The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 18, 1927, Image 4

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Published Every Friday by
W. V. HEAD, F.ditor TublWicr
One Year
mx Months
.hree Months
. $1.50
KnttTfil an second class matter at
he postofi'ice at lone, Oregon, under
act of March 3, W9
Friday, Mar 18 . 1927
V is tlit test of fold; milwrsity, of
ttiong mm.
- Stneca.
IRcsoluttons of
Jn iHcnrort! of -
iLWher Juiftis ,A. JFjirrtn
who died March 9, 1927.
Once attain death hath summon
ed a Brother Odd Fellow, and
the polden gateway to the Eter
nal City has opened to welcome
him to his home. He has complet
ed his varkin the ministeririto
wants of the afflicted, inshedinp
light into darkened suuis and in
bringing joy into the places of
misery, and a his reward has
receivic the plaudit "we.l done"
from the Supreme Master.
And Whereas, the allwise
and merciful Master of the Uni
( verse has seen fit to en 1 our be
loved and respected Brother home
and he having been a true and
fuilhful member of our beloved
Order, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that lone Lodge No.
135. I. 0. 0. F. of lone, Ore. in
testimony of its loss, drape its
Charter in mourning for thirty
days and that we tender to the
of our deceased brother our sin
cere condolence in their deep af
f liciion andn that a copy of these
resolutions be sent to the family.
Lee Howell, F. M. Griffin. E. J
Bristow, Committee.
In Memory of
R'jfus A. Farrens, who din
March 9th. 1627.
The Angel of Death has
tered our midst and we are call"
to mourn the l0s of a faithfu
friend and coworker. Our teart
aremingied wi h your, your so
rows are ours May the gloom o1
the sorrowing ones be difpellei
by ht pto.i.ine, "1 am the rtsu
rection and th-Life, giyeth Hit
Lrd; oe that belit-veth on M.
though he were dead, yet shall he
live and he that liveth and t
levtfth in me shall never die."
Resolved that Bunch Graff
Rphecca Lodge No. 91, I. 0. 0.
F. of Line, Oregon in testirrony
of our loss be draped in mourn
ing for the allotted time and lha'
we tender the family our det-ifxt
sympathy in their afflicion, tun
that a C"py of these resolution'
be sent to the family.
Etta Brigtow, Lena Lund-II,
Ada Troge.
Victor PetPrsnn has teen eled
ed cashier of the bank at Gaston,
Oregon. He is to take charge
next week, we understand anh
leaves lone for Gaston this com
ing Sunday.
Dad Griffin departed for Mai'
pin this week.
Clyde Schriver and his sister
Vesper were in lone for a ria
or two this week. They reporl
their parents as in the enjoyment
of good health.
Mr. C. R. Gunzel m rprled bv
the daily papers as in charge oi
the defunct bank it itanfield.
Introducing fllr. Cus.'t,
the Great Salesman
I'd Ilk to linve jou mm Mr. Hush,
Mr. Gush Is a milusiiiiin.
At any rate. Hint la what Mr. Cu!i
telli people and tliut Is wluit he
wrote, at the top of Ills Income-tug re
I urn.
I Just know I Im I Mrs. flush thinks
her husband Is a bin buxltiews mau.
She's heard hliu confens as much so
ninny times.
Mr. Gush has t fine addrpoa. A he
kr.vm, ao ninny snlesmon aren't good
i Hikers, He might easily have gone
In rr after-dinner speuklng. lie has
Just that effect oo you.
No one can ever say that Mr. Guah
lefused the gauntlet. He Is always
ready to do battle with the blggeat
ustomer In his territory. "They can't
liltiff me and the Meter they are, the
harder they fall, he to originally puts
Mr. Gush has found It difficult to
net an attractive arrangement; you
know what the rest of us call a good
Job. Speaking before the Happy Hoar
club th other day. he unnouncvd, "The
icreatest trouble t hme Is to letting
my boss keep up with me."
A willful group of men have peti
tioned for an open seaaou vn Just such
huhles as Mr. Gush.
"Just Jealous," says Mr. Gush, drop
ping his dim Into the pocket with
the other one where It can make more
noise. Boston Glob.
Proud Metropolis Got
Title From Royalty
The Infant settlement of New Am-
'sterdam was still In Its swaddling
clothes when across the sea. In the
puluc of the English king, Baby Stu
art posed to Anthony Van Dyke for
th prim little portrait that bas be
come so widely knowu and beloved.
The "Stuart Baby," second son of
Charles I of Englund and Henrietta
Maria, had no thought then that the
struggling Tillage, one day to be the
pride of the Western world would
years later be named In bla honor,
New Tork.
This child, who In his turn succeed
ed to tli English throne as James II,
was at nine years old, created duke
of Tork and Albany. Upon reaching
manhood he precipitated himself Into
various wars, all of which he came
through with a reputation for brilliant
personal courage.
In 1064 Charles granted New Neth
erlands to the duk of Tork, and an
English force nnder Col. Richard NIc
oils took possession of th city, nam
ing It New Tork In his honor. Subse
quently tbe Dutch recaptured the
province, but the English quickly took
It away from them again, restoring
the nam of the Stuart prince. Men
tor Magazine,
Good Answer
A business man who had been Irri
tated beyond measure by solicitors for
this and that tag days, driven and
charity advertising so the story grs.
was bitten by a dog. He went on to
"business as omul." When word got
around his outer office and a couple of
his Irritants Inquired solicitously of
"You have Just been bitten by a
mad dog?"
"Tes. I was." (Business of not.
looking up.)
"What! And yon came right to
your office?"
"Yes. There was some writing I
felt I Just hsd to set dime." (Flusl
nes of going on wrlilng.)
Oh. I see. Writing your will. I
take It."
"So. Writing the names of the
people I am going to bite when I go
mad." Merle Thorpe, In Nations
A Soft Answer
They had bem married JiihI long
enough for the novelty to have worn
off. and the girl wus beginning to And
her feet, as her mother would un
doubtedly hate put It.
'Before we were tun rr led. fleorce,"
she complained, ")ou always took
taxi from the tlirnler. hut now the hns
seems good enough. In fs1 nnvthlnz
Is good enongh for me."
Her hushiiud frowned, for he seemed
to he In rather a dllllctill H. Hut he
wus not long In finding a wny out.
. ilnrllni!. he murmured, "don't
think that. You sw. I'm so proud of
ymi. and If I took yon In rub there
would lie nobody to see ymi. whereas
I can show yon off to dozens In the
bus." London Answers.
Diet and Cancer
The theory advanced by many rvr
sons that eating a natural oi wild diet
will prevent raw-er has apparently
been contradicted by recent eiiierl
menu, reports ll.vgeln Miigiizlne. When
mice, (he type of nuliimla ee. lully
suited to cancer experiments, were
placed on various diets, those fed the
wild diet bin) the highest mncer mor
tullty and those fed an apparently un
balanced diet had the lowest. There
was not the slightest evidence that
fried or well-cooked food was asso
ciated with an increase In ciuaer.
Already Filled
After the arrival of her bahy sister.
Sally was transferred from her crib to
another bed and she was not at all
pleased over the newcomer's usurping
of her former sleeping quarters.
One day when her mother went Into
the nursery to put the baby to bed she
found th crib In state of upheaval.
As sh approached, s small but firm
vole from beneath th covers an
nounced: "This bed Is already occu
pied. "Chicago Tribune.
Live Food No Longer
Given Captive Snaket
In order to satisfy uuiueruua read
ers who protested against feeding the
snakes live pigeons at the goo, the
Post-Dispatch arranged for a vlalt by
Its reporters at feeding time.
The reptiles are uo longer given
anything actually allv for food. Actu
ated by a ilvid re to meet Hie objection
of humane persona to this method of
feeding, the oo authorities corre
sponded with the New York soo cura
tor, who said that freshly killed food
could be substituted for living crea
tures If the substitution wvre done
with skill and understanding, mean
ing, no doubt. If the aerpenta could
be fooled Into the belief Unit what was
offered was still alive. This Is done
by dangling the stunned or killed
rabbit or bird bvfnre the hungry snake.
He hna to be hungry, however, some
snakes being able to go without food
for weeks or mouths.
So wo t III feed the horrid reptiles,
as so uiuny womvn delight tu calling
I hem, although from the records oi
aoologlcal gtudrns tliey are the most
popular denlsens of these places. But
we kill their food for litem. W as
sume the guilt, It there be any, ot
shedding Innocent blood. An easy
mutter for the lords of creattou, who
slaughter everything, Including each
other. St. Louis I'ost-Dlspatch.
Simula Device Made
Resolution in ilusic
According to mauuscrlpts, th pluy
ing of the steel guitar, which has made
lluwullun music famous throughout
the world, was originated by Hit
wallan lad In 1S03, who found that by
placing an article on the fingerboard
of the gultur while playing a novel
sound could be produced. The boy
Joseph Kekuku, llieu a studeut at
Kamehamcua school, first got I be Idea
wheu he placed a pocket comb on the
Hugerboard and brought a hew twain
rroiu the InstruuK-tiL This was fol
lowed by experiments with the blade
of a pocket kuife and resulted lu the
use of a piece of thick steel for the
purpose. Tlie "new music" took the
Islands by storm aud later spread over
the entire world.
"This Invention of the .Hawaiian
schoolboy," auys survey, "Is tbe most
slgnlttcuut contribution of Hawaii to
music, the Introduction of all entirely
uew technique for the pluying ol
stringed Instruments, at least as far as
the western world Is concerned, al
though the Japanese employ a similar
technique with on of their stringed
instruments and some African tribes
uorth and south of the Congo do llw
same with the musical bow, ulug a
stwll on a knife blade."
Pleasure in Hot Dishes
"On of the delights of a summer In
a country boarding bouse waa getting
meals piping hot," said a city woman
"1 had about forgotten bow delicious
a dish wua when It waa served smok
Ing hot For so long I have had dishes
brought to the table by the maid only
warm or at the best merely hot. Now.
I here Is a wide difference between a
piping hot dish and n hot dish, a dif
ference which may make meal a
huge success or an indifferent affair.
"But in these days of gas stoves It
Is not t simple matter to keep vege
tables hot, and so one has almost be
come accustomed to them Just past
the warm stage. But when a smoking
meal la dished up right from the rotil
stove Into a waiting covered dish
there la a heartiness, a geniality about
tbe entire meal which makes for good
digestion and sociability." Spring
field Union.
On the Smoker
A house painter once sat next to the
great Sargent and asked him for the
loan of a match. Then, noticing the
great painter's brushes, easel and box
of colors, be said genially:
"I aee we're both In th same line."
"I see we are." ssld Sargent, with a
"I've been whltewnshln' a barn to
day." said the bou.-e painter. "How's
trade with your
"Brisk." said Sargent. "I coated s
village this morning and gave second
ronts to a castle, a and a moun
tain tills afternoon. I llulshed up the
day with a flash ol lightning gold
leafed her, you kiio..."
"Gosh, some liu-HIti'!" said the
house painter. "You sure must be on
Valuable Wood
Bird's-eye maple ! buind from New
foundland to Georgia and westward
to the northern aliens of the Great
lakes, eastern Nebnrl'.ii and Kansas
When the grain ha a pronounced
wavy appearance II e wobd la called
bird's-eye mapl am: is used as a ve
neer. The forest ervli- say that
there Is a parasitic growth that gt
Into th wood of the eiaple and causes
a swelling, which wln :i cut off straight
by the aaw appears r- eyes. This does
not harm the wood but makes It more
valuable. Generall ipeiiklng, this
wood Is scarce.
Sevenfold MUfortune
The adage that "mlfforttinea never
come singly" seems to be Illustrated
by a dialogue which -. overheard In
a Jersey City trolley car:
"You don't tell me that Professor
Isaacs has been struck dutiihr
"He has."
"And wasn't he mauler of seven Inn
"II was."
"And Is It posslblo he was struck
dumb In all seven? How extraordinary!"
Church News
Notes ot Interest, to All
Local Denominations.
At th regular meeting of the
Willow Branch Y. P. S. C. E.
held at Lexington last Tuesday
evening plans were concerted for
the convention at Ileppner and
it was voted to send Miss El lie I
More of Heppner and Miss Thel
ma Forbes were elected as dele
egatcs to the State C. E. Sonven
tion which is to meet at Otegon
The attendance at the All Day
Meeting at the Christian Church
last Sunday was large and the
spirit fine. There were represent
atiues from evtry Christian con
greitaion in the County. The aft
noon meeting conducted by the
young people was especially fine.
At the fellowship meeting ten
tative suggesti :s were nnde look
ing toward a concert of action
among the churches,
Niitiie Is hereby given Unit the
unileislKtieit luiatllrd IiInIIuhI account
a iiiliiiliilNttntiir ii the extnte ol
John H. Ni'Ihiiii.iIi-ccowiI, In the ('nun
ty I'uiirt of the Mote id Orvjioii lor
Morrow I'ouut.v, mid that the snl.l
i'uiirt bus llxeil r'riiln.v, the l.'.th cloy
nt April, pur. tit the hour ot 'J im
o'cha k I', M ol s lid ilny. hm the time,
ii nd the I'ouuty Colrt room' In the
i'uiirt house nl Ileppner, Morrow
'oiiuty, l irt'Koii, us I be place, of hear
Ing siilil'oct'iiiiiit, unit any olijivtlons
tiii-relo,niui for I he et (lenient of said
Hute of the first publication ol
this notice, Marrti Intli, 1'i.T, ond the
vale ol last publication hereof. April
loth, M'.'".
I far K. .S'iImoii,
Administrator ol the estate (.1
John U Nelson deceased.
To Trade
27 room apartment house and
furniture, close in on west side
to trade for "astern Oregon wheat
ranch. Must be free of all encum
Owner. M. Percy,
775, C isan St. Portland, Ore.
Party-Lint tncident
"Whenever my sUter called up my
mother, as she did every morning at a
certain hour, the people downstair
listened In. Tlmt led to Installluc
private line." writes M. fj.' "A short
time afterward a member of the f;ini
lly met one of the eavesiropers. Mhe
said. 'You're not on our parly line
imy more, are your The answer was.
So.' 'I'm Mil . said the eavesdrop
per. 'because we don't gel the lalel
news any more.'" . . . Tlmt sort
of evened It op. Capper's Weekly
Kev. W. W. HEAD, Pastor
11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M
Prayer Meeting, Wed., 7:30
Sunday School 10.00 A. M.
Prayer Meeting Thurg. Evening
10:00 A. M. and 8:00 P M
Physician and Surgeon
Office in Masonic Building
Trained Nurse Assistant
Heppner : Oregon
Jack Farris
It Pays to taok Well
Specialist in Bobs.
Attorney At Law
First National Bank Building
Ileppner Oregon
Everything in the line of
hardware. If wc havn't
got it we can get it
When You Visit Heppner
Eat at the
Iilkhorn Restaurant
Good Meals . Best of Service!
Lunch Counter
Fresh and smoked meats;
Poultry and fish.
. When you have anything in
onr line to sell see us.
T. E. Peterson, manager,
lone. Oregon
i - urn in ii wi i p s-wwai
iiT'"lM " " " t"" ' " "" w agMB... -i
Under New Management
Ionet Ore.
Refurnished and Strictly Up to Date. Commer
cial Table First Class. A home away from
home, with best meals in Central Oregon.
Nice Rooms.
Farm Implements
lone, Oregon
Miss Zena WeHtfatl, Graduate
REAL ESTATE & Nurse. Superintendent.
INSURANCE A. H. Johnston M. D.,
IONE, OREGON Physician In charge.
Rates Reasonable
- 1 . .
F. H. Robinson Dr. F. E. Farrior .
Attovncy a.nd Counselor at Law DENTIST
Will ptactice in all the Courts Oftice: Odd Fellows Buildin
IONE, OREGON Ileppner, Oregon.
Br. A. H. Johnston
Phone Office
Main 033
Main 402
I ioiii U no in in no A. A.
Good Service.