The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 25, 1927, Image 4

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rulilinhfd Kvcry Friday by
V. V. HEAD, Editor rnUishcr
One Vsr ....$1.50
v"ix Months "5
hrrf Month - -50
I'lntrrcd is second class matter at
h postofiice at lone, Orron, under
act of March J, 1879
Friday, Mar. 25. 1927
Reservations for the American
Ivtfi m'i ninth Annual Convention
in Pat if, Fiance, Sept. 19 to 23
inclusive, indicate that the Amer
ican people are keenly inttrtsted
in their American Merchant ma
This statement was contained
in a report made to Howard P.
Savage, National commander, by
Jno J. Wicker Jr., National Trav
! director, that more reservations
had been made on U. S. Liners
than on any of the ships contrib
uted by the other six parttcipat
inn steamship companies,
" The American Merchant Ms
rine leads in the number of reer
vations made". National com
mander Savage said.
"Furthermore, the reservations
include Larfionaires and other el
egibles from every state in the
union, indicating positively that
Legionairs not only are villing to
travel on dry ships, but that they
wi-h to support American owned
lines and help maintain the Amer
lean flag on the high seas.
Fraternal Resolutions
Whereas, the great Master saw
that disappointment and separa
tion were nectssar, and has made
them holy and elevating and,
Whereas; we are called to separ
ate from our worthy brother. R.
A. Farrens, let us remember there
is healing in the bitter cup. God
takes away from us those we love
as hostages of our faith; and to
those who look forward to a re
union, in another world, where
. there will be no separation, the
evening of life becomes more de
lightful than the morning and
the sunset offers brighter and
lovelier visions than those we
build in the morning clouds and
which disappear before tht
strength of day.
Therefore: be it resolved that
Dry Fork Grange No 63 extend
to our berelt bisters our sympa
thy and .condoWnce.
Be it further resolved that a
copy of these rexolntiotis be sent
to sister Farrens and family, thai
a copy be sent to the lune Inde
. pendent for publication and thai
a copy be spread on our records.
Dry Fork Grange No. 673.
H. A. Sit wart. Master
A. W. Lundeil. Sec.
I. E. Neison, Chaplain.
A Prodi mation
In accordance with the custom
established by my predecessor, 1
have yearly proclaimed an Amer
ican Forest Week. I do so a .fain
in the belief that no other of iu
internal problems is of greater
moment than the rehabilitation
of our forests now so hopeful y
begun but needing the strong sup
port of our collective will and iu
teligence. Tnrough joint arrange
ment Canada is observing forest
week concurrently with us.
V1N COOLIDGE, President cf
the United States, do hereby des
ignate and Bet aside as American
Forest Week, the wiek tieginriirg
April 24 and ending April 30, in
this year of 1027.
have set my hand and
caused ?he seal of the United
Staies to be affixed.
By the President:
Secretary of State.
Celebration futJ!
Fourth of July In Vli-kaliurg, JIIhh.
Is much Die aniue m uny other duy
It Is the only city In the I'nltei,
State which does not rflvhrute tlx
Fourth, as It wui on thu; il.. Unit (hi
city fell to the Union li.wi durlnj:
tlx Civil war. Detroit Svi. ' '
Words and Sentences
Spoken Through Hands
If the reseiirches of a well-known
It'll! 1st are carried lo a tucceosfnl
c tU'luslon, t new metlioil of coin
iiMiilcnttoti niuy be evolved. In which
the hnmls will lie iniule to apeak
Kurd und sentences In exactly the
sumo way as the mouth does.
The iclentut In question Is Sir
RVhnrd 1'iiKct, who, with the aid of
b lions aud a metnl tulip, which take
the plnce of the lunpt ntul wlntlplpe,
litis nintle his lunula "speak" words In
reninrknhly nnlurul way. In the
course of demonstration. Sir Itlch
aul explained that vocal sounds are
produced by the action of utr passing
over the opening of a cavity; he Illus
trated this by models nmde of plustl
cine and cardboard. Hy supplying ulr
to these models he imnle them utter
vcwel sounds and even words, such as
i.ianmia," "Minnie," "rather," and
Then, discarding the models, he
used his hands only, and made them
"talk" so that every one could hear
and understand Moistening his hands
to prevent the leakage of air, he ma
nipulated them In conjunction with
metal tube and made them say, dis
tinctly. "Hullo London) Art you
there) Mia, t love you."
Primitive Place of
Worship for Indians
What Is belltfved to be the nn '
primitive church In the world Is to It
found Id San Diego county, southern
It Is known as the Sancta Isabel
mission, and Is used by the Indians of
the district. The church Is built of
brushwood. The entrance Is effected
by climbing rude ladder placed
against the low side walls. Two bells
are suspended from a cross beam In
front of the church, and a rude cross
of pine has been erected uixm a, small
leveled surfuoe, which Is utilized for
opcn-alr services should the congrega
tion be too numerous to be accommo
dated within the uurrow limits of the
brush shelter. -
The great majority of worshipers In
tills strnngo church are Chrlstluulxed
Indians. As these mission stations
become of greater Importance more
acvoniiuodattoo U provided, aud many
of the long established oues are elab
orate stone edifices; but In nearly
every Instance they have sprung from
primitive structures such as the one
described, which are erected wlierever
a new site for a mission statlou is
"Flying Into the Part"
Few persons would thiuk of the air
plane as an ally of the archeologlst,
but by means of this modern vehicle
a structure which onee may well have
rivaled Stonehenge, on ' Salisbury
Plain, has Just been located near
Amesbury. Though Its pillars have en
tirely vanished, their socket-hole, seen
from a height, showed up distinctly.
F.lsewhere, within two or three
years, this method of Invest igntlon
tins revealed new earthworks, one
within a mile of Salisbury cathedral
and even the shapes of the fields
once cultivated by the Celtic ances
tors of Englishmen of today have
stood revealed. Even slight variations
of vegetable growth due to the pres
ence of burled walls or filled In ditches
how up from the dr. Philadelphia
Whale Peculiar Feeder
Whales are the mortal enemy of
herring and bahy mackerel, for a big
whale will ent several Ions of these
toothsome (hongh bony little fry In a
day. Tlwy don'l bother about Die
I ones. They go aliout It like a steam
hovel. suys a writer In the I'uthliiider
Maguxine. They simply gulp In a great
muss of fish and wuter, and screen the
lish out with their peculiar "baleen"
strainers, or they swallow the lish and
blow out the water through a hand
some fountain in the top of their head,
according lo the model on which their
works are constructed.
Seamen Fond of Pets
Most ocean ship, especially the cor
w carriers, are lloatlng z his. Seamen
liave a passion for birds mid animals
and members of the crew and olitcers
tithe di'lighl . In acquiring unusual
"peel mens from the various countries
i hey visit, decently ships berthed In
Mew York b.ained mining their pets
cuts that catch dying lish, strange anl
mils from Mmlugascnr thitt cun kill
lawks alighting on the ship, long
r.ecked giraffes, a baby elephant,
-K-kntooi, parrots, iiincuws, toothpick
Mrds, and constrictors, pythons aud
ther snakes.
Coveted Decoration
On January s. IS.iO, on the close
if the Crimean war. the Victoria
toss wus Instituted In Great Ilrltuln.
The cross Is awarded for conspicuous
brnvery. It was extended In Hill and
10'JO. This decorutlou Is worn before
all others, on the loft breast, and con
rlsts of u bronze Maltese cross l',4
Inches In diameter, with the royal
crown surmounted by a lion, and be
neath Is the laser Ipl Ion, "For Valour.'"
Real Toy Town
The real toy town of Itrllulti Is Lon
don. Wooileti toys such as rocking
horties and doll-houses come lu limit
sands from factories In south London
In the old days wooden toys were
aiostly made hy home workers, each
of whom devoted his or her time to
the production of one particular ar
ticle. Hut the pay was poor, and the
Increasing competition from Germany
pructlcully killed this sort of work.
Unable to Put Trust
in Alligator Memory
Charles ltlngliiig, of clicus fame,
hu died at Sarasota, used to collect
uaecdote of Florida cruckera, poor
whiles and colored folk.
"Due of Mr, Uluglltig'a anecdotes,"
said a Sarasota realtor, Um other
day, "was about a cautious convert.
"There, hud been, you see, a col
ored revival, and .the colored revlvul
1st was about to buplUe a butch o,f
converts lu one of those dark, silent,
suspicious-looking streams that you
Uad lu our Kwrgludv.
" 'Come,' the revivalist said, as he
stppin-d Into the black water. 'Come,
follow mu, hrvdderu aud slstern.'
"liut Just theu a couple of alllv
gators raised their heads from the
mud aud opened their terrible mouths
lu u vast yavvu. This cuund the cou
verts to stvp buck with low cries of
"The revivalist rebuked thein. ilred
deru and slsleni, he said, 'cun t yo
trust de Lord) Jle took keer o' Jonuh.
dldu't heT'
"'Ysus, lie d'il. pnw on." tald a con
vert soberly, 'but a whale's different.
A whale's got memory. Hut It one o'
dem 'gators was ter swuller dls coon
he'd Jes' go to sleep ag'lu lu de mud
uu ferget all about lL"
Gig Discovery Mad 3
With Crude Telescope
( tie ot the capital dls. nverl. s ol
arlronomy was made wll.i a crude
telescope lu April, 18f. It wns the
discovery of spiral nebulae, by Lord
Itowe, an Kngllsh peer. Ills large tele
scoi was erected In a country dls
rlol of Ireland more than eighty years
i:o, for the most purl with local lu
Ih r, and It lucked all the advantages
that modem machine tools rhnv afford.
Its long tube, supported upon a ball
aiid-aorkel Joint, and slung In chains
hetweeu two high walls of masonry
liccred through the Irish mists. Lord
It.isse could observe- objects onlv
when near the meridian and then al
the cost of constant effort. In modern
Instruments the apparent westward
iiintloii of the stars Is counteracted hj
I lie steady motion of the telescope
t;te. turned slowly about a polar ails
by a powerful drivlug clock. Iard
liosse, after the tube had been worked
hack und forlh with a windlass until
the tedious task uf llndlng a celestial
object hud been completed, then had
lo keep It In the Held of view by con
sti.nt recourse to similar primitive
contrivances. George Kllery Hale, lu
Strthuer's Mugazlne.
Attire Hard to Adjutt
The original dress of the Scottish
liljilsndcr was the Celtic felle-brea
cun. or belted plaid, this Mug m piece
of tartan cloth two yards broad and
four long, drawn around the waist In
rurefully adjusted folds, and II mil)
buckled with a belt. Like the modern
kill, the lower part reached the knees
while the upper was (tied to the shoul
tier In a manner to permit perfect
freedom of the right arm. In wet
weather the plaid or upper part of
cloth served as a covering for the
shoulders. It required considerable
detterlty for a Highlander to attire
himself In belted plaid. The method
usually employed was to lay It on the
floor and, after the folds had been
carefully arranged, to lie down npon
It and buckle It on. Vuncouver Prov
ince. Birth of the Ego
It Is easy to see that great economic
advantage accrued to the Indlvldunt.
and hence to the race, through the ac
quisition of self consciousness. It en
abled each man to economise enor
mously his expenditure of energy by
concentrating upon (!eflnlte desirable
accomplishments. Instinctive Impulses
and urges now had something to an
chor and control them. Instead of he
Ing switched about by every new and
passing sense Impression. Man had
acquired tht capability of thinking
consciously "I want, I will." And so
was born egoism. From "Concerning
Irascible Strong." hy William II.
Swits Religion f ounder
Tlss Mennonltes lirke their name
from that of their rounder. Mnm.
j Simons, a Swiss ri;lnn enthusiast
i of the Sixteenth cei tiny, and they
j mulutuin, according lo the Kncyclo-
wdla Urltannlca, "u fo-tn of Clirl
llnnlly which, discarding the sacre
dotul Idea, owns no uuthorlty outside
the Bible and Die enlightened con-
' science, limits baptist.' to the believer
and luys stress on those precepts
which vindicate the s u 'Illy of human
life and a man's word."
Portents of Sr.ce ting
In Ihe ancient days f Greece nnd
Home a sneeze wss Hipposed to hear
In Its train fur greuti-i portents than
a mere cold. To aneize while rising
from the table or bed was said to Indl
cate approaching death.
Yet, to sneeze belv.ien midday nnd
midnight under favorable planetury
conditions, wns an un"iry of happi
ness. Again, If the Greek or Human
lamed to the right while sneezing, It
was regarded as a happy omen.
Ridiculous Sentences
Imprisonment for 8'n rpars at hard
labor believed to be the longest sen
tence on record In lite llalkuns and
19 other sentences of 2'M years each
have been given a leader of band of
Albanian brigands and some of his fol
lower for the murder In 11)13 of 14
Siberian soldiers iu a convent near
Church News
Notes oi Interest to All
Local Denominations.
Thu National Councils ol the
ConiiregutionaliHt and Universal
m Churches will vote on the ques
tion of the organic unton of tle
Iwocommuions. The Council of
Congregational churches meets
in May, the Utiivert-uliat body In
. The latest statistics give the
memheahip of the CotiKrepition
al churches is SKI7.C00 and of the
Universalists 68,000.
The World Almanac, the total
membership of Uisiples churches
An intereting feature of the
praver service at the lone Baptist
church is the paticipotion of the
vuung children.
The Crucible
The passing ovc- f om one year to
the next offers opixirtiinlty for stock
taking or Inventor) ii. ukltn n life.
W hat Interest In servlc I. as my life
yielded) Life has been nurM'red by
some one as doing business under the
firm name of "Soul A Company," Soul
Is Ihe senior partner. Hotly Is the
HssiM'lute, January hrt Is Ihe time to
set down the Income innl the outgo of
Ihe character, to consider how life's
business prospers; to determine
whether "Soul A Company" are rich
In the coin of hem en or are fuclng
moral Insolvency. Cheesman A. Mer
N'ulke Is hetvliy given Hint the
iniili-rniuiMHl Iiiih filed histliiiiliit'ciiiiiit
iu adioliilxtriiliir of the cut He of
John ii. Ni-Iiii. ib-o used. In the Conn
IV Coll't of the State uf rVKitt lor
Morrow County, and Hint the sal. I
'ourt Iiiim fixed Friday, the l.'.th day
of April. 1 :.':, ut the hour ol tsi
o'clock 1', M. of ihl day, as the time,
and the County Court room In the
Court house nt lieppuer. Morrow
'oiiuty, OrcKon. as I In- place, of lieiir
Iiii; hii hi account, mid any oliji-ctlon
hereto, nnd for the settlement ol said
si ilte.
I in te ol the first puhllcittlon i'l
thli'ioth-e, Mu nil Pith, Ili.T. mid Ihe
nte of Inst pill. Heat loti hereof, April
i .llli. P.'-'7.
Ivnr lv A'chmn,
AiIiiiIiiImI Tutor of t Is entitle ( I
lolin (i Nelson ll. ceased.
To Trade
27 room apartment hous; and
rti"niture, close in on west side
to trade for aslern Oregon w heat
ranch. Must be free of all encum
Owner. M. Percy,
775. Glsan St. Portland, Ore.
Rev. W. W. HEAD. Pastor
11:00 A. H. and 8:00 P. M
Pi-.iyer Meeting, Wed., 7:30
Sunday School 10:00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting Thuri. Evening
10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P M.
Iliysiclan and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Ileppner : Oregon
Jack Farris
It Pays to Look Well
Specialist in Bobs.
Attorney At Law
Firat National Bank Duildtnjr
Ileppner Oregon
Everything in the lihe of
hardware. If we havn't
got it we can get it
When You Visit Ileppner
Eat at the
Klkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals Best of Service
Lunch Counter
Fresli and smoked meats;
Poultry and fish.
When you have anything in
onr line to sell see us.
T. E. Peterson, manager,
lone. Oregon
ITnrW Npw
lone, Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer
cial Table First Class. A home away from
home, with best meals in Central Oregon.
Nice Rooms.
Farm Implements
lone, Oregon
F. H. Robinson
Attorney and Counselor at Law
Will practice In all the Courts
Dr. A. H. Johnston
"hone-Office Main 933
Residence Main 4D2
tOXE. Tt tXP.US ,nd lkll)AS
l'min AM It. lO:UO A. M.
Good Service.
Mihb Zen a VVentfall, Graduate
Nurse, Superintendent.
A, II. Johnston M, D.,
I'hytiiciati in charge.
Kates Reasonable
Dr. F. E. Farrior
Oftice: Odd Fellows Buildin
Ileppner, Oregon.