The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 25, 1927, Image 3

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    Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
2St and 75 Pk0s.Sold Everywhere
London Maintain Place
Notwlihatiinilliig Iim tiiiuiy mid grow.
Iritf rlvala, London continue to be the
grvuleat acuport of tho world. Dur
ing the lnt year ahlpa entered londou
port liti vlnif i tulnl tonnage of HT17,.
ti.'n tons, mill ship rloiiretl liuving a
tnlul tonnage nt TIMI.WM toim. Tha
ocean tniilu of the port I hut your hud
Villus of :l,7(XI,(dK),IXM).
A lnl Son of llf. Poor?' "fli-ad Shot"
1 oiiouah lu iicl Worm or Tiiboworm.
war noi try lit in F.n mi., n. t. Adv.
Her Friend
Mlaa Clint tersHupport a wife?
Why, tliut poor null couldu't maintain
Uer Friend Well, tlmt'i all right,
dear, lie wouldn't hava to It ba mar
ried you.
Golfer't Meaeure
Wife Wn tint sermon long, dear?
Hub Three or four holes, anyway,
llnaton Transcript.
Be Quick-Be Sure
Oct th rifht remedy b bast am know
f quick, fo lurt that KiUjuru now employ lc
Tlx utmntc is i liutivt. Brautk-Qulcira
in fckal (una. CoUo atop Id U hours, U
Cnprt bt daya, Tht tyttao U clriraaj tod
mid. Nothing compart with Hdl's.
BeSuKltiAlliv PrkxXte
Cat fed B
with portrait
On Month' Troalmont lit, will ennvtnoa
von. In rrooh Blr rnooo nam T, A H. I.uti
h-nl qntrkar n4 patlonla foln r-letil. wb-a
II oth-r m-ono Novo roll-4. Moaof kak
cuaranlo- if not H-fl1
UN Mlk. N. W. . . noaille, Waofc.
Vara hom km ami fabi run mm.
jt.H. If " d-olro A IIOMR writ t't
Y'r Wo OWN Ih. I.ANI) WnRI.D
wm.rinii union joknatoar. rioroia.
Small Improved farm la well llttbd
ewilwnaat. fruit, alfalfa, dairy, h". pxil
try. ( burrhm, klgh rli, grammar arbunla.
Alao unimproved land wllb tnt vatar rights.
feaay trrni. rl u Irs Ian
Drink Water to
Help Wash Out
Kidney Poison
If Yaur lack Hurta or Bladder
Bothers You. gin
Taking Salt
When your kidney hurt and your
bark feel soro don't get scared and
tiroreed to load your atomarh with
a lot of drug that excite tha kidney
nd Irrltata tha entire urinary tract
Keep your kidney clean Ilka you
keep your bowel clean, by flushing
them with mild, hsrmleaa aalta
whlrh helps to remove tha body'l art
tioui waata and atlmulatra thrm to
their normal activity. Tha function
of tha kldnrya la to filter tha blood.
In 24 boura they atraln from It Stfl
grain of arid and waata, ao wa can
readily underatand tha vital lmpor
tunc of keeping tha kldneya actlra.
Drink lota of good water you can't
drink too much; alao get from any
tiharmaflat about four ounce of Jad
flulti; take tableanoonful In glaaa
of water brfora brvakfaat each morn
tug for a few daya and your kldneya
may then art flna. Thla famnua aalta
la made from tha arid of grapea and
lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and
baa been uaed for yeara to help clean
and tlmulate clogged kldneya; alao
to neutralise the acid In tha ayatem
ao they are no longer a anurca of Irri
tation, thua often relieving bladder
weokneaa. '
Jad Bulla la Inexpenalve, cannot In
jure! ninkea delightful effervearent
llthlawater drink, whlrh everyone
ahotild take now and then to help keep
their kldneya clean and active. Try
thla; alao keep up the water drinking,
and no doubt you will wonder what
became of your kidney trouble and
fr J
Thro-t IhTJ 3
tickle, J
orethroet, I?
huikineia I Q 3
ndtlmUar II 5
troublee liV;
quickly re- I
n....j...i.t. a
irm hurt?
ItW bwrTtlnar am efila Hf.
and ji rll lutlemm-
MIMl WirftliMf.ajM MII'lteM.
wf ir riM k Trk
WNtl trftviee
"Here," he an Id, "you may And my
Wnrrnnt from the king hlmaelf to ex
en'lue what power I deem nereaaury
along tha frontier. Only tha goveuor
generul may overrule ma."
Jonralre atudled the puper.
"That la ao," ha admitted. "Hut I
tell you thla, lie Veulle, you have a
bad record on the frontier for a
truulile inukcr. Hut for you I ahould
have had tha Heueraa and Onondagua
In our Intoreat before thla. I write to
Quebec by the Drat pout, demanding a
cherk tiMin your artlvltlea. Wa have
too much at atake to permit you to
copur(llte It."
"At Iieoniindegaa It la known
that Ta wan ne ara and hla brother
Ormerod Journeyed to Jagara," Inter.
poaetl the Henera In hla own language.
!oee Jonralre think the Reneraa will
be quiet when one of their chief la
given up to the Keeper of tha Doom
Trail for torment r
Tha Reneraa will ba told that yon
never readied Jagara," replied De
Veulle before Jonralre could apeak.
Jonralre turned to me.
"Well, my Jean," he aald eoberty,
"whatever your name may be, you
hava gotten ynurwlf into a naaty mea.
Ton will be lucky If you die quickly.
My advice to you la to pick the flrat
rhanre to die, no matter bow It may
be. Theae Keeper peate I They are
a had lt. They are artlata In tor
ment. Tla part of their religion,
whlrh I will aay they atlll practice,
even though I'ere Hyacinth were to
excommunicate me."
Aa ha waa about to climb the atalra
fe Iry had aerended, De Veulle
called blrn bark.
"One moment I Ppeaklng officially,
Mnnalrur de Jonralre, I dealr yon to
aend out. belt to all friendly trlbea,
aummonlng them to a council Are
which will be held here by U klng'a
command In Auguat"
Jonralre bowed,
"It ahall lie done," be aald.
"Now then" iHt Veulle addreeed
Me "wa will conalder your raae. Are
the band aurnrlcntly tight r
I had been bound with atrlpa of
rawhide which rut Into every mur!e.
The queallun waa auierfluoua.
"I'lck them up." he aald to the Cah
nuagaa. "We will get back to the
Denplte the tlghtneaa of my bonda
and the numhnem they Induced, I felt
aajeep, rocked by the eaay motion of
the ranne aa It waa driven along by
the powerful arma of the Cahnuagaa.
La Vierge) du Bole
A daah of water awakened me. One
of the Cahnuagaa waa leaning down,
bla hldeou fare rloae to mine, hla
flngera wreatllng with tha knota In the
rawhide bonda.
"Ton rannot Ha Idle, my dtatln
gulahed gueat," called I Veulle from
bla plara at tha at em. "You muat
keep na dry."
Aa the rawhide atrlpa were unwound
I waa able to alt up and look over the
frail bark aide. We were out of atght
of hind, and a moderate breeze waa
mlalng a alight awell, the creat of
whlrh orraalonally broke over our bow.
In the other canoe Ta wan-ne are al
ready waa at work with a bark aroop.
All of that day we were laolated on
tha reatleaa aurface of the huge Inland
aea. Juat before dusk of the eecond
day w alghted a rorky coaat, and
eheered away from IL On the alxth
day wa paaaed out of the lake Into
the narrow channel of the great river,
and landed In the evening at a pall
aaded poat on the aouthern bnnk.
Ho far I had been treated fairly well.
My raptor had aha red with me their
meager fare of parched corn and
Jerked meat ; and If I had been com
pelled to bale out the canoe Inreaaant
ly, It waa equally true that they had
labored at the puddlea night and day.
Rut now everything waa changed. My
lege were left unbound, but with un
canny akllt the aavagea laahed bark
my arma until well nigh every bit of
circulation waa etopped In them end
earh movement I waa forced to make
became an art of torture. The one
recoinienae for my autrrrlnga waa that
for tha flrat time elnre our rapture I
had the company of Ta wan ne ar,
and I wa able to profit by hla atntval
demeanor In reflating the Impulae to
vent my angeV agnlnat De Veulle.
"Hay nothing, brother," he counseled
me when I panted my hate, "for every
word you aay will afford him aatlafac
tlon." "I wlah I bad ataved In the canoe
In the middle of the hike," I exclaimed
bitterly. "What la thla placet Where
ere wet"
Ta-wan-ne-are looked around the
landarape, nrpldly dimming In the twi
light. "Thla pluce Ta-wan-ne-are doe not
'(now," he replied. "Yet It la on the
iter Hi. Lawrence, for there la no
r n f thla alae. I think.
eoevmoMT $r brcntamoS
brother, (hut De Veulle la taking u
to l.a Vlerga du Holi."
"It matter Utile where he take ua,"
I returned Ill-naturedly. "Our end la
Ilka to lie the auin In any raae. Jon
ralre told ma all I aought to know of
Jugara but he told It to a dead mim."
"Not yet dead, brother, "Ta-wan ne
ara corrected nie gently. "We have
atlll a long way to go and we have
our aearch."
"Whlrh la like to lead ua Into the
handa of" I auld rudely.
Hut De Veulle and three atrange
Frenchmen walked up at that moment,
and Ta-wnn-ne-ara waa apared the ne
ceaalty of an anawer.
" Tl well," De Veulle waa aaylng.
"We Wilt feat the night, then. Ill
lodge my prlaonera In the atot-kade."
"And there la naught elaer Baked
one of the olhera.
"The letter to I'ere Hyaclnthe don't
forget that."
Whereat they all laughed with a
kind of alnlater myatery and cent
glance of amuaement at ua.
The Cahnuagaa drove ua from the
bank with klrka and blow of their
paddle bla ilea, and the whit men fol
lowed lelaurely, laughing now and then
a w dodged eotne particularly vlcloua
attack upon our heaila and farea. Aa
It waa, when w were flung Into a
bare log-walled mom within the pall
aade we were covered with brulae.
Twaa the real beginning of our tor
ment In the morning our arma were un
tied and we were given a meaa of
half-cooked Indian meal. Then the
rawhide were rebound, and w eet
forth upon a trail that led from the
river aootheaatward Into the foreat
A Cahnunga walked behind each of
ua, tomahawk In hand. De Veulle
hlinavlf brought up the rear, hi mua
ket atwaya ready. If w healtated In
our pare or etaggered, the aavage
nearmt to ua uaed the Out of hla tout
a.hawk or hla muxket butt.
On the third day, ihortly affer noon,
I waa aalonlahed to hear faintly, but
very dlatlnrtly, a bell ringing In the
"1 41 Vierge du Hole weleomee you,"
balled I1 Veulle from behind ua.
"The bell rlnga you In. Ah, there will
be bright eyea and fluahed cheek at
alght of you 1"
He laughed In a pleaaant, melodlou
way. -
"White cheeka to fluah for you, Or
mrrod, and red cheeka to grow duakler
for our friend the chief here I What
a fluttering of heart there will be!"
Could I have wrenched my handa
free I would have matched a toma
hawk from the Cahnunga before me.
Hut I did what Ta-wan-ne-ara did
held my head atralght and walked aa
If I had not heard. Something told
me the Henera Buffered aa much aa I.
We did not hear the.bell agnln; but
In nitd-aftvrnoon the foreat ended Uon
the bunk of a little river, and In the
ii!iiyiiiKi!''!;fni't' ""' ''"'"
' T-'f'fa TiVWAN-Nl-MS
Humorous Episode the
Aheentmliidedne, that claialc af
fliction of college profeeaora, la an Im
partial aliment which doea not restrict
Itaelf to any claae of Individual, aa
waa proven at a recent meeting held In
one of the city'a hot el a.
A young lady, arriving ahortly after
the meeting wa called to order, be
came emhurraaacd at her tardineaa
and, when called upon for her ticket
of admlaalon at the door, handed the
required paatehoerd to tha ticket
taker and hurried to her aeut.
Shortly nfterwurd the chulrman of
the meeting called for order and ex
plained that ha had a abort announce
ment to make. "If Mlaa Smith will
call at the door, on her wny nut," anld
the rhulruinn, "we will be glnd to re
turn her automobile Keen la ox-
dlnliinre a wooden tower aiiowc"
through the tree. A we drew, nearer
oilier building appeared, armnged In
Irregulur fnahlon about a clearing.
One of pretention aize atood by Itaolf
Inalde the pnllande.
' CuhnuflgH, Including women and
children, awurmed along the trail with
guttural erica. A big. red headed man
atepix-d from a building whlrh wa
evidently atorehotwo. 'Twaa f Soiling,
and with a yell of delight he anatrhed
a block of wood from the ground and
hurled It at my head.
"Ciiran me, tla Hi. renegade and
hla red ahadowl" he ahonted. "We
are In greut luck ! Do but wult until
Tom know you are here, my friend.
The atake await you I"
He walked bealde ua, rubbing hi
handa together In high glee, and dia
couralng with aeemlngly expert knowl
edge on the preclae character of the
vnrloua klnda of torment we Bhould
Ill attention drew a conaldcrohle
crowd; and ao when we entered the
alngle rude atreet 01' the aettlement
twaa to find the whole population
awaiting u. The gate In the atockade
around the big houae waa 0en, and
with a thrill I realized that a awlrl of
color there meant Marjory. Murraye
Btntely figure-- "Identified at a'dla
tanoe, I think ahe did not know me at Drat.
There waa no reaaon why ahe ahould.
My leather garment were rent and
torn, my hair waa tangled and matted
with brier and thorna from the under
bill, my face waa acratched and
bleeding. I waa thin and gaunt and I
might not walk upright, although I
tried, for tiie rawhide thong bowed
by ahonlder.
Hut Murray knew me Inatantty, and
a flare of exultation lighted hi face.
De Veulle baited na directly In front
of the gate.
"An old acquaintance baa conaented
to vlalt ua," lie aald.
And with a ahock of grief I aaw
comprehenaion dawn In Marjory'a face.
Hut ahe did not fluah crlmaon a De
Veulle had prophealed. She blenched
white. I knew by that ah had been
long enough at l.a Vierge du Dole to
appreciate the temper of It Inhabi
tants "I aeem to recollect the tall Indian
bealde our friend, llkewlae," obaerved
"Tla hla companion of the Inter
view at Cawalon'a In New York," re
joined De Veulle. "What Mlatreaa
Marjory, you have not forgotten the
raah youth who waa always threaten
ing or badgering ual"
Her llpa moved mechanically, but
'twaa a minute before ahe could force
ber voice to obey.
I remember," ahe aald.
Murray took muff preclaely and ad
d rented hlmaelf to me.
"You are a dangeroua youth, Maiter
Ormerod. You bad opportunity to wla
free of your paat mlademeanora, yon
will allow, yet yon would bear none
of my advice. No, you muat mix In
affair which did not concern you. And
a I warned you. It hath been to your
sore prejudice. Much aa I"
Marjory flung out ber arm In a gee
ture of apeat.
"Why do you talk ao much, alrT"
ahe cried. "What have you In uilndT
Thla man la an Kngllahman I la be to
be given op to the aavagea?" '
Murray aurveyed her gravely.
"Tut tut, my dear! la thla the way
to conduct In public? 1 liven up to the
aavagea,' foraoothl The young man
I a traitor, a renegade and a aorry
fool Into the bargain. He bath med
dled In matter beyond hla comprehen
aion or ability. We muat reckon up
the harm he hath done, and aaaesa hi
punixhment In proportion."
"Juat what do you mean by that,
alrT ahe demanded coldly.
"Frankly, my dear lata, I cannot tell
you aa yet."
"I think you moik me," ahe a wetted.
"And I may tell you, air, I will be
party to no .auch crime to humanity.
You talk of traitor. I am wondering
If there la mora than one meaning to
the word." ' ,
Hhe turned with a flutter of gar
ment a and aped Into tha houae. D
Veulle eyed Murray rather quizzically,
but the arrh-conaplrator gave no evi
dence of uneaalneea.
"You ahall tell me about It" be aald,
aa If nothing had happened. "Mean
time I auppoae they may be lodged
with the Keeper."
i "Yei," agreed De Veulle; "but I de
alr to give aome particular Inatruc-
tlnna for their entertainment
"Do ao; do ao, by all mean," an
swered Murray equably. "But wait;
here cornea Here Hyaclnthe."
The Indiana aurroundlng ua huddled
back, cringing agalnat the atockade,
their eyea glued upon a tall, thin figure
In a threadbare black caasock of the
Jeault order. He walked with a pe
culiar halting gait HI face wa ema
ciated, the akin atretched taut over
prominent bone. Ilia eye blazed out
of twin caverna.
Result of Tardiness
change for her ticket of admlaalon."
I'blladelphla Inquirer.
Pianittt' Hand-Stretch$
The difficulty of aome of Llazt'i cora
poaltlona for the piano la perhapa ex
plained In part by the fact that hi
own hand-atretch wa unusually big.
He could eaaily at retch an octave with
hla thumb and flrat finger. Kuhlnateln
alao had a phenomenal reach. On the
other hand, there are well-known pi
anlata today whoae natural at retch
between thumb and little finger I
barely an octave; yet by cri-tant and
careful practice, and by a wlae choice
of mualc for perfonnnnrea, they have
catiibllahed themaelvei In the catena
tion of audience, who are rarelv
aware of the handicap.
cJQi Ir u laSU Ia
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
Aaalrla at 0 tna Mark of Banr
American Salt Springt
The geographic survey aays that
there are many apringa In tills country
which contain small amounts of cd
aom aalta, particularly In the atate
of Virginia and Kentucky. Springs
being heavily aatu rated with epaom
aalta are I'luto apringa, French Lick.
Ind., and Abilene water spring, Abi
lene, Kan a.
K mottor bow rsrofu! yaa aro. ?oqr y.
torn aoodfl a Uiatlvo oceaotufuinjr. Wrlfhl'a
India Vrgotablo Fill bolp naturo goatlr,
k uroljr. 171 Foul .. W. T. Adv.'
Sure Enough, There It Waa
"But you advertised a bed sitting
room," ald the would-be occupant a
reported in London Opinion.
"Certainly. This Is It"
"Well, I see the bed, but Where's
the sitting room?"
"On the bed." Boston Transcript
fekwahiext amrr to, mm
food bf noted doctor 4 yra. iJon't ordor
nlooa to will follow direction. Send It or
writ MADDEN COMPANY, Hoi ttl, SU
FM, Tuu, for full Information. Adr.
Bit From Berlin
8he Juat think, 1 didn't learn to
speak until I wsa four.
He Oh, well, you are making op
for It now, aren't you? Boston Tran
script Ktaralaa; Shta Plnttt
qulrklr relinvod end healed tr Colo'a
CarbollMltr. Leaves no near. No mcdl
cine cheat complain without It 10c and
0c at drusslata. or J. W. Cola Co., 127
8. Euclid Ava. Oak Park, III. Adv.
Maybe So
"They are attacking' half the great
men of history."
"You aald It Next somebody will
be saying thst Alexander the Greut
waa only a smart Alek."
"Why wasn't bla atute of STJCcess
"He bsd no capital."
A harmless vegetable butter color
Uaed by million for M year. Drug
tore snd general store sell bottles
of "Dandelion" for S3 cents. Adv.
Condemn Beauty Contettt
Women of New Zealand are protest
ing agalnat the holding of beauty
contests In that country, and blame
the competition for the "scantily
clad figure to be seen on the atreeta."
aa they express It At e recent meet
ing of the W. C. T. U. et Invercarglil
the arguments of the general opposi
tion were summed up by e siieuker
who said that the contests were
wrong because "every woman has to
send her photograph taken In a bath
ing ault ao that her physical perfec
tions may be discussed by judges,
moat of whom ere men."
C)LDS. chilli and
changes in tempera,
ture impose extra strain
on our kidneys. Sluggish
res of function ie apt to
permit some retention of
body-poison in the blood
and make one mora
susceptible to the ills of
winter. Presence of this
unfit tered waste makes
one listless, tired and achy
Stimulant Diuretic ta the Kidney -
oft etf ttWora. Foilv-Mtltum C,Mt.ChmtUt, Bitfalo.N. Y.
Accept only "Bayer'' package
winch contains proven directions.
Eandr "Bayer' boxea of IS tablet
Also bottle of 24 and 100 Druggist.
KamxfMtam at atoaomtlejaMiatat of gHylrt
Air Made to Order
An spparatus Is operated at the
University of Pennsylvania hospital,
in Philadelphia, which enablea doc
tor to determine the cause of bay
fever, asthma and other bronchial ali
ments. It supplies an atmosphere to
the patient either cleared of all pos
sible Irritants or charged with pollen,
dust etc. By studying the effects of
varloua Irritants, the doctor can tell
which Is causing the patient trouble.
Baa Francisco, Calif. 1 took Dr.
Pterce'a Fivorlte Preieiiptloa and
It was a wonderful benefit to as.
Just a tsw bottles
built m np In
health and strength
and helped m 1st
every wsy. I ara
glad to recommend
It and I cannot
pralae It too highly
for the benefit 1 re
ceived from It I
was reliably la
formed that aO of
Dr. Pierce' remav
dlee srs first-class and equal to all
thst la claimed for them." Mr.
Laura Newman, 1019A Ooldea Oat
All druggtats. Tablet or Uquld.
Bend loo to Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y, for trial pkg.
of tablets, aad writs for free medical
Deafness Head Noises
"Knk Bark f Bra"
Nsrar tw Norntiui
It ATI Orwm
V.l -DAfNtSS- m nana.
L taWUXD. !!.. fS FITTI iV. E t.
Writ for r'HEB book tolling all I boot
PYORRHEA and dlvoa-a ol tko month.
PI BI.IO CENTAL SERVtra, Arcadia. N.b.
rMwinlinatik. tWd fax
Juit So
"What do you think of the younger
generation 1"
"In what respect V
"The boys hugging the girls."
"We must maintain the freedom of
tht press."
The temperature on the moon at
Its midday, astronomer bars estimat
ed, mounts ae high as 250 degree
5 J Oft L.!f.
:SI varied ills
I the time good
i elimination is
most Important
causes drowsy head
aches, dizziness and often
a toxic backache. Die
turbed function is often
evidenced by ecanty or
burning secretions. At
suth times a stimulant
diuretic to the kidneys is
indicated. Doan't Pllk
have been winning friends
for more than fortyyeara.
Aik. your neighbor I
m mm u w