The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 13, 1927, Image 2

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    1 IS
((5 WmiHiio't )
"It may bo no," replied the governor,
"But I would suggest to you, my
friend, that certain knowledge hnth
come to me vlileb comppla me to won
der whether you would persist In this
attitude were you acquainted with It
Briefly, I hare lately obtained delinlte
Information that the French are begin
ning the erection of a stone fort at
Jagara. ""flie territory tills side of the
falls of Jagara Is secured' to us by the
Peace of I'treeht TIs not only that
the French have no right to construct
a fort there. They have no right to
maintain a trading post there,
"tet my agent talked with the offi
cers In charge, Monsieur de Jolncare
and Slonsleur de Lery, and they boast
ed of their Intent to erect such a fort
as would he a curb on our Indian al
lies, the Iroquois, and divert to their
posts farther up the Cadnrakul lake
the fur trade which now conies to us
at Irondequolt and Oswego, Schenec
tady and New Albany.
"At the time I received word of the
building of the fort at Jagara, 1 re
ceived also this report from an agent
In Montreal, announcing the doubling
of the price paid for beaver at the
French posts, so that now they are on
par with us.
"We can afford to pay more than we
da London will still take It from us
at a profit." rejoined the merchant
who had first spoken.
Trade Is trade," cried another. "It
goea where the money Is."
"Aye, we have no fear." clamored
"Let os suppose," resumed the gor
ernor, "that the French permit you to
draw supplies of furs through them.
I ran conceive they might do so If It
netted them the prices they desire.
Does that mean that you will always
be safe In expecting to have your
wants so filled?"
"To be sure," answered three or four
men at once.
"I differ with you," replied Master
Burnet. "The fur trade Is not only
a means to earn profits. TIs a moat
Important stoke In securing military
success. The nation which controls
the fur trade, my masters, will have
the Interest of the larger numbers of
savttges. The nation which owns the
support of the most Indian tribes will
he the nation superior In extending
Its territories In time of peace and
superior la battle In time of war."
"It III becomes a plain merchant to
take twne with your excellency," re
marked a hard-featured merchant, "but
It seems to me you attach overmuch
Importance to savage tribes and war.
There Is enough land In North Amer
leg fur French and English and Indi
ans, oo. Trade Is everything."
"So long as "Us rightly conducted."
amended: Master Burnet "Bear In
mind, my masters, that the whole his
tory of .our possessions on this contl
t'it , disproved, the statement that
there Is land enough for ourselves and
the French. The French are the first
to dispute this view.
"They plan openly to drive as Into
the sea. The New France they see
In the future will embrace all the
eftlements of the Atlantic coast to
gether with the Inland wilderness."
"If you bait them sufficiently, doubt
less th-y will seek to fight us," assert
ed a merchant '
"But they know not our English
treed If they think to do so," cried a
"Or the Dutchman, either," said
"Good! That Is the spirit I want to
atouse," acknowledged the governor,
quick to ser-.e what he thought an ad
vantage. "Ocutlemen, what I desire
from you e-e Ully today Is your sup
port In a plan I have been considering
for moderating the exit of goods to
' Canada. The volume reached In re
cent weeks passes all reason. If per
mitted to continue 'twill exlinut our
supplies. It plays directly Into the
bunds of"
But he was not suffered to continue.
"Free trading!" shouted a group.
"Stick by the law, governor!"
warned one.
"The law Is the law!" cried a third.
, The prosperous-looking merchant
a'ood dp and made himself heurd by
pounding bis stick on the floor.
"Do I understand your excellency
to mean that you would alter the In
strucM ins received from the lords of
trndeT' he asked.
"My plan Is rather to amend the car
rying out of the law by certain re
strict ims until I can forward repre
' sciilnt'ini on the situation to their
lordships," replied Mallet Burnet
"Hut as one of my brethren has Just
,p remarked, the law Is the luw."
"The trouble here, sirs, Is that there
la no law," declared the governor. "We
-have the suspension of the law, and In
- the Interim there Is no provision for
. a substitute statute."
"Tush, we want no such law," pro
claimed the liurd-feutured merchant.
"Let us not quibble. Ills excellency
might as well know the truth. Since
Master Murray won Ill's case we have
been utile to sell and buy as we chime.
And our coffers have swollen thereby.
"The law was an Ill-judged luw. It
restricted trade, reduced proflts. Let
the French secure furs If they wish.
Toey may do the dirty work. We will
.By Artlmr D. Howden Smith
sit back and reap the profits. Better
have free trade under France than
limited trade under Kngluud or any
other country."
f You talk treason, sir," siltd the gov
ernor coldly. "Moreover, you talk fool
ishly. There Is no freedom of trade
In Canada"
"Well, we have It here; and by - ,
we'll keep It as long as we can," re
plied the merchant
"That Is not like to be very long, my
masters," annnuuced a new voice.
All eyes were turned to the door.
There stood Andrew Murray, laced
and cocked hat tucked under bis arm.
He bowed low te the governor.
"I must beseech your excellency's
pardon for my unheralded entrance,"
be said. "I tun hut Just arrived In
town, and I hastened here to present
my case to you."
He swept his eyes over the room as
he spoke and fastened them uion my
"You eie welcome. Master Murray,"
returned (he governor, "ilud I known
where to reuclryou I should have In
vited your attendance,"
"I am honored, air. I venture to
Intrude uivon you because of Informa
tion ! possess which I am sure will
be of Interest to yon and all others
who have the prosperity of the prov
ince at heart."
"I am Interested," said the governor
Impartially. "I'ruy state your cose.
Master Murray."
"I shall do so all the more .readily.
your excellency, because I am per-
suuded you can have no knowledge of
the crimes recently committed by per
sons who represent themselves to be
your agents.
"I see In this room three men whom
I charge with the wanton destruction
of a large quantity of furs and the
murder of two of my servants and a
numlter of friendly Indians."
And that there might be no mistak
ing the objects of his accusation Mur
ray (minted his forefinger ut my coin
Hides and me. Murmurs arose and
hostile glances were bent upon us.
"Be explicit, If you please." said the
"I will, sir," replied Murray boldly.
"The young man known as Harry Or
merod, with I'eter Corlaer and a Sen
eca chief called Ta-wan-ne-nrs, raided
a fleet of canoes on the shore of the
Cadaraqul lake near Oswego and
burned hundreds of packs of vutuable
furs which th far-western savages
were bringing In for trade."
"I have heard something of this mat
ter," admitted Master Burnet. "But I
understood the savages were In charge
of Monsieur de Jolncare, the Erench
commandant at Jagara, and bound for
"Monsieur de Jonculre was accom
panying them, 'tis true," admitted
Murray. "But the savages were bound
for my own trading stutlons. The Niks,
which will run Into thousands of
pounds, will fall upon our New York
The murmurs grew Into an outburst
of Indignation which the governor
quelled with difficulty.
"I shall look Into Master Murray's
charges," he said. "So much, at leust,
he Is entitled to. But first I wish to
Brown Proved Quite
Two bachelors. Smith and Brown,
were seated In the flat of the latter.
Smith Would you like to know the
name of your future wife?
Brown I certainly would
"Well, I'll guarantee to tell you bur
name by arithmetic."
"That's Impossible."
"Well, you lake a piece of paper
and work out this sum: Write down
the year In which you were born, sub
tract the lust two figures from the
first two. Now multiply what remains
by the date of the month In which you
were born. Divide your answer by
two, and tell me the result. "
Brown, after a lengthy struggle and
much thought, at lust works out the
problem and liumls his friend the result
WVTt earvte
acquaint him with whut 1 hnve laid
before this gathering, all the mure, so
because be Is more vitally Interested
perhaps than any other.
"Master Murray, I, am concerned
over the extent to which the fur trad
Is passing Into French hands, and I nin
bound to say my Information Indicates
thai the French have your assistant's
In the matter. The quantities of trade
goods going up-river have enormously
Increased this summer. They are bun
dreds of tons In excess of what for
merly passed through Albany."
"Doubtless our trading posts havt
protlted thereby," suggested Murray
"On the contrary," relumed Master
Burnet with decision. "Our trading
posts hnve fared worse. If anything.
Aside from the Iroquois, the savages
are patronizing more and more the
French traders. Briefly Master Mur
ray, I am canvassing the m'lilluicnt of
our merchants on the advisability of
suspending fur the time being, to some
degree at any rate, the proclamation I
Issued In resMnse to the action of the
lords of mule In withholding the a
sent of his majesty's government te
our law prohibiting the trade In In
tlhin goods with Canada."
Murray took snuff deliberately.
"I am not surprised," he commented
"I am free to say, your excellency,
that I have noted hitherto a liixness
on the part of the provincial authori
ties In administering the free-trade
requirements of their lordships."
"You chnrge that?" Inquired the gov
ernor coldly.
"I do. sir. And t give fair warning
that, with a view to the best Interests
of the province and In response to the
wishes of the majority of the liter
chants, I purpose to carry my com
plaint before the privy council at the
earliest opportunity."
fiovenor Burnet rose from his chair.
The cordiality was gne from his man
ner. "This meeting Is dissolved." he pro.
nounced. "No, not a word, gentle
men" this as several undertook to ob
ject "I still hold his majesty's com
mission as governor, and I pioe to
secure assent to my authority by on
means or another. I have striven to
reason with you. I shall now proceed
as seems best to me. Master Murray,
file your charges In writing and be
prepared to bear testimony In their
defense. Yon may go."
The door closed on the last of the
turbulent group.
"But, your excellency," I protested,
"why do you permit Miiiray to make
such charges without bringing up
against him the information we gath
ered at La Vlerge du Bolst Sure, 'tis
some measure of offense to apply tor
ture to a fellow-countryman; and for
the rest, there Is the testimony of
Ta-wnn tie-ars to eorrolrate me."
(iovernor Burnet shook his head
"You forget that nnfortunntely your
own past Is somewhat clouded In the
eyes of the law. Did I charge him with
anything on your evidence, he would
assail you for a known Jacobite and
outlaw, and whatever counter-charges
we might make he would dismiss as
mere efforts to offset your guilt"
"Why, 'tis Incredible, your excellen
cy," I cried with heat "Here we have,
beside myself, I'eter Corlaer, who Is
surely known for trustworthy, If I am
not. And Ta-wan-ne-ars Is a chief as
well as a man of edtieutlon. even sc
cording to white men's standards
Must we suffer this self confessed tral
tor to escape ecol-free?"
The governor shook his head again.
"I dare not Muster Ormerod Un
fortunately, as I have said, and
through no fault of your own, you are
discredited In advance as witness.
I'eter Is known for a sturdy hater of
the French and devoted to me and to
those who think ns I do, notably your
friend Muster Juggins In Ixmdon.
"Ta-wniMie-ara Is an Indian. lis
will acquit me of Intent to offend II
I say openly that my enemies will re
fuse to accept his word against that
of a great merchant like Murray."
He hesitated a moment, deep In
"There la no other way," he decided
suddenly. "Druw up your chairs. I
have much to ask of you, and 'tis no
more than fair that I should present
for you all the facts In the case,
Unable to See Joke
Smith Now these figures obvlousl
Indicate that the name of your future
wife will tie Mrs. Brown.
Brown and Smith art no longer
Breed$ ButterRiet
Butterfly funning Is a career new
to most people. But at least one man
has made, a success of It He labels
himself a Inpldopterlst and be has a
farm at llexh-y, Kent England, devot
ed to nothing else hut breeding of
butterflies and moths millions of
They are reared on trees and hushe
covered with muslin bags, and are ex
ported to museum, schools, mid col
leges lu all parts of the world,
aV3 iW.-J,''t
Polish Peasant
(Prpr1 bf tht National Or-tsrsphlt
auuoii, w.hniiu. I). C I
THE Poland of today still shows
the effects of the World war
which freed the country of po
litical dependence on Ituisln.
This Is especially marked lu Warsaw,
the capital. The nrter who meets
one at the train was but yesterday a
millionaire. Fantastic figures gsve
birth to fantastic habits. I'ntll re
cently no one asked for change. With
a masa of hrnln cluttering aeros, It
was easier to deal tn round numbers.
Then came the zloty, worth a gold
franc, twentjr cents, or l.Stsj.tHK) Pol
ish marks.
There were no terns to toss around
and ninny travelers, likewise reduced
from the ranks of millionaires, prefer
to carry their own bugs; hence there
are three porters for every Job. Each
must live from the proceeds of a day,
two-thirds of which la taken up In
having bis services refused.
As a droshky rolls up the blue
coated driver In a leather cap hands
his number to a policeman, who slips
It onto one end of a broken ring. A
duplicate number hangs between the
shoulder blades of the cubby. When
an arriving passenger wants a car
riage a number la slipped off the other
end snd the driver of that number
wins the fare, according to the first-come-flrst-to-serve
Occasionally, when demand for
droshkles exceeds supply, a number
never gets onto the ring, and Instead
of a lot of tags representing bile car
riages there Is a queue of potential
At the hotel a long succession of
military heels, relief committee hoots
and suit cose salesman's shoes has
reduced to paper thinness the carets
In which one once waded through lux
ury. Exasperated guests have killed
files against the wall paper. Careless
bacchantes cooling their brows have
broken the bottoms out of the wash
basins. After years of war and de
preciation, funds must be found to re
store the hotel to Its former state. On
Cop of the necessarily high price the
municipality Imposes nn KO per cent
surtax, plus a dollar for a passport
Inspection each time one returns to
Warsaw Now Dark and Dull,
Beautiful parks and gardens sur
rounded by dull, gray, depressing
streets are the first Impressions which
Warsaw, the capital city, makes upon
the visitor.
The buildings are huge, Impressive
because of their size but not pictur
esque. Coupled with heaviness of con
struction there Is somherness whose
psychological effect Is disheartening.
There la nothing depressing about a
country scene, even on a night with
out a moon ; but In a city, with the sky
shut out darkness weighs upon the
From six to eight , every evening
joung Wsrsaw parade's the thorough
fares between Theater square and the
Union garden. Polish men are sup
posedly vivacious. Polish women are
reputed beautiful. For want of ade
quate lighting, what might be a bril
liant concourse la a funereal gathering
wading through such darkness as
would ruin Times square In a single
The Tolea are said to be the great
est duncers In the world, but the trav
eler seeking something peculiarly pol
ish In a public place finds an oily
haired bnnjolst pursuing a couple
about the polished floor and a negro
trap drummer tossing his sticks In
the air or coaxing a peculiar rattle
from till drums with a . wire fly
swatter. Many Ornate Churches.
The Polish capital hue mnny
churches, massive and ornate, baroque
outside and rococo within, full of me
morials to those Polish exiles who did
their work on foreign soil and to
whom, under Itusslan ruin, no public
monuments could lie .raised.
In the Church of the Holy Ghost, In
accordance with the great composer's
wish, the heart of Frederic Chopin Is
burled. Business men enter with bi let
A rr-
'.: - - . , i
Woman at Market
cases under their nruis and alt or
kneel beside peasant women with milk
cans or vegetables protruding from
their shawls.
Chic Polish women slide nut past
some stooping peiihiitit In top hoots.
On the broad front steps old men and
women in rags, a mother with a baby
at her breast, await the alms Inspired
by brief communion with oneself or
The streets of the capital are hn
tnanlted by news stands with papers
In several languages, excellent Illus
trated Journals, some Innocent gayety
and much nudity In silk stocking.
With the reiviit deaths of Joseph Con
rad and Ilenryk Sletiklewics snd the
Nobel award to l.aillslas llcymnnt'e
"The Peasants," one might rxeet a
considerable demand for the works of
these Polish literary Hons, but recent
ly translations of Henry Ford's "My
Life and Work," Morand's "Lewis and
Irene" and a Claude Farrere novel
were among the best sellers.
The Warsaw cigarette stand con
sists of a box which can be suscndcd
from the shoulders and carried to a
locution chosen for the number cm? po
tential buyers who pass at any given
hour. Brighter still are the soft-drink
or refreshment Ixsiths with pink and
yellow simps, red and russet apples,
shiny rolls of chocolate and various
tyies of breadstuff'.
Scenes In the Markete.
There la a certain Informality about
the markets of Warsaw. The trnfllc
In vegelabloa and flowers, chapleta of
dried mushrooms, milk and eggs, live
and dressed poultry. Juicy pears and
enormous English walnuts overflows
from the two market hulls Into the
streets and courtyards on all sides.
. The practice of selling live poultry
In a county where cold storage on
slsts of a long winter luakea for a
more even market. If, after having
twenty city women finger over her pet
gander, the country woman flnds nn
ale for hlin, a twist of the wrist Ilea
hi in up In her shawl and back home
she goes.
Near the food markets the fronts of
several buildings are draped with
piece goods, and acrosa the Mini Is a
ill inly lighted shambles, where the
shoddiest of woven goods, comfortless
underwear, rardlsiard suit cases and
ugly finery are sold to those too poor
to profit from buying honest goods.
North of these markets, watched
over by bulbous-bodied country women
with cheery, honest faces, one comes
to the Nalewkl, where Yiddish Is the
native Jargon.
The Nalewkl differs from Polish
Warsaw In that Its buildings have nn
flue facades, but two slovenly backs.
Between It and the Vistula there re
mains the Old Town square, once the
haunt of fashion. Home of the line
carved doorways atlll hint of ancient
glories. The row of medieval houses
Is, In Its general aspect, as fine aa
anything Warsaw cfm offer. Hidden
away from casual gaze are narrow en
trance halls and staircases that once
gleamed with the beauty of Ivory
shoulders, and where nutty officers,
emerging from their heavy overcoats,
disclosed such a lancers' unlnform as
made a callow youth look like a roan
of Iron and a breaker of hearts.
Thrie Is nothing distinctive about
the Warsaw skyline. Until recently
the dominating features of the sllhou
ette were the Ave gilt douies mid 210
foot campanile of the Itusslan church.
Within the lust three years this has
been torn down, carefully and expen
sively. Warsaw's citadel, with Its over
worked execution grounds and Infa
mous Pavilion X, was built to punish
the Poll's for the November Insurrec
tion of 18,'tO. Pavilion X has linen
torn down. In It was the cell 'whore
Pllsudskl was Imprisoned.
From the citadel walls one looks
Mown upon the Vistula, whoso basin
embraces most of Poland and on
wliotd banks aro more than half of the
nation's cllles.. Sadly neglected until
now, It may become ns Important
wutcrwny as the Ithliie or the Hcluu.
Engineer Crcssy
Praises Tciib
Ftrmtnliillm, Muling, Vereniis.
not awl (.'orinVtiu'iori llrtinml,
lleuHh Ueilurtd. Ouiiu Vfi I'uuiult
much good that li
bsve been boosting!
savs II. Creasy. U50
tills rU.,8im I ran,
clsco, a well-known
eloctricnl engineer,
"Htoiuacli Irouhla
was the seat of my
V v
trouble. W hate vnr I
ate did not digest.
of my stomach ami ferment, cause gaa
that iloa led inyatoiiiaotiain! pained me.
Often this trouble wss so bsil I could
hardly breathe. IwnsKltvKVScoiiatiMitetI
aixl lost weight fast, (a oocirsn I was nerv
ous ami at night I never slept soundly,
"Then a lady advised ma to Inks
Tallinn. I did, with wonderful result
It relieved all stomach trouble, gave ine
an appetite, eteansml my system of oon
stiiwtlon and built up my gtrength, I
have gained iM pounds since taking
TaiiliMi. And never felt Mtor."
Take Tsnlso (or better health, for 1
strength. First bottle shows ainui.if
result. At your druggist's, Ovar 4J
nullum bottle Sold.
For Indigestion, Dyapspala, etc
Relieve Dlatrea alar Hurried
Msala or Overeating. Selng a
(tnibi Usatlve, II keep the dl
gtstlve tract working normally.
' 30c & 00c. At all Druggist.
6. 6. CRECtt, In. WOODBURY, N. J.
JCill All Flics! W
SUM mil a. NI. .I. rwwMil.l. n.n.M a, J
m Sf Jjrs jri a '-aa I -.u l I mm
jK-ki&7f ""all
Mle4 ejfjaii
DAISY ilv uaia
Mitchell ls-JeVV,..':
ar mil ri.,'
Tua at almala raT
Oial Mal aaa.loat nliat
U ML III, all afeal
Ball BaaM. Saa- la lata
Havt Syitem of Levels
to Reveal Altitude
Altitudes are obtained by a sjeteiu
of levels for the taking of which u
requires considerable engineering
knowledge and a set of Instruments.
There Is also a method of estimating
altitude by means of tsblns worked
out on the basis of the reading of the
barometer. Nffervnces of temperature
affect the density of the air, and con
sequently exert a certain Influence
upon su aneroid barometer. This Influ
ence dbs to be taken Into account
when dlfferencee of altitude are be
ing determined by the aid of this In
strument. The table, allowing allow
ances that must be made for tempera
ture, most generally used la that pre
pared by Professor Airy, late astron
omer royal of flreut Britain, In which
St Inches of pressure represent the
xero of altitude, assuming that the
temperature la 50 de grees Fahrenheit.
Womtn't Employment
Among the many trades women
have taken up for a livelihood In
Great Britain Is that of breeding
goldllah. An Irish girl geta a living
by breeding goats; t.aily Itachel Ilyng
breeds Angora rabbits. There ar
several women "masters of fog.
hounds," a woman has chosen "tea
tasting" for a living, another la
rattle Judge and one young lady puts
In her whole time aa a muster of bar
riers. A college gtrl has become "a
scribe and heraldic Illuminator," two
other Jointly earn a living by Jam
making on a large seals, two slater
ran a small upholstery business, an
other I a builders' merchant.
Getting SUtpy
Mrs. Downing Why are yon bath
log your head In cold water?
Her lluslmnd Tn keep awake. rv
called the doctor for ipy Insomnia and.
I'll Mel like a fool If I'm asleep wheo
he gets here.
The busy have no time for team
I what on
mother writes of Mrs.
Winslow'a Syrup. Thoussnds
of other mother have found
this safe, pleasant, effective
remedy a boon when baby's
little stomach is upset For con
stipation, flatulency, colic and
diarrhoea, nacre la nothing Ilk
TblVa' WCMaWlSWafa II
It Isespoclally good at teething II
time. Complete formula fmJM
on ever label, liuaran- -saaaoe
teed free from narcotlca. Jj
opiates, aiconni and all (
harmful InirawlUnta LAtl
lll-JII fatal
U Saifl' sjk
' ".rl
K.' .
I God-tent
ifc "ij BIcMing"
for k.LU l IsTS D I
sratatulmuthtra. Hi;
mug oo, L a v
li he. Tars LZ i 1