The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, March 18, 1927, Image 3

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    Tw and
SMort 'Delicious
Muk them lit bom with all th
il l Miuranoaof a profeaalunal tliaf,
' lUatitlfnllr .tluitratssd book
Of ItiTiiiu rhf" mtrri,
may b hail for th ukldir.
Hnl fr by ibm maker at
lllp.O.MU, th rfal.rl.mi,
r(tr-t-UMi Marihmtllnir
Criti, Aak yuur imrir tt
llip-O-Mui wid wriu Ulf
ft lb fclw book kit to
100 Mwfcat It, St. Uuis
Mil Itrttt, ketw tilth and tivtMh
' PheM Fibw 3840
S00 room without bath . ...fl.W)
ill) pHimi with private toilet $i00
iflX) roomi with private buth $160
Good Carage Facilities)
mail luiprovnl fauna In well aaiaMlahad
aatUainxni. fruit, ajfalfa, dairy, b v. poul
try. ( liiirvhea, bitfh arriuol, grammar a hoila.
A lao unimproved UniUwIih tlratwaier right,
buy leriua. W rli 'rata fuM, Sanaa. Caat.
El, ul Batr ai.NMrfid.. air.Hl. M-w.lrt.
d a... I. l" Willi I mi kkllklltsi Uij.
..(tiiia i..,i.a (uituir.
Had Something to Broadcatt
Mother hail been relating the eventa
of (h dny lu duddy, when little Kllail
bth, who had Imoii walling patiently
to It'll something, cried out:
"Won't you please ulicii off, mother,
nl it mat have the air till I tell oio
Dew, loo?"
Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross"
Hil Been Proved Saf by Million.
Warning I t'nlen you so the nam
"I In jer" on package or on tuhlcta you
ara not getting; the genuine Payer
Aspirin proved af Iijp million and
prescribed by pliyalclana for I'll yenr.
8ay "Haycr" when you buy Aspirin,
Imltallou limy prove dniiKcrous. Adv.
Death on Fake$
A lit huh) A. Jnriliiii. ! n of the ap
praisers' atiiff of th 1 ' ri 1 1 -! mates
malmns service In Phllndclphla. I
an authority on n nt1iii furniture.
II ran ti'M If a piece la routine or
it merely hy the "feet of It.
A Benefactor
A phyician who rrachri out to
tirnrht humanity Iravci record
behind him tint il wor'h while. Such
a man was lr.
R. V. l'itrce.
tlii itudy along
mrdical I i n e a,
and In i knowl
edge ol the
rrinctiial q u a I
itiri o( herbi
and plant! led
to the ducoy.
ery of liii won
derful herbal
rrmrdy, Doctor
i'irtrc't Favor
ite Prrtcription. It II jmt tlie tonic re
quired if woman is borne down by
pain and aunVringi at regular or ir
regular interval!, by nervousneii or
duzy prlli, hrailache or backache,
lavorite I'reicripiion tan tie had in
tablet form ai welt a liquid at your
neighborhood store.
ffukk raliaf from pain,
(Vravant ahoe piaanuia.
Al aB Jn( aU Wat HUH
tm tkal
XJfJ for your
By Arthur D. Howden Smith
ft) vr tntUurt )
"Off It t" I repeated.
"Off It," lie repeated Impatiently.
"Since his Moat Catholic la)aaly halh
a Just rlalm to all liinda In tli part
on this side of lludnon'i liver, it
any rate."
"To be aura, to be aura," I aaaented
quickly, "Hut, Monaleur Jonralre, you
will he Interested to know there la an
arrursed tribe of savages who do out
boiler a you do."
"Is (hat so, eimT And who may
they her .
"The Weaseaugilea,"
Ilia fuee llyliteil up.
"They are In le Tonly's country.
And how la the dear Alpluinser
"Fleeing for Ilia life, no less."
"Thnne aunie arcurwd Mi-aaeanguea,
mnnileiir, ron up aKiilimt ua, and Mon
sieur de Toniy muat flee to I he north
ward and make the Journey through
the country of the llurona,"
A look of grave cotieern ovempread
Junrulre's fin e.
'Are you certain of thla, Jennf
'lleyntid dniiht, monaleur; for my
friend, the Wolf here, amiiKgled a mea
sure from me to alotmleur de Tonly,
alio hade me come at once to you that
ymi might hold up all weal bound ca-
"Humph!" be growled. "Have you
been long In Canada, Jeant"
"Hut this year, mnleur."
"Humph!" growled Jonralre again.
"And where do you come from, Jennf
Hnmethlng In his epeech warned me
the lliiiid slur of the South.
"I, monsieur?" ! replied Innocently.
"Oh, I am of riranly. Hut monaleur
I of the south no? of Provence?"
All the suspicion fled from Jonralre'
face, and In It ateud blossomed a
broad smile. ,
Teste !" he ejaculated. "Tla a
clever lad I And bow knew you that.
I was overjoyed and In no need to
simulate my aeutlment. This waa
good fori una
Was I not ramping heald the Ttegl.
ment d Provence when we were on
the Italian frontier? Tla pleaaant
way Ihoa lada have of talking. And
such good compnnlona with the bottle!
Ah, for Mine of that warm southern
wine at thla moment Instead of the
eccumed rum. Hum le good on!y for
"You aay truth," applauded Jon
ralre. "tome your ways within, Jean,
and ynu ahall taste of th blood of La
Hell France although it he not our
Provence vintage. Ily th way, do you
know Provence?"
"I cannot aay an with hnt:ely, mon
sieur," I fenced, "although I have been
10 Aries."
"In Arlea!"
lie flung Ms arms around my neck.
Jean, I love you, my lad! I waa
horn In St. Iteml. which la but abort
distance out In the diocese."
We were now In the entrance of
tb log hoime, and Jonralre opened
wide th door.
Jenn, you are a lad In million !"
he pronounced. "You shall drink deep.
I have sonic wine which Hilton the In-
tendnnl fetched out for few of u
yoq will nnderatnnd you mint any
naught of It bereaf er; II never paid
duty. Aye, w ahull mnke a flue ninht
ef It, and you shall ell me of all that
has panied In Arlea these many year.
II chipped hla hrnds, and a eddler
"Krnnrola," announced Joncalre,
"thl la Jean Courh'volr, who will be
my guest until he depart. He hue
heetj In Arte. Krimcots, Hemcnilicr
that. What he order yon will render
to him. Now bring ua the flngon of
wine which Monxlenr Hlgon sent out
this spring."
The soldier anlnted me as If I were
a manlial of France and broiiKht In
the flngon of the Intcnditnt's wine with
the exquisite reverence which only
ana of France could bestow upon the
choicest product of the soil of Krone.
"Pour It out, r'rar.col, commanded
The soldier hesltnted.
And Monilmir de LeryT he aald.
"A thousand million rtiraea!" exploit
M Joticnlrc. "Am I to wait for him?
Am 1 to sacrifice my rholceat wine In
his rtillel?"
"Who I Monaleir de t.ery?" I asked
i Francois filled a thick mug with the
ruby Juice.
"Whit? Yno do not know Mint
Thla pompous wlilpier-sniipper who
eta out to teach Louis Thomna de Jon
ralre, sleur de Chnbert, hla duly, after
thirty-five year on the frontier pull!
H la "
"Monsieur de I.ery entera," Inter
yosad Francola with glunce at. th
A (lender, wiry little man In a wig
several lse too big for him strode
Into th room. II favored me with
mHous giancw, nodded to Jonculr
ind took aeat acrosi the table from
My host made wry imll and mo
tioned Francola to bring g third mug.
"Ilola, Monaleur de Lery," he audi.
"Thla I gnllnnt young fureat-runtior,
an Jean Courtievolr, who hn come
I tell ni that chnrmlng Idiot Al
,hune de Tonty tins been chuaed out
f I. de Trolt by the Meaio-aiigne.
fenn, Monsieur de I.ery la the klng't
engineer offlrer In ('anuria.
Another caae of a log fortification,
t luppoae," remarked de I.ery surcaa-
tlcally In a dry, crackling voice. "You
gentlemen will never learn."
"You must think we grow loul d'or
Instead of fur In Canada." growled
Joncalre, "He sure, we of the wil
derness posts are th most anxious to
have stone wall around us. Well,
what headway have you made?"
"I tiav traced out th line of th
central maaa," replied I l-ery, tak
ing a gulp of the wine. "Tomorrow I
ahall miifk out surrounding work
of four butlr,. to encompusa It."
lie rose from M aent. '
"Speaking for myx-lf, I have bad
sufficient wine, and I sVill retire. If
the masons bring In th lat? of stone
we expect in the morning, we r'Mill he
able to lay the firm course by njon."
Jobcalre twisted hla face Into gri
mace as Ie I.ery ascended a steep
flight of ladder alulra to an upper
'What I the difficulty, monaleur?"
I Inquired aympnthetlcally.
"Why, at last I have persuaded thl
atupld, timorous government of ours
to build me projter fort. 'TIs the
only way we ahall hold the sarre
Mnh In check. With a fort here we can
control In some measure the Inter
rourae tielwlxt the wealern trlbea nd(
the English. Also, we ahall hav
constant threat here to keep the Iro
quois at eace.
"Well, I worked up Vaudreull to ap-1
prove It, obtained the granta from
Pari, secured the necessary mechan
ic and then'they sent this popinjay
to suMTvlm the work. I had pitched
on thla site here. He would have none
of it. No, he must overturn all my
plana and put the new works several
miles down the river where It runs
Into the lake. He la conceited with
himself because lie has been charged
with all the worka of fortification In
"Are there others then, monsieur?"
I aked casually, busying my none In
the w ine mug,
"Aye, to lie sure. He I to hulld a
wall around Montreal, and to strength
en the enceinte of Quebec."
"Hut we are at mice with these
aacre Kligllali," I objected.
Joncalre, now thoroughly convivial,
winked at me over the rim of hla mug.
"For the preneiit. yes. Hut how long,
Jenn? Kvery year that paasea the
F.ngllah grow In strength, and we he
come weaker; I apeak now lu matter
of trmle; for after all, lad. the coun
try which ohtnln the mastery In trade
wont be the military master of any
contending nutlon. I may he only a
simple soldier, but so much I have
"We are a colony of soldier and
traders, well armed and disciplined.
They are an Infinitely larger group of
colonic with only a few soldier and
traders, but numy huxhiiniltuen. ("live
them time, and they will ott n In such a
grip on the soil of the wllilcrneaa that
they cannot be pried loose. Hut If we
use our lempornry ailvantiige, and
keep them from winning supremacy In
th trade Wltn the savages, then, my
Li 'HAVE. VOu" ILH nsri'"2'
l LONG IM I'l"'
Il CANADA. JINf lIxre'
Small Fortune Paid
Rcoently at Vienna, an American
denier puld L"J0,5iio for a copy of tho
Gutenberg lllble. It belonged to an
abbey In Auatrla, and the owrera had
to get olllcliii leuve from the Austri
an government before they could aell
their treasure. They obtained by fur
the biggest price ever paid for a book.
Yet a ittll higher price 1 on record
a having been once offered. In the
Seventeenth century the monk of St.
Enieian possessed a uotubls ninnu
script of th (ioHpela, which had been
presented to their abbey by the Em
peror Henry IV.
The elector of Bavaria admired It
to much that he proposed to give
these monk the town of Stroublngeo
In exchange.
Hut they were prudent men. They
knew the elector could, and they us
pected that he would, retake the town
wueuevur h pleased, so they ducllued
WKr tarrlae
Jean, w my fore wr upon them
at an early day, and we shall win."
He ant back triumphantly.
"fjurely w hav that iupremary
now r
He winked at me again, and drew
from a drawer In the table a heavy
book such aa accounts are kept In.
"Jenn," lie aald, "I am about to dla
cIok lo you a secret which la not a
secret, because ever trailer who
work for himself I acquainted with It.
"Here la the account for thla post
for the year Juat ended. We handled
a total of 204 'green' deerskin and 23
packet of various kinds of furs, fin
then we cleared profit of 2,!vS2
llvrea, 8 sols, I) denier (about $47(1).
which would not come anywhere near
covering the operating expenses of the
post. You will find the same atory at
every post from here to the Mlaala-
"Why, monsieur?"
"These aacre F.ugllsh! Flrat they
turn the Iroquois against us; then
they hulld the pot of Fort Oswego, at
the fool of the Onondaga'a river on
Irondequolt bay (now Oswego, N. Y.) ;
then they aend out awarm of young
men to trap and shoot In the Indian
country; then they pasa thla accursed
taw that forbids us obtaining Indian
good from the New York merchant 1
Peste, what a people! They bee u
In nooe."
I shook my head dolefully.
"Ah. monsieur, you make me very
sorrowful." I aald. "I came out to
Canada thinking to maVe my fortune,
but If what yon say be true, I am more
likely to be killed by the Engllah."
"No, no, It' not o bad a that," It
answered quickly. The governor-gen'
erul ha waked up. It aeema that In
France they are not quite ready for
another war, but we are charged to
make preparatlona a rapidly aa poa-
alhle. Thr I an mlary coming
eoon from Paris, who will have In
atructlona for the frontier poata and
the friendly Indian. It may be we
ran persuade the F-tigllsh to be atupld
enough to revoke thl law of their.
In any ease, my Jean, you will hav
heard of the Poom Trail r
I crowed myself devoutly.
"I have heard nothing good of 1
monsieur." I said fearfully.
"Humph; I don't doubt It And mind
you, Jean, for myself, I do not like
that kind of hualnesa. Hut after an
tla trade over th Ioom Trait
which keep yon nd me In our Job.
Without It well, thla post would shut
down. And they do say at Quebec
that If we can atart a revolution In
England for thla Pretender of their
and war at the same time, we shall be
able to take the whole continent from
There va a commotion at the door.
"Hind the Indian." shouted a vole
In French. "Huh. I thought oI W
meet arnln. Ormerodr
Ie Veulle stood on the threshold.
his rifle leveled at my breaat.
"Hrlng the Indian Inalde here," be
called behind him.
0 A group of Cahnuaeaa, frlchtfully
painted, with their groieaque brlatllng
feather headdresses, nuatled Ta wan
ne-ar Into the room.
Hut now Jonralre asserted himself.
"What do you mean by thla, Mon
aleur de Veuller he dmiindcd. "Thl
man la a forest-runner, Jean Courbe
volr. niewenger from Ie Tonty. The
Indian I a Mcasesiigue aa yon should
aee bv his paint and beadwork."
"Huh!" aneered I Vcull. "They
fooled you. Th Indian la Ta-wan-ne-in,
of the Seneca Wolves, war chief
of the Iroquola. The white man I
Hurry Ormerod, an English spy and a
deserter from the Jaeobltea. II waa
atntloned In Paris for some yean, and
recently wna sent to New York. Hor
net, the governor of New York, dla
patched him her to spy out what you
re doing.
"That may b o," assented Jon
calre; "hut It happens that I command
here. These men are my prisoner.
Y'ou will order your Indiana from the
room. Francois, get your musket and
atand guard."
I Veulle drew a paper from
pm'kct Inside his leather shirt and pre
sented It to Joncalre with Irritating
for Gutenberg Bible
hi offer and kept their preclou man
uscript. The lllble which the dealer bought
I magnificent copy on vellum of the
tint book ever printed lu Europe from
tuetul type.
The Vital Spark
Art not the poU themselves to
blame that poetry la not mors widely
rend? Hcautlful wandering Hlmleaa
line eoon fade without an Idea, I
eatlre Impudent, personal, biting a
genuine poetic mood? Are beautifully
trimmed and hedged garden the beat
Inspiration for poetizing human na
ture? Are the literary tena of aoclal
Climbers the best laboratories for po
etizing human nature? And yet an
Inconsequential leaf In the air may
seem vital and Important If to the
poet It I vital and Important. Murle
Luhri, In Poetry.
A car
for every purse
and purpose
THIS YEAR the General Motors line is an
imposing Automobile Show in itself.
Here is every style of body. Every type of
design four cylinder, six cylinder, eight
cylinder. Every improvement. Every price,
from the Chevrolet touring car at $510 to
the Cadillac with special coach work at
$9,000. A car for every purse and purpose.
Every one of the models now on display
is different and distinguished. Yet two uni
fying characteristics bind them all together:
The quality of all body workmanship is
Fisher quality, and because Fisher il owned by
General Motors, every resource hat been utilized
to make body and chassis a perfect quality unit.
2 EVERY MODEL has shared in the
advantages of General Motors research,
purchasing standards and Proving Ground tests j
and in the economies of volume production.
Dollar for dollar you will buy more value in the
car you select because of General Motors quality
and the public's purchase of more than 1,200,000
General Motors cars last year.
THE GENERAL MOTORS line is a direct
result of the record-breaking patron
age accorded by the public in 1926. The
economics which this great volume af
forded have been passed on to the car
purchaser in even better quality. With great
pride we invite you to inspect these new
General Motors cars and to make one or
more of them your own.
FRIQIDAIRETTw Electric Refrigerator
Probably Mutcle-Bound
- Doc Do yon get plenty of active
Jerry Why, I live on the boulevard
1,000 tutouiohlle minute.
rmMxi!ST row rryrw.
Vl bf notMl d lor 4! yra. Ima'c ord.r
al.e ra will f.illow dlrt-rltona. Hnd I! or
vrlla MADDEN I'OUPANY. Boa T1. El
Pa, Tuaa, Cur full ibformatloa. Adv.
Never, No Never
"When I Mis Smythe thinking of
getting married?" "When la'Dl she?"
Tlt-BIt. London.
Unman Era Balaam la an antlarptta olnt
Sn.nt. H-nr th. medication n.nta by paoa
Irallng lha a, Adv.
That typhoid fever I still a strong
menace to life la shown by the fact
that there were 9.000 more case la
1K23 than In 11124.
Will give the work It name.
Proved safe by millions and
Rheumatism Colds
Headache Pain
ft M
LrSiDr U uSU L)
fjjT which contains proven directions.
f lleY Itsndy "Bayer box of II tablets
Vriw f Also bottle of 24 and 100 Druggists,
iaaiiia I U trade aura ef Saya ataaafactara f lloaoawucaaidastar at lilkruoaaa (
Coughs dMt Colds
occcaarus, row e vsam
30C & 90C At all Druggists
Search Still On
"What ha become of the search
for the philosopher' tone?"
"The search change with every age.
Now we're looking for ttr that
won't puncture."
A good bublt to get over despising
flreat genlua know that Providence
will provide or somebody.
prescribed by physicians for
Neuritis Neuralgia
Toothache Lumbago