The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 06, 1927, Image 2

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    a m
The open mind
GENERAL MOTORS has an open
mind. Its program is to provide a
quality car in each price field. Already
this program has led to the develop
ment of cars that differ widely" in type
and special features, each designed to
serve a special purpose.
Through its laboratories, which are
the largest automotive laboratories,
General Motors seeks to look into the
future. At its Proving Ground it tests
improvements created anywhere in the
world. : :
, .
It is committed to nothing except
' quality at the lowest possible cost. Every
detail is subject to constant questioning
and the possibility of betterment.
This mental attitude is of interest to
you as a car buyer. You are assured that
you are buying the result of today's best
thinking, not yesterday's prejudices or
the mere product of habit.
You are benefitting by contact with
active open minds.
"A car for every punt and purposi,
fRIGIDAMETU EhcMc Ktfrittrfr
Lack of Hospitality
Toward "Poteen" King
Accused of manufacturing "poteen,"
the famous Irish moonshine, the king
of the bootleggers of the Galway re
gion was sentenced recently to pay t
tine of $00 or rrtl three months n
the Jn II. On the day appointed for
Mi clinic he appeared at the gates
of the prison and announced that he
would serve bis time, ai be wai un
able to pay the flue.
II had not, however, compiled with
the rule of the prison to provide him
self with a police escort and com
mittal warrant. Admittance to the
prison was refused. The following
day he again applied for admission,
with the same result. Vowing that he
would pay off the fine by distributing
more of his troublesome "poteen," he
turned away from the Inhospitable
prison and went back to Connemara.
Sore tyM, blo4-ahf)t T'e, w.t.ry 7.
sticky .y... ill h.l.d promptly with filthily
application of Roman Eye lleleara. A4V.
"Two-Manual" Piano
Emanuel Moor, the English com
poser, has Invented piano whose up
per keyboard ha register one
octave higher than the lower. It can
be coupled to play with the lower.
This overcomes certain technical dif
ficulties for pianists ; octrve run ran
be played with single fingers, tenth
as thirds, etc. Sclentlfjr. American.
Ik Buzz scores hit in scaif dance
FLIT spray clean your home of mosquitoes
and flics. It also kill bed bugs, roaches, ants,
and their eggs. Fatal to insects but harmless to
mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today.
si if EM
Flies Mosquitoes Moths
Ants Bed Bugs Roaches
T) it' miMtf fH M ft i
Tim to Co
Itlch Old Uncle A month ago 1
made my will and left everything to
Bright Nephew What ar you
waiting for then J
Bell-Am Really Sure Relief
Thousands of Testimonial From Doc
tor, Nurses and Dentist 8ay So.
For correcting over-acldlty tnf
quickly relieving belching, gas, sick
headache, heartburn, nausea, bilious
nest and other digestive disorder
BKLL-A.VS ha been proved of jren
value for the past thirty year. No
a laxative but a tested Sure Relief f'
Indigestion. Perfectly harmless am
pleasant to take. 8end for free sample:
tt: Bell 4 Co., Inc. Orangeburg, N. I
Divert to Ute Wirelett
Diver of Berlin are experimenting
with the use of radio In eonnectlot
with the algnallng to those at the sur
face of the water. New diving julr
contain radio bead phone and Conner
tlon to small broadcasting set car
rled by the tender. In this way wa
ter worker may keep In constant
touch with the outside world.
. The best way not to obtain prals
is to ask for It.
li it, Umcktt, J-
CHAPTER XI Continued
Peter answered him with th Iro
quois war-whoop, and we sprung from
the aumac clump, dodging right and
left through th tree trunks.
"Here they come," yelled Boiling In
warning. ,
He tired hi musket, and I felt the
wind of It bullet on my cheek. Tom
shot with no better results. Th two
surviving Cahnuiigs threw away their
guns and fled.
"I will take car of them, brothers,"
houted Ta-wan-ne-ara, casting aside
his own musket "One Seneca against
two Cahnuugas that should b full
Ile put on speed a he spoke, waved
hls'hand and was gone, running like a
greyhound after the two frightened
savages, who wort scurrying around
the swamp.
The field wa left to I'eter and me
and the two ruttlluns whom th
frontier railed Bed Ivath and Black
Death. They seemed nothing louth to
meet us.
"Ho, ho, ho." roared Boiling. "D'ye
see who It Is, Tout? Waull, young
teller" thl to me "wu you Intend
In' to amus me some?"
Tm Intending to let a Utile clean
air Into your dirty skin," I answered.
He threw back hi head a If much
"Ho, ho, bo 1 Now afn't you got the
mart way o' puttlu' things? Young
feller, I'll tell yer what: you'r too
good for the frontier. You"
As quirk as lightning, and without
an Indication In advance to wurn me,
be flung his tomahawk at my head. I
saw It coming, and Inatlucttvely did
tb only thing possible to sav my
self raited my own ax to guard. Boil
ing's hatchet struck uiln and knocked
It from my hand, leaving my arm sor
and tingling.
"You wasn't ei pert In' that, wa
your b gibed. ".Waail, young feller,
there' a heap o' other things you
ain't expectln', but they're a-golu' to
happen. Yes, right now. You watch."
He poised himself on the balls of his
feet, and pranced around me, his big,
douhlo-edged scalping knife held ready
to his right bund.
"I'm aliulo' to cane you, my lad,"
be warued me. "You ain't got the
ehance a squirrel has ag'ln an eagle.
There ain't a knife-fighter In these
part ran stand up to me. Boy, I'm
'most resdy to be sorry fur y. I feel
that bloody-minded I ain't got no
mercy left at alL" '
He attacked me with a peculiar
weeping blow that wa aimed at my
shoulder, but fell at the level of the
waist Had it paused my guard,
'twould have 'disemboweled me. I
parried his blade with mine, and
struck back for the first time with
such venom that be leaped away In
The suspension In bis attack guv
me opport unity to glunce over my
shoulder toward the edge of the
swamp, where I'eter and the negro
were circling each other warily, toma
hawk poised for throwing.
The sight put an Idea In my nil ml.
t remembered my duel- wfth the Calinu
ga In the glade by the Great Trull
and the discovery that he was at a
i)lsaiika'iitage when I used the knife
a I had learned to use th sword. I
promptly shifted my grip on the kulfe
bllt and held It straight before me a
If It were a rapier. At the same time
I Inclined my other arm behind me to
balance It Boiling viewed thl
maneuver with derision,
"Ye pore baby," he sneered. "Think
ye can meet a knife-flghtor like me
with one arm? Or fight me off with
the point? I'll show ye."
He charged Uxn me like a hatter
Ing ram, his knife a whirling point of
steel, Its broad blade slashing In both
directions. I retired slowly, anxious
to Increase hi self-confidence.
"Htnnd up to me now I" he yelled
finally. "Be y feared?"
I laughed at this, and It made him
furious. II stumped around me,
lashing and stubbing, and it wn sev
eral minutes before he discovered Unit
however viciously he struck I was ul
ways able to parry hi in with an econ
omy of effort
He crept forward like a huge cut,
feet spread wide,' shoulder crouched,
knife a menacing fin inn.
Somewhat to hi surprise I did not
give ground to him thl time, but met
blm squarely as he advanced. My srm
wa extended, full-length, tipped with
a good ten Inche of steel. He itruck,
and I parried the blow, He slashed,
and I put It aside. II struck again,
and I almost succeeded In twisting til
blade from his hand by an old trick of
the sails de amies. But my knife
wa not long enough to get the neces
sary purchase with It
H charged with wonderful celerity,
dropped to his knee and slushed up
ward so effectively that his point cut
she skirt of my leather shirt
"I'll gut ye yet," he howled with
But I refused to be Intimidated. In
deed, I was no longer doubtful of th
Issue. I knew that I could outfight
htm or any fighter of hi caliber by my
adaptation of gwordpluy to knlfo
flghtlng. I leaped upon him by way of answer,
and pressed the fighting. He yielded
ground to hie, seeking to retreat Into
the wood by the trail ; but I rounded
him up and herded blm steadily
toward the edge of th swamp.
I shortened our fight Inn-rung, and
gave hint the point, drawing blood oc
casionally. He kept his head down,
and parried desperately, trying to
escape to on side, but 1 was on him
so swiftly that he wa afraid of a
blow from the rear, and must need
stand to defend himself. At Inst he
stood on the very brink of the morass,
with no avenue of escape open.
"How will you tile, my frlendT" I
asked. "You can smuttier to death If
you prefer It?"
His answer was a bellow of Insen
sate rage and his knife, thrown point
first at my chest By sheer luck I
rnught Its point on my hilt, turned It
aside and met hi rush. He wraptied
hls'nrms around me, Intent on Tarry
ing me with blm Into th oose and
slime. But I slabbed blm to the heart
before his hear' hug wa completed,
and he fell away from me, arms spread
wide, and lay In a nnlsom heap by
the tussocks of marsh grass.
I stood over him, panting from my
exertions, when a shout from T wan
near attracted my attention. Th
Seneca was returning from hi pursuit
of the two Cahnuagaa. II shunted
again and pointed behind me. I turned
to see I'eter and the negro locked It
each other's arms, and a I looked,
Tom heaved I'eter Into the air ard
tried to throw him. But I'eter locked
hi legs around the negro's waist, and
they rolled over and over across the
. I readied them "Just a they strug
gled to their feet, grip uureluxed. I'e
ter warned me off.
"Ktandt clear," h croaked. "I fin
ish this myself."
f'ertes, nolmdy but Peter could hsv
finished It The negro strength wa
colossal. He fought Ilk 'a wildcat,
with teeth and null and legs. But
I'eter met blm phlegmntlcully, refusing
to be angered by the vilest attempt.
They had torn the clothing from each
other' shoulders and flanks. They
drlpied blood. Their skin shone with
sweat Their chests heaved with the
effort for breath.
Tom stooped and flung hi anus
around I'eter's waist, driving hi head
for the Dutchman' loin. I'eter retal
iated by bringing up hi knee agalnat
the negro' chin. Tom reeled buck,
nnil I'eter swooped upon hliri. On
'arm hooked Tom's waist the other
caught hi in by the neck.
Device Called Upon
Detecting the unbalanced portion of
any revolving muss, such aa a flying
wheel of an engine or a dynamo ar
mature, Is declared a simple matter
by the Inventor of a device that la
cnlled a "bulunca detector." Tha
theory of the Instrument Is based on
the principle that any revolving body
or disk, perfectly balanced and loose
ly supported on Its axis, will, when re
volving, seek It own course of revo
lution and rulat steadily, Irrespec
tive of the course of It axis.
Th device consists enseutliilly of a
rate or housing. Through thl runs
an axlo, universally supported, on
which Is a rotating disk. Tho bearing
member protrude froui the rasing,
and when testing, Is placed against
the end of the shaft of the piece of
machinery In question. This Is al
lowed lo route until It has attained
Dnsea nnd with a mouthful of shat
tered teeth, Tom struggled feebly, but
without avnll. I'eter twisted hlul, bora
him to the ground, shifted grip rapidly,
drove hi knee Into the qulvurlng belly
and throttled the Ufa out of th black
"So I make an ndt of him,- panted
th Dutchman a It ituggvred to his
"Ay, wa have made an end to Red
Death and Black Death," I answered.
"And I alow the two who ran,"
added Ta-wnn nenrs, touching two
cnlp whoso clustered feathers pro
truded from his belt.
"A cleau swttup," I said. "There will
b none to curry th tula to La Viorg
du Bols."
Governor Burnet Is Defied
Twa early autumn when w re
turned to Albany, Th flag over th
battlement of Kurt Orang atood out
straight from It staff. The cltUens
who thronged th street leading up to
the fort gnto must need hold on to
their hat brim.
"Ar th streets usually so crowd
ed?" I asked I'eter.
He shook hi head, and I accosted
a tavern keeper who stood In hi door
way, regunllng th passers-by with an
ticipation of the harvest he would reap
"Tla M excellency th governor,"
he explained. "Th governor and Mus
ter t'olden of hi council hav sum
nioned certain gentry and merchant
and the officers of the troops to meet
them In the great hall of the fort this
We came to th fort gate and gave
our names to th sentry who stopHd
all ssv the few th governor had sum
moned to attend upon him. A messen
ger he dispatched brought back word
that we were to enter, and we wrt
escorted across th parade and Into
the quarter of th commandant ad
joining the great hall. .
Muster ('olden met u In th door
way. ,
"Zooks, but I am right glsd to c
you," he cried. "And hi cxrcllenry Is
He opened an Inner door and ush
ered U Into Die presence of the gov
ernor. Master Burnet ruse and came
forward with hand outstretched.
"Master Ormerod. this could not
hav been better I I wished above all
things to- siee-h with you. Corlaer,
I am deeply In your debt. Ta-wan ne
ar, you have again Incurred th grati
tude of th province."
"DM you recelv my report from
Oswego, sir?"! asked.
"Cortes, 'twa that and this" he
tapped a document which lay before
him on the table "which brought me
here." .
He proffered It. Twa a report from
a secret agent at Montreal, quotjpg the
derision of the Trench fur dealer,
acting In conjunction with their gov
ernment, to raise th price of beaver
from two llvrea, or on shilling six
pence In English currency, the pound,
to the level of four llvrea, or three
shillings, the established price then
prevailing at th English trading
post. "That, mind you," continued the gov
ernor ae I returned th paper to him.
"was th first reaction In Canada to
th tiding that Murray had succeeded
In legltlmntlxlng his trade over the
lHom Trail. But com with me. It
may be I shall appeal to you for first
hand testimony."
. W deMlted our muskets In a cor
ner or th room, and filed Into the
larger .chamber adjoining, where some
thirty men awaited him. Reveral were
gentry who wer member of his roun
rll. Three were officer In command
of the frontier garrisons. The remain
der were merchants, dealing to greater
or lesser extent In the fur trade, th
great export atuple of the province.
Ill excellency wasted no time. In
preliminaries or generalities, - He de
posited several papers on the table In
front of blm, and addressed himself
to hi task.
"(lenllnnen," he began, "I tisv sum
mured you to meet me here because
a situation has arisen which I of the
Utmost gravity to th welfur of the
province and th larger Interests of his
majesty' realm. . Decently I hav been
In receipt of a communication In the
form of a petl'b'n signed by many of
th chief merchants of the province,
beseeching me tp abandon my opo
slllon to the retention of the free trade
with Canada which Is now temporarily
secured to them by the artlon of the
lord of trade In susendlng derision
UHn the law prohibiting the trad In
Indian goods which I secured to be
passed last year."
That M'tltlon represented the sober
thought of a majority of the mer
chants nnd trailers, your excellency,"
spok bp a prosperous bulking man,
to Detect Balance
tha maximum spied of the shaft In
the casting Is a pointer which shows
the trend of the motion, greutly exag
gerated. The machine I then (topped,
with tha device still connected, and
tha pointer will then show tha side
out of bulnnca.
Southern Exprettion
Itlddnll's "fact, Fancy and Kable"
says that the expression "Nigger In
the wtHKjpllo" originated In the Mouth
and refer to th thieving propensity
of slaves.
We've Noticed It, Too
Often when you think you are losing
you are winning, and when you think
you are winning you are losing, Tim
will toil the story, too. Watartow
Once again Champion .
reminds you that to
enjoy maximum en
gine performance dure'
ing the next twelve
months you should
install a complctt new
set of spark plugs now.
rfcaisplM li iks settee
tta . s Hms smtmmc lu
JuW?tlh."l MllMMK
Ms rwrc ! fwptacs
ewutnu MwtaiMi lu tj
fisiiSi Hi
Quick, aafe, sur relief from
painful callous on th feet
Ai efl ti'Mf moj ikm nam
To Get Power From Sea
A floating factory to draw power
from th sea la an Idea conceived by
r'rench engineer. - It I to I hi nper
ted by turbine-driven generator,
converting Into power water driven
through pipe plungpd I.ftX) meters
Into tha sea. Th floating plant
would be hexagonal In thane anil are
planned so that ships may lie loaded
or unloaded on bridge at th edge.
Hit Latt Cowboy "Stunt"
William I lurts.nk. nine, of Lewla
ton, I'.. I done playing cowboy. With
a lasso tied about hit wslst he tossed
th loop over a tire rarrler on an
automobile driven by Hubert Fisher,
lie wa dragged a quarter of a mil
through the street before a following
car muld attract Klshrr'a attention
and release th boy.
Mandy What did yo" husband y
when you asked blm bow he coma out
In de rrnp game?
Jemlnu Hf ssy, "Didn't yoa all
hear me say Ah won?" an' Ah aay,
Th, huh. Yo' motif say yon won but
yo pocketbimk any you lost 1"
Blx I'm gvilng to glv up cigar.
Dlx (IimhI I I ran do with on right
iiw. Boston Transrrlpt.
At th fountain nobody trie
to tell yiu a long silly anew dote, any
wsv. . For Indlgeotlon, Dyspepsia, ete.
' Rsllev Olatra aftar Murrlad
Msala or Ovratln Being
gtntl Isaattv, It kssp th di
gestive tract working normally.
30c & 80c. At all Druggists. .
0. 6. GREEN, Ina. WOODBURY, N. J.
' pimples,, etc, cleared
way stilly and at little cost trf
Keep Stomach and Bowels Right
nr SlHrs heSr ttis narmUet, purely
Vegetable, Infants UxJcblldreii'ereraletuf.
m.mmy)n syrup
b auk lag bear's stanach dlaast
f'jd and noweie mots as
titer ehmM st teei Mus
lims. Guaranteed free
fmn neMQtJffa. not
H y eusohol and alt
I In awmf ul Intredl.
.A A " late tut
- ' a ul ifubn.
Csrboll draws out the rnro
and give quirk rrllrf
Sue f uru JfF
Ckamtls jf fj
t Care otbe
SUM Vutdi t(g
Pmess eJx
Sale) tea
aVa W. X at
ft A I Tv
I 'Ml