim In life Is so
rompllslied and I clenr myself of this
lilnck stlguin thnt rests upon ma. It
Is true I have done wrong In the past
but I have pnlil ili-nrly, as only those
who know roulliieiiieiit understand."
Pathfinder Miigiislne.
Ai-tA etomarh, krartbura anil asnena are
ettr-tt with th u lt Wright's Itiilinnt
Veseleble fills. Ill Pearl St N, I. Adv.
Female Bird Choonet
Mate at Netting Time
Prevalence of monogamy among
Itungiirlntl partridges and polygamy
among Chinese pheasants ai been
demonstiirled on the state game farms,
says Hie Portland Oregoutan. Inter
esting) Yea, but read on: Bernard
Shaw's theory Hint the female It the
aggressor In mating arrangements bat
been demonstrated.
"It Is Interesting to note,1 snys the
game furnis section of Hints (lame
Warden Averlll's report "that at least
a part of the Hungarian partridges
have selected the same mates they bait
last year and that this selection wse
made In each Instance by the female
Bell-Ana Haiti Over-Acidity
This Widely Used Sure Relief Can Be
Depended On Every Time.
How disagreeable, how emspemt
Ing, bow eiulmrnissliig to he a sufferer
from gas, belching, heartburn, tick
headache, nausea and other digestive
disorders. BKLIz-ANM for Indigestion
Is a harmless, pleasant Hure Belief.
Tested by over 30 years' Use. 2." ami
T."c Pkgs. at ill drug stores, or send:
for free samples to Bell 4 Co, luc,
Urungi-burg, N. T Adv.
"Shut Your Eyet and Look"
Dr. Aleiander Calms, contributing
to the editorial page of the Hnn Kran
clsro Kismlner, Is moved to rhapsody
on the subject of education. With
great eloquence he declaims: "No Id
man triumph staged by American Cr
sars returning from foreign ronqtieste
ever thrilled with such passionate sig
nificance as (bat endless proresalon of
American youth marching awsy to the
seat! of higher learning.' Ha edits:
"Just shut your eyet and took it
them.'' He follows his own advice ami
declares: "Note the epauleta and cul
ture nnd the music of synthesized tal
ents, ind the prud tnd stately bear
Ing of Innate ambition." That It et
aclly whit one might expert nmn with)
bis eyet shut to see. The Argonaut
Bra Inflerttos ass Inflammeib-a are IteelMt
evernleM by earns Human fere luieam,
Aea your .ttuetlel fr ll-eeat Jar er eea4
ta III fearl St., N. T. !.
Perional Reaion
Fhe How la It yoa were not at
Weatelid'S reception?
lie I stayed away on account of
personal matter.
She Muy I ask what It was?
He Well, they failed to send me S
Sometimes s woman spends a grant
deal nf time looking for a husband)
tfter she has secured him.
The easiest road to wealth It to
hive t rich relative die and leave yor
a fortune.
pimples, llsckhesds, etc, cleared
wty easily and tt Lille cost by
in screen comedy