The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, April 22, 1927, Image 2

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Urs Cuevas'
Quick Recovery
Threaten ad With Tears of Pain
anal CrtsfW lo Crippling Rhmf
malum and Run-Poo Condi
- tion, San t'ranritco Widow Km
Tanlao scored a
complete victory in
the etw of Mrs.
Cuevas, 2.V)3 Bush
Bt, San Franoisco,
whosaysi"For three
jreara I had been
crippled. Poison
In my finger end
hands developed
Into rheumatism.
"I was even un-
abletodnesmyself . My troublesbroughi
On heart trouble. My atomacn wan up
set so that food did not nourish roe. I lout
11 appetite, became weak and exhaust
ed ana my usual good color disappeared,
"Tanlao brought health and happi
ness, the poisons in my iratem were ex
pelled. My digestion is as good ai mv
apiwlite. I ain so strong and so well,
with all signs for future nealta that 1
am full of praise for TsJilac"
This tome, made of roots, barks and
tteitie, helps build up weak bodies, put
flesh on scrawny bonea, free the aya
' tern of poison and relieve cause of pain.
Benefit by Mrs. Cuevas' experience.
Let Teniae, give you glorious health.
Get your first bottle rum your drug
fiat today I
Heals Eczema
in 7 Days or Less
Or Your Money Back
Here U a surgeon's wonderful pre
scription now dispensed by pharma
cists at trifling cost, that will do
more towards helping you get rid of
unsightly spots and skin diseases than
anything you've ever used.
Not only doe this great healing an
tiseptic oil promote rapid and healthy
healing In open sores and wounds, but
bolls, abcesaes and ulcers that are
discharging are almost immediately
relieved and cleanly healed.
In skin diseases Its action Is little
less than magical. The Itching of
eczema is instantly stopped; the
eruptions dry up and scale off In a
very few days. The same is true of
barbers' itch, salt rheum and other
irritating and unsightly skin trou
ble. Too can obtain Moone's Emerald
Oil in the original bottle at any mod
ern drug store. It Is safe to am,
and failure In any of the ailments
noted above is next to impossible
Tonr druggist can supply you at any
m. VHsoin syrup
Plmant la sin slanaat to
Ma. Usanuitaad anralr vac
atabteandaaaotatalThaitalsas. It quickly aranxnaa salla,
dtarrkom. BatoJaary an4
athar Ilka diaordara. est.
Tka spaa aabliahad I T)
Xaraaia apaaara I fx
bal. M
if i ff r r hM Kiii
Quick rahaf (rota pain.
JDlSchoWa VZ
DeafnessHead Noises
"RaS Back af Ear."
11 ID rmcttUL Mn 11
tola stent -DLAfNEM' as naaai
a. e. unixim, vn. n nm fi. a. t.
. There, quick, r
There quick, positive;
ejNtmtuji Mfit an.
Commercial Term
"Pittsburgh plus" Is term used in
the steel Industry. Market prices of
steel are based on the prices In Pitts
burgh. Any purchaser of steel prod
ucts outside of Pittsburgh must pay
the price quoted lo Pittsburgh plus
the freight to the place of delivery.
For Instance, a Chicago purchaser
might get steel from Gary, Ind but
be would pay the Pittsburgh price
plus freight from Pittsburgh to Chi
cago, Writhes Indian Tnratabla Pills aantila
snip vstabia lotradl-ata which act aa a
(alia pargsun. til Paarl t M. T. A4v.
Proverb Modernized
"Is Clare much put out at being Jilt
ed by that avlatorr
"Oh, no. Rhe says there are Just a
good bird In the air as ever were
caught." Boston Transcript
Sure Relief
Tha great valna of Be'l-Ane In the
rffltefaf lf eitlra dlaarsraal tha ttamarh
and bawcls It aravas as ltd autatanllal
Incrcaaa In uh raaf lot lha saw
Ihlrtr aaara. Prempllr and araatrlv
taken wc havf savtr snawn H la fait
Send far frtt Mmplaa ta ball S Ca., Ina,
Orsngebarg.N, V,
aHaatlr Baflm Se T eg af K
254 and 75 Pk0'j.Sold Lverywhew
Mary Graham Bonner
awiwjT m wKMfW mm mufi umm
T haven't told you yet about the
spring frolic of the fairies," said
Daddy, soon after dluuer.
"It Is a late
spring frolic, you
"This year they
had it the night
before last
"For days be
fore this frolic the
Fairies had gone
flower hunting,
and, of cvurxev
they found quan
tities of them.
"Once every
year at Just about
this time be
tween the spring
and the summer,
the Fairies have
what they call t
The Maypole
spring frolic
"So of every kind there was some
specimen, and they knew Just how to
arrange these Bowers.
"They put them all over the fresh
green grass, and here and there they
scattered young green ferns.
"It made the grass look like a soft
carpet of all the prettiest colors In
the world.
"Then all was ready for the party.
"And now the fun began.
"First of all, they had the Maypole
"It was really wonderful. There
were all the lovely wild flowers which
they bad gathered, and upon them the
moon ws shining, and then all the
Fairies, so exquisite and so graceful,
were dancing around the Mnypole,
"It was very beautiful. But, to
continue, the Maypole dance Is simply
one of the many delightful things
about their spring frolic.
"After the dance Is over, when, of
course, the Fairy Queen la proclaimed
queen of the May, the sports begin.
"You see, every one feels Just like
exercise after such fine weather, and
they all have all kinds of races and
games. Last of all conies the frolic."
"Is that a sneclul gamer asked
Nick. "I thought that you Just meant
the whole party was frolic, and be
cause it was given in the spring It
was called a spring frolic"
"Well, of course," said Daddy, "the
whole party is a real spring frolic.
"But they do have special frolic
before the party Is over, and that con
sists of races and
hurdle Jumping.
"They have
small hurdles
pi ii ceil every little
distance on the
race track.
"The race track
Is covered with
flowers, and the
hurdles are al
ways covered with
flowers atno, and
then all the Fair
ies run and Jump
over this course,
while the Fairies
who are racing at
the time sing
Hurdle Jumping.
Jolly songs to help them hurry.
"The fairy who wins this race has
the honor of leading the Maypole
dance for the following spring frolic,
and after the whole party Is-over the
Fairy Queen presents each little fairy
with a lovely crown of flowers."
Turned on Hi Pipe
It was quite dark that evening when
Mr. Gregory set out to walk down
town, and he noticed that It was par
ticularly dark beneath the trees stand
ing near a certain house In which lived
some friends whom be frequently vis
ited. As be Beared this house. It happened
that he lighted bis pipe, and, in doing
so. Incidentally lighted up bis face
with the glow of the match.
"Hello, Mlstuh Deggy," called out
four-year-old Billy from the porch.' '
"Why, hello, Billy," answered Mr
"How did you know It was IV
"Uh, I knew you dea' as soon as you
turned on your pipe," said Billy.
An Etcape
The boy had never seen a clrcns be
fore, and, awestruck, he was walking
around a marquee.
Suddenly one of the clowns lifted up
the flap and stepped outside for
little air.
Running to the ticket-taker, the boy
shouted, "Hey, mister, yer clown's
looser Tlt-Blts.
A Star
Crawford So your son Is itlll In
high school. Didn't he pass?
Baylor No, but he played left end
and caught lots of them.
Loved Him Still
Freddie Mummy, do you love me
still T
Mummy (wearily) Yes, dear, but
you never are. English Humorist
Where Money 1$ Born
Oortrude was taken through a mint
Later, describing It she auld: "Wi
went oil through the house wherr
money Is born."
v -v( ' . cou.nowrvts, J
1 T-Zj I'm pftETTf SMOcrrw 3tti7r-35""-v.
VOU FOLKS VJtU. HAM& ee,,t M m
ou suffiuESs fffylmX X Z Jv
AU0 eSf'
I 1 1111-11 Mlltf I
His Busy Season
twt OAMt, a no
, I i r- va y I nnunt hhw II
' i
A Dark Secret
Petri KJJOVJ I FeU-toR
iu Mavs "O euf rr wow
Your Kidneys
Must Function Properly
For You to b Well
LATE hours, rich foods and stlmulaV
i log diinks are all hard en our kid
nays, II their action bacons sluggUh,
thay do net thoroughly cleama the
bleed ol poiaenous wailaa.
Such Impurities may make one dull,
tired and achy, with oftaa a loilo
backache, drowsy headacha and diul.
naia. A common symptom ol linpartart
kidney hinction I scanty or burning
Thousands have laamad the virtue
ol t)aa' Hlllt, tllmulant diurelie In
these conditwns. 60.000 users have
publicly recommended Doi 's, Ak
gssr mlhkmrl
50,000 Uaert Endorse Doan'it
ImImt) W. Caa. Waaknar, MA. Sana
( I'llli amraj lhalf lua la ma. Mr
kkJnayiaclaa' luatohvanjllwatsllamwara
acanl aa araldina. 1 Kata wa ,urK a aafanats
actaaa MV aara Ittal I aauttta'l aanj alaas,
I aai laid la uaa -' falli aaa ikall alara
ka fUa1 iKal I itd. 1 bar But SM la kaa fKapa."
fbalar MUhum Ca. rHtCbwBuHaU,NX
wrllltv ,arla aatt Iwltara. ar HimmI aaf.
! sarttrutara wrlla k'ayafla WrlllHS Ca
l.BL WK, Waaklnslua U M.. Uhla,
I A 111 KK lit wmII alilraalns aa
ulaia lra. Hoarall ( a.. Ill W. Ika. Chlraaa.
Per Indigestion, Dyeisaawla, etc
Rellevea Dlstrvae after Murrlsa)
Meals er Overeating. Ming
genUe laaetlve, It keeps the dl
gtstlve tract working nertnally.
30c 1 90c. At all Drurjglsti.
a. . 6RIEN, Inc. W00DIURV, N. J.
Instant Relief!
Twf cnrMi ran b rmmmM ftl
tno Wlttl ftrel pplMtM oaf
lt, Wt-ifUC r euneXJ
Mtel HunMM kamusaia;, 'ftrksk4T
MktmiM MAffki lot V una.
At AI Dracglsts JSo
av aaai hf mat I. aaaHMki. an
fatal l I af Ska, alamaa as anas.
Dr. Caasdeej Weefter
ChinpoJui. SL tenia. Me.
Marigolds are Old fuahlnned flowers,
but none the less satisfactory In small
gardens. They are excitingly easy
to grow and begin to flower in few
weeks from the time the seed Is
planted. Moreover, they will thrive In
rsther poor soil, having a tendency
to make heavy futluge but to throw
few flowers when the ground Is rich.
The odor of the marigold Is not very
pleasing. It Is true, and (hey are not
to be recommended for house decora
lions. As bedding plants, however,
they are extremely useful.
Haar Baaala Imaalna thai Warma as.
faavworm rannt b tpall anllralr. A.
stasia i- at "Iaa4 SSot" aravaa tkat tkmt
saa, 1)1 faari St., N. X. Al.
Any More Like That?
E. U flolllns of l.aconU, N. II, re
porta that bis record of being the
son of father who was sllre when
George Washington was President, ha
been equaled In bis own city by Mrs.
Bertha A. lH-srborn, who Is the duugh
ter of Stephen N. Morse of Ashland,
bom April 11, 170,1. He was seventy
Ave years of age when Mrs. Dearbora
was burn. Indianapolis New4
The Hard Path
The way of the transgressor Is harA
and so Is any other well-beaten path,
El I'aao Times.
Truth la the foundation of all knowl
edge and cement of all societies.
Eapecially Prepared for InfanU
and Children of All Ages
Mother I Fletcher's Cantoris has
been In use for over 00 years to re
lieve tuMrs and children of Constipa
tion, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diar
rhea; allaying Feverlshnens arising
therefrom, and, by regulating the
fitoinnch and Bowels, aids the assimi
lation of Foodj giving natural slucp
without opiates.
The genuine bears signature of
V promptly relieved and healed by)
a tew applications oi